2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 31,763
Oil Pollution Prevention; Non-Transportation Related Onshore Facilities
The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to extend the dates by which facilities must prepare or amend Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC Plans), and implement those Plans. This action would allow the Agency time to promulgate further revisions to the July 17, 2002 SPCC rule (in addition to those published elsewhere in this Federal Register) before owners and operators are required to meet requirements of the rule related to preparing or amending, and implementing SPCC Plans. EPA expects to propose further revisions to the SPCC rule in 2007.
Blueberry Promotion, Research, and Information Order; Amendment No. 2 to Change the Name of the U.S.A. Cultivated Blueberry Council and Increase Membership; Correction
The Agricultural Marketing Service published in the Federal Register on August 7, 2006, a final rule that changed the title of the U.S.A. Cultivated Blueberry Council (USACBC) to the ``U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council'' (Council) and added a member and alternate to represent the state of Washington. However, inaccurate amendatory language was used to make the change to the Council's name. In addition, an incorrect acronym used in Sec. 1218.78 prevented its removal and replacement and a heading preceding Sec. 1218.40 in the final rule was published with a repetitive word. This document corrects the error.
Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Navigation Improvements and Airport, Little Diomede Island, AK
The U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska, intends to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to evaluate the feasibility of a small boat harbor and, in collaboration with other agencies, opportunities for economic development and air transportation capability for the community of Little Diomede Island, AK. Ignaluk on Little Diomede Island, population 170, is a coastal community on the west side of Little Diomede Island, approximately 135 miles northwest of Nome. The community of Wales on the mainland is 27 miles from Little Diomede Island. Big Diomede Island, Russia, is 2 miles west of Little Diomede Island. The community of Ignaluk is a small and very remote community in the Bering Sea. Transportation to Little Diomede is by air or sea. Due to the normal severe weather and sea conditions, any method of travel can be risky. A landing strip constructed on sea ice in the winter provides fixed-wing airplane access approximately 3 months of the year. Helicopters and boats are used during summer. High waves and rocky shores often make landing by boat difficult. A constant wind blows 15 knots with gusts up to 80 knots. Cloudy skies and fog are prevalent in the summer. There is no scheduled cargo ship schedule, and only barges and landing craft come close to the island; few actually land. There is weekly mail delivery by helicopter. Transportation of goods and services is expensive and medical evacuation is very difficult. The lack of access is a barrier to the economic future of the community and could force relocation of the entire community to the mainland. The draft EIS would also study any multi-use value of the airport and boat harbor projects for coastal storm damage reduction. The DEIS will determine whether Federal action is warranted and will define alternative actions for Congressional consideration.
Intent To Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Wilmington Harbor-96 Act, Dredged Material Management Plan, New Hanover and Brunswick Counties, NC
The Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is conducting a study to evaluate the long-term (20-year) dredged material placement needs and opportunities for Wilmington Harbor. The study area encompasses Wilmington Harbor and the Ocean Bar approach channels, which extend from the mouth of the Cape Fear River in Brunswick County, NC to a point just north of the Hilton Railroad Bridge in New Hanover County, near Wilmington, NC. The study will include the preparation of a Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and will identify, evaluate, screen, prioritize, and ultimately optimize placement alternatives resulting in the recommendation of a plan for the placement of dredged materials for at least the next 20 years.
Revised Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Construction of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture-Public Scoping Meeting on January 4, 2007
The SI and NCPC, as joint lead agencies with NCPC as the Responsible Federal Agency, are confirming the date of the public scoping meeting for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed construction of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. Notice of the date of the public meeting was provided in the Washington Post on December 5, 2006. The Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS initially published in the Federal Register/ Volume 71, No. 223/Monday, November 20, 2006 did not include the meeting information. In addition, the comment period, Web site URL, and contact information have changed.
The President's Export Council: Meeting of the President's Export Council
The President's Export Council (PEC) will hold a full Council meeting to discuss topics related to export expansion. The meeting will include discussion of trade priorities and initiatives, PEC subcommittee activity, and proposed letters of recommendation to the President. The PEC was established on December 20, 1973, and reconstituted May 4, 1979, to advise the President on matters relating to U.S. trade. It was most recently renewed by Executive Order 13316. Date: January 18, 2007. Time: 10 a.m. (EST). Location: U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4832, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230. Because of building security, all non-government attendees must pre-register. Please RSVP to the PEC Executive Secretariat no later than January 12, 2007, to J. Marc Chittum, President's Export Council, Room 4043, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230, telephone (202) 482-1124, or e-mail Marc.Chittum@mail.doc.gov. This program will be physically accessible to people with disabilities. Seating is limited and will be on a first come, first served basis. Requests for sign language interpretation, other auxiliary aids, or pre-registration, should be submitted no later than January 12, 2007, to J. Marc Chittum, President's Export Council, Room 4043, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230, telephone (202) 482-1124, or e-mail Marc.Chittum@mail.doc.gov.
Federal Acquisition Regulation; FAR Case 2004-032, Biobased Products Preference Program
The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) are proposing to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to implement section 9002 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (FSRIA), as amended by Sections 205 and 943 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Entitled Federal Procurement of Biobased Products, section 9002 requires that a procurement preference be afforded biobased products within items designated by the Secretary of Agriculture.
Inventory of Geological and Geophysical Collections at State Surveys
The proposal to initiate the collection of information described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for approval under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Copies of the proposed collection of information and related forms may be obtained by contacting the Bureau's Clearance Officer at the phone number listed below. OMB has up to 60 days to approve the information collection, but may respond after 30 days; therefore public comments should be submitted to OMB within 30 days in order to assure maximum consideration. Comments and suggestions on the proposal should be made directly to the Desk Officer for the Interior Department, OMB-OIRA, via e-mail to OIRADOCET@omb.eop.gov or via facsimile to (202) 395-6566, and to the Bureau Clearance Officer, U.S. Geological Survey, 807 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, Virginia 20192. Specific public comments are requested as to: 1. Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Bureau, including whether the information will have practical utility; 2. The accuracy of the Bureau's estimate of the burden of the collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions use; 3. The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and 4. How to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including the use of the appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other forms of information technology. Title: Inventory of Geological and Geophysical Collections at State Surveys. OMB approval number: 1028-. Abstract: Section 351 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 directs the Secretary of the Interior, through the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, ``to carry out a National Geological and Geophysical data Preservation Program'' (NGGDPP). The Implementation Plan for the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program submitted to Congress in August 2006 outlines the vision and purpose of the program and makes recommendations for implementation of the program. One of the action items in the FY 2007 implementation plan is to ``begin interactions with State geological surveys and other DOI agencies that maintain geological and geophysical data and samples to address their preservation and data rescue needs.'' As the first step in this process, the USGS is requesting that each state provide an assessment of their current collections resources and data preservation needs. This information will provide a snapshot of the diversity of scientific collections held, supported, or used by state geological surveys. The inventory covers geological and geophysical collections including: (1) Physical collections such as cores, rocks, minerals, fossils, and liquid samples (such as oil). (2) Digital collections (such as analyses and well logs) that are/ were related to physical collections. (3) Paper and other records (such as microfiche and tapes) that need to be converted to digital format (such as seismic lines and historical geological records). Bureau Form Number: None. Frequency: One time. Description of Respondents: State Geological Surveys. Annual Responses: 50. Annual Burden in Hours: 150. Bureau Clearance Officer: Fred Travnicek, 703-648-7231.
Exemptions for Banks Under Section 3(a)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Related Rules
The Securities and Exchange Commission is publishing for comment proposed rules and rule amendments regarding exemptions from the definitions of ``broker'' and ``dealer'' under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange Act'') for banks'' securities activities. In particular, the Commission is re-proposing a conditional exemption originally proposed in 2004 that would allow banks to effect riskless principal transactions with non-U.S. persons pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933 (``Securities Act''). The Commission also is proposing to amend and redesignate an existing exemption from the definition of ``dealer'' for banks' securities lending activities as a conduit lender. In addition, the Commission is proposing to amend a rule that grants a limited exemption from U.S. broker-dealer registration for foreign broker-dealers, conforming the rule to amended definitions of ``broker'' and ``dealer'' under the Exchange Act. Finally, the Commission is requesting comment on its intention to withdraw a rule defining the term ``bank'' for purposes of Sections 3(a)(4) and 3(a)(5) of the Exchange Act, because of judicial invalidation, a time-limited exemption for banks' securities activities, because of the passage of time, and an exemption from the definition of ``broker'' and ``dealer'' for savings associations and savings banks, an exemption no longer necessary because of the passage of the Regulatory Relief Act.
Black Dog Tavern Company, Inc., Provisional Acceptance of a Settlement Agreement and Order
It is the policy of the Commission to publish settlements which it provisionally accepts under the Consumer Product Safety Act in the Federal Register in accordance with the terms of 16 CFR 1118.20(e). Published below is a provisionally-accepted Settlement Agreement with Black Dog Tavern Company, Inc., containing a civil penalty of $50,000.
Definitions of Terms and Exemptions Relating to the “Broker” Exceptions for Banks
The Board and the Commission jointly are issuing, and requesting comment on, proposed rules that would implement certain of the exceptions for banks from the definition of the term ``broker'' under Section 3(a)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange Act''), as amended by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (``GLBA''). The proposed rules would define terms used in these statutory exceptions and include certain related exemptions. In developing this proposal, the Agencies have consulted with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (``OCC''), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (``FDIC'') and the Office of Thrift Supervision (``OTS''). The proposal is intended, among other things, to facilitate banks' compliance with the GLBA.
Risk-Based Capital Guidelines; Capital Adequacy Guidelines; Capital Maintenance: Domestic Capital Modifications
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) (collectively, the Agencies) are proposing revisions to the existing risk-based capital framework that would enhance its risk sensitivity without unduly increasing regulatory burden. These changes would apply to banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations (banking organizations). A banking organization would be able to elect to adopt these proposed revisions or remain subject to the Agencies' existing risk-based capital rules, unless it uses the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework proposed in the notice of proposed rulemaking published on September 25, 2006 (Basel II NPR). In this notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR or Basel IA), the Agencies are proposing to expand the number of risk weight categories, allow the use of external credit ratings to risk weight certain exposures, expand the range of recognized collateral and eligible guarantors, use loan-to-value ratios to risk weight most residential mortgages, increase the credit conversion factor for certain commitments with an original maturity of one year or less, assess a charge for early amortizations in securitizations of revolving exposures, and remove the 50 percent limit on the risk weight for certain derivative transactions. A banking organization would have to apply all the proposed changes if it chose to use these revisions. Finally, in Section III of this NPR, the Agencies seek further comment on possible alternatives for implementing the ``International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework'' (Basel II) in the United States as proposed in the Basel II NPR.
Risk-Based Capital Standards: Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework
On September 25, 2006, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) (collectively, the agencies) issued a joint notice of proposed rulemaking for public comment that proposed a new risk-based capital adequacy framework (Basel II NPR). The Basel II NPR would require some and permit other qualifying banks \1\ to use an internal ratings-based approach to calculate regulatory credit risk capital requirements and advanced measurement approaches to calculate regulatory operational risk capital requirements. The Basel II NPR describes the qualifying criteria for banks required or seeking to operate under the proposed framework and the applicable risk-based capital requirements for banks that operate under the framework. The Basel II NPR comment period will end on January 23, 2007.
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35), the OCC, the Board, the FDIC, and the OTS (collectively, the agencies) may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), of which the agencies are members, approved the agencies' publication for public comment of proposed new regulatory reporting requirements for banks \1\ that qualify for and adopt the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework to calculate their risk-based capital requirement or banks that are in the parallel run stage of qualifying to adopt this proposed framework. This notice extends the comment period on this document for consistency with the extension of the comment period for the notice of proposed rulemaking on the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework, as published elsewhere in today's issue of the Federal Register.
Technical Study Panel on the Utilization of Belt Air and the Composition and Fire Retardant Properties of Belt Materials in Underground Coal Mining
This notice informs interested persons of the first meeting of the Technical Study Panel (Panel) on the Utilization of Belt Air and the Composition and Fire Retardant Properties of Belt Materials in Underground Coal Mining. The public is invited to attend.
Reasonable Charges for Medical Care or Services; 2007 Calendar Year Update
Section 17.101 of Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations sets forth the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical regulations concerning ``reasonable charges'' for medical care or services provided or furnished by VA to a veteran: For a nonservice-connected disability for which the veteran is eligible for care (or the payment of expenses of care) under a health plan contract; For a nonservice-connected disability incurred incident to the veteran's employment and covered under a worker's compensation law or plan that provides reimbursement or indemnification for such care and services; or For a nonservice-connected disability incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident in a State that requires automobile accident reparations insurance. The regulations include methodologies for establishing billed amounts for the following types of charges: acute inpatient facility charges; skilled nursing facility/sub-acute inpatient facility charges; partial hospitalization facility charges; outpatient facility charges; physician and other professional charges, including professional charges for anesthesia services and dental services; pathology and laboratory charges; observation care facility charges; ambulance and other emergency transportation charges; and charges for durable medical equipment, drugs, injectables, and other medical services, items, and supplies identified by Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level II codes. The regulations also provide that data for calculating actual charge amounts at individual VA facilities based on these methodologies will be posted on the Internet site of the Veterans Health Administration Chief Business Office, currently at https:// www.va.gov/cbo, under ``Charge Data.'' Some of these charges are hereby updated as described in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice. These changes are effective January 1, 2007. When charges for medical care or services provided or furnished at VA expense by either VA or non-VA providers have not been established under other provisions of the regulations, the method for determining VA's charges is set forth at 38 CFR 17.101(a)(8).
Certain Large Diameter Carbon and Alloy Seamless Standard, Line, and Pressure Pipe from Japan: Notice of Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
In response to a request from United States Steel Corporation, the Department of Commerce initiated an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain large diameter carbon and alloy seamless standard, line, and pressure pipe from Japan, covering the period June 1, 2005, through May 31, 2006. Because this request was later withdrawn, we are rescinding the review.
Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip in Coils From Mexico; Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
On July 1, 2005, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published a notice entitled Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding, or Suspended Investigation; Opportunity To Request Administrative Review, 70 FR 38099 (July 1, 2005) covering inter alia, stainless steel sheet and strip in coils from Mexico for the period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005. In accordance with 19 CFR 351.213(b)(1) and (2), the Department received timely requests that it conduct an administrative review of stainless steel sheet and strip in coils from Mexico for the period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005. On August 29, 2005, we published in the Federal Register a notice of initiation of this antidumping duty administrative review covering the period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005. See Initiation of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Administrative Reviews and Requests for Revocation in Part, 70 FR 51009 (August 29, 2005). On June 21, 2006, the Department published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on stainless steel sheet and strip in coils from Mexico. See Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip in Coils from Mexico; Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 71 FR 35618 (June 21, 2006) (Preliminary Results). This review covers one manufacturer/exporter, ThyssenKrupp Mexinox S.A. de C.V. (Mexinox), of the subject merchandise to the United States for the period July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2005. Based on our analysis of the comments received, we have made changes in the margin calculation; therefore, the final results differ from the preliminary results. The final weighted-average dumping margin for the reviewed firm is listed below in the section entitled ``Final Results of Review.''
Excepted Service
This gives notice of OPM decisions granting authority to make appointments under Schedules A, B, and C in the excepted service as required by 5 CFR 6.6 and 213.103.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
As part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal Maritime Commission invites comments on the continuing information collection (extension with no changes) listed below in this notice.
Meeting of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
This notice sets forth the schedule and summary agenda for a meeting of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), and describes the functions of the Council. Notice of this meeting is required under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) Gaithersburg and Boulder Programs; Availability of Funds
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announces that the following programs are soliciting applications for financial assistance for FY 2007: (1) The Gaithersburg Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program, and (2) the Boulder Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program. Each program will only consider applications that are within the scientific scope of the program as described in this notice and in the detailed program descriptions found in the Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) announcement for these programs.
Amendment to the Award Period for the Queens Minority Business Development Center
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is publishing this notice to allow for up to a 120-day funded extension, on a non- competitive basis, of the current award for the Queens Minority Business Enterprise Center (Queens MBEC) (formerly the Queens Business Development Center). The Queens MBEC was originally funded for a three- year award period commencing on January 1, 2004 and closing on December 31, 2006, pursuant to a Federal Register notice published on August 29, 2003. MBDA published a Federal Register notice on July 26, 2006 soliciting competitive applications for an operator of the Queens MBEC for the next three-year award period commencing January 1, 2007. However, the solicitation resulted in an unsuccessful competition, and MBDA intends to re-open the solicitation period to allow the public additional time to submit responsive applications to operate the Queens MBEC during the next funding cycle. MBDA is taking the actions set forth in this notice to allow for continued program delivery by the incumbent operator of the Queens MBEC while MBDA completes the solicitation process.
Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings and Hearings
The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) has begun its annual preseason management process for the 2007 ocean salmon fisheries. This document announces the availability of Council documents as well as the dates and locations of Council meetings and public hearings comprising the Council's complete schedule of events for determining the annual proposed and final modifications to ocean salmon fishery management measures. The agendas for the March and April 2007 Council meetings will be published in subsequent Federal Register documents prior to the actual meetings.
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Surf Zone Testing/Training and Amphibious Vehicle Training and Weapons Testing
In accordance with provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) as amended, notification is hereby given that an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to take marine mammals, by harassment, incidental to conducting surf zone testing/training and amphibious vehicle training and weapons testing off the coast of Santa Rosa Island (SRI) has been issued to the U.S. Air Force Eglin Air Force Base (Eglin AFB) for a period of 1 year. NMFS may propose regulations at a later date that would govern these incidental takes under a Letter of Authorization (LOA) issued to Eglin for a period of up to 5 years after the 1-year IHA expires.
Solicitation for a Cooperative Agreement-Transition From Jail to the Community (TJC)
The Department of Justice (DOJ), National Institute of Corrections (NIC) announces the availability of funds in FY 2007 for a cooperative agreement to initiate the project ``Transition From Jail to the Community'' (TJC). A cooperative agreement is a form of assistance relationship where NIC is substantially involved during the performance of the award. An award will be made to an organization who will, in concert with NIC, identify the method and approach in developing a jail/community transition program. An 18-month cooperative agreement award will be made to an organization that will help NIC design a jail/community transition model that will enhance the likelihood that persons released from jails do not commit crimes following release. Ultimately, the transition model will be implemented in a limited number of localities, the impact will be evaluated and knowledge will be shared broadly about what has been learned through focused assistance to those jurisdictions. During the initial award, the model will be developed, and two jurisdictions will be selected to begin testing it before expanding assistance (phase II) to include approximately four additional jurisdictions. Depending on the successful applicant's work plan, it is anticipated that phase II work will begin as a late task during this initial award or as an early task in what, future funding permitting, will be a subsequent implementation award to the same or different cooperative agreement awardee. No local jurisdictions have been identified as participants. NIC will make participant selections with the awardee at an appropriate point in the approved work plan. NIC views this effort as a comprehensive system change effort that could reasonably take jurisdictions at least two years to implement.
Correction of Notice of Addition
In the document appearing on page 75497-75498, FR Doc E6- 21360, Procurement List Additions and Deletions, in the issue of December 15, 2006, in the first column of page 75498, the Committee published addition of Gloves, Flyer's Summer, Type GS/FRP-2; GS/FPP-2. Following the publication of this Notice, the Committee determined that specific coverage of this addition was not included in the notice. The Committee therefore is publishing the Product again with the corrected coverage. All other information remains the same.
Procurement List; Additions and Deletions
This action adds to the Procurement List products to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and deletes from the Procurement List products previously furnished by such agencies.
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Surface Coating of Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks
EPA is taking direct final action on amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Surface Coating of Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks (Automobiles and Light- Duty Trucks NESHAP) which were promulgated on April 26, 2004, under the authority of section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act. The direct final rule amendments provide the option of including surface coating of heavier motor vehicles under this rule. This action also makes direct final rule amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products (Miscellaneous Metal Parts NESHAP) and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Surface Coating of Plastic Parts and Products (Plastic Parts NESHAP) to maintain consistency between these rules and the Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks NESHAP.
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Surface Coating of Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks
On April 26, 2004, EPA issued the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Surface Coating of Automobiles and Light- Duty Trucks (Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks NESHAP) under section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act. We are proposing to amend the final rule to provide the option of including surface coating of heavier motor vehicles under this rule. This action also proposes to amend the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products (Miscellaneous Metal Parts NESHAP) and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Surface Coating of Plastic Parts and Products (Plastic Parts NESHAP) to maintain consistency between these rules and the Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks NESHAP. These proposed amendments appear in the Rules and Regulations Section of this Federal Register as a direct final rule.
Colorado State Plan for Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides; Notice of Availability
The State of Colorado has submitted to EPA several statutory, regulatory, and programmatic amendments to its State Plan for Certification and Training of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs). The amended State Plan provides details for the certification of both private and commercial pesticide applicators and subsequent enforcement of pesticide laws and regulations pursuant to the Colorado Pesticide Applicators' Act. EPA is currently responsible for certifying private applicators of RUPs in Colorado, while the Colorado Department of Agriculture is responsible for certifying commercial applicators of RUPs. EPA approval of Colorado's amended State Plan will allow Colorado to assume regulatory authority for certification of both private and commercial applicators of RUPs. In addition, the amended State Plan adds three new commercial pesticide applicator subcategories: Metam- sodium for sewer root control; wood preservation and wood products treatment; and interior plant pest control. Notice is hereby given of the intention of the Regional Administrator, Region VIII, to approve the revised Plan for the Certification of Applicators of Restricted Use Pesticides on a contingency basis, as provided at 40 CFR 171.7(b)(1)(ii). Approval of the amended State Plan is contingent upon the promulgation of revised State Rules and Regulations pertaining to the Administration and Enforcement of the Colorado Pesticide Applicators' Act on January 1, 2007. EPA is soliciting comments on the proposed amendments.
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