Office of the Secretary October 9, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Public Advisory Committee
The U.S. Department of the Interior announces the charter renewal of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Public Advisory Committee.
Notice of Request for Comments: Scope of the Study on the Impact of Automated Vehicle Technologies on Workforce
OST is announcing a request for information to solicit comment and feedback on the scope of the congressionally-required comprehensive analysis of the impact of automated vehicle technologies on workforce. This study will be conducted by DOT in consultation with the Department of Labor to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of [Advanced Driver Assist Systems] ADAS and [Highly Automated Vehicles] HAV technologies on drivers and operators of commercial motor vehicle, including the potential for any labor displacement. DOT will also coordinate this initiative with the U.S. Departments of Commerce and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Each component of the study will engage the relevant interested and affected stakeholders such as industry representatives, driver and operator groups, and workforce training providers to ensure input from across the diverse commercial and non-commercial driver industry. While it may not be feasible to precisely predict the exact capabilities or timing of new automated vehicles technologies entering the marketplace, this study may construct statistical models, use-cases, and scenarios based projections based on the best available data on market forecasts, industry trends, and relevant labor markets to evaluate different technology penetration scenarios and their potential effects on the workforce and related factors. The objectives of the request for comments on the comprehensive analysis of the impact of automated vehicle technologies on workforce are to obtain feedback into the scope of the study regarding the magnitude of the potential pace of transition in the transportation workforce and how other sectors of the workforce will adapt to the quality of life effects due to automation. The study will also examine training availability and what will be required to transition the traditional commercial driver into the new environment including transit bus automation. Finally, the study will analyze the issues of driver situational awareness in vehicles which may require operator re- engagement, the safety of truck platooning, and related traffic management. Background: The pace of development and deployment of automated vehicle-related technology is expected to accelerate over the next decade. Likewise, the effects of this new technology on the current workforce is a concern to operators and industry. In August 2017, a Department of Commerce's Office of the Chief Economist study focused on ``workers impacted by the adoption of autonomous vehicles used on roadways, such as automobiles, buses, and trucks (The Employment Impact of Autonomous Vehicles,\1\ Economics and Statistics Administration Issue Brief #05-17). The study found that ``. . . the adoption of AVs has the potential to impact a sizable share of jobs in the economy.'' This could include job creation as well as displacement. Also, the America's Workforce and the Self- Driving Future \2\ report, published by Securing America's Future Energy in June 2018, outlines the potential impact of autonomous vehicles use on the labor force, noting some of the complexities in assessing job gain/loss and displacement, as well as potential long- term employment and societal benefits. In addition to the introduction of automated vehicles, the Nation's commercial driver \3\ pool is impacted by other dynamics such as operator pay, route preferences, and demographics.
Notice of Request for Comments: Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0 (AV 3.0)
The Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST) invites public comment on the document, Preparing for the Future of Transportation: Automated Vehicles 3.0 (AV 3.0) [ISBN 978-0-16-094944- 9]. This document builds upon Automated Driving Systems 2.0: A Vision for Safety and expands the scope to provide a framework and multimodal approach to the safe integration of AVs into the Nation's broader surface transportation system.
Notice of Rights and Protections Available Under the Federal Antidiscrimination and Whistleblower Protection Laws
This Notice implements Title II of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act of 2002). It is the annual obligation for Federal agencies to notify all employees, former employees, and applicants for Federal employment of the rights and protections available to them under the Federal Anti-discrimination and Whistleblower Protection Laws.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the Department of the Interior proposes to modify the Department of the Interior ``DOI-16, DOI LEARN (Department-wide Learning Management System)'' system of records notice. This system of records helps the Department of the Interior maintain and validate training records, manage class rosters and transcripts, meet Federal mandatory training and statistical reporting requirements, and manage other functions related to training and educational programs. This modified system will be included in the Department of the Interior's inventory of record systems.
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