Notice of Request for Comments: Scope of the Study on the Impact of Automated Vehicle Technologies on Workforce, 50747-50749 [2018-21842]
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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 195 / Tuesday, October 9, 2018 / Notices
permitted by law) and the date of
and innovation, and will address
significant comments received in the
next revision of this document.
Public Participation
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Your comments must be written and
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Please submit one copy (two copies if
submitting by mail or hand delivery) of
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ADDRESSES. Please note, if you are
submitting comments electronically as a
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documents submitted be scanned using
an Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
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search and copy certain portions of your
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
How do I submit confidential business
Any submissions containing
Confidential Information must be
delivered to OST in the following
• Submitted in a sealed envelope
marked ‘‘confidential treatment
• Accompanied by an index listing
the document(s) or information that the
submitter would like the Department to
withhold. The index should include
information such as numbers used to
identify the relevant document(s) or
information, document title and
description, and relevant page numbers
and/or section numbers within a
document; and
• Submitted with a statement
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OST also requests that submitters of
Confidential Information include a nonconfidential version (either redacted or
summarized) of those confidential
submissions in the public docket. In the
event that the submitter cannot provide
a non-confidential version of its
submission, OST requests that the
submitter post a notice in the docket
stating that it has provided OST with
Confidential Information. Should a
submitter fail to docket either a nonconfidential version of its submission or
to post a notice that Confidential
Information has been provided, we will
note the receipt of the submission on
the docket, with the submitter’s
organization or name (to the degree
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Will the agency consider late
The U.S. DOT will consider all
comments received before the close of
business on the comment closing date
indicated above under DATES. To the
extent possible, the agency will also
consider comments received after that
date. Given that we intend for the policy
document to be a living document and
to be developed in an iterative fashion,
subsequent opportunities to comment
will also be provided periodically.
How can I read the comments submitted
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You may read the comments received
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COMMENTS. The hours of the docket
are indicated above in the same
location. You may also see the
comments on the internet, identified by
the docket number at the heading of this
notice, at
Issued in Washington, DC, on October 3,
2018, under authority delegated at 49 U.S.C.
Finch Fulton,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation
[FR Doc. 2018–21840 Filed 10–5–18; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2018–0150]
Notice of Request for Comments:
Scope of the Study on the Impact of
Automated Vehicle Technologies on
Office of the Secretary (OST),
U.S. Department of Transportation
ACTION: Notice of request for comments.
OST is announcing a request
for information to solicit comment and
feedback on the scope of the
congressionally-required comprehensive
analysis of the impact of automated
vehicle technologies on workforce. This
study will be conducted by DOT in
consultation with the Department of
Labor to provide a comprehensive
analysis of the impact of [Advanced
Driver Assist Systems] ADAS and
[Highly Automated Vehicles] HAV
technologies on drivers and operators of
commercial motor vehicle, including
the potential for any labor displacement.
DOT will also coordinate this initiative
with the U.S. Departments of Commerce
PO 00000
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and U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
Each component of the study will
engage the relevant interested and
affected stakeholders such as industry
representatives, driver and operator
groups, and workforce training
providers to ensure input from across
the diverse commercial and noncommercial driver industry. While it
may not be feasible to precisely predict
the exact capabilities or timing of new
automated vehicles technologies
entering the marketplace, this study
may construct statistical models, usecases, and scenarios based projections
based on the best available data on
market forecasts, industry trends, and
relevant labor markets to evaluate
different technology penetration
scenarios and their potential effects on
the workforce and related factors.
The objectives of the request for
comments on the comprehensive
analysis of the impact of automated
vehicle technologies on workforce are to
obtain feedback into the scope of the
study regarding the magnitude of the
potential pace of transition in the
transportation workforce and how other
sectors of the workforce will adapt to
the quality of life effects due to
automation. The study will also
examine training availability and what
will be required to transition the
traditional commercial driver into the
new environment including transit bus
automation. Finally, the study will
analyze the issues of driver situational
awareness in vehicles which may
require operator re-engagement, the
safety of truck platooning, and related
traffic management.
Background: The pace of
development and deployment of
automated vehicle-related technology is
expected to accelerate over the next
decade. Likewise, the effects of this new
technology on the current workforce is
a concern to operators and industry. In
August 2017, a Department of
Commerce’s Office of the Chief
Economist study focused on ‘‘workers
impacted by the adoption of
autonomous vehicles used on roadways,
such as automobiles, buses, and trucks
(The Employment Impact of
Autonomous Vehicles,1 Economics and
Statistics Administration Issue Brief
#05–17). The study found that ‘‘. . . the
adoption of AVs has the potential to
impact a sizable share of jobs in the
economy.’’ This could include job
creation as well as displacement. Also,
the America’s Workforce and the Self1
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 195 / Tuesday, October 9, 2018 / Notices
Driving Future 2 report, published by
Securing America’s Future Energy in
June 2018, outlines the potential impact
of autonomous vehicles use on the labor
force, noting some of the complexities
in assessing job gain/loss and
displacement, as well as potential longterm employment and societal benefits.
In addition to the introduction of
automated vehicles, the Nation’s
commercial driver 3 pool is impacted by
other dynamics such as operator pay,
route preferences, and demographics.
Advanced transportation technologies
present enormous potential for
improving the mobility of travelers with
disabilities vastly enhancing quality of
life, workplace access, and
opportunities for full participation in
the workforce and in society. Through
the Accessible Transportation
Technologies Research Initiative
(ATTRI), DOT is leading efforts to
develop and implement transformative
applications to improve mobility
options for all travelers, particularly
those with disabilities. DOT is seeking
to explore innovative travel options
focusing its efforts on removing barriers
to transportation for people with visual,
hearing, cognitive, and mobility
disabilities through all steps of the tripmaking process. DOT seeks to remove
Area of inquiry
barriers to transportation across the
‘‘complete trip’’ chain leveraging
advanced technology to enable people
to travel independently any time, to any
place, regardless of their individual
The 2018 Consolidated
Appropriations Act provided up to $1.5
million to the Secretary of
Transportation, in consultation with the
Secretary of Labor, to conduct a
comprehensive analysis of the impact of
ADAS and HAV technologies on drivers
and operators of commercial motor
vehicles, including labor displacement.
For purposes of this analysis, drivers
and operators, who earn an income by
driving, of commercial motor vehicles
includes drivers which require a
commercial driver’s license and those
that do not; and package delivery
drivers, taxi, mobility as a service, and
Transportation Network Companies
Statement of Work (SOW): The
general areas of inquiry are summarized
and listed below. Specific research
questions could be further adopted
during the study examination after
assumptions and study parameters are
validated based on input and feedback
obtained through the request for
comments period. Comments obtained
from this notice period will be used to
calibrate the study strategy to enable the
maximum value proposition.
1. Labor force transformation studies
including potential statistical models to
generate estimates of labor force effects
given various HAV and ADAS adoption/
timeline scenarios and segments of
freight and passenger transportation that
could be affected.
2. Labor force training needs
including minimum and recommended
training requirements, labor market
programs that link workers to
employment and public or private
training programs to address skill gaps.
3. Technology operational safety
issues impact to situational awareness
caused by HAV and ADAS including
options for reducing safety risks of
reduced situational awareness and
visibility, mobility, and safety issues
related to platooning.
4. Quality of life improvements due to
automation including mental fatigue
related to traffic and queueing;
enhanced travel choices, new job
opportunities, and accessibility leading
to independent travel and workplace
access for people with disabilities, older
adults, and individuals with functional
impairments across the lifespan.
Research questions
General study tasks
1. Labor Force Transformation/Displacement
Pace of potential
job displacement from
Segments of
freight and passenger transportation that
could be affected.
When should stakeholders anticipate widespread introduction of AV
technology which would directly impact the driver workforce?
What are the potential effects from the different scenarios regarding
adoption timelines and technology developments on the professional
driver labor force?
What are the defined segments of commercial drivers in the United
Which of these segments are most likely to be impacted, negatively or
positively, and to what extent?
Conduct a comprehensive literature review of related studies and
Create a predictive statistical model to generate estimates of labor
force effects given various adoption/timeline scenarios. The model
should be well-documented and replicable by outside parties.
Create a typology of the specific segments of commercial and noncommercial drivers as it relates to trucks, buses, mail/package delivery drivers, and taxis/transportation network companies.
Identify each segment most likely to be effected, and the extent of that
effect. The effect could be job displacement or increased demand for
that driver segment.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
2. Labor Force Training Needs
Minimum and recommended
training requirements.
As commercial and non-commercial drivers transition into other transportation, or even unrelated, positions, what are new likely opportunities and what are the minimum levels of training and skills necessary
to occupy those positions?
What are the training/skills requirements for those jobs most in demand?
Existing labor
market programs that link
workers to employment.
Identification of
how existing
public or private
training programs can be
modified to address skill gaps.
What federal and state government-sponsored programs are used to
match individuals with employment opportunities?
What is the capacity of each program to meet the needs of displaced
commercial and non-commercial drivers?
What gap(s) exist between existing programs and the needs of commercial and non-commercial drivers, including transitioning to new
If gaps exist, what recommended modifications to existing programs
are needed to meet these needs?
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Catalog and annotate comparative studies from other transitioning
labor markets e.g. manufacturing, agriculture, banking, etc.
Identify the possible training needs for the variety of commercial and
non-commercial drivers potentially impacted by AVs—both newly
created transportation jobs or jobs in related or non-related sectors.
Produce recommendations of training requirements to meet the needs
identified and evaluate the available federal and state programs to
meet these needs.
Prepare and annotate a comprehensive inventory of current federal
and state labor market programs that link workers to job opportunities.
Evaluate the capacity of these programs to meet the needs of commercial and non-commercial drivers displaced by autonomous vehicles.
Identify modifications to existing public or private training programs to
include the teaching of new skills to safely operate ADS equipped
vehicles as well as new skills needed to transition to other jobs.
3 Commercial drivers for the scope of this study
is defined as professional drivers who earn a living
PO 00000
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driving tow trucks, tractor trailers, motor coaches,
and buses.
Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 195 / Tuesday, October 9, 2018 / Notices
Area of inquiry
Research questions
General study tasks
3. Technology Operational Safety Issues
Impact to situaWhat are the risks of reduced situational awareness for a driver using
tional awareADAS technology, such as the potential for increased drowsiness?
ness caused by
Options for reduc- Quantify the likelihood of reduced driver situational awareness and
ing safety risks
identify methods and options to mitigate these risks.
of reduced situational awareness.
Visibility, mobility, What are the principle safety issues associated with the use of
and safety
platooning such as the reduced visibility of drivers in the following
issues related
vehicles, and the interaction of passenger cars with truck platoons at
to platooning.
highway speeds? What are the potential positive benefits of
platooning technologies?
Complete a literature review on the risks of the lack of driver vigilance
and reduced situational awareness when operating a vehicle
equipped with ADS or ADAS technologies. Produce a typology on
the kinds of risks that are generated by this technology.
Review existing human subject research and engage relevant stakeholders to identify existing and potential technological applications to
address human factors risk.
Identify and catalog existing studies on visibility, mobility, and safety
issues related to truck platooning. Provide an annotated inventory of
current or developing technologies which can address these issues
and their likelihood of adoption. Catalog state laws addressing truck
platoon operations.
4. Quality of Life Effects Due to Automation
Potential effects
to health and
quality of life
due to ADS and
Given that higher level of automation allows drivers,
study, to conduct other tasks other than driving, how
the health and quality of life of the driving labor force.
What are the potential economic benefits to increased
and the community for transportation-disadvantaged
people with disabilities and seniors.
subject to this
will this impact
access to jobs
riders such as
Conduct a comprehensive literature review of health issues associated
with commercial and non-commercial drivers, including mental fatigue related to traffic and queueing.
Explore insights into how HAV and ADAS can mitigate health issues,
state of the industry pertaining to ADAS and HAV mobility as a service including research studies relating to technology readiness, enabling new job opportunities, and gaps in achieving the complete trip
vision for older Americans and people with disabilities.
Note: Each of the four study components may include stakeholder outreach, as appropriate, to inform the analysis and identify relevant data sources.
Comments are requested on the
following questions regarding the
Statement of Work:
1. Is the SOW in line with public
2. Should the SOW be expanded or
reduced to include or exclude any
3. Are there specific literature or
studies that have been conducted on
this subject that DOT and DOL should
review before initiating this
comprehensive analysis?
All comments and presentations
should be submitted to the docket for
you have questions about this notice,
please contact us at
or Kareem Habib (202–366–1601) or
Sujeesh Kurup (202–366–9953).
Written Comments: Please submit all
written comments no later than
November 5, 2018, by any of the
following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Mail: Docket Management Facility:
DOT, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
• Fax: 202–366–1767.
amozie on DSK3GDR082PROD with NOTICES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:13 Oct 05, 2018
Jkt 247001
Instructions: All submissions must
include the Agency name and docket
number. Note that all comments
received will be posted without change
to, including
any personal information provided.
Please see the Privacy Act discussion
Docket: For access to the docket, go to to find
Docket No. DOT–OST–2018–0150 at
any time or to 1200 New Jersey Avenue
SE, West Building, Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, Washington, DC 20590,
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal
Holidays. Telephone: 202–366–9826.
Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search
the electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or signing the comment, if
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
Statement in the Federal Register
published on April 11, 2000, (Volume
65, Number 70; Pages 19477–78), or you
may visit
Confidential Information: Any
submissions containing Confidential
Information must be delivered to OST in
the following manner:
Æ Submitted in a sealed envelope
marked ‘‘confidential treatment
Æ Accompanied by an index listing
the document(s) or information that the
submitter would like the Departments to
withhold. The index should include
information such as numbers used to
PO 00000
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Sfmt 9990
identify the relevant document(s) or
information, document title and
description, and relevant pages numbers
and/or section numbers within a
document; and
Æ Submitted with a statement
explaining the submitter’s grounds for
objecting to disclosure of the
information to the public.
OST also requests that submitters of
Confidential Information include a nonconfidential version (either redacted or
summarized) of those confidential
submissions in the public docket. In the
event that the submitter cannot provide
a non-confidential version of its
submission, OST requests that the
submitter post a notice in the docket
stating that it has provided OST with
Confidential Information. Should a
submitter fail to docket either a nonconfidential version of its submission or
to post a notice that Confidential
Information has been provided, we will
note the receipt of the submission on
the docket, with the submitter’s
organization or name (to the degree
permitted by law) and the date of
Issued in Washington, DC, on October 3,
2018, under authority delegated at 49 U.S.C.
Finch Fulton,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation
[FR Doc. 2018–21842 Filed 10–5–18; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 83, Number 195 (Tuesday, October 9, 2018)]
[Pages 50747-50749]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2018-21842]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT-OST-2018-0150]
Notice of Request for Comments: Scope of the Study on the Impact
of Automated Vehicle Technologies on Workforce
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OST), U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of request for comments.
SUMMARY: OST is announcing a request for information to solicit comment
and feedback on the scope of the congressionally-required comprehensive
analysis of the impact of automated vehicle technologies on workforce.
This study will be conducted by DOT in consultation with the Department
of Labor to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of [Advanced
Driver Assist Systems] ADAS and [Highly Automated Vehicles] HAV
technologies on drivers and operators of commercial motor vehicle,
including the potential for any labor displacement. DOT will also
coordinate this initiative with the U.S. Departments of Commerce and
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Each component of the study will engage the relevant interested and
affected stakeholders such as industry representatives, driver and
operator groups, and workforce training providers to ensure input from
across the diverse commercial and non-commercial driver industry. While
it may not be feasible to precisely predict the exact capabilities or
timing of new automated vehicles technologies entering the marketplace,
this study may construct statistical models, use-cases, and scenarios
based projections based on the best available data on market forecasts,
industry trends, and relevant labor markets to evaluate different
technology penetration scenarios and their potential effects on the
workforce and related factors.
The objectives of the request for comments on the comprehensive
analysis of the impact of automated vehicle technologies on workforce
are to obtain feedback into the scope of the study regarding the
magnitude of the potential pace of transition in the transportation
workforce and how other sectors of the workforce will adapt to the
quality of life effects due to automation. The study will also examine
training availability and what will be required to transition the
traditional commercial driver into the new environment including
transit bus automation. Finally, the study will analyze the issues of
driver situational awareness in vehicles which may require operator re-
engagement, the safety of truck platooning, and related traffic
Background: The pace of development and deployment of automated
vehicle-related technology is expected to accelerate over the next
decade. Likewise, the effects of this new technology on the current
workforce is a concern to operators and industry. In August 2017, a
Department of Commerce's Office of the Chief Economist study focused on
``workers impacted by the adoption of autonomous vehicles used on
roadways, such as automobiles, buses, and trucks (The Employment Impact
of Autonomous Vehicles,\1\ Economics and Statistics Administration
Issue Brief #05-17). The study found that ``. . . the adoption of AVs
has the potential to impact a sizable share of jobs in the economy.''
This could include job creation as well as displacement. Also, the
America's Workforce and the Self-
[[Page 50748]]
Driving Future \2\ report, published by Securing America's Future
Energy in June 2018, outlines the potential impact of autonomous
vehicles use on the labor force, noting some of the complexities in
assessing job gain/loss and displacement, as well as potential long-
term employment and societal benefits. In addition to the introduction
of automated vehicles, the Nation's commercial driver \3\ pool is
impacted by other dynamics such as operator pay, route preferences, and
\3\ Commercial drivers for the scope of this study is defined as
professional drivers who earn a living driving tow trucks, tractor
trailers, motor coaches, and buses.
Advanced transportation technologies present enormous potential for
improving the mobility of travelers with disabilities vastly enhancing
quality of life, workplace access, and opportunities for full
participation in the workforce and in society. Through the Accessible
Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI), DOT is leading
efforts to develop and implement transformative applications to improve
mobility options for all travelers, particularly those with
disabilities. DOT is seeking to explore innovative travel options
focusing its efforts on removing barriers to transportation for people
with visual, hearing, cognitive, and mobility disabilities through all
steps of the trip-making process. DOT seeks to remove barriers to
transportation across the ``complete trip'' chain leveraging advanced
technology to enable people to travel independently any time, to any
place, regardless of their individual abilities.
The 2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act provided up to $1.5
million to the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the
Secretary of Labor, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the impact
of ADAS and HAV technologies on drivers and operators of commercial
motor vehicles, including labor displacement. For purposes of this
analysis, drivers and operators, who earn an income by driving, of
commercial motor vehicles includes drivers which require a commercial
driver's license and those that do not; and package delivery drivers,
taxi, mobility as a service, and Transportation Network Companies
Statement of Work (SOW): The general areas of inquiry are
summarized and listed below. Specific research questions could be
further adopted during the study examination after assumptions and
study parameters are validated based on input and feedback obtained
through the request for comments period. Comments obtained from this
notice period will be used to calibrate the study strategy to enable
the maximum value proposition.
1. Labor force transformation studies including potential
statistical models to generate estimates of labor force effects given
various HAV and ADAS adoption/timeline scenarios and segments of
freight and passenger transportation that could be affected.
2. Labor force training needs including minimum and recommended
training requirements, labor market programs that link workers to
employment and public or private training programs to address skill
3. Technology operational safety issues impact to situational
awareness caused by HAV and ADAS including options for reducing safety
risks of reduced situational awareness and visibility, mobility, and
safety issues related to platooning.
4. Quality of life improvements due to automation including mental
fatigue related to traffic and queueing; enhanced travel choices, new
job opportunities, and accessibility leading to independent travel and
workplace access for people with disabilities, older adults, and
individuals with functional impairments across the lifespan.
Area of inquiry Research questions General study tasks
1. Labor Force Transformation/Displacement
Pace of potential job When should stakeholders anticipate Conduct a comprehensive literature
displacement from ADAS and HAV widespread introduction of AV review of related studies and
adoption. technology which would directly methodologies.
impact the driver workforce? Create a predictive statistical model
What are the potential effects from to generate estimates of labor force
the different scenarios regarding effects given various adoption/
adoption timelines and technology timeline scenarios. The model should
developments on the professional be well-documented and replicable by
driver labor force? outside parties.
Segments of freight and passenger What are the defined segments of Create a typology of the specific
transportation that could be commercial drivers in the United segments of commercial and non-
affected. States? commercial drivers as it relates to
Which of these segments are most trucks, buses, mail/package delivery
likely to be impacted, negatively or drivers, and taxis/transportation
positively, and to what extent? network companies.
Identify each segment most likely to
be effected, and the extent of that
effect. The effect could be job
displacement or increased demand for
that driver segment.
2. Labor Force Training Needs
Minimum and recommended training As commercial and non-commercial Catalog and annotate comparative
requirements. drivers transition into other studies from other transitioning
transportation, or even unrelated, labor markets e.g. manufacturing,
positions, what are new likely agriculture, banking, etc.
opportunities and what are the Identify the possible training needs
minimum levels of training and skills for the variety of commercial and
necessary to occupy those positions? non-commercial drivers potentially
What are the training/skills impacted by AVs--both newly created
requirements for those jobs most in transportation jobs or jobs in
demand? related or non-related sectors.
Produce recommendations of training
requirements to meet the needs
identified and evaluate the
available federal and state programs
to meet these needs.
Existing labor market programs What federal and state government- Prepare and annotate a comprehensive
that link workers to employment. sponsored programs are used to match inventory of current federal and
individuals with employment state labor market programs that
opportunities? link workers to job opportunities.
What is the capacity of each program Evaluate the capacity of these
to meet the needs of displaced programs to meet the needs of
commercial and non-commercial commercial and non-commercial
drivers? drivers displaced by autonomous
Identification of how existing What gap(s) exist between existing Identify modifications to existing
public or private training programs and the needs of commercial public or private training programs
programs can be modified to and non-commercial drivers, including to include the teaching of new
address skill gaps. transitioning to new jobs? skills to safely operate ADS
If gaps exist, what recommended equipped vehicles as well as new
modifications to existing programs skills needed to transition to other
are needed to meet these needs? jobs.
[[Page 50749]]
3. Technology Operational Safety Issues
Impact to situational awareness What are the risks of reduced Complete a literature review on the
caused by ADS and ADAS. situational awareness for a driver risks of the lack of driver
using ADAS technology, such as the vigilance and reduced situational
potential for increased drowsiness? awareness when operating a vehicle
equipped with ADS or ADAS
technologies. Produce a typology on
the kinds of risks that are
generated by this technology.
Options for reducing safety risks Quantify the likelihood of reduced Review existing human subject
of reduced situational awareness. driver situational awareness and research and engage relevant
identify methods and options to stakeholders to identify existing
mitigate these risks. and potential technological
applications to address human
factors risk.
Visibility, mobility, and safety What are the principle safety issues Identify and catalog existing studies
issues related to platooning. associated with the use of platooning on visibility, mobility, and safety
such as the reduced visibility of issues related to truck platooning.
drivers in the following vehicles, Provide an annotated inventory of
and the interaction of passenger cars current or developing technologies
with truck platoons at highway which can address these issues and
speeds? What are the potential their likelihood of adoption.
positive benefits of platooning Catalog state laws addressing truck
technologies? platoon operations.
4. Quality of Life Effects Due to Automation
Potential effects to health and Given that higher level of automation Conduct a comprehensive literature
quality of life due to ADS and allows drivers, subject to this review of health issues associated
ADAS. study, to conduct other tasks other with commercial and non-commercial
than driving, how will this impact drivers, including mental fatigue
the health and quality of life of the related to traffic and queueing.
driving labor force. Explore insights into how HAV and
What are the potential economic ADAS can mitigate health issues,
benefits to increased access to jobs state of the industry pertaining to
and the community for transportation- ADAS and HAV mobility as a service
disadvantaged riders such as people including research studies relating
with disabilities and seniors. to technology readiness, enabling
new job opportunities, and gaps in
achieving the complete trip vision
for older Americans and people with
Note: Each of the four study components may include stakeholder outreach, as appropriate, to inform the analysis
and identify relevant data sources.
Comments are requested on the following questions regarding the
Statement of Work:
1. Is the SOW in line with public interest?
2. Should the SOW be expanded or reduced to include or exclude any
3. Are there specific literature or studies that have been
conducted on this subject that DOT and DOL should review before
initiating this comprehensive analysis?
All comments and presentations should be submitted to the docket
for consideration.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions about this
notice, please contact us at [email protected] or Kareem Habib (202-
366-1601) or Sujeesh Kurup (202-366-9953).
Written Comments: Please submit all written comments no later than
November 5, 2018, by any of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the online instructions for submitting
Mail: Docket Management Facility: DOT, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC
Hand Delivery or Courier: 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays.
Fax: 202-366-1767.
Instructions: All submissions must include the Agency name and
docket number. Note that all comments received will be posted without
change to, including any personal
information provided. Please see the Privacy Act discussion below.
Docket: For access to the docket, go to
to find Docket No. DOT-OST-2018-0150 at any time or to 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building, Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC
20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal
Holidays. Telephone: 202-366-9826.
Privacy Act: Anyone is able to search the electronic form of all
comments received into any of our dockets by the name of the individual
submitting the comment (or signing the comment, if submitted on behalf
of an association, business, labor union, etc.). You may review DOT's
complete Privacy Act Statement in the Federal Register published on
April 11, 2000, (Volume 65, Number 70; Pages 19477-78), or you may
Confidential Information: Any submissions containing Confidential
Information must be delivered to OST in the following manner:
[cir] Submitted in a sealed envelope marked ``confidential
treatment requested'';
[cir] Accompanied by an index listing the document(s) or
information that the submitter would like the Departments to withhold.
The index should include information such as numbers used to identify
the relevant document(s) or information, document title and
description, and relevant pages numbers and/or section numbers within a
document; and
[cir] Submitted with a statement explaining the submitter's grounds
for objecting to disclosure of the information to the public.
OST also requests that submitters of Confidential Information
include a non-confidential version (either redacted or summarized) of
those confidential submissions in the public docket. In the event that
the submitter cannot provide a non-confidential version of its
submission, OST requests that the submitter post a notice in the docket
stating that it has provided OST with Confidential Information. Should
a submitter fail to docket either a non-confidential version of its
submission or to post a notice that Confidential Information has been
provided, we will note the receipt of the submission on the docket,
with the submitter's organization or name (to the degree permitted by
law) and the date of submission.
Issued in Washington, DC, on October 3, 2018, under authority
delegated at 49 U.S.C. 1.25a.
Finch Fulton,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy.
[FR Doc. 2018-21842 Filed 10-5-18; 8:45 am]