May 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 451 - 500 of 2,855
Public Meeting of the President's Council on Bioethics on June 22-23, 2006
The President's Council on Bioethics (Edmund D. Pellegrino, MD, Chairman) will hold its twenty-fifth meeting, at which, among other things, it will hear presentations on and discuss issues in two broad areas (1) organ transplantation and procurement and (2) newborn screening for genetic disorders. The discussions in both areas are continuations of previous Council discussions. Subjects discussed at past Council meetings (although not on the agenda for the June 2006 meeting) include: human dignity, therapeutic and reproductive cloning, assisted reproduction, reproductive genetics, neuroscience, aging retardation, and lifespan-extension. Publications issued by the Council to date include: Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry (July 2002); Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness (October 2003); Being Human: Readings from the President's Council on Bioethics (December 2003); Monitoring Stem Cell Research (January 2004), Reproduction and Responsibility: The Regulation of New Biotechnologies (March 2004), Alternative Sources of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells: A White Paper (May 2005), and Taking Care: Ethical Caregiving in Our Aging Society (September 2005).
Security Zone; Severn River and College Creek, Annapolis, MD
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary security zone encompassing the waters of the Severn River and College Creek in order to safeguard high-ranking public officials from terrorist acts and incidents during the U.S. Naval Academy graduation ceremony on May 26, 2006. This action is necessary to ensure the safety of persons and property, and prevent terrorist acts or incidents. This rule prohibits vessels and people from entering the security zone and requires vessels and persons in the security zone to depart the security zone, unless specifically exempt under the provisions in this rule or granted specific permission from the Coast Guard Captain of the Port Baltimore.
Safety Zone; Thunder on the Niagara, the Niagara River at Gratwick Riverside Park, North Tonowanda, NY
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone encompassing the navigable waters of the upper Niagara River by Gratwick Riverside Park in North Tonawanda, NY. This safety zone is necessary to ensure the safety of spectators and vessels from the hazards associated with a boat race. This safety zone restricts vessel traffic from a portion of the Niagara River at Gratwick Riverside Park, North Tonawanda, NY.
Notification of American Eagle Gold Proof Coin Price Increase
The recent rise in the price of gold requires that the United States Mint raise the prices on its 2006 American Eagle Gold Proof Coins. Pursuant to the authority that 31 U.S.C. 5112(i) and 5111(a)(3) grant the Secretary of the Treasury to mint and issue gold coins, and to prepare and distribute numismatic items, the United States Mint mints and issues American Eagle Gold Proof Coins in four denominations: One-ounce, one-half ounce, one-quarter ounce, one-tenth ounce, and a four-coin set that contains one coin of each denomination. In accordance with 31 U.S.C. 9701(b)(2)(B), the United States Mint is changing the price of these coins to reflect the increase in value of the underlying precious metal content of the coinsthe result of recent increases in the market price of gold. The price of gold has increased substantially from the time the United States Mint last set prices for gold proof coins. Accordingly, effective May 22, 2006, the United States Mint will commence selling these coins according to the following price schedule: One-ounce gold proof coin ($885.00), one-half ounce gold proof coin ($445.00), one-quarter ounce gold proof coin ($220.00), one-tenth ounce gold proof coin ($110.00), four-coin gold proof set ($1,575.00). Prices are subject to change again based on future fluctuations in the market price of gold.
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Request for Grant Proposals: EducationUSA Advising Program for Students and Scholars from the Middle East and North Africa
The Educational Information and Resources Branch (ECA/A/S/A), Office of Global Educational Programs, of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, announces an open competition to administer EducationUSA advising centers in the Middle East and North Africa. Public and private non-profit U.S. organizations meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to offer overseas educational advising, orientation, and information services for international students and scholars in one or more of twelve locations in the Middle East and North Africa. Organizations wishing to apply for this cooperative agreement must either currently have offices in the countries covered by this agreement, or include a detailed plan in their proposal for establishing such a presence by January 1, 2007, when advising activities must begin. Maximum expected award level is $600,000, pending availability of funds. Start-up costs related to opening new advising centers (fees, purchase of equipment, etc.) must be borne by the applicant, and may not be included in the budget submission of this proposal. Applicants are encouraged to keep headquarters costs as low as possible and ensure that maximum funding flows to field offices. Please see POGI for details.
Hazardous Materials: Preemption Determinations; Procedural Regulations
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is revising its procedural regulations for issuing administrative determinations as to whether Federal hazardous material transportation law preempts a State, local, or Indian tribe requirement and for issuing waivers of preemption.
Agency Forms Submitted for OMB Review
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) has submitted the following proposal(s) for the collection of information to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval.
Stock Assessment of Dusky Shark in the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
NMFS announces the availability of a stock assessment report on dusky sharks in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, prepared by the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center. The stock assessment summarizes the relevant biological data, discusses the fisheries affecting the species, and details the data and methods used to assess stock status. Some recommendations were also made regarding future avenues of research and issues to consider in future stock assessments.
Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Issuance of an Incidental Take Permit; Extension of Comment Period
This document contains an extension to the comment period for a notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed issuance of an incidental take and scoping meetings. The original notice was published May 17, 2006.
Notice of Realty Action; Modified Competitive Sale of Public Lands in Clark County, NV, N-79694
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to sell public lands within the City of North Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada. These lands, consisting of 20.42 acres more or less (10.42 acres considered developable) have been authorized for disposal under the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2343), as amended by the Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002 (116 Stat. 1994) (hereinafter ``SNPLMA''). The land will be offered for sale utilizing modified competitive bidding procedures in accordance with the applicable provisions of Sections 203 and 209 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) (43 U.S.C. 1713 and 1719), respectively, its implementing regulations, and in accordance with 43 CFR 2711.3-2, and BLM land sale and mineral conveyance regulations at 43 CFR Parts 2710 and 2720.
EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Request for Nominations of Candidates for a Panel To Review EPA's Draft Technical Document for the Report on the Environment 2007
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) Science Advisory Board (SAB or the Board) Staff Office is soliciting nominations of nationally recognized scientists for consideration of membership on an SAB Panel to review the Draft Technical Document for EPA's Report on the Environment 2007.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Federal Claims Collection Methods for Food Stamp Program Recipient Claims
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on proposed information collections. This Notice of Proposed Information Collection announces the intent of the Food and Nutrition Service to revise and extend the information collection requirements associated with initiating and conducting Federal collection actions against households with delinquent food stamp recipient debts.
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