August 19, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 102
Procurement List; Proposed Additions
The Committee is proposing to add to the Procurement List products to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Procurement List; Additions
This action adds to the Procurement List services to be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Procurement List; Redesignation of Services
This notice redesignates services on the Procurement List which will be procured on a Basewide basis rather than for individual buildings. These services are being performed for the Department of the Air Force, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Notice of Preliminary Results of the New Shipper Review of the Antidumping Duty Order on Certain Hot-Rolled Flat-Rolled Carbon Quality Steel Products from Brazil
In response to a request by Comphania Sider[uacute]rgica de Tubar[atilde]o (CST), the U.S. Department of Commerce (the Department) is conducting a new shipper review of the antidumping duty order on certain hot-rolled flat-rolled carbon quality steel products (hot- rolled steel products) from Brazil for the period March 1, 2004, through August 31, 2004. We preliminarily determine that during the period of review (POR), CST did not sell subject merchandise at less than normal value (NV). Moreover, we have preliminarily determined that CST's U.S. sales are bona fide transactions. Our full analysis is set forth in the Memorandum to Barbara E. Tillman, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Administration, Certain Hot-Rolled Flat-Rolled Carbon Quality Steel Products from Brazil: New Shipper Review of Companhia Sider[uacute]rgica de Tubar[atilde]o (CST), dated August 12, 2005 (Bona Fide Memo), which is on file in the Central Records Unit (CRU), room B-099 of the main Commerce Building. Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results. If these preliminary results are adopted in the final results of this new shipper review, we will issue instructions to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as described in the ``Assessment Rates'' section below.
Notice of Final Results of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances Review: Certain Softwood Lumber Products from Canada
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has determined, pursuant to section 751(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), that Western Forest Products Inc. (WFP) and its subsidiaries, WFP Products Limited, WFP Western Lumber Ltd., and WFP Lumber Sales Limited (collectively, ``the WFP Entities''), are the successors-in-interest to Doman Industries Limited, Doman Forest Products Limited, and Doman Western Lumber Ltd. (collectively, ``the Doman Entities'') and, as a result, should be accorded the same treatment previously accorded to the Doman Entities in regard to the antidumping order on certain softwood lumber products from Canada as of the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register.
Proposed Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations; Labor Certification for the Temporary Employment of Nonimmigrant Aliens in Agriculture in the United States; Administrative Measures To Improve Program Performance
The Department of Labor, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the general public and Federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA95) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(A)). This program helps to ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Currently, the Employment and Training Administration, Office of National Programs, is soliciting comments concerning the proposed extension of the collection for the Labor Certification for the Temporary Employment of Nonimmigrant Aliens in Agriculture in the Unites States; Administrative Measures to Improve Program Performance. A copy of the proposed Information Collection Request (ICR) can be obtained by contacting the office listed below in the addressee section of this notice.
Notice of a Public Meeting Regarding Pa'ina Hawaii, LLC, License Application Request for the Operation of an Irradiator In Honolulu, HI
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received on June 27, 2005, from Pa'ina Hawaii, LLC, a Hawaiian owned company, an application to build and operate a commercial pool type industrial irradiator in Honolulu, Hawaii, near the Honolulu International Airport. This commercial irradiator will irradiate fresh fruit and vegetables bound for the mainland from the Hawaiian Islands, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. The irradiator will also be used by the applicant to conduct research and development projects, and irradiate a wide range of other materials as specifically approved by the NRC on a case-by-case basis. The NRC plans to hold a public meeting to solicit comments from members of the public on the proposed license application. The meeting is open to the public and all interested parties may attend. This meeting is the first of several public meetings that the NRC will hold in Hawaii to enhance public awareness of the NRC's independent regulatory role in protecting public health and safety and the environment, to allow public involvement in NRC decision-making matters associated with this license application, and to promote two-way communication on matters related to the NRC's licensing and inspection processes. The public is invited to participate in this meeting by providing comments and asking questions throughout the meeting.
Little Wood River Ranch II William Arkoosh; Notice of Availability of Final Environmental Assessment
Submission for OMB Emergency Clearance and 60 Day Notice for Comment for a Reinstatement, With Change, of a Previously Approved Collection: OPM Form 1300, Presidential Management Fellows Program Online Application and Resume Builder
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, May 22, 1995), this notice announces that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) submitted a request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for emergency clearance and review for a reinstatement, with change, of a previously approved collection for the OPM Form 1300, Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program Online Application and Resume Builder. Approval of the PMF Online Application and Resume Builder is necessary to facilitate the timely registration, nomination, selection, and placement of PMF finalists in Federal agencies. This also serves as the 60 Day Notice for review for full clearance. As a result of Executive Order 13318, the OPM issued a final rule on May 19, 2005 (FR, Vol. 70, No. 96, Page 28775) implementing new program regulations effective June 20, 2005. Consistent with these new regulations, the following significant changes have been made to the application and nomination process: (1) The programmatic guidance in the Program and Application Overview, found under the PMF Web site's ``How to Apply'' section, was rewritten to reflect myriad changes resulting from the new regulations; (2) the nomination process was modified to clarify that eligible graduate students are to be nominated by their school's Dean, Chairperson, or Academic Program Director (i.e. a nominating official), and not by a designee or nomination coordinator; and (3) the dates and times were revised from last year to reflect the current academic year of 2005/2006. We estimate 3,500 to 4,000 applications will be received and processed in the 2005/2006 open season for PMF applications. During the 2004/2005 open season OPM received approximately 3,321 applications, leading to 3,073 nominations by colleges and universities. We estimate students will need 2 hours to complete the OPM Form 1300 and electronically submit it to their school's nominating official. In addition, we estimate school nominating officials will need one-half hour to receive, review, and render a decision on the student's application for nomination into the PMF Program. The annual estimated burden for nominees is 8,000 hours and 2,000 hours for school nominating officials, for a total of 10,000 hours. Comments are particularly invited on: whether this information is necessary for the proper performance of functions on the Office of Personnel Management, and whether it will have practical utility; whether our estimate of the public burden of this collection of information is accurate, and based on valid assumptions and methodology; and ways in which we can minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, through the use of appropriate technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology. For copies of this proposal, contact Mary Beth Smith-Toomey at (202) 606-8358, fax (202) 418-3251, or e-mail to Please include your complete mailing address with your request.
Notice; Meeting of the Independent Review Panel To Study the Relationships Between Military Department General Counsels and Judge Advocates General-Open Meeting
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), Public Law 96-463, notice is hereby given that the Independent Review Panel to Study the Relationships between Military Department General Counsels and Judge Advocates General will hold an open meeting at the Hilton Crystal City, 2399 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202, on August 29, 2005, if needed, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Meetings of Humanities Panel
Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, as amended), notice is hereby given that the following meetings of the Humanities Panel will be held at the Old Post Office, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20506.
Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, South Branch of the Elizabeth River, Chesapeake, VA
The Coast Guard is changing the regulations that govern the operation of the Dominion Boulevard (US 17) Bridge across the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, at Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AICW) mile 8.8, at Chesapeake, Virginia. This rule will change the morning rush hour closure period so that it starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 9 a.m. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and Federal holidays, the draw need be opened every hour on the hour. This change is necessary to relieve vehicular traffic congestion and reduce traffic delays during weekday rush hour periods, and on weekends and Federal holidays, while still providing for the reasonable needs of navigation.
Grazing Permit Administration Handbook (FSH 2209.13), Chapters 10 (Term Grazing Permits) and 20 (Grazing Agreements)
On July 19, 2005, the Forest Service published a notice in the Federal Register with request for comment on the issuance of two interim directives (IDs) to Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 2209.13, chapter 10Term Grazing Permits and chapter 20Grazing Agreements. These IDs established procedures and responsibilities for administering term grazing permits and grazing agreements (FR 70 41370). On that same day, several other amendments to FSH 2209.13, as well as amendments to several chapters of Forest Service Manual (FSM) 2200 on Range Management were issued. The Forest Service has decided to rescind the IDs and reissue revised IDs. In addition, the Forest Service has prepared proposed directives containing the direction removed from the above mentioned IDs. Public comment is invited and will be considered in development of the final directives. Public comments received on the earlier ID's will also be considered.
Science Advisory Board Staff Office; Notification of an Upcoming Science Advisory Board Meeting
The EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) Staff Office announces a public teleconference of an SAB Quality Review Committee (QRC) to review and discuss the SAB Draft Advisory Report on EPA's Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) Program.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Attainment Demonstration of the Austin Early Action Compact Area
The EPA is approving revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on December 6, 2004. The revisions demonstrate attainment and maintenance of the 8-hour ozone standard and incorporate the Austin Early Action Compact (EAC) Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) into the Texas SIP. EPA is approving the photochemical modeling in support of the attainment demonstration for the 8-hour ozone standard within the Austin EAC area. EPA is approving the Austin EAC CAAP, which includes control measures and demonstrates maintenance of the standard through 2012. These actions strengthen the SIP in accordance with the requirements of sections 110 and 116 of the Federal Clean Air Act (the Act) and will result in emission reductions needed to help ensure attainment and maintenance of the 8-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Clean Air Action Plan and Attainment Demonstration for the Northeast Texas Early Action Compact Area; Agreed Orders Regarding Control of Air Pollution for the Northeast Texas Area
EPA is approving revisions to the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted on July 18, 2002 and December 6, 2004. Approval will incorporate the following changes into the SIP: the Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP), a demonstration of attainment and maintenance for the 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) in the Northeast Texas Early Action Compact (EAC) area, and the associated control measures. EPA is approving the photochemical modeling in support of the attainment demonstration for the 8-hour ozone standard within the Northeast Texas EAC area. These actions strengthen the SIP in accordance with sections 110 and 116 of the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) and will result in emission reductions needed to help ensure attainment and maintenance of the 8-hour ozone NAAQS in Northeast Texas.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Oklahoma; Attainment Demonstration for the Tulsa Early Action Compact Area
The EPA is approving a revision to the Oklahoma State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Secretary of the Environment on December 22, 2004. The revision will incorporate a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG) into the Oklahoma SIP and includes a demonstration of attainment and maintenance for the 8-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone. The MOA outlines duties and responsibilities of each party for implementation of pollution control measures for the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Early Action Compact (EAC) area. EPA is approving the photochemical modeling in support of the attainment demonstration for the 8-hour ozone standard within the Tulsa EAC area and is approving the associated control measures. These actions strengthen the SIP in accordance with the requirements of sections 110 and 116 of the Federal Clean Air Act (the Act) and will result in emission reductions needed to help ensure attainment and maintenance of the 8-hour NAAQS for ozone.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; State of Texas; Control of Air Pollution From Motor Vehicles, Mobile Source Incentive Programs
The EPA is approving a revision to the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) to incorporate the Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP) into the Texas SIP. The TERP is utilized in each of the nonattainment areas and near nonattainment areas in the State to achieve reductions in the emissions of oxides of nitrogen from on-road and non-road mobile sources. This action will allow the State to capture credit from those reductions and use them in attainment demonstrations for these areas.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Colorado; Greeley Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan and Approval of Related Revisions
On May 17, 2005, EPA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) to propose approval of Colorado's revised maintenance plan for the Greeley carbon monoxide (CO) maintenance area for the CO National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). In that NPR, EPA proposed to approve the revised maintenance plan, the transportation conformity motor vehicle emission budgets for 2005 through 2009, 2010 through 2014, and 2015 and beyond, the revisions to Colorado's Regulation No. 11 ``Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program,'' and the revisions to Colorado's Regulation No. 13 ``Oxygenated Fuels Program.'' In this action, EPA is approving the Greeley CO revised maintenance plan, the transportation conformity motor vehicle emission budgets, and the revisions to Regulation No. 11 and Regulation No. 13. This action is being taken under section 110 of the Clean Air Act.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Colorado; Denver Early Action Compact Ozone Plan, Attainment Demonstration of the 8-Hour Ozone Standard, and Approval of Related Revisions
On May 17, 2005, EPA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) to propose approval of Colorado's Early Action Compact (EAC) ozone plan for the Denver metropolitan area (hereafter, Denver area) for the 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). In that NPR, EPA proposed to approve the Denver area's EAC ozone plan, an attainment demonstration for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, revisions to Colorado's Common Provisions Regulation, revisions to Colorado's Regulation No. 7 ``Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds'' (hereafter, Regulation No. 7), and revisions to Colorado's Regulation No. 11 ``Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program'' (hereafter Regulation No. 11). In this action, EPA is approving the Denver EAC ozone plan, the associated attainment demonstration, and the revisions to the Common Provisions Regulation, Regulation No. 7, and Regulation No. 11. This action is being taken under section 110 of the Clean Air Act.
Approval and Promulgation of State Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollutants: Maine; Negative Declaration
EPA is approving the Sections 111(d)/129 negative declaration submitted by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP) on May 2, 2005. This negative declaration adequately certifies that there are no existing hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators (HMIWIs) located within the boundaries of the state of Maine. EPA publishes regulations under Sections 111(d) and 129 of the Clean Air Act requiring states to submit control plans to EPA. These state control plans show how states intend to control the emissions of designated pollutants from designated facilities (e.g., HMIWIs). The state of Maine submitted this negative declaration in lieu of a state control plan.
Approval and Promulgation of State Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollutants: Maine; Negative Declaration
EPA proposes to approve the sections 111(d) and 129 negative declaration submitted by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP) on May 2, 2005. This negative declaration adequately certifies that there are no existing hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators (HMIWIs) located within the boundaries of the state of Maine.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for OMB Review and Approval; Comment Request; NSPS for Primary and Secondary Emissions From Basic Oxygen Furnaces (Renewal); OMB Number 2060-0029; EPA ICR Number 1069.08
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, this document announces that an Information Collection Request (ICR) has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. This is a request to renew an existing approved collection. This ICR is scheduled to expire on October 31, 2005. Under OMB regulations, the Agency may continue to conduct or sponsor the collection of information while this submission is pending at OMB. This ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its estimated burden and cost.
Proposed CERCLA Administrative Cost Recovery Settlement; Axsys Technologies, Inc., U.S. Cap and Jacket Superfund Site, Prospect, CT
In accordance with section 122(i) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as amended (``CERCLA''), 42 U.S.C. 9622(i), notice is hereby given of a proposed administrative settlement for recovery of past response costs concerning the U.S. Cap and Jacket Superfund Site in Prospect, Connecticut with the following settling party: Axsys Technologies, Inc. The settlement requires the settling party to pay $175,000.00 to the Hazardous Substance Superfund. The settlement includes a covenant not to sue the settling party pursuant to section 107(a) of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 9607(a). For thirty (30) days following the date of publication of this notice, the Agency will receive written comments relating to the settlement. The Agency will consider all comments received and may modify or withdraw its consent to the settlement if comments received disclose facts or considerations which indicate that the settlement is inappropriate, improper, or inadequate. The Agency's response to any comments received will be available for public inspection at One Congress Street, Boston, MA 022142023.
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