Federal Aviation Administration 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1,451 - 1,500 of 1,699
Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee; Public Teleconference
Pursuant to Section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 5 U.S.C. App. 2), notice is hereby given of two teleconferences of the Systems Working Group of the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC).
Special Conditions: Learjet Inc., Model LJ-200-1A10 Airplane; Use of Automatic Power Reserve (APR), an Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System (ATTCS), for Go-Around Performance Credit
These special conditions are issued for the Learjet Model LJ- 200-1A10 airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features associated with utilizing go-around performance credit when using an automatic takeoff thrust control system. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Airworthiness Directives; Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam srl Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam srl Model P2006T airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as multiple cracks found on the outboard aileron hinge support of a P2006T airplane during an inspection. We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A310-203, -204, -222, -304, -322, and -324 airplanes. This AD was prompted by a design review of the fuel tank access covers and analyses comparing compliance of the access covers to different tire burst models. `Type 21' panels located within the debris zone revealed that they could not sustain the impact of the tire debris. This AD requires modifying the wing manhole surrounds and replacing certain fuel access panels. We are issuing this AD to prevent a possibility of a fire due to tire debris impact on the fuel access panels.
Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Model H-36, HK 36 R, HK 36 TS, and HK 36 TTS airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as installation of an unsuitable self-locking nut on the bell crank of the elevator push rod that can cause failure of the elevator, resulting in loss of control. We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc. Model DHC-8-102, -103, -106, -201, -202, -301, -311, and -315 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of the loss of the fixed frequency system, leading to the loss of power to the left and right buses and all systems serviced by these buses. This AD requires modification of the wiring and changes to existing airworthiness limitations. We are issuing this AD to prevent loss of the fixed frequency system, which could lead to loss of a number of the pilot's and co-pilot's flight instruments, in addition to other avionics systems.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A318-112, A319-111, A319-112, A319-115, A319-132, and A319-133 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by a report that a fastener, which connects the cargo door keel beam foot to the circumferential butt-strap and the section 13-14 lower shell panel, was not installed on airplanes during production. This proposed AD would require inspecting forward fuselage frame 24, stringer 39, right hand, to determine if the fastener is missing; measuring the hole dimensions of the five holes surrounding the missing fastener if necessary; and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct the missing fastener, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Cherokee, WY
This action proposes to establish Class E Airspace at the Cherokee VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range/Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME) navigation aid, Cherokee, WY to facilitate vectoring of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) aircraft under control of Denver and Salt Lake City Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCCs). The FAA is proposing this action to enhance the safety and management of aircraft operations within the National Airspace System.
Proposed Amendment of Class D Airspace; El Monte, CA
This action proposes to amend Class D Airspace at El Monte Airport, El Monte, CA. This action, initiated by the biennial review of the El Monte Airspace Area, would amend the Class D Airspace to accommodate departures and arrivals, while enhancing the safety and management of aircraft arriving and departing under Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) operations at El Monte Airport.
Meeting: RTCA Program Management Committee
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a meeting of RTCA Program Management Committee.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplanes; Flight Envelope Protection: Pitch and Roll Limiting Functions
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature associated with pitch and roll limiting functions, specifically an electronic flight control system which contains fly-by-wire control laws, including envelope protections. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplanes; Electrical/Electronic Equipment Bay Fire Detection and Smoke Penetration
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features, specifically distributed electrical and electronic equipment bays in pressurized areas of the airplane. Older transport category airplane electrical/electronic equipment bay installations are located in the lower lobe where the flight crew could determine the origin of smoke or fire by a straightforward airplane flight manual procedure. In distributed electrical/electronic bay installations it is not as straightforward. The FAA has no requirement for smoke and/or fire detection in the electrical/electronic equipment bays. To ensure effective mitigation of fires, the FAA proposes these special conditions. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This rule establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and associated Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, adding new obstacles, or changing air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Bend, OR
This action proposes to modify Class E airspace at Bend, OR to accommodate aircraft departing and arriving under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) at Bend Municipal Airport. This action would enhance the safety and management of aircraft operations. The geographic coordinates of the airport would also be updated.
Harmonization of Airworthiness Standards-Miscellaneous Structures Requirements
The FAA proposes to amend certain airworthiness regulations for transport category airplanes, based on recommendations from the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC). Adopting this proposal would eliminate regulatory differences between the airworthiness standards of the FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This proposal would not add new requirements beyond what manufacturers currently meet for EASA certification and would not affect current industry design practices. This proposal would revise the structural test requirements necessary when analysis has not been found reliable; clarify the quality control, inspection, and testing requirements for critical and non-critical castings; add control system requirements that consider structural deflection and vibration loads; expand the fuel tank structural and system requirements regarding emergency landing conditions and landing gear failure conditions; add a requirement that engine mount failure due to overload must not cause hazardous fuel spillage; and revise the inertial forces requirements for cargo compartments by removing the exclusion of compartments located below or forward of all occupants in the airplane.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 25. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
The FAA is correcting an airworthiness directive (AD) that published in the Federal Register. That AD applies to certain The Boeing Company Model 757 airplanes. That AD incorrectly identified certain actions that are terminated in another AD. This document corrects that error. In all other respects, the original document remains the same.
90th Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of the eighty-ninth meeting of the RTCA Special Committee 159, Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 223, Airport Surface Wireless Communications
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of the meeting of the RTCA Special Committee 223, Airport Surface Wireless Communications.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports that certain trimmable horizontal stabilizer actuators (THSA) were found with corrosion that affected the ballscrew lower splines between the tie-bar and screw-jack. This proposed AD would require repetitive inspections of the THSA; ballscrew integrity tests, if necessary; and replacement of affected THSAs. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct corrosion in the ballscrew lower splines, which, if the ballscrew ruptured, could lead to transmission of THSA torque loads from the ballscrew to the tie-bar, prompting THSA blowback, and possible loss of control of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We propose to supersede two existing airworthiness directives (AD) that apply to all The Boeing Company Model 767 airplanes. One AD currently requires a functional check of the shear rivets in all six elevator power control actuator (PCA) bellcrank assemblies to determine the condition of the shear rivets, and replacement or rework of the bellcrank assemblies if necessary. The other AD currently requires repetitive testing of the elevator control system to determine if an elevator PCA is rigged incorrectly, and follow-on actions if necessary. Since we issued those ADs, a terminating modification has been designed. This proposed AD would require an inspection to determine the part numbers and condition of the bellcrank assemblies; modification or replacement of the PCA bellcrank assembly, if necessary; and a repetitive functional test and mis-rig check, and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to prevent continued operation with yielded or failed shear rivets in the elevator PCA bellcrank assemblies, and to prevent certain failures or jams in the elevator system from causing a hardover of the elevator surface, resulting in a significant pitch upset and possible loss of control of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Gulfstream Aerospace LP (Type Certificate Previously Held by Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd.) Airplanes
We propose to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to all Gulfstream Aerospace LP (Type Certificate Previously Held by Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd.) Model Gulfstream 100 airplanes, and Model Astra SPX and 1125 Westwind Astra airplanes. The existing AD currently requires amending the airplane flight manuals (AFMs) to include additional procedures for verifying complete closure and locking of the main entry door (MED). The existing AD also currently requires modifying the warning and caution lights panel (WACLP), changing the WACLP and MED wiring, changing the wiring harness connecting the MED to the WACLP, and revising the log of modification of the AFM if necessary. Since we issued that AD, we have determined that the compliance time must be revised to ensure the unsafe condition is addressed on low utilization airplanes. We have also removed one airplane from the applicability. We are proposing this AD to prevent incomplete closure of the MED, which may result in the door opening in flight and possible separation of the door, causing damage to the airplane structure and left engine by flying debris and objects.
Petition for Exemption; Summary of Petition Received
This notice contains a summary of a petition seeking relief from specified requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of the FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of the petition or its final disposition.
Airworthiness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. and Bell Helicopter Textron Helicopters
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model AB412 and AB412 EP, and Bell Helicopter Textron (Bell) Model 412, 412CF, and 412EP helicopters with certain DART Aerospace Ltd. (Dart) high gear aft crosstubes (crosstube) installed. This proposed AD would require adding a life limit of 10,000 landings to the crosstube and removing from service any crosstubes with more than 10,000 accumulated landings. This proposed AD is prompted by five separate reports of crosstube failures. The actions in this proposed AD are intended to prevent failure of the crosstube and subsequent collapse of the landing gear.
Airworthiness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. Helicopters
We propose to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Agusta S.p.A. (Agusta) Model A109E helicopters that requires reducing the tail rotor (T/R) blade life limit, modifying a T/R hub and grip assembly, re-identifying two T/R assemblies, clarifying the never- exceed speed (Vne) limitation and reducing the inspection interval. Since we issued that AD, the manufacturer has redesigned a T/R grip bushing (bushing) that reduces the loads, which caused the T/R cracking, on the T/R blades. This action would require installing the new bushing and re-identifying the T/R hub-and-grip and hub-and-blade assemblies and require a recurring inspection of each bushing. The proposed actions are intended to prevent fatigue failure of a T/R blade and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
Airworthiness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Company
We propose to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Robinson Helicopter Company (Robinson) Model R22, R22 Alpha, R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44, and R44 II helicopters with certain main rotor blades (blade) installed. The existing AD currently requires inspecting each blade at the skin-to-spar line for debonding, corrosion, a separation, a gap, or a dent and replacing any damaged blade with an airworthy blade. Since we issued that AD, a terminating action for the inspection requirements of that AD has been developed. The proposed actions are intended to detect debonding of the blade skin, which could result in blade failure and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter, and to correct the unsafe condition by replacing the main rotor blades with new blades that do not require the AD inspection.
Government/Industry Aeronautical Charting Forum Meeting
This notice announces the bi-annual meeting of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aeronautical Charting Forum (ACF) to discuss informational content and design of aeronautical charts and related products, as well as instrument flight procedures development policy and design criteria.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce (1971) Limited, Bristol Engine Division Turbojet Engines
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Rolls-Royce (1971) Limited, Bristol Engine Division (RR) Viper Mk. 601- 22 turbojet engines. This proposed AD was prompted by a review carried out by RR of the lives of certain critical parts. This proposed AD would require reducing the life of these parts. We are proposing this AD to prevent life-limited part failure, damage to the engine, and damage to the airplane.
Policy Clarification on Charitable Medical Flights
The FAA is issuing this notice of policy to describe its policy for volunteer pilots operating charitable medical flights. Charitable medical flights are flights where a pilot, aircraft owner, and/or operator provides transportation for an individual or organ for medical purposes. This notice of policy is in response to Section 821 of Public Law 112-95, Clarification of Requirements for Volunteer Pilots Operating Charitable Medical Flights.
Airworthiness Directives; Embraer S.A. Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Embraer S.A. Model ERJ 170 and ERJ 190 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports of chafing between the auxiliary power unit (APU) electronic starter controller (ESC) power cables and the airplane tail cone firewall. This proposed AD would require a detailed inspection for damage to the insulation and inner conductors of the APU ESC power cables, installing new grommet support in the tail cone firewall, and corrective actions if necessary. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct damage to the APU ESC power cable harness, which if not corrected, could result in reduced structural integrity of the fuselage and empennage in the event of fire penetration through the firewall.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all The Boeing Company Model 787-8 airplanes. This emergency AD was sent previously to all known U.S. owners and operators of these airplanes. This AD requires modification of the battery system, or other actions. This AD was prompted by recent incidents involving lithium ion battery failures that resulted in release of flammable electrolytes, heat damage, and smoke. We are issuing this AD to correct damage to critical systems and structures, and the potential for fire in the electrical compartment.
Unmanned Aircraft System Test Site Program
On February 14, 2012, Congress mandated that the FAA, coordinating with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Department of Defense, develop a test site program for the integration of unmanned aircraft systems in to the National Airspace System. The overall purpose of this test site program is to develop a body of data and operational experiences to inform integration and the safe operation of these aircraft in the National Airspace System. This proposed rule announces the process by which the FAA will select the test sites for the program and also solicits comments on the FAA's proposed approach for addressing the privacy questions raised by the public and Congress with regard to the operation of unmanned aircraft systems within the test site program.
Interest in Restructure of Rotorcraft Airworthiness Standards
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is requesting comments and information on the public's interest in restructuring the rotorcraft airworthiness standards of normal category rotorcraft and transport category rotorcraft. Specifically, the agency is seeking comments on whether to change the existing applicability standards for maximum weight and number of passenger seats for either or both types of rotorcraft, or whether to consider other approaches for determining applicability. The FAA is soliciting public input because of some rotorcraft community interest in increasing the 7,000 pound maximum weight limit for the modern normal category rotorcraft and because there may be recommendations for new approaches to make the rotorcraft airworthiness standards more efficient and adaptable to future technology. This action is part of an effort to develop recommendations for possible FAA rulemaking action.
Proposed Modification of Class D and Class E Airspace; Pueblo, CO
This action proposes to modify Class D airspace and the Class E airspace areas at Pueblo Memorial Airport, Pueblo, CO. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate aircraft using VHF Omni- Directional Radio Range/Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME) standard instrument approach procedures at Pueblo Memorial Airport. The FAA is proposing this action to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations in the vicinity of the Pueblo Memorial Airport. This action also would make an adjustment to the geographic coordinates of the airport.
Amendment of Class E Airspace; Casper, WY
This action modifies Class E airspace areas at Casper, Natrona County International Airport, Casper, WY, to facilitate vectoring of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) traffic from en route airspace to the airport. Decommissioning of the Muddy Mountain VOR Omnidirectional Range Tactical Air Navigation (VORTAC) has made reconfiguration necessary for the safety and management of aircraft operations at the airport.
Fifty Eighth Meeting: RTCA Special Committee 186, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of the fifty eighth meeting of the RTCA Special Committee 222, Inmarsat AMS(R)S.
Airworthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 737-200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks in the skin and surrounding structure under the number 3 very high frequency (VHF) antenna on the lower external surface of the airplane at buttock line 0.0, aft of the main landing gear wheel well. This AD requires inspecting for cracking and corrosion under the number 3 VHF antenna, and corrective actions if necessary; and, for certain airplanes, replacing bonded skin panels with solid skin panels if not previously accomplished. This AD also provides an optional preventive modification (which would terminate the inspection requirements for certain airplanes). We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracks and corrosion of the skin and surrounding structure under the number 3 VHF antenna, which could result in separation of the antenna from the airplane, and rapid depressurization of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc Turbofan Engines
We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for all Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211-524 series turbofan engines. That AD currently requires removal and repair of certain thrust reverser units (TRUs) prior to reinstallation. This AD requires the same actions for an expanded population of TRUs and extends the compliance time for repairing certain TRUs. This AD was prompted by additional engineering evaluation of TRUs, as a result of a translating cowl gearbox stubshaft failure and subsequent repair. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the attachment rivets, which may result in release of the TRU from the engine.
Airworthiness Directives; Reims Aviation S.A. Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Reims Aviation S.A. Model F406 airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as improper material used in nose landing gear (NLG) attachment brackets could lead to failure of the NLG bracket with consequent damage to the airplane while landing. We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplane; Landing Pitchover Condition
This action proposes special conditions for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) associated with landing loads due to the automatic braking system. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These proposed special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplane; Interaction of Systems and Structures
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) associated with the interaction of systems and structures. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplane; Electronic Flight Control System: Lateral-Directional and Longitudinal Stability and Low Energy Awareness
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) associated with an electronic flight control system with respect to lateral-directional and longitudinal stability and low energy awareness. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplanes; Flight Envelope Protection: High Speed Limiting
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature, specifically an electronic flight control system which contains fly-by-wire control laws, including envelope protections, for the overspeed protection and roll limiting function. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplane; Design Roll Maneuver for Electronic Flight Controls
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) associated with the design roll maneuver for electronic flight controls, specifically an electronic flight control system that provides control of the aircraft through pilot inputs to the flight computer. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplane, Limit Pilot Forces for Sidestick Control
These special conditions for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature, specifically sidestick controllers designed to be operated with only one hand. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Special Conditions: Embraer S.A., Model EMB-550 Airplane; Electronic Flight Control System: Control Surface Awareness and Mode Annunciation
These special conditions are issued for the Embraer S.A. Model EMB-550 airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) associated with the control surface awareness and mode annunciation of the electronic flight control system. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Airworthiness Directives; Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. Turboshaft Engines
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain serial number Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. PW206B, PW206B2, PW206C, PW207C, PW207D, PW207D1, PW207D2, and PW207E turboshaft engines. This AD was prompted by the discovery that certain power turbine (PT) disks were made to specific heat codes that may not achieve the maximum in- service life. This AD requires re-identification of the PT disk to a part number (P/N) with a lower life limit. We are issuing this AD to prevent possible uncontained PT disk failure and loss of helicopter control.
Airworthiness Directives; Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Airplanes
We are superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for all Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Models PC-12, PC-12/45, PC-12/47, and PC- 12/47E airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as a need to incorporate new revisions into the Limitations section, Chapter 4, of the FAA-approved maintenance program (e.g., maintenance manual). We are issuing this AD to require actions to address the unsafe condition on these products.
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