May 17, 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 126
Security Zone; Golden Guardian 2010 Regional Exercise; San Francisco Bay, San Francisco, CA
The Coast Guard is establishing temporary security zones on the navigable waters of the San Francisco Bay in support of Golden Guardian 2010 Regional Exercise. These temporary security zones are necessary to provide for the safety of the U.S. Navy's Marine Mammal Project participants, U.S. Coast Guard, local law enforcement, their crews, and the public during the statewide port security full scale exercise. Persons and vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, or anchoring within the temporary security zones unless authorized by the Captain of the Port or his designated representative.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Perham, MN
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Perham, MN. Additional controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Perham Municipal Airport, Perham, MN. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Voluntary Customer Survey
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, CBP invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on a proposed information collection requirement concerning a Voluntary Customer Survey. This request for comment is being made pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13; 44 U.S.C. 3505(c)(2)).
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Litchfield, MN
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Litchfield, MN. Additional controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Litchfield Municipal Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
RTCA Government/Industry Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (ATMAC)
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a meeting of RTCA Government/Industry Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (ATMAC).
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “The Holocaust (Warsaw Ghetto)”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the documents to be included in the exhibition ``The Holocaust (Warsaw Ghetto),'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The documents are imported pursuant to a loan agreement with the foreign owner or custodian. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the documents at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, from on or about June 2010 until on or about June 2013, and at possible additional exhibitions or venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Notice of Intent To Release Certain Properties From Certain Terms, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions of a Quitclaim Deed Agreement Between the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority and the Federal Aviation Administration for the Tampa International Airport, Tampa, FL
The FAA hereby provides notice of intent to release certain airport properties 5.88 acres at the Tampa International Airport, Tampa, FL from certain conditions, reservations, and restrictions as contained in a Quitclaim Deed agreement between the FAA and the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, dated November 5, 1947. The release of property will allow the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority to use property for other than aeronautical purposes. The property is located in the southeast quadrant of Tampa International Airport property, Hillsborough County, Florida. The parcel is currently designated as aeronautical use. The property will be used for nonaeronautical use/revenue generation. The fair market value of the property has been determined by appraisal to be $2,690,000. The airport will receive at least fair market rental value for the property. Documents reflecting the Sponsor's request are available, by appointment only, for inspection at the Tampa International Airport and the FAA Airports District Office.
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)-Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program-Disability Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP)-Center on Knowledge Translation (KT) for Employment Research (Center)
The Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services proposes a priority for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program administered by NIDRR. Specifically, this notice proposes a priority for a DRRP. The Assistant Secretary may use this priority for a competition in fiscal year (FY) 2010 and later years. We take this action to focus research attention on areas of national need. We intend this priority to improve rehabilitation services and outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision
FMCSA announces its decision to renew the exemptions from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for 18 individuals. FMCSA has statutory authority to exempt individuals from the vision requirement if the exemptions granted will not compromise safety. The Agency has concluded that granting these exemption renewals will provide a level of safety that is equivalent to, or greater than, the level of safety maintained without the exemptions for these commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Pauls Valley, OK
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Pauls Valley, OK. Additional controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Pauls Valley Municipal Airport. The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision
FMCSA announces its decision to renew the exemptions from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for 12 individuals. FMCSA has statutory authority to exempt individuals from the vision requirement if the exemptions granted will not compromise safety. The Agency has concluded that granting these exemption renewals will provide a level of safety that is equivalent to, or greater than, the level of safety maintained without the exemptions for these commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.
Comment Request for Information Collection for OMB Control No. 1205-0478: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) High Growth and Emerging Industries (HGEI) Grants, Extension With Revisions
The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the general public and federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This program helps to ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is soliciting comments concerning the collection of data for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) High Growth and Emerging Industries (HGEI) Grants, expiring on October 31, 2010. This notice utilizes standard clearance procedures in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and 5 CFR 1320.12. This information collection follows an emergency review that was conducted in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and 5 CFR 1320.13. The submission for OMB emergency review was approved on April 1, 2010. A copy of this ICR can be obtained from the Web site at https://
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Center, TX
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Center, TX adding additional controlled airspace necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) at Center Municipal Airport, Center, TX. Adjustments also would be made to the geographic coordinates of the Amason nondirectional beacon (NDB). The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Renewals; Vision
FMCSA previously announced its decision to renew the exemptions from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for 31 individuals. FMCSA has statutory authority to exempt individuals from the vision requirement if the exemptions granted will not compromise safety. The Agency has concluded that granting these exemptions will provide a level of safety that will be equivalent to, or greater than, the level of safety maintained without the exemptions for these commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.
Federal Advisory Committee Act
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463), the purpose of this notice is to announce that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has renewed the charter for the Advisory Committee for the 2012 Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12 Advisory Committee), for a two-year period. The WRC-12 Advisory Committee is a Federal advisory committee under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Diabetes Mellitus
FMCSA announces its decision to exempt fifty-three individuals from its rule prohibiting persons with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (ITDM) from operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce. The exemptions will enable these individuals to operate CMVs in interstate commerce.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision
FMCSA announces its decision to renew the exemptions from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for 21 individuals. FMCSA has statutory authority to exempt individuals from the vision requirement if the exemptions granted will not compromise safety. The Agency has concluded that granting these exemption renewals will provide a level of safety that is equivalent to, or greater than, the level of safety maintained without the exemptions for these commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.
Reports, Forms and Recordkeeping Requirements; Agency Information Collection Activity Under OMB Review
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this notice announces that the Information Collection abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The nature of the information collection is described as well as its expected burden. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on February 26, 2010. No comments were received.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; Extension
The information collection requirements described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'') for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (``PRA''). The FTC is seeking public comments on its proposal to extend through May 31, 2013, the current PRA clearance for information collection requirements contained its Antitrust Improvements Act Rules (``HSR Rules'') and corresponding Notification and Report Form for Certain Mergers and Acquisitions (``Notification and Report Form''). That clearance expires on May 31, 2010.
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance: Meeting
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming teleconference meeting of the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. Individuals who will need accommodations for a disability in order to attend the teleconference meeting (i.e., interpreting services, assistive listening devices, and/or materials in alternative format) should notify the Advisory Committee no later than Tuesday, June 1, 2010 by contacting Ms. Tracy Jones at (202) 219-2099 or via e-mail at We will attempt to meet requests after this date, but cannot guarantee availability of the requested accommodation. The teleconference site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This notice also describes the functions of the Advisory Committee. Notice of this hearing is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. This document is intended to notify the general public.
Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Request for Nominations of Experts for the SAB Arsenic Review Panel
The Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office is requesting public nominations of experts to form an SAB panel to review EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) assessment for inorganic arsenic (noncancer).
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Texas; Beaumont/Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area: Redesignation to Attainment for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standard and Determination of Attainment for the 1-Hour Ozone Standard
EPA is proposing to approve a request from the State of Texas to redesignate the Beaumont-Port Arthur (BPA) Texas ozone nonattainment area to attainment of the 1997 8-hour ozone standard. In proposing to approve this request, EPA also proposes to approve as a revision to the BPA State Implementation Plan (SIP), a 1997 8-hour ozone maintenance plan with a 2021 Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget (MVEB). EPA is proposing to determine that the BPA nonattainment area has attained the 1997 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS), based on complete, quality-assured, and certified ambient air quality monitoring data for the 2005-2007 and 2006-2008 monitoring periods, as well as data from 2009 that are in EPA's Air Quality System (AQS) database but not yet certified, that demonstrate that the area has attained and is continuing to attain the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS. EPA also is proposing to make a determination that the BPA area is meeting the 1-hour ozone standard based upon three years of complete, quality- assured, and certified ambient air quality monitoring data for the 2005-2007 and 2006-2008 monitoring periods, as well as data from 2009 in AQS but not yet certified.
Guidance for Federal Land Management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
This notice announces the availability of a final Guidance for Federal Land Management in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed which EPA is publishing pursuant to Section 502 of Executive Order (EO) 13508 (``Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration'', published on May 12, 2009). This guidance will allow the federal government to lead the way in protecting the Bay and its watershed with the most effective tools and practices available to reduce water pollution from a variety of nonpoint sources, including agricultural lands, urban and suburban areas, forestry, riparian areas, septic systems, and hydromodification. This guidance is the first product under the Chesapeake Bay Executive Order to provide technical tools that will be needed to restore the Bay. Section 501 of the Executive Order directs federal agencies with ten or more acres within the Chesapeake Bay watershed to implement the Section 502 guidance as expeditiously as practicable and to the extent permitted by law.
Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Notification of a Public Teleconference of the Chartered Science Advisory Board
The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office announces a public teleconference of the chartered SAB on June 16, 2010 to conduct quality reviews of two draft SAB reports. In addition, the SAB will discuss its draft report on EPA's strategic research directions.
Notice of the Specialty Crop Committee's Stakeholder Listening Session
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App 2, the United States Department of Agriculture announces a stakeholder listening session of the Specialty Crop Committee, under the auspices of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board (NAREEE).
[alpha]-(p-Nonylphenol)-[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) Sulfate and Phosphate Esters; Time-Limited Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance
This regulation establishes a time-limited exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of [alpha]-(p-nonylphenol)- [omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) mixture of dihydrogen phosphate and monohydrogen phosphate esters and the corresponding ammonium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts of the phosphate esters and [alpha]-(p-nonylphenol)-[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) sulfate, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts when used as inert ingredients at levels not to exceed 7% in pesticide formulations applied to growing crops, raw agricultural commodities after harvest, and animals. The Joint Inerts Task Force, Cluster Support Team Number 9 requested an exemption for the requirement of a tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The exemption from the requirement of a tolerance expires on May 17, 2012. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of [alpha]-(p-nonylphenol)-[omega]- hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) mixture of dihydrogen phosphate and monohydrogen phosphate esters and the corresponding ammonium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts of the phosphate esters and [alpha]-(p-nonylphenol)-[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) sulfate, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts).
[alpha]-[p-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-[omega]- hydroxypoly(oxyethylene); Time-Limited Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance
This regulation establishes a time-limited exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of [alpha]-[p-(1,1,3,3- tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) when used as an inert ingredient at levels not to exceed 7% in pesticide formulations applied to growing crops and raw agricultural commodities after harvest. The Joint Inerts Task Force, Cluster Support Team Number 5 requested an exemption for the requirement of a tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The exemption from the requirement of a tolerance expires on May 17, 2012. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of [alpha]-[p-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-[omega]- hydroxypoly(oxyethylene).
J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Lee County, FL
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability of a draft comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment (Draft CCP/EA) for J.N. ``Ding'' Darling National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) for public review and comment. In the Draft CCP/EA, we describe the alternative we propose to use to manage this refuge for the 15 years following approval of the final CCP.
Treatment by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Conservator or Receiver of Financial Assets Transferred by an Insured Depository Institution in Connection With a Securitization or Participation After September 30, 2010
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (``FDIC'') proposes to adopt amendments to the rule regarding the treatment by the FDIC, as receiver or conservator of an insured depository institution, of financial assets transferred by the institution in connection with a securitization or a participation after September 30, 2010 (the ``Proposed Rule''). The Proposed Rule would continue the safe harbor for transferred financial assets in connection with securitizations in which the financial assets were transferred under the existing regulations. The Proposed Rule would clarify the conditions for a safe harbor for securitizations or participations issued after September 30, 2010. The Proposed Rule also sets forth safe harbor protections for securitizations that do not comply with the new accounting standards for off balance sheet treatment by providing for expedited access to the financial assets that are securitized if they meet the conditions defined in the Proposed Rule. The conditions contained in the Proposed Rule would serve to protect the Deposit Insurance Fund (``DIF'') and the FDIC's interests as deposit insurer and receiver by aligning the conditions for the safe harbor with better and more sustainable securitization practices by insured depository institutions (``IDIs''). The FDIC seeks comment on the regulations, the scope of the safe harbors provided, and the terms and scope of the conditions included in the Proposed Rule.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; District of Columbia; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards
EPA is proposing to approve submittals from the District of Columbia (the District) pursuant to the Clean Air Act (CAA) sections
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