Environmental Protection Agency July 14, 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 12 of 12
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision Approval, State of Colorado
This notice announces the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA's) approval of the State of Colorado's request to revise its National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Implementation EPA- authorized program to allow electronic reporting.
Proposed Information Collection Request; Comment Request; The National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to submit an information collection request (ICR) for ``The National Refrigerant Recycling and Emissions Reduction Program'' (EPA ICR No. 1626.12, OMB Control No. 2060-0256) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Before doing so, EPA is soliciting public comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below. This is a proposed extension of the ICR, which is currently approved through November 30, 2014. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Mixtures; Extension of Comment Period
EPA issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register of May 19, 2014, concerning hydraulic fracturing chemicals and mixtures. This document extends the comment period for 30 days, from August 18, 2014, to September 18, 2014. EPA is taking this action in response to requests for an extension to allow interested persons additional time to submit comments.
Cross-Media Electronic Reporting: Authorized Program Revision Approval, Commonwealth of Kentucky
This notice announces the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA's) approval of the Commonwealth of Kentucky's request to revise/ modify certain of its EPA-authorized programs to allow electronic reporting.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to the New Source Review State Implementation Plan; Flexible Permit Program
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conditionally approving revisions to the Texas New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP) to establish the Texas Minor NSR Flexible Permits Program, submitted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The conditional approval is predicated on a commitment from TCEQ in a letter dated December 9, 2013, to adopt certain minor clarifications to the Flexible Permit Program by November 30, 2014. The EPA is finalizing this action under section 110 of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of Maryland pursuant to the Clean Air Act (CAA). Whenever new or revised National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are promulgated, the CAA requires states to submit a plan for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of such NAAQS. The plan is required to address basic program elements, including, but not limited to regulatory structure, monitoring, modeling, legal authority, and adequate resources necessary to assure attainment and maintenance of the standards. These elements are referred to as infrastructure requirements. The State of Maryland has made a submittal addressing the infrastructure requirements for the 2010 nitrogen dioxide (NO2) NAAQS.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Idaho: Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 and 2006 Fine Particulate Matter and 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards
The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires that each state, after a new or revised National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) is promulgated, review their State Implementation Plan (SIP) to ensure that it meets the infrastructure requirements necessary to implement the new or revised standard. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds that the Idaho SIP meets the infrastructure requirements of the CAA for the NAAQS promulgated for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on July 18, 1997 and October 17, 2006, and for ozone on March 12, 2008. The EPA also finds that the Idaho SIP meets the interstate transport requirements of the CAA related to prevention of significant deterioration and visibility for the 2006 PM2.5 and 2008 ozone NAAQS.
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Placer County Air Pollution Control District (PCAPCD) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve revisions to the Placer County Air Pollution Control District (PCAPCD) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) portions of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). These revisions concern volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the manufacture of medium density fiberboard, melamine and phenol resins used in plasticizing paper and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions from stationary internal combustion engines. We are proposing to rescind local rules that regulate these emission sources under the Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act).
Revisions to the California State Implementation Plan, Placer County Air Pollution Control District and South Coast Air Quality Management District
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking direct final action to approve revisions to the Placer County Air Pollution Control District (PCAPCD) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) portions of the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). Under the Clean Air Act (CAA or the Act), we are rescinding local rules that concern volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from the manufacture of medium density fiberboard, melamine and phenol resins used in plasticizing paper and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emissions from stationary internal combustion engines.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Illinois; Latham Pool Adjusted Standard
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a request submitted by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency on January 8, 2014, to revise the Illinois State Implementation Plan (SIP) for volatile organic matter (VOM). The approval revises the Illinois SIP by substituting a new party as the holder of the adjusted standard for VOM granted to Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. (Royal), for the facility located in Dix, Illinois. EPA approved the adjusted standard for Royal on June 27, 2011. Due to a change in ownership, the facility is now owned by Latham Pool Products, Inc., d/b/a Viking Pools. The revision amends the adjusted standard for VOM currently approved in the SIP for the facility to reflect the change in ownership. This revision does not change any of the VOM control requirements and will not result in an increase in VOM emissions at the facility.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Illinois; Latham Pool Adjusted Standard
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a request submitted by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency on January 8, 2014, to revise the Illinois State Implementation Plan (SIP) for volatile organic matter (VOM). The approval revises the Illinois SIP by substituting a new party as the holder of the adjusted standard for VOM granted to Royal Fiberglass Pools, Inc. (Royal), for the facility located in Dix, Illinois. EPA approved the adjusted standard for Royal on June 27, 2011. Due to a change in ownership, the facility is now owned by Latham Pool Products, Inc., d/b/a Viking Pools. The revision amends the adjusted standard for VOM currently approved in the SIP for the facility to reflect the change in ownership. This revision does not change any of the VOM control requirements and will not result in an increase in VOM emissions at the facility.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Illinois; Infrastructure SIP Requirements for the 2008 Ozone, 2010 NO2
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve some elements and disapprove other elements of a state implementation plan (SIP) submission from Illinois regarding the infrastructure requirements of section 110 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) for the 2008 8-hour ground level ozone, 2010 nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and 2010 sulfur dioxide (SO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The infrastructure requirements are designed to ensure that the structural components of each state's air quality management program are adequate to meet the state's responsibilities under the CAA. Illinois already administers Federally promulgated regulations that address the proposed disapprovals described in today's rulemaking. Therefore, the state will not be obligated to submit any new or additional regulations as a result of a future final disapproval.
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