September 8, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 110
Application of License To Enter Watches and Watch Movements Into the Customs Territory of the United States (Proposed New Title-Application for Insular Watch and Jewelry Program Benefits)
The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burdens, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Clouet to Seurat: French Drawings from the British Museum”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, and Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Clouet to Seurat: French Drawings from the British Museum,'' imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to a loan agreement with the foreign lender. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY from on or about November 7, 2005 to on or about January 29, 2006, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register. For Further Information Contact: For further information, including a list of the exhibit objects, contact Carol B. Epstein, Attorney- Adviser, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, (telephone: 202/453-8048). The address is Department of State, SA-44, 301 4th Street, SW., Room 700, Washington, DC 20547-0001.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Fra Angelico”
On January 31, 2005, Notice was published on page 4913 of the Federal Register (Volume 70, Number 19) by the Department of State pertaining to the exhibition ``Fra Angelico.'' The referenced Notice is hereby corrected to include eight additional loans imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, which I hereby determine are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to a loan agreement with the foreign lenders. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY from on or about October 25, 2005 to on or about January 29, 2006, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Renewal of the Charter of the Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy
The Department of State announces that the charter of the Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy has been renewed for an additional two-year period, to expire on August 31, 2007. The Department of State announces that the charter of the Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy, established under Public Law 107-228, section 224, has been renewed for an additional two-year period. The charter will now expire on August 31, 2007. The Advisory Committee on Cultural Diplomacy was established to ``advise the Secretary on programs and policies to advance the use of cultural diplomacy in United States foreign policy.''
Availability of Seats for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council
The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) is seeking applicants for the following vacant seats on its Sanctuary Advisory Council (Council): Education and Chumash Community. Applicants are chosen based upon their particular expertise and experience in relation to the seat for which they are applying; community and professional affiliations; philosophy regarding the protection and management of marine resources; and possibly the length of residence in the area affected by the Sanctuary. Applicants who are chosen as members should expect to serve 2-year terms, pursuant to the Council's Charter.
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Provisions; Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery; Closure of the Closed Area I Scallop Access Area to General Category Scallop Vessels
NMFS announces the closure of the Closed Area I (CAI) Scallop Access Area for general category scallop vessels for the remainder of the 2005 fishing year (through February 28, 2006). This closure is based on a determination by the Northeast Regional Administrator (RA) that general category scallop vessels will have made all of the 162 allowed trips by 0001 hr local time September 8, 2005. This action is being taken to prevent the allocation of general category trips in CAI Scallop Access Area from being exceeded during the 2005 fishing year in accordance with the regulations implemented under Framework 16 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and Framework 39 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP (Joint Frameworks) and the Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Pollock in Statistical Area 610 of the Gulf of Alaska
NMFS is prohibiting directed fishing for pollock in Statistical Area 610 of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). This action is necessary to prevent exceeding the C season allowance of the 2005 total allowable catch (TAC) of pollock for Statistical Area 610 of the GOA.
Add Argentina to the List of Regions Considered Free of Exotic Newcastle Disease; Correction
In a proposed rule published in the Federal Register on August 23, 2005 (Docket No. 04-083-1), we proposed to amend the regulations by adding Argentina to the list of regions considered free of exotic Newcastle disease (END) and announced the availability of a qualitative evaluation regarding the END status of Argentina. The proposed rule contained an incorrect Internet address and incomplete instructions on how to access the qualitative evaluation. This document corrects those errors.
Migratory Bird Hunting; Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service or we) is issuing this notice to advise the public that we are initiating efforts to prepare a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Sport Hunting of Migratory Birds under the authority of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The EIS will consider a range of management alternatives for addressing sport hunting of migratory birds under the authority of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The Service seeks suggestions and comments on the scope and substance of this supplemental EIS, options or alternatives to be considered, and important management issues. Federal and State agencies and the public are invited to present their views on the subject to the Service. While we have yet to determine potential sites of public scoping meetings, we will publish a notice of any such public meetings with the locations, dates, and times in the Federal Register.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance in FY 2006
This report to Congress is provided in accordance with Section 608(b) of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, 22 U.S.C.A. 7701, 7707(b) (the ``Act''). The Act authorizes the provision of Millennium Challenge Account (``MCA'') assistance to countries that enter into compacts with the United States to support policies and programs that advance the prospects of such countries achieving lasting economic growth and poverty reduction. The Act requires the Millennium Challenge Corporation (``MCC'') to take a number of steps in determining the countries that, based on their demonstrated commitment to just and democratic governance, economic freedom and investing in their people, will be eligible for MCA assistance during Fiscal Year 2006. These steps include the submission of reports to the congressional committees specified in the Act and the publication of Notices in the Federal Register that identify: 1. The countries that are ``candidate countries'' for MCA assistance during Fiscal Year 2006 based on their per-capita income levels and their eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law and countries that would be candidate countries but for legal prohibitions on assistance (Section 608(a) of the Act); 2. The criteria and methodology that the Board of Directors of MCC (the ``Board'') will use to measure and evaluate the relative policy performance of the candidate countries consistent with the requirements of Section 607 of the Act in order to select ``eligible countries'' from among the ``candidate countries'' (Section 608(b) of the Act); and 3. The list of countries determined by the Board to be ``eligible countries'' for Fiscal Year 2006, including which of the eligible countries the Board will seek to enter into MCA compacts (Section 608(d) of the Act). This report sets out the criteria and methodology to be applied in determining eligibility for FY06 MCA assistance.
Notice of Availability of a Supplement Analysis for Transportation, Storage, Characterization, and Disposal of Transuranic Waste Currently Stored at the Battelle West Jefferson Site Near Columbus, OH
DOE has prepared a Supplement Analysis (SA) pursuant to DOE regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) at 10 CFR 1021.314. The SA addresses DOE's proposal to ship approximately 37 cubic meters (1,307 cubic feet [ft\3\]) of transuranic (TRU) waste from the Battelle Columbus Laboratory West Jefferson site near Columbus, Ohio, to the Savannah River Site (SRS), a DOE site near Aiken, South Carolina, or to Waste Control Specialists, LLC (WCS), a commercial facility in Andrews, Texas. The waste was generated as part of the cleanup of the West Jefferson site and consists of approximately 12 cubic meters of Contact Handled (CH) TRU waste and approximately 25 cubic meters of Remote Handled (RH) TRU waste. For purposes of analysis, DOE assumed that at SRS, the CH-TRU waste would be characterized and transported to WIPP for disposal, and the RH-TRU waste would be stored for up to 5 years; at WCS, the CH-TRU and RH-TRU waste would be stored for up to 5 years. The waste would be maintained in a safe, secure manner until it can be processed and disposed of at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM. The Battelle West Jefferson facility is privately owned; however, as part of the closeout of its nuclear materials research contract, DOE is assisting in the remediation of the site. Contract terms specify that all radioactive waste generated during the facility cleanup is ``DOE-owned'' for the purposes of disposal. The TRU waste must be shipped off-site by December 31, 2005, as Battelle's Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license will expire at that time. In the final Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (WM PEIS, DOE/EIS-0200, May 1997), DOE analyzed the potential environmental impacts of the management (treatment and storage) of TRU waste at DOE sites. The Record of Decision for the Department of Energy's Waste Management Program: Treatment and Storage of Transuranic Waste (63 FR 3629 (1998)) (TRU Waste ROD) documented DOE's decision that, except for the Sandia National Laboratory, which would ship its waste to Los Alamos National Laboratory, each DOE site that generated or will generate TRU waste will prepare and store its TRU waste on the site until it can be disposed of at WIPP. DOE noted that in the future, it may decide to ship TRU waste from sites where it may be impractical to prepare the waste for disposal to sites where DOE has or will have the necessary capability. The sites that could receive such shipments of TRU waste are the Idaho National Laboratory near Idaho Falls, Idaho; the Oak Ridge Reservation, near Oak Ridge, Tennessee; SRS; and the Hanford site, near Richland, Washington. Based on the SA, DOE has determined that a supplement to the WM PEIS or a new EIS is not needed. DOE plans to issue an amended Record of Decision (ROD) under the Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (WM PEIS) for this waste no sooner than 30 days from the publication of this Notice.
Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Growth Impairments
We are planning to update and revise the rules we use to evaluate growth impairments of individuals under age 18 who apply for, or receive, disability benefits under title II and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments based on disability under title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act). The rules we plan on revising are in section 100.00 in the Listing of Impairments in appendix 1 to subpart P of part 404 of our regulations (the listings). We invite you to send us comments and suggestions for updating and revising these rules. After we have considered your comments and suggestions, as well as information about advances in medical knowledge, treatment, and methods of evaluating growth impairments, along with our program experience, we intend to publish for public comment a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that will propose specific revisions to the rules.
Nationwide TRICARE Demonstration Project
On November 5, 2001, the Department of Defense (DoD) published a notice of a Nationwide TRICARE Demonstration Project (66 FR 55928- 55930). On October 1, 2004, the Department of Defense (DoD) published a notice (69 FR 58895) to extend the Demonstration through October 31, 2005. The Demonstration is also referred to as the Operation Noble Eagle/Enduring Freedom Reservist and National Guard Benefits Demonstration. This notice is to advise interested parties of the continuation of the Demonstration in which the DoD Military Health System addresses unreasonable impediments to the continuity of healthcare encountered by certain family members of Reservists and National Guardsmen called to active duty in support of a federal/ contingency operation. The Demonstration scheduled to end on October 31, 2005, is now extended through October 31, 2007.
Notice of Availability of the Mobile Sensors Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has completed an environmental ASSESSMENT (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and the Council on Environmental Quality regulations implementing NEPA, Department of Defense Instruction 4715.9, Environmental Planning and Analysis, and the applicable service regulations that implement these laws and regulations. Based on this analysis, MDA determined that the proposed activities would not result in a significant impact to the environment and prepared a Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). Therefore, further NEPA analysis in the form of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Leader, Information Management Case Services Team, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Leader, Information Management Case Services Team, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer invites comments on the submission for OMB review as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Requests
The Leader, Information Management Case Services Team, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer, invites comments on the proposed information collection requests as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier Service Arrangements
This document corrects a portion of the Notice of Inquiry issued August 30, 2005.
Implementation of a Dose Standard After 10,000 Years
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing to amend its regulations governing the disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in a proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The proposed rule would implement the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) proposed standards for doses that could occur after 10,000 years but within the period of geologic stability. The proposed rule also specifies a value to be used to represent climate change after 10,000 years, as called for by EPA, and specifies that calculations of radiation doses for workers use the same weighting factors that EPA is proposing for calculating individual doses to members of the public.
Notice of Intent To Grant Exclusive Patent License; Aonex Technologies, Inc.
The Department of the Navy hereby gives notice of its intent to grant to Aonex Technologies, Inc., a revocable, non-assignable, exclusive license, to practice in the field of substrates for electro- optical device processing comprised of thin films on polycrystalline materials, devices made using such substrates, manufacturing techniques utilizing such substrates, and methods for manufacturing such substrates in the United States and certain foreign countries, the Government-owned invention described in U.S. Patent No. 6,328,796: Single-Crystal Material on Non-Single-Crystalline Substrate, Navy Case No. 78,978 and in the field of substrates for electro-optical device processing comprised of thin films on substrates wherein at least one layer is polycrystalline, devices made using these substrates, manufacturing processes utilizing these substrates, and methods for manufacturing such substrates in the United States and certain foreign countries the Government-owned invention described in U.S. Patent No. 6,497,763: Electronic Device with Composite Substrate, Navy Case No. 82,672.
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Advisory Committee; Call for Nominations
BLM is publishing this notice under section 9(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The notice requests the public to submit nominations for membership on the Committee. The Committee is necessary to advise the Secretary and BLM on resource management issues associated with Canyons of the Ancients National Monument.
Airworthiness Directives; General Electric Company CF34-3A1 Turbofan Engines
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for General Electric Company (GE) CF34-3A1 turbofan engines installed on Bombardier series Regional Jets with certain high pressure turbine (HPT) rotating components installed. This AD requires removal from service of certain HPT components prior to the parts exceeding their designated life limits. This AD results from the discovery that the manufacturer removed certain part numbers of HPT rotating components from the Life Limits section of the CF34 Engine Manual, SEI-756. The effect of this manual change was the removal of life limits from certain components that are eligible for installation in GE CF34-3A1 engines. We are issuing this AD to impose life limits on these HPT rotating components to prevent low cycle fatigue (LCF) cracking and failure of those components, which could result in uncontained engine failure and damage to the airplane.
Big Game Guiding on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is soliciting proposals to conduct commercial big game guide services in six guide use areas on five national wildlife refuges in Alaska.
Establishment of the Niagara Escarpment Viticultural Area (2004R-589P)
This Treasury decision establishes the Niagara Escarpment viticultural area in Niagara County, New York. We designate viticultural areas to allow vintners to better describe the origin of their wines and to allow consumers to better identify wines they may purchase.
Expansion of the Russian River Valley Viticultural Area (2003R-144T)
This Treasury decision expands by 30,200 acres the existing Russian River Valley viticultural area in Sonoma County, California, to a total of 126,600 acres. We designate viticultural areas to allow vintners to better describe the origin of their wines and to allow consumers to better identify wines they may purchase.
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request
As part of our continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we invite comments on the proposed or continuing information collections listed below in this notice.
Certification Requirements for Imported Natural Wine (2005R-002P); Correction
On August 24, 2005, TTB published a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register regarding the certification requirements for imported natural wine. We also published a temporary rule on the same subject in the same issue. In that notice of proposed rulemaking, a cross reference contains an incorrect CFR section number. This document corrects that error.
Modification of Action Under Section 301(b); Out-of-Cycle Review Under Section 182; and Request for Public Comment: Intellectual Property Laws and Practices of the Government of Ukraine
The United States Trade Representative (``Trade Representative'') has determined that an appropriate response to the Government of Ukraine's adoption of important improvements to its legislation protecting intellectual property rights (``IPR'') is to terminate the 100% ad valorem duties currently in place on Ukrainian exports. In addition, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (``USTR'') is conducting an out-of-cycle review (``OCR'') under Section 182 (commonly referred to as the ``Special 301'' provision) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (``Trade Act'') focused on whether Ukraine has implemented fully the legislative improvements and has otherwise strengthened IPR enforcement. At the conclusion of the OCR, the Trade Representative will determine whether to revoke the identification of Ukraine as a priority foreign country (``PFC'') and accordingly to change Ukraine's status on the Special 301 list, and whether to restore Ukraine's benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (``GSP''). USTR requests written comments from the public concerning these matters.
Civil Penalties
This document amends NHTSA's regulation on civil penalties by increasing the maximum aggregate civil penalties for violations of statutes and regulations administered by NHTSA pertaining to odometer tampering and disclosure requirements and vehicle theft protection. This action is taken pursuant to the Federal Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, which requires us to review and, as warranted, adjust penalties based on inflation at least every four years.
Announcing Review of Proposed Changes to Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 201, Standard for Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announces proposed changes to Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 201, Standard for Personal Identity Verification of Federal Employees and Contractors. The changes to Section 2.2, PIV Identify Proofing and Registration Requirements, and to Section 5.3.1, PIV Card Issuance, will clarify the identity proofing and registration process that departments and agencies should follow when issuing identity credentials. These changes are required to make FIPS 201 consistent with the Memorandum for All Departments and Agencies (M-05- 24), issued by the Office of Management and Budget on August 5, 2005, Implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors. Before recommending these proposed changes to FIPS 201 to the Secretary of Commerce for review and approval, NIST invites comments from the public, users, the information technology industry, and Federal, State and local government organizations concerning the proposed changes.
Final Results of Expedited Sunset Review of Countervailing Duty Order: Fresh and Chilled Atlantic Salmon From Norway
On February 2, 2005, the Department of Commerce (``the Department'') initiated a sunset review of the countervailing duty (``CVD'') order on fresh and chilled Atlantic salmon from Norway pursuant to section 751(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (``the Act''). See Initiation of Five-year (``Sunset'') Reviews, 70 FR 5415 (February 2, 2005). On the basis of a notice of intent to participate and an adequate substantive response filed on behalf of the domestic interested parties, as well as inadequate response (in this case, no response) from respondent interested parties, the Department conducted an expedited sunset review of this CVD order pursuant to section 751(c)(3)(B) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.218(e)(1)(ii)(B). As a result of this sunset review, the Department finds that revocation of the CVD order would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of a countervailable subsidy at the levels indicated in the ``Final Results of Review'' section of this notice.
Capital Adequacy Guidelines for Bank Holding Companies; Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement; Definition of a Qualifying Small Bank Holding Company
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) is proposing to raise the asset size threshold and revise the other criteria for determining whether a bank holding company (BHC) qualifies for the Board's Small Bank Holding Company Policy Statement (Regulation Y, Appendix C) (Policy Statement) and an exemption from the Board's risk-based and leverage capital adequacy guidelines for BHCs (Regulation Y, Appendices A and D) (Capital Guidelines). The proposal would increase the asset size threshold from $150 million to $500 million in consolidated assets for determining whether a BHC would qualify for the Policy Statement and an exemption from the Capital Guidelines; modify the qualitative criteria used in determining whether a BHC that is under the asset size threshold nevertheless would not qualify for the Policy Statement or the exemption from the Capital Guidelines; and clarify the treatment under the Policy Statement of subordinated debt associated with trust preferred securities.
In the Matter of Certain Voltage Regulator Circuits, Components Thereof and Products Containing Same; Notice of Decision Not To Review an Initial Determination Extending the Target Date for Completion of the Investigation
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review an initial determination (``ID'') issued by the presiding administrative law judge (``ALJ'') on August 10, 2005, extending the target date for completion of the above- captioned investigation to June 14, 2006.
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