May 3, 2011 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Reader Aids
Document Number: FR-2011-05-03-ReaderAids
Type: Reader Aids
Date: 2011-05-03
Withdrawal of Regulations Related to Validity and Priority of Federal Tax Lien
Document Number: C1-2011-7933
Type: Rule
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Coal- and Oil-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units and Standards of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Electric Utility, Industrial-Commercial-Institutional, and Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units
Document Number: 2011-7237
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) is proposing national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) from coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units (EGUs) under Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act) section 112(d) and proposing revised new source performance standards (NSPS) for fossil fuel-fired EGUs under CAA section 111(b). The proposed NESHAP would protect air quality and promote public health by reducing emissions of the hazardous air pollutants (HAP) listed in CAA section 112(b). In addition, these proposed amendments to the NSPS are in response to a voluntary remand of a final rule. We also are proposing several minor amendments, technical clarifications, and corrections to existing NSPS provisions for fossil fuel-fired EGUs and large and small industrial-commercial-institutional steam generating units.
Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Actions of the Government of Syria
Document Number: 2011-10912
Type: Administrative Order
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Executive Office of the President
Blocking Property of Certain Persons With Respect to Human Rights Abuses in Syria
Document Number: 2011-10910
Type: Executive Order
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Executive Office of the President
Sunshine Federal Register Notice
Document Number: 2011-10858
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Magnum d'Or Resources, Inc.; Order of Suspension of Trading
Document Number: 2011-10850
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Sunshine Act; Meeting; Notice of a Matter To Be Added to the Agenda for Consideration at an Agency Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10848
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: National Credit Union Administration, Agencies and Commissions
National Science Board; Sunshine Act Meetings; Notice
Document Number: 2011-10846
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
National Science Board; Sunshine Act Meetings; Notice
Document Number: 2011-10845
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
Sunshine Act Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10819
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Justice, Parole Commission
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery
Document Number: 2011-10790
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: National Archives and Records Administration, Agencies and Commissions
As part of a Federal Government-wide effort to streamline the process to seek feedback from the public on service delivery, we are seeking comment on the development of the following proposed Generic Information Collection Request (Generic ICR): ``Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery'' for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). This notice announces our intent to submit this collection to OMB for approval and solicits comments on specific aspects for the proposed information collection.
Heavy Forged Hand Tools (i.e., Axes & Adzes, Bars & Wedges, Hammers & Sledges, and Picks & Mattocks) From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of the Expedited Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Orders
Document Number: 2011-10768
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
On January 3, 2011, the Department of Commerce (``Department'') initiated a sunset review of the antidumping duty orders on heavy forged hand tools (``Hand Tools'') (i.e., Axes & Adzes, Bars & Wedges, Hammers & Sledges, and Picks & Mattocks) from the People's Republic of China (``PRC'') pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (``the Act''). Based on the notices of intent to participate and adequate responses filed by the domestic interested parties, and the lack of response from any respondent interested party, the Department conducted an expedited sunset review of the orders pursuant to section 751(c)(3)(B) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(C)(2). As a result of this sunset review, the Department finds that revocation of the orders would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping, at the levels indicated in the ``Final Results of Review'' section of this notice.
Fresh Garlic From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Intent To Rescind New Shipper Reviews
Document Number: 2011-10766
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (Department) is conducting three new shipper reviews (NSRs) under the antidumping duty order on fresh garlic from the People's Republic of China (PRC). The NSRs cover Shenzhen Bainong Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Bainong) and Jining Yifa Garlic Produce Co., Ltd. (Jining Yifa) for the period of review (POR) November 1, 2009, through April 30, 2010, and Yantai Jinyan Trading Inc. (Yantai Jinyan) for the POR November 1, 2009, through May 31, 2010. As discussed below, we preliminarily determine that Shenzhen Bainong's and Jining Yifa's sales are not bona fide. As such, we are preliminarily rescinding the NSR for Shenzhen Bainong and Jining Yifa. In addition, with respect to Yantai Jinyan, we preliminarily determine that there was no sale or entry during the original, unextended POR, and therefore we are preliminarily rescinding the new shipper review for Yantai Jinyan. We invite interested parties to comment on these preliminary results. see ``comments'' section below.
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status; Form DS-2019, OMB No. 1405-0119.
Document Number: 2011-10765
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of State
The Department of State has submitted the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Title of Information Collection: Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status OMB Control Number: 1405-0119 Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection Originating Office: Office of Exchange Coordination & Designation, ECA/EC Form Number: Form DS-2019 Respondents: U.S. Department of State Designated Sponsors Estimated Number of Respondents: 1460 Estimated Number of Responses: 350,000 annually Average Hours per Response: 45 minutes Total Estimated Burden: 262,500 hours Frequency: On occasion Obligation To Respond: Required to Obtain or Retain a Benefit
Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews; Correction
Document Number: 2011-10762
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (``the Department'') published a notice in the Federal Register on March 31, 2011, concerning the initiation of administrative reviews of various antidumping and countervailing duty orders and findings with February anniversary dates. The document contained incorrect information in the ``Separate Rates'' section.
Carbazole Violet Pigment 23 From India: Rescission of Administrative Review
Document Number: 2011-10761
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
On January 28, 2011, in response to a request from an interested party, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published a notice of initiation of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on carbazole violet pigment 23 (CVP 23) from India for the period of December 1, 2009, through November 30, 2010. Because the party withdrew its request for an administrative review in a timely manner, the Department is rescinding this review.
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard-DHS/USCG-007 Special Needs Program System of Records
Document Number: 2011-10756
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Secretary
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of Homeland Security proposes to update and rename an existing Department of Homeland Security system of records titled, ``Department of Homeland Security/United States Coast Guard-007 Exceptional Family Member Program System of Records.'' This system will allow the Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard meet it obligation to assist military personnel, civilian personnel and their eligible dependents with special needs. As a result of the required biennial review of this system, records have been updated to reflect the name change to Department of Homeland Security/United States Coast Guard Special Needs Program Record. This updated system will be included in the Department of Homeland Security's inventory of record systems.
California State Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Pollution Control Standards; Authorization of Tier II Marine Inboard/Sterndrive Spark Ignition Engine Emission Standards; Notice of Decision
Document Number: 2011-10752
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA today, pursuant to section 209(e) of the Clean Air Act (Act), 42 U.S.C. 7543(e), is granting California its request for authorization to enforce its emission standards and other requirements for its second tier (``Tier II'') of emission standards for new marine inboard/sterndrive spark ignition engines.
Center for Scientific Review; Notice of Closed Meetings
Document Number: 2011-10749
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Center for Scientific Review; Amended Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10742
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Drug Abuse; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10741
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Notice of Meetings
Document Number: 2011-10740
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Institute on Aging; Notice of Closed Meetings
Document Number: 2011-10739
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Agency Information Collection Activities; 60-Day Public Comment Request
Document Number: 2011-10738
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Federal Maritime Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal Maritime Commission (Commission) invites comments on the continuing information collections (extensions with no changes) listed below in this notice.
Initiation of Scoping for an Environmental Assessment (EA)
Document Number: 2011-10736
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321-4307h), the Council on Environmental Quality's NEPA regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), and EPA's regulations for implementing NEPA (40 CFR part 6), EPA will prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze the potential environmental impacts related to the reissuance of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Discharges from Construction Activities. The EA will evaluate the potential environmental impacts from the discharge of pollutants associated with stormwater runoff from construction activities greater than one acre, where EPA is the permitting authority. EPA will use the information in the EA to determine whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This notice initiates the scoping process by inviting comments from Federal, State, and local agencies, Indian tribes, and the public to help identify the environmental issues and reasonable alternatives to be examined in the EA. The scoping process will inform the preparation of the EA, which will be made available for public comment.
Request for Input To Inform a Possible Surgeon General Action on Prescription Drug Abuse in Youth
Document Number: 2011-10735
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
The National Institute on Drug Abuse, a Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health, is seeking on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services information for an anticipated Surgeon General response to the public health problem of prescription drug abuse among youth.
Center for Scientific Review; Notice of Closed Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10733
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Center for Scientific Review; Notice of Closed Meetings
Document Number: 2011-10731
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10730
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Notice of Meetings
Document Number: 2011-10728
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Diabetes And Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10727
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Reports, Forms, and Record Keeping Requirements; Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review
Document Number: 2011-10726
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collections and their expected burden. The Federal Register Notice soliciting public comment on the ICR, with a 60-day comment period was published on February 25, 2011, at 76 FR 10635.
Sentencing Guidelines for United States Courts
Document Number: 2011-10725
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: United States Sentencing Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The United States Sentencing Commission hereby gives notice of the following actions: (1) Pursuant to its authority under 28 U.S.C. 994(p), the Commission has promulgated amendments to the sentencing guidelines, policy statements, commentary, and statutory index. This notice sets forth the amendments and the reason for each amendment. (2) Amendment 2, pertaining to drug offenses, has the effect of lowering guideline ranges. The Commission requests comment regarding whether that amendment should be included in subsection (c) of Sec. 1B1.10 (Reduction in Term of Imprisonment as a Result of Amended Guideline Range (Policy Statement)) as an amendment that may be applied retroactively to previously sentenced defendants. This notice sets forth the request for comment.
Reimbursement for Costs of Remedial Action at Active Uranium and Thorium Processing Sites
Document Number: 2011-10724
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Energy
This Notice announces changes in the Department of Energy (DOE) acceptance of claims in FY 2011 from eligible active uranium and thorium processing site licensees for reimbursement under Title X of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Notice of Submission for OMB Review
Document Number: 2011-10723
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Education
The Director, Information Collection Clearance Division, Privacy, Information and Records Management Services, Office of Management, invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13).
National Advisory Council on Indian Education (NACIE) Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10720
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Education
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of an upcoming closed meeting of the National Advisory Council on Indian Education (the Council) and is intended to notify the general public of the meeting. This notice also describes the functions of the Council. Notice of the Council's meetings is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Date and Time: May 18, 2011; May 18, 20112 p.m.-5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time Location: The closed meeting will be conducted via conference call with NACIE members.
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard-DHS/USCG-002 Employee Assistance Program Records System of Records
Document Number: 2011-10719
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Secretary
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of Homeland Security proposes to update and reissue an existing Department of Homeland Security system of records titled, ``Department of Homeland Security/United States Coast Guard-002 Employee Assistance Program Records System of Records.'' This system will allow the Department of Homeland Security/United States Coast Guard to administer the United States Coast Guard Employee Assistance Program for military personnel. As a result of the required biennial review of this system, records have been updated within ``Retention and Disposal'' category. This updated system will be included in the Department of Homeland Security's inventory of record system.
Notice of Request for Approval of an Information Collection; Category of Plants for Planting Not Authorized for Importation Pending Pest Risk Analysis
Document Number: 2011-10718
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, this notice announces the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's intention to initiate an information collection associated with a new category of plants for planting, also referred to as nursery stock, whose importation is not authorized for importation pending pest risk analysis.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Document Number: 2011-10715
Type: Rule
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
We are reopening the comment period for our interim rule that amended the regulations concerning the importation of animals and animal products to prohibit or restrict the importation of bird and poultry products from regions where any subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza is considered to exist. The interim rule also imposed restrictions concerning importation of live poultry and birds that have been vaccinated for certain types of avian influenza, or that have moved through regions where any subtype of highly pathogenic avian influenza is considered to exist. This action will allow interested persons additional time to prepare and submit comments.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2011-10714
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Agriculture
Request for Public Comments Concerning Regulatory Cooperation Between the United States and the European Union That Would Help Eliminate or Reduce Unnecessary Divergences in Regulation and in Standards Used in Regulation That Impede U.S. Exports
Document Number: 2011-10713
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The U.S. Government recognizes that economic recovery and job creation will depend significantly on its ability to work collaboratively with key trading partners to promote free and open trade and investment while also protecting public health and safety, the environment, intellectual property, and consumers' rights. In our trade and investment relationship with the European Union, the main impediments to greater trade and investmentand more open foreign markets for U.S. exporters and investors are not tariffs or quotas, but rather differences in regulatory measures. These regulatory measureswhich include standards developed by a government and used in regulation, standards developed by other bodies at the request or direction of a regulator for use in regulation, or proposals to provide a presumption of compliance to technical requirements developed by a governmentmay be unnecessary and may increase costs for producers and consumers. With this Notice, the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration (ITA), in support of the National Export Initiative (NEI) and the U.S.-EU High Level Regulatory Cooperation Forum (HLRCF), and pursuant to the Secretary of Commerce's role as the chair of Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee, is requesting stakeholders assist the Administration identify opportunities for cooperation between the United States and the European Union to reduce or eliminate divergences in regulatory measures that impede trade in goods in the transatlantic marketplace, in ways that may be unnecessary, as well as any existing or emerging sectors that may benefit from transatlantic regulatory cooperation. For more information on U.S.-EU regulatory cooperation, see the Web site:
Solicitation for Public Comment on Potential Alternatives To Resolve Generic Safety Issue 191, Pressurized Water Reactor Sump Performance
Document Number: 2011-10712
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The NRC is seeking public comment on potential alternatives for risk informing the path forward to resolve Generic Safety Issue (GSI) 191, Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Sump Performance.
Site-Specific Analyses for Demonstrating Compliance With Subpart C Performance Objectives
Document Number: 2011-10711
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing to amend its regulations to require low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities to conduct site-specific analyses to demonstrate compliance with the performance objectives. While the existing regulatory requirements are adequate to protect public health and safety, these amendments would enhance the safe disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The NRC is proposing additional changes to the regulations to reduce ambiguity, facilitate implementation, and to better align the requirements with current health and safety standards. In addition, the NRC is making available the rulemaking's associated regulatory basis documents. The NRC will conduct a public meeting on May 18, 2011, to discuss the preliminary proposed rule language and its associated regulatory basis documents. The availability of the preliminary proposed rule language and its associated regulatory basis documents are intended to inform stakeholders of the current status of the NRC's activities and solicit early public comments.
Notification of Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee, Public Meeting
Document Number: 2011-10710
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: United States Mint, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
Pursuant to United States Code, Title 31, section 5135(b)(8)(C), the United States Mint announces the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) public meeting scheduled for May 25, 2011. Date: May 25, 2011. Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location: Conference Room A, United States Mint, 801 9th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20220. Subject: Review and consideration of candidate designs for the 2012 National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center Commemorative Coin Program; candidate designs for the 100th Infantry Battalion, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence Service, collectively, Congressional Gold Medal; and draft narratives for the 2013 and 2014 Native American $1 Coin Program. Interested persons should call the CCAC HOTLINE at (202) 354-7502 for the latest update on meeting time and room location. In accordance With 31 U.S.C. 5135, the CCAC:
Extension of Public Comment Period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Trident Support Facilities Explosives Handling Wharf (EHW-2), Naval Base Kitsap Bangor, Silverdale, Kitsap County, WA
Document Number: 2011-10708
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Department of Defense, Department of the Navy
A notice of availability was published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on March 18, 2011 (76 FR 14968) for the Department of the Navy's (Navy) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for constructing and operating the TRIDENT Support Facilities Explosives Handling Wharf (EHW-2) at Naval Base Kitsap Bangor, Silverdale, WA. The public review period ends on May 2, 2011. This notice announces a fifteen-day extension of the public comment period until May 17, 2011.
Reports, Forms, and Recordkeeping Requirements
Document Number: 2011-10705
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation
This document solicits public comments on continuation of the requirements for the collection of information entitled ``Motorcycle Helmet Labeling'' (OMB Control Number: 2127-0518). Before a Federal agency can collect certain information from the public, it must receive approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Under procedures established by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, before seeking OMB approval, Federal agencies must solicit public comment on proposed collections of information, including extensions and reinstatement of previously approved collections.
Proposed Data Collections Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
Document Number: 2011-10703
Type: Notice
Date: 2011-05-03
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services
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