Harmonization of Airworthiness Standards-Miscellaneous Structures Requirements, 13835-13843 [2013-04812]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 78, No. 41
Friday, March 1, 2013
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. FAA–2013–0109; Notice No. 25–
RIN 2120–AK13
Harmonization of Airworthiness
Standards—Miscellaneous Structures
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
The FAA proposes to amend
certain airworthiness regulations for
transport category airplanes, based on
recommendations from the Aviation
Rulemaking Advisory Committee
(ARAC). Adopting this proposal would
eliminate regulatory differences
between the airworthiness standards of
the FAA and European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA). This proposal would
not add new requirements beyond what
manufacturers currently meet for EASA
certification and would not affect
current industry design practices. This
proposal would revise the structural test
requirements necessary when analysis
has not been found reliable; clarify the
quality control, inspection, and testing
requirements for critical and noncritical castings; add control system
requirements that consider structural
deflection and vibration loads; expand
the fuel tank structural and system
requirements regarding emergency
landing conditions and landing gear
failure conditions; add a requirement
that engine mount failure due to
overload must not cause hazardous fuel
spillage; and revise the inertial forces
requirements for cargo compartments by
removing the exclusion of
compartments located below or forward
of all occupants in the airplane.
DATES: Send comments on or before
May 30, 2013.
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Send comments identified
by docket number FAA–2013–0109
using any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
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• Fax: Fax comments to Docket
Operations at (202) 493–2251.
Privacy: The FAA will post all
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complete Privacy Act Statement can be
found in the Federal Register published
on April 11, 2000 (65 FR 19477–19478),
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Docket: Background documents or
comments received may be read at
https://www.regulations.gov at any time.
Follow the online instructions for
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Operations in Room W12–140 of the
West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
technical questions concerning this
action, contact Todd Martin, Airframe
and Cabin Safety Branch, ANM–115,
Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft
Certification Service, Federal Aviation
Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW.,
Renton, WA 98057–3356; telephone
(425) 227–1178; facsimile (425) 227–
1232; email Todd.Martin@faa.gov.
For legal questions concerning this
action, contact Sean Howe, Office of the
Regional Counsel, ANM–7, Federal
Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind
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Avenue SW., Renton, Washington
98057–3356; telephone (425) 227–2591;
facsimile (425) 227–1007; email
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA’s authority to issue rules on
aviation safety is found in Title 49 of the
United States Code. Subtitle I, Section
106 describes the authority of the FAA
Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the
scope of the agency’s authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section
44701, ‘‘General Requirements.’’ Under
that section, the FAA is charged with
promoting safe flight of civil aircraft in
air commerce by prescribing regulations
and minimum standards for the design
and performance of aircraft that the
Administrator finds necessary for safety
in air commerce. This regulation is
within the scope of that authority. It
prescribes new safety standards for the
design and operation of transport
category airplanes.
I. Background
Part 25 of Title 14, Code of Federal
Regulations (14 CFR) prescribes
airworthiness standards for type
certification of transport category
airplanes, for products certified in the
United States. Book 1 of the EASA
Certification Specifications and
Acceptable Means of Compliance for
Large Aeroplanes (CS–25) prescribes the
corresponding airworthiness standards
for products certified in Europe. While
part 25 and CS–25 Book 1 are similar,
they differ in several respects. The
necessity of meeting two sets of
certification requirements raises the cost
of developing new transport category
airplanes with little to no increase in
safety. Therefore, the FAA tasked ARAC
through the Loads and Dynamics
Harmonization Working Group
(LDHWG) and the General Structures
Harmonization Working Group
(GSHWG) to review existing structures
regulations and recommend changes
that would eliminate differences
between the U.S. and European
airworthiness standards, while
maintaining or improving the level of
safety in the current regulations. This
proposed rule is a result of this
harmonization effort.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
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The LDHWG and GSHWG developed
recommendations, which EASA has
incorporated into CS–25 with some
changes. The FAA agrees with the
ARAC recommendations as adopted by
EASA, and we propose to amend part 25
accordingly. The proposals are not
expected to be controversial and should
reduce certification costs to industry
without adversely affecting safety. The
complete analyses for the proposed
changes made in response to ARAC
recommendations can be found in the
ARAC recommendation reports, located
in the docket for this rulemaking.
II. Overview of Proposed Rule
The FAA proposes to amend the
airworthiness regulations described
below. This action would harmonize
part 25 requirements with the
corresponding requirements in EASA
CS–25 Book 1.
1. Section 25.307(a), ‘‘Proof of
structure,’’ would be revised to allow a
‘‘sufficient’’ level of structural testing, in
some cases less than ultimate, when
analysis has not been shown to be
2. Section 25.621, ‘‘Casting factors,’’
would be revised to clarify the—
• Definition of critical casting and
• Quality control, inspection, and
testing requirements for critical and
non-critical castings.
3. Section 25.683, ‘‘Operation tests,’’
would be revised to add a requirement
• The control system must remain
free from jamming, friction,
disconnection, and permanent damage
in the presence of structural deflection
• Under vibration loads, no hazard
may result from interference or contact
of the control system with adjacent
4. Section 25.721, ‘‘Landing Gear—
General,’’ would be revised to—
• Expand the landing gear failure
conditions to include side loads, in
addition to up and aft loads, and expand
this requirement to include nose
landing gear in addition to the main
landing gear,
• Specify that the wheels-up landing
conditions are assumed to occur at a
descent rate of 5 feet per second,
• Add a sliding-on-ground condition,
• Require the engine mount be
designed so that, when it fails due to
overload, this failure does not cause the
spillage of enough fuel to constitute a
fire hazard.
5. Section 25.787, ‘‘Stowage
compartments,’’ would be revised to
expand the inertia forces requirements
for cargo compartments by removing the
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exclusion of compartments located
below or forward of all occupants in the
6. Section 25.963, ‘‘Fuel tanks:
general,’’ would be revised to—
• Require that fuel tanks be designed
so that no fuel is released in or near the
fuselage, or near the engines, in
quantities that would constitute a fire
hazard in otherwise survivable
emergency landing conditions,
• Define fuel tank pressure loads for
fuel tanks located within and outside
the fuselage pressure boundary and near
the fuselage or near the engines, and
• Specify the wheels-up landing
conditions and landing gear and engine
mount failure conditions that must be
considered when evaluating fuel tank
structural integrity.
7. Section 25.994, ‘‘Fuel system
components,’’ would be revised to
specify the wheels-up landing
conditions to be considered when
evaluating fuel system components.
III. Discussion of the Proposal
A. Section 25.307(a), ‘‘Proof of
Section 25.307(a) currently requires
that applicants for a type design
conduct strength testing unless
structural analysis has been shown to be
reliable. When analysis has not been
shown to be reliable, the regulation
states that the FAA ‘‘may require
ultimate load tests in cases where limit
load tests may be inadequate.’’
Rather than specifying ‘‘limit load’’ or
‘‘ultimate load,’’ the GSHWG proposed
that the harmonized requirement state
that substantiating load tests must be
made that are ‘‘sufficient’’ to verify
structural behavior up to the load levels
required by § 25.305 (strength and
deformation). Where it is justified, these
test load levels may be less than
We propose to revise § 25.307(a) to
state that, when analysis has not been
shown to be reliable, tests must be
conducted to ‘‘sufficient’’ load levels.
Normally, testing to ultimate load levels
is required, but when previous relevant
test evidence can be used to support the
analysis, then a lower level of testing
may be accepted. The proposed rule
would allow this intermediate level of
testing. While the rule has changed, the
intent remains the same: to ensure that
the structure will not have any
structural deformation under limit load
or any failure under ultimate load.
This action would harmonize
§ 25.307(a) with the corresponding
EASA standard.
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B. Section 25.621, ‘‘Casting Factors’’
Section 25.621 currently requires
classification of structural castings as
either critical or non-critical, and
depending on classification, specifies
inspection requirements, test
requirements, and casting factors for
strength and deformation. These casting
factors are applied in addition to the
factor of safety required by § 25.303,
‘‘Factor of safety.’’ The application of
factors of safety to castings is necessary
because the casting process can be
inconsistent. Castings are subject to
variability in mechanical properties due
to this casting process, which can result
in imperfections (such as voids) within
the cast part.
We propose to revise § 25.621 to
define ‘‘critical casting’’ and to clarify
the quality control, inspection, and
testing requirements for critical and
non-critical castings. The proposed rule
would specify the inspection and testing
requirements based on the casting factor
chosen by the applicant—from 1.0 to 2.0
or greater.
Section 25.621 currently requires that
critical castings in structural
applications have a minimum casting
factor of 1.25. A casting factor of 1.0
would be allowed by the proposed rule,
as described below, because casting
technology has improved since the
current § 25.621 was adopted, and much
higher quality castings can be produced
using improved foundry methods. The
proposed rule would require the
following for critical castings:
• A visual and special nondestructive inspections. The special
non-destructive inspections would be
limited to specified areas of the casting
where defects are likely to occur.
• A casting factor of 1.5 or greater
would be allowed provided that one
casting undergoes static testing and is
shown to meet the relevant strength and
deformation requirements. A casting
factor of 1.25 or greater would be
allowed provided that three castings
undergo static testing and are shown to
meet the relevant strength and
deformation requirements.
• A casting factor of 1.0 or greater
would be allowed provided that one
casting undergoes static testing and is
shown to meet the relevant strength and
deformation requirements, and it is
demonstrated that a process is in place
to ensure the castings produced have
material variation equivalent to those of
wrought alloy products of similar
composition. Draft Advisory Circular
(AC) 25.621–X, ‘‘Casting Factors,’’ will
be published concurrently with this
NPRM. This draft AC outlines a process
for using a casting factor of 1.0,
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
including any changes to that process
that may occur over time. The proposed
rule requires ‘‘process monitoring,’’
which is intended to mean continuous
process monitoring for the entire
production lifecycle.
The proposed rule would also specify
quality control, inspection, and testing
requirements for non-critical castings
with casting factors ranging from 1.0 to
2.0 or greater.
C. Section 25.683, ‘‘Operation Tests’’
Section 25.683 currently requires the
airplane control system to be free from
jamming, excessive friction, and
excessive deflection when subjected to
pilot effort and control system loads. We
propose to revise § 25.683 by adding a
requirement to substantiate that, in the
presence of deflections of the airplane
structure due to maneuver loads, the
control system can be exercised and
remain free from jamming, friction,
disconnection, and any form of
permanent damage. In addition, we
propose adding a requirement to
substantiate that, under vibration loads,
no interference or contact of the control
system with adjacent elements can
result in hazard.
Since control systems are typically
attached or routed through adjacent
aircraft structure, it is necessary to
ensure that deflections of that adjacent
structure do not adversely affect the safe
operation of the control system through
interference, jamming, or induced
loading. Also, the control system design
should be such that the effects of
vibration loads in normal flight and
ground operating conditions will not
affect the safe operation of the control
These actions would harmonize
§ 25.683 with the corresponding EASA
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D. Section 25.721, ‘‘Landing Gear—
General (Emergency Landing
Section 25.721(a) currently requires
that the main landing gear system be
designed so that if it fails due to
overloads during takeoff and landing,
the failure does not cause the spillage of
enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard.
This is intended to protect fuel tanks
from rupture and puncture due to the
failure of the landing gear and its
supports. This requirement applies only
to fuel systems inside the fuselage for
airplanes with 9 seats or less, and all
fuel systems for airplanes with 10 seats
or more. We propose to revise
§ 25.721(a) to:
1. Apply to the nose landing gear as
well as the main landing gear,
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2. Clarify that landing gear failure is
3. Expand the failure conditions to
include side loads, in addition to up
and aft loads, and
4. Remove the exception for airplanes
with less than 10 seats.
We propose revising § 25.721(a) to
apply to the nose gear as well as the
main landing gear because nose gear
failures can also impact fuel tanks. We
would also clarify that landing gear
failure is assumed by stating that the
design must consider such failures
‘‘when’’ they occur, rather than ‘‘if’’
they occur. This clarification is needed
because in some past cases, applicants
relied on over-designing the landing
gear beyond ultimate strength
requirements rather than showing safe
separation in the event of failure.
We would expand the failure
conditions to consider side loads to
ensure that a comprehensive range of
failure conditions are considered.
Lastly, we would remove the exception
for airplanes with less than 10 seats.
This exception in § 25.721 was
originally introduced at Amendment
25–32 (37 FR 3969, February 24, 1972).
In the preamble to that final rule, the
FAA determined that:
[C]ertain of the requirements in proposed
Secs. 25.562, 25.721, 25.787, 25.807, and
25.812 are inappropriate and unnecessary, or
are unnecessarily severe, for transport
category airplanes that have maximum
passenger seating configurations, excluding
pilots seats, of nine seats or less. In those
instances, the proposed requirements have
been revised to provide exceptions and to
include requirements for such airplanes that
provide a level of safety for such airplanes
equivalent to that for airplanes with larger
passenger seating configurations.
This exception is appropriate for
certain cabin safety provisions that
necessitate the egress of large numbers
of passengers. However, the FAA
believes that for the hazards associated
with fuel fires, there is no technical
justification for limiting the
applicability of any of the fuel tank
protection provisions based on the
passenger seating capacity.
Section 25.721(b) currently states that
airplanes must be able to land on a
paved runway, with any one or more
landing gear legs not extended, without
failures that result in spillage of enough
fuel to constitute a fire hazard. This
condition is not intended to treat a
collapsed gear condition, but is
intended to cover cases in which one or
more gear legs do not extend for
whatever reason, and the airplane must
make a controlled landing on a paved
runway in this condition. The current
requirement applies only to airplanes
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with 10 seats or more. We propose to
revise § 25.721(b) to:
1. Specify that the wheels-up landing
conditions are assumed to occur at a
descent rate of 5 feet per second,
2. Clarify the combinations of
retracted landing gear that must be
3. Add a sliding-on-ground condition,
4. Remove the exception for airplanes
with less than 10 seats.
At the time § 25.721(b) was adopted
by Amendment 25–32 (37 FR 3969,
February 24, 1972), § 25.561 contained a
landing descent speed of ‘‘5 feet per
second’’ as an alternative criterion that
could allow a reduction in the specified
vertical emergency landing design load
factor. Amendment 25–64 (53 FR 17646,
May 17, 1988) removed this alternative
to make the specified vertical design
load factor the minimum design
condition. However, the 5-feet-persecond descent speed contained in
§ 25.561 had become, by design practice
and interpretation, the design descent
velocity for the wheels-up landing
conditions addressed in §§ 25.721 and
25.994. By removing it, the quantitative
definition of the wheels-up landing
condition on a paved runway was lost.
We propose to revise § 25.721(b) to reestablish the 5-feet-per-second descent
rate for the ‘‘minor crash landing’’
We would add a sliding-on-ground
condition to ensure that the wheels-up
landing conditions are evaluated
beyond the initial impact. The
exception for airplanes with less than 10
seats would be removed from
§ 25.721(a) and (b) as noted above.
We propose to replace § 25.721(c)
with a new requirement that the engine
mount and pylon be designed so that,
when it fails due to overload, the failure
mode is not likely to cause the spillage
of enough fuel to constitute a fire
hazard. Service experience has shown
that landing gear malfunctions can lead
to the airplane landing on the engine
nacelles for some configurations. This
can result in the engine nacelle breaking
away, creating much the same fuel tank
rupture potential as the landing gear
breaking away.
These actions would harmonize
§ 25.721 with the corresponding EASA
E. Section 25.787(a), ‘‘Stowage
Section 25.787(a) currently requires
that cargo compartments be designed to
the emergency landing conditions of
§ 25.561(b), but excludes compartments
located below or forward of all
occupants in the airplane. We propose
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
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to revise § 25.787(a) to include
compartments located below or forward
of all occupants in the airplane. This
change would ensure that, in these
compartments, inertia forces in the up
and aft direction will not injure
passengers, and inertia forces in any
direction will not cause penetration of
fuel tanks or lines, or cause other
hazards. This action would harmonize
§ 25.787(a) with the corresponding
EASA standard.
The LDHWG originally recommended
that § 25.561(c) be revised to achieve
this objective of addressing cargo
compartments below or forward of
airplane occupants. However, when
evaluating the LDHWG
recommendation, EASA determined
that CS 25.787 already addressed the
issue and noted that § 25.787(a) and CS
25.787(a) were different in this regard.
Separately, ARAC also tasked the Cabin
Safety Harmonization Working Group
with reviewing § 25.787, and that group
also recommended that the FAA
harmonize § 25.787(a) with CS
25.787(a). The FAA agrees that the
change should be made to § 25.787(a),
rather than § 25.561.
F. Section 25.963(d), ‘‘Fuel Tanks:
General (Emergency Landing
Section 25.963(d) currently requires
that fuel tanks within the fuselage
contour be able to resist rupture and
retain fuel under the inertia forces
defined in § 25.561. In addition, these
tanks must be in a protected position so
that exposure of the tanks to scraping
action with the ground is unlikely. We
propose to revise § 25.963(d), as
described below, based on
recommendations provided by the
1. The introductory sentence to
§ 25.963(d) would require that, ‘‘so far
as it is practicable,’’ fuel tanks be
designed, located and installed so that
no fuel is released in or near the
fuselage, or near the engines, in
quantities that would constitute a fire
hazard in ‘‘otherwise survivable
emergency landing conditions.’’ This is
considered a general requirement, while
more specific criteria are provided in
§ 25.963(d)(1) through (d)(5). The term
‘‘practicable’’ here means that any
feasible or workable design should be
considered in order to protect the fuel
tanks. The phrase ‘‘otherwise survivable
emergency landing conditions’’ is not
specifically quantified. However, past
events should be considered in
developing a robust fuel tank design.
2. Section 25.963(d)(1) through (d)(3)
would define fuel tank pressure loads
for fuel tanks located within and outside
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the fuselage pressure boundary, and
near the fuselage or near the engines, as
described below.
The LDHWG recommended revising
§ 25.963(d) to delete the reference to
§ 25.561 for emergency landing load
factors, which are used to develop the
fuel tank pressure loads. The emergency
landing load factors of § 25.561(b)(3) are
based upon the restraint of fixed mass
items, and the response of a fluid during
emergency landings is different and
much more complex to quantify. The
proposed requirements for fuel tanks
both within and outside of the fuselage
pressure boundary have been simply
formulated in terms of equations with
factors that are justified based upon the
satisfactory service experience of the
existing fleet.
The current regulation addresses only
fuel tanks within the fuselage contour,
although the FAA has issued special
conditions to require fuel inertia loading
conditions on horizontal tail tanks
outside the fuselage contour.
The LDHWG determined that the
safety record for fuel tank rupture
caused solely by fuel inertia loads is
excellent. Manufacturers’ records of
accidents and serious incidents
involving large transport airplanes
showed no event where fuel inertia
pressure caused significant loss of fuel.
Fuel losses that did occur were mainly
caused by direct impact and externalobject punctures.
Nevertheless, a fuel inertia criterion
for wing fuel tanks is needed to ensure
that future designs meet the same level
of safety achieved by the current fleet.
The wing fuel tanks of many current
aircraft types were designed to a simple
criterion in which fuel pressure was
calculated using an inertia head equal to
the local geometrical stream-wise
distance between the fuel tank solid
boundaries. Service experience has
shown this criterion produces fuel tank
designs with an acceptable level of
safety. Therefore, it is appropriate that
the future airworthiness standards for
fuel tanks should require a similar level
of design fuel pressure for similar fuel
tank designs.
For fuel tanks within the fuselage
pressure boundary, the current fuel
inertia load criterion, as generally
applied, covers up to a full fuel tank, an
inertia head equal to maximum pressure
head, and inertia load factors equal to
those of § 25.561(b)(3). This level of
rupture resistance for fuel tanks is
justified based upon occupant
survivability considerations. Therefore,
the LDHWG recommended, and the
FAA concurs, that the current minimum
level of rupture resistance should be
retained for fuel tanks within the
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fuselage pressure boundary. For fuel
tanks outside the fuselage pressure
boundary, the design load factors for the
inboard and outboard (lateral) loading
conditions and forward loading
conditions are proposed as one-half of
those for fuel tanks within the fuselage.
The design load factors for the up,
down, and aft loading conditions would
be the same for all fuel tanks.
When EASA adopted the LDHWG
recommendations, it noted an objection
that had been raised by the Joint
Aviation Authorities (JAA) Power Plant
Study Group (PPSG). The PPSG did not
agree with the LDHWG recommendation
regarding fuel tank pressure loads for
fuel tanks ‘‘near the fuselage or near the
engines,’’ which had been specifically
addressed by Joint Aviation Regulation.
In response to the PPSG objection,
EASA added criteria for fuel tanks near
the fuselage and near the engines. We
agree with these criteria and propose to
add the same to § 25.963(d).
3. Section 25.963(d)(4) would require
that the effects of crushing and scraping
actions with the ground not cause fuel
spillage, or generate temperatures that
would constitute a fire hazard under the
conditions specified in proposed
§ 25.721(b). By reference to § 25.721(b),
this rule would require consideration of
the 5 feet-per-second wheels-up landing
criteria and subsequent sliding on the
ground. The potential effects of crushing
and scraping, including thermal effects,
must be evaluated for these minor crash
landing conditions.
4. Section 25.963(d)(5) would require
that fuel tank installations be such that
the tanks will not rupture as a result of
an engine pylon or engine mount or
landing gear tearing away as specified in
proposed § 25.721(a) and (c). This
requirement would be largely redundant
to the proposed § 25.721(a) and (c), but
is included in § 25.963(d) for
These actions would harmonize
§ 25.963(d) with the corresponding
EASA standard with the following two
CS 25.963(d) requires that fuel tanks
be designed and located so that no fuel
is released in quantities ‘‘sufficient to
start a serious fire’’ in otherwise
survivable emergency landing
conditions. The proposed rule would
require that no fuel is released in
quantities ‘‘that would constitute a fire
hazard.’’ The two phrases have the same
intent and meaning, and the latter
phrase is consistent with the wording in
CS 25.721/§ 25.721, CS 25.963(d)(4)/
§ 25.963(d)(4), and CS 25.994/§ 25.994.
The fuel tank pressure criteria in CS
25.963(d) vary depending on whether
the fuel tank is ‘‘within the fuselage
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
contour’’ or ‘‘outside the fuselage
contour.’’ The proposed rule would be
more specific by referring to ‘‘those
parts of fuel tanks within the fuselage
pressure boundary or that form part of
the fuselage pressure boundary’’ versus
‘‘those parts of fuel tanks outside the
fuselage pressure boundary.’’ The
proposed wording is clearer and has the
same intent and meaning as that
specified in CS 25.963(d).
G. Section 25.994, ‘‘Fuel System
Section 25.994 currently requires that
fuel system components in an engine
nacelle or in the fuselage be protected
from damage that could result in
spillage of enough fuel to constitute a
fire hazard as a result of a wheels-up
landing on a paved runway. We propose
to revise § 25.994 to specify that the
wheels-up landing conditions that must
be considered are those defined in
proposed § 25.721(b). This action would
harmonize § 25.994 with the
corresponding EASA standard.
As noted previously, the 5-feet-persecond descent speed contained in an
earlier amendment to § 25.561 had
become, by design practice and
interpretation, the design descent
velocity for the wheels-up landing
conditions addressed in §§ 25.721 and
25.994. In fact, Advisory Circular (AC)
25.994–1, ‘‘Design Considerations to
Protect Fuel Systems During a WheelUp Landing,’’ dated July 24, 1986,
specifically referred to § 25.561 for the
design conditions, which at that time
contained the 5-feet-per-second landing
descent criteria.
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H. Advisory Material
The FAA is developing three new
proposed ACs to be published
concurrently with the proposed
regulations in this NPRM. The proposed
ACs would provide guidance material
for acceptable means, but not the only
means, of demonstrating compliance
with proposed §§ 25.307, 25.561,
25.621, 25.721, 25.963, and 25.994. We
will accept public comments to the
following proposed ACs on the
‘‘Aviation Safety Draft Documents Open
for Comment’’ Internet Web site at
• AC 25–X, ‘‘Fuel Tank Strength in
Emergency Landing Conditions.’’ (AC
25–X would provide guidance for the
fuel tank structural integrity
requirements of §§ 25.561, 25.721, and
• AC 25.307–X, ‘‘Proof of Structure.’’
• AC 25.621–X, ‘‘Casting Factors.’’
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IV. Regulatory Notices and Analyses
A. Regulatory Evaluation
Proposed changes to Federal
regulations must undergo several
economic analyses. First, Executive
Order 12866 and Executive Order 13563
direct that each Federal agency shall
propose or adopt a regulation only upon
a reasoned determination that the
benefits of the intended regulation
justify its costs. Second, the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–354)
requires agencies to analyze the
economic impact of regulatory changes
on small entities. Third, the Trade
Agreements Act (Pub. L. 96–39)
prohibits agencies from setting
standards that create unnecessary
obstacles to the foreign commerce of the
United States. In developing U.S.
standards, the Trade Act requires
agencies to consider international
standards and, where appropriate, that
they be the basis of U.S. standards.
Fourth, the Unfunded Mandates Reform
Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4) requires
agencies to prepare a written assessment
of the costs, benefits, and other effects
of proposed or final rules that include
a Federal mandate likely to result in the
expenditure by State, local, or tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million or more
annually (adjusted for inflation with
base year of 1995). This portion of the
preamble summarizes the FAA’s
analysis of the economic impacts of this
proposed rule.
Department of Transportation Order
DOT 2100.5 prescribes policies and
procedures for simplification, analysis,
and review of regulations. If the
expected cost impact is so minimal that
a proposed or final rule does not
warrant a full evaluation, this order
permits that a statement to that effect
and the basis for it be included in the
preamble if a full regulatory evaluation
of the cost and benefits is not prepared.
Such a determination has been made for
this proposed rule. The reasoning for
this determination follows.
The FAA proposes to amend certain
airworthiness standards for transport
category airplanes. Adopting this
proposal would eliminate regulatory
differences between the airworthiness
standards of the FAA and EASA. This
proposal would not add new
requirements beyond what
manufacturers currently meet for EASA
certification and would not affect
current industry design practices.
Meeting two sets of certification
requirements raises the cost of
developing new transport category
airplanes with little to no increase in
safety. In the interest of fostering
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international trade, lowering the cost of
manufacturing new transport category
airplanes, and making the certification
process more efficient, the FAA, EASA,
and several industry working groups
came together to create, to the maximum
extent possible, a single set of
certification requirements that would be
accepted in both the United States and
Europe. Therefore, as a result of these
harmonization efforts, the FAA
proposes to amend the airworthiness
regulations described in section II of
this NPRM, ‘‘Overview of the Proposed
Rule.’’ This action would harmonize
part 25 requirements with the
corresponding requirements in EASA
CS–25 Book 1.
Currently, all manufacturers of
transport category airplanes, certificated
under part 25 are expected to continue
their current practice of compliance
with the EASA certification
requirements in CS–25 Book 1. Since
future certificated transport airplanes
are expected to meet CS–25 Book 1, and
this rule simply adopts the same EASA
requirements, manufacturers will incur
minimal or no additional cost resulting
from this proposed rule. Therefore, the
FAA estimates that there are no
additional costs associated with this
proposed rule.
In fact, manufacturers could receive
cost savings because they will not have
to build and certificate transport
category airplanes to two different
authorities’ certification specifications
and rules.
The FAA, however, has not attempted
to quantify the cost savings that may
accrue from this rule, beyond noting
that while they may be minimal, they
contribute to a potential harmonization
savings. The agency concludes that
because the compliance cost for this
proposed rule is minimal and there may
be harmonization cost savings, further
analysis is not required.
The FAA has, therefore, determined
that this proposed rule is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as
defined in section 3(f) of Executive
Order 12866, and is not ‘‘significant’’ as
defined in DOT’s Regulatory Policies
and Procedures.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
(Pub. L. 96–354) (RFA) establishes ‘‘as a
principle of regulatory issuance that
agencies shall endeavor, consistent with
the objectives of the rule and of
applicable statutes, to fit regulatory and
informational requirements to the scale
of the businesses, organizations, and
governmental jurisdictions subject to
regulation. To achieve this principle,
agencies are required to solicit and
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
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consider flexible regulatory proposals
and to explain the rationale for their
actions to assure that such proposals are
given serious consideration.’’ The RFA
covers a wide-range of small entities,
including small businesses, not-forprofit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to
determine whether a rule will have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. If
the agency determines that it will, the
agency must prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis as described in the
However, if an agency determines that
a rule is not expected to have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities,
section 605(b) of the RFA provides that
the head of the agency may so certify,
and a regulatory flexibility analysis is
not required. The certification must
include a statement providing the
factual basis for this determination, and
the reasoning should be clear.
The FAA believes that this rule would
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities
for the following reason. The net effect
of this rule is minimum regulatory cost
relief as the proposed rule would adopt
those EASA requirements that industry
already complies with. Moreover,
manufacturers of part 25 airplanes are
not small entities. Because those
manufacturers already meet or expect to
meet this CS–25 standard as well as the
existing CFR requirement, the net effect
of this proposed rule is regulatory cost
Because manufacturers of transport
category airplanes are not small entities,
this proposed rule is expected to have
minimal to no additional costs, and
could be cost-relieving, as the acting
FAA Administrator, I certify that this
proposed rule would not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
C. International Trade Impact
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979
(Pub. L. 96–39), as amended by the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub.
L. 103–465), prohibits Federal agencies
from establishing standards or engaging
in related activities that create
unnecessary obstacles to the foreign
commerce of the United States.
Pursuant to these Acts, the
establishment of standards is not
considered an unnecessary obstacle to
the foreign commerce of the United
States, so long as the standard has a
legitimate domestic objective, such the
protection of safety, and does not
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operate in a manner that excludes
imports that meet this objective. The
statute also requires consideration of
international standards and, where
appropriate, that they be the basis for
U.S. standards. The FAA has assessed
the potential effect of this proposed rule
and determined that it is in accord with
the Trade Agreements Act as the rule
uses European standards as the basis for
United States regulation.
D. Unfunded Mandates Assessment
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4)
requires each Federal agency to prepare
a written statement assessing the effects
of any Federal mandate in a proposed or
final agency rule that may result in an
expenditure of $100 million or more (in
1995 dollars) in any one year by State,
local, and tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector; such
a mandate is deemed to be a ‘‘significant
regulatory action.’’ The FAA currently
uses an inflation-adjusted value of
$143.1 million in lieu of $100 million.
This proposed rule does not contain
such a mandate; therefore, the
requirements of Title II of the Act do not
E. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires that the
FAA consider the impact of paperwork
and other information collection
burdens imposed on the public. The
FAA has determined that there would
be no new requirement for information
collection associated with this proposed
F. International Compatibility and
(1) In keeping with U.S. obligations
under the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to
conform to International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Standards and
Recommended Practices to the
maximum extent practicable. The FAA
has reviewed the corresponding ICAO
Standards and Recommended Practices
and has identified no differences with
these proposed regulations.
(2) Executive Order (EO) 13609,
Promoting International Regulatory
Cooperation, (77 FR 26413, May 4,
2012) promotes international regulatory
cooperation to meet shared challenges
involving health, safety, labor, security,
environmental, and other issues and
reduce, eliminate, or prevent
unnecessary differences in regulatory
requirements. The FAA has analyzed
this action under the policy and agency
responsibilities of Executive Order
13609, Promoting International
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Regulatory Cooperation. The agency has
determined that this action would
eliminate differences between U.S.
aviation standards and those of other
civil aviation authorities by creating a
single set of certification requirements
for transport category airplanes that
would be acceptable in both the United
States and Europe.
G. Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1E identifies FAA
actions that are categorically excluded
from preparation of an environmental
assessment or environmental impact
statement under the National
Environmental Policy Act in the
absence of extraordinary circumstances.
The FAA has determined this
rulemaking action qualifies for the
categorical exclusion identified in
paragraph 312f of Order 1050.1E and
involves no extraordinary
V. Executive Order Determinations
A. Executive Order 13132, Federalism
The FAA has analyzed this proposed
rule under the principles and criteria of
Executive Order 13132, Federalism. The
agency has determined that this action
would not have a substantial direct
effect on the States, or the relationship
between the Federal Government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, and,
therefore, would not have Federalism
B. Executive Order 13211, Regulations
That Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
The FAA analyzed this proposed rule
under Executive Order 13211, Actions
Concerning Regulations that
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). The
agency has determined that it would not
be a ‘‘significant energy action’’ under
the executive order and would not be
likely to have a significant adverse effect
on the supply, distribution, or use of
VI. Additional Information
A. Comments Invited
The FAA invites interested persons to
participate in this rulemaking by
submitting written comments, data, or
views. The agency also invites
comments relating to the economic,
environmental, energy, or federalism
impacts that might result from adopting
the proposals in this document. The
most helpful comments reference a
specific portion of the proposal, explain
the reason for any recommended
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
change, and include supporting data. To
ensure the docket does not contain
duplicate comments, commenters
should send only one copy of written
comments, or if comments are filed
electronically, commenters should
submit only one time.
The FAA will file in the docket all
comments it receives, as well as a report
summarizing each substantive public
contact with FAA personnel concerning
this proposed rulemaking. Before acting
on this proposal, the FAA will consider
all comments it receives on or before the
closing date for comments. The FAA
will consider comments filed after the
comment period has closed if it is
possible to do so without incurring
expense or delay. The agency may
change this proposal in light of the
comments it receives.
Proprietary or Confidential Business
Information: Commenters should not
file proprietary or confidential business
information in the docket. Such
information must be sent or delivered
directly to the person identified in the
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section of this document, and marked as
proprietary or confidential. If submitting
information on a disk or CD ROM, mark
the outside of the disk or CD ROM, and
identify electronically within the disk or
CD ROM the specific information that is
proprietary or confidential.
Under 14 CFR 11.35(b), if the FAA is
aware of proprietary information filed
with a comment, the agency does not
place it in the docket. It is held in a
separate file to which the public does
not have access, and the FAA places a
note in the docket that it has received
it. If the FAA receives a request to
examine or copy this information, it
treats it as any other request under the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.
552). The FAA processes such a request
under Department of Transportation
procedures found in 49 CFR part 7.
B. Availability of Rulemaking
An electronic copy of rulemaking
documents may be obtained from the
Internet by—
1. Searching the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at https://www.regulations.gov,
2. Visiting the FAA’s Regulations and
Policies Web page at https://
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies, or
3. Accessing the Government Printing
Office’s Web page at https://
Copies may also be obtained by
sending a request to the Federal
Aviation Administration, Office of
Rulemaking, ARM–1, 800 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591, or
by calling (202) 267–9680. Commenters
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must identify the docket or notice
number of this rulemaking.
All documents the FAA considered in
developing this proposed rule,
including economic analyses and
technical reports, may be accessed from
the Internet through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal referenced in item
(1) above.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
proposes to amend chapter I of title 14,
Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 25
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701,
44702, and 44704.
2. Amend § 25.307 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 25.307
Proof of structure.
(a) Compliance with the strength and
deformation requirements of this
subpart must be shown for each critical
loading condition. Structural analysis
may be used only if the structure
conforms to that for which experience
has shown this method to be reliable. In
other cases, substantiating tests must be
made to load levels that are sufficient to
verify structural behavior up to loads
specified in § 25.305.
■ 3. Amend § 25.621 by revising
paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) to read as
§ 25.621
Casting factors.
(a) General. For castings used in
structural applications, the factors, tests,
and inspections specified in paragraphs
(b) through (d) of this section must be
applied in addition to those necessary to
establish foundry quality control. The
inspections must meet approved
specifications. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of
this section apply to any structural
castings, except castings that are
pressure tested as parts of hydraulic or
other fluid systems and do not support
structural loads.
(b) * * *
(c) Critical castings. Each casting
whose failure could preclude continued
safe flight and landing of the airplane or
could result in serious injury to
occupants is considered a critical
casting. Each critical casting must have
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a factor associated with it for showing
compliance with strength and
deformation requirements, and must
comply with the following criteria
associated with that factor:
(1) A casting factor of 1.0 or greater
may be used, provided that—
(i) It is demonstrated, in the form of
process qualification, proof of product,
and process monitoring that, for each
casting design and part number, the
castings produced by each foundry and
process combination have coefficients of
variation of the material properties that
are equivalent to those of wrought alloy
products of similar composition.
Process monitoring must include testing
of coupons cut from the prolongations
of each casting (or each set of castings,
if produced from a single pour into a
single mold in a runner system) and, on
a sampling basis, coupons cut from
critical areas of production castings. The
acceptance criteria for the process
monitoring inspections and tests must
be established and included in the
process specifications to ensure the
properties of the production castings are
controlled to within levels used in
(ii) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface,
using visual and liquid penetrant, or
equivalent, inspection methods; and
(B) Inspection of structurally
significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using
radiographic, or equivalent, inspection
(iii) One casting undergoes a static
test and is shown to meet the strength
and deformation requirements of
§ 25.305(a) and (b).
(2) A casting factor of 1.25 or greater
may be used, provided that—
(i) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface,
using visual and liquid penetrant, or
equivalent inspection methods; and
(B) Inspection of structurally
significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using
radiographic, or equivalent, inspection
(ii) Three castings undergo static tests
and are shown to meet:
(A) The strength requirements of
§ 25.305(b) at an ultimate load
corresponding to a casting factor of 1.25;
(B) The deformation requirements of
§ 25.305(a) at a load of 1.15 times the
limit load.
(3) A casting factor of 1.50 or greater
may be used, provided that—
(i) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface,
using visual and liquid penetrant, or
equivalent, inspection methods; and
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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
(B) Inspection of structurally
significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using
radiographic, or equivalent, inspection
(ii) One casting undergoes a static test
and is shown to meet:
(A) The strength requirements of
§ 25.305(b) at an ultimate load
corresponding to a casting factor of 1.50;
(B) The deformation requirements of
§ 25.305(a) at a load of 1.15 times the
limit load.
(d) Non-critical castings. For each
casting other than critical castings, as
specified in paragraph (c) of this
section, the following apply:
(1) A casting factor of 1.0 or greater
may be used, provided that the
requirements of (c)(1) of this section are
met, or all of the following conditions
are met:
(i) Castings are manufactured to
approved specifications that specify the
minimum mechanical properties of the
material in the casting and provides for
demonstration of these properties by
testing of coupons cut from the castings
on a sampling basis.
(ii) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface,
using visual and liquid penetrant, or
equivalent, inspection methods; and
(B) Inspection of structurally
significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using
radiographic, or equivalent, inspection
(iii) Three sample castings undergo
static tests and are shown to meet the
strength and deformation requirements
of § 25.305(a) and (b).
(2) A casting factor of 1.25 or greater
may be used, provided that each casting
(i) Inspection of 100% of its surface,
using visual and liquid penetrant, or
equivalent, inspection methods; and
(ii) Inspection of structurally
significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using
radiographic, or equivalent, inspection
(3) A casting factor of 1.5 or greater
may be used, provided that each casting
receives inspection of 100% of its
surface using visual and liquid
penetrant, or equivalent, inspection
(4) A casting factor of 2.0 or greater
may be used, provided that each casting
receives inspection of 100% of its
surface using visual inspection
(5) The number of castings per
production batch to be inspected by
non-visual methods in accordance with
paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this
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section may be reduced when an
approved quality control procedure is
■ 4. Amend § 25.683 by redesignating
the introductory text as paragraph (a),
redesignating paragraphs (a), (b), and (c)
as paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3)
respectively, and adding paragraphs (b)
and (c) to read as follows:
§ 25.683
Operation tests.
(a) It must be shown by operation
tests that when portions of the control
system subject to pilot effort loads are
loaded to 80% of the limit load
specified for the system and the
powered portions of the control system
are loaded to the maximum load
expected in normal operation, the
system is free from—
(1) Jamming;
(2) Excessive friction; and
(3) Excessive deflection.
(b) It must be shown by analysis and,
where necessary, by tests that in the
presence of deflections of the airplane
structure due to the separate application
of pitch, roll, and yaw limit maneuver
loads, the control system, when loaded
to obtain these limit loads and operated
within its operational range of
deflections, can be exercised about all
control axes and remain free from—
(1) Jamming;
(2) Excessive friction;
(3) Disconnection, and
(4) Any form of permanent damage.
(c) It must be shown that under
vibration loads in the normal flight and
ground operating conditions, no hazard
can result from interference or contact
with adjacent elements.
■ 5. Revise § 25.721 to read as follows:
§ 25.721
(a) The landing gear system must be
designed so that when it fails due to
overloads during takeoff and landing,
the failure mode is not likely to cause
spillage of enough fuel to constitute a
fire hazard. The overloads must be
assumed to act in the upward and aft
directions in combination with side
loads acting inboard and outboard. In
the absence of a more rational analysis,
the side loads must be assumed to be up
to 20% of the vertical load or 20% of the
drag load, whichever is greater.
(b) The airplane must be designed to
avoid any rupture leading to the spillage
of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard
as a result of a wheels-up landing on a
paved runway, under the following
minor crash landing conditions:
(1) Impact at 5 feet-per-second vertical
velocity, with the airplane under
control, at Maximum Design Landing
(i) With the landing gear fully
retracted and, as separate conditions,
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(ii) With any other combination of
landing gear legs not extended.
(2) Sliding on the ground, with—
(i) The landing gear fully retracted
and with up to a 20° yaw angle and, as
separate conditions,
(ii) Any other combination of landing
gear legs not extended and with 0° yaw
(c) For configurations where the
engine nacelle is likely to come into
contact with the ground, the engine
pylon or engine mounting must be
designed so that when it fails due to
overloads (assuming the overloads to act
predominantly in the upward direction
and separately, predominantly in the aft
direction), the failure mode is not likely
to cause the spillage of enough fuel to
constitute a fire hazard.
■ 6. Amend § 25.787 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 25.787
Stowage compartments.
(a) Each compartment for the stowage
of cargo, baggage, carry-on articles, and
equipment (such as life rafts), and any
other stowage compartment, must be
designed for its placarded maximum
weight of contents and for the critical
load distribution at the appropriate
maximum load factors corresponding to
the specified flight and ground load
conditions, and to the emergency
landing conditions of § 25.561(b)(3)
where the breaking loose of the contents
of such compartments could—
(1) Cause direct injury to occupants;
(2) Penetrate fuel tanks or lines or
cause fire or explosion hazard by
damage to adjacent systems; or
(3) Nullify any of the escape facilities
provided for use after an emergency
If the airplane has a passenger-seating
configuration, excluding pilot seats, of
10 seats or more, each stowage
compartment in the passenger cabin,
except for under seat and overhead
compartments for passenger
convenience, must be completely
■ 7. Amend § 25.963 by revising
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 25.963
Fuel tanks: general.
(d) Fuel tanks must, so far as it is
practicable, be designed, located, and
installed so that no fuel is released in or
near the fuselage, or near the engines, in
quantities that would constitute a fire
hazard in otherwise survivable
emergency landing conditions, and—
(1) Fuel tanks must be able to resist
rupture and retain fuel under ultimate
hydrostatic design conditions in which
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed Rules
the pressure P within the tank varies in
accordance with the formula:
P = KrgL
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P = fuel pressure at each point within the
r = typical fuel density.
g = acceleration due to gravity.
L = a reference distance between the point of
pressure and the tank farthest boundary
in the direction of loading.
K = 4.5 for the forward loading condition for
those parts of fuel tanks outside the
fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 9 for the forward loading condition for
those parts of fuel tanks within the
fuselage pressure boundary, or that form
part of the fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 1.5 for the aft loading condition.
K = 3.0 for the inboard and outboard loading
conditions for those parts of fuel tanks
within the fuselage pressure boundary,
or that form part of the fuselage pressure
K = 1.5 for the inboard and outboard loading
conditions for those parts of fuel tanks
outside the fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 6 for the downward loading condition.
K = 3 for the upward loading condition.
(2) For those parts of wing fuel tanks
near the fuselage or near the engines,
the greater of the fuel pressures
resulting from paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and
(d)(2)(ii) of this section must be used:
(i) The fuel pressures resulting from
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, and
(ii) The lesser of the two following
(A) Fuel pressures resulting from the
accelerations as specified in
§ 25.561(b)(3) considering the fuel tank
full of fuel at maximum fuel density.
Fuel pressures based on the 9.0g
forward acceleration may be calculated
using the fuel static head equal to the
streamwise local chord of the tank. For
inboard and outboard conditions, an
acceleration of 1.5g may be used in lieu
of 3.0g as specified in § 25.561(b)(3),
(B) Fuel pressures resulting from the
accelerations as specified in
§ 25.561(b)(3) considering a fuel volume
beyond 85% of the maximum
permissible volume in each tank using
the static head associated with the 85%
fuel level. A typical density of the
appropriate fuel may be used. For
inboard and outboard conditions, an
acceleration of 1.5g may be used in lieu
of 3.0g as specified in § 25.561(b)(3).
(3) Fuel tank internal barriers and
baffles may be considered as solid
boundaries if shown to be effective in
limiting fuel flow.
(4) For each fuel tank and
surrounding airframe structure, the
effects of crushing and scraping actions
with the ground should not cause the
spillage of enough fuel, or generate
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temperatures that would constitute a
fire hazard under the conditions
specified in § 25.721(b).
(5) Fuel tank installations must be
such that the tanks will not rupture as
a result of an engine pylon or engine
mount or landing gear, tearing away as
specified in § 25.721(a) and (c).
■ 8. Revise § 25.994 to read as follows:
§ 25.994
Fuel system components.
Fuel system components in an engine
nacelle or in the fuselage must be
protected from damage that could result
in spillage of enough fuel to constitute
a fire hazard as a result of a wheels-up
landing on a paved runway under each
of the conditions prescribed in
§ 25.721(b).
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 14,
Dorenda D. Baker,
Director, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2013–04812 Filed 2–28–13; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 71
[Docket No. FAA–2013–0026; Airspace
Docket No. 13–ANM–3]
Proposed Amendment of Class E
Airspace; Bend, OR
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
This action proposes to
modify Class E airspace at Bend, OR to
accommodate aircraft departing and
arriving under Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) at Bend Municipal Airport. This
action would enhance the safety and
management of aircraft operations. The
geographic coordinates of the airport
would also be updated.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before April 15, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Send comments on this
proposal to the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC 20590; telephone (202)
366–9826. You must identify FAA
Docket No. FAA–2013–0026; Airspace
Docket No. 13–ANM–3, at the beginning
of your comments. You may also submit
comments through the Internet at
Richard Roberts, Federal Aviation
PO 00000
Frm 00009
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Administration, Operations Support
Group, Western Service Center, 1601
Lind Avenue SW., Renton, WA 98057;
telephone (425) 203–4517.
Comments Invited
Interested parties are invited to
participate in this proposed rulemaking
by submitting such written data, views,
or arguments, as they may desire.
Comments that provide the factual basis
supporting the views and suggestions
presented are particularly helpful in
developing reasoned regulatory
decisions on the proposal. Comments
are specifically invited on the overall
regulatory, aeronautical, economic,
environmental, and energy-related
aspects of the proposal.
Communications should identify both
docket numbers (FAA Docket No. FAA–
2013–0026 and Airspace Docket No. 13–
ANM–3) and be submitted in triplicate
to the Docket Management System (see
ADDRESSES section for address and
phone number). You may also submit
comments through the Internet at
Commenters wishing the FAA to
acknowledge receipt of their comments
on this action must submit with those
comments a self-addressed stamped
postcard on which the following
statement is made: ‘‘Comments to FAA
Docket No. FAA–2013–0026 and
Airspace Docket No. 13–ANM–3’’. The
postcard will be date/time stamped and
returned to the commenter.
All communications received on or
before the specified closing date for
comments will be considered before
taking action on the proposed rule. The
proposal contained in this action may
be changed in light of comments
received. All comments submitted will
be available for examination in the
public docket both before and after the
closing date for comments. A report
summarizing each substantive public
contact with FAA personnel concerned
with this rulemaking will be filed in the
Availability of NPRM’s
An electronic copy of this document
may be downloaded through the
Internet at https://www.regulations.gov.
Recently published rulemaking
documents can also be accessed through
the FAA’s Web page at https://
You may review the public docket
containing the proposal, any comments
received, and any final disposition in
person in the Dockets Office (see the
ADDRESSES section for the address and
[Federal Register Volume 78, Number 41 (Friday, March 1, 2013)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 13835-13843]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2013-04812]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 41 / Friday, March 1, 2013 / Proposed
[[Page 13835]]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. FAA-2013-0109; Notice No. 25-137]
RIN 2120-AK13
Harmonization of Airworthiness Standards--Miscellaneous
Structures Requirements
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to amend certain airworthiness regulations
for transport category airplanes, based on recommendations from the
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC). Adopting this proposal
would eliminate regulatory differences between the airworthiness
standards of the FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This
proposal would not add new requirements beyond what manufacturers
currently meet for EASA certification and would not affect current
industry design practices. This proposal would revise the structural
test requirements necessary when analysis has not been found reliable;
clarify the quality control, inspection, and testing requirements for
critical and non-critical castings; add control system requirements
that consider structural deflection and vibration loads; expand the
fuel tank structural and system requirements regarding emergency
landing conditions and landing gear failure conditions; add a
requirement that engine mount failure due to overload must not cause
hazardous fuel spillage; and revise the inertial forces requirements
for cargo compartments by removing the exclusion of compartments
located below or forward of all occupants in the airplane.
DATES: Send comments on or before May 30, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by docket number FAA-2013-0109
using any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and follow the online instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30; U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Room
W12-140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket
Operations in Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at (202) 493-2251.
Privacy: The FAA will post all comments it receives, without
change, to https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal
information the commenter provides. Using the search function of the
docket Web site, anyone can find and read the electronic form of all
comments received into any FAA dockets, including the name of the
individual sending the comment (or signing the comment for an
association, business, labor union, etc.). DOT's complete Privacy Act
Statement can be found in the Federal Register published on April 11,
2000 (65 FR 19477-19478), as well as at https://DocketsInfo.dot.gov.
Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at
https://www.regulations.gov at any time. Follow the online instructions
for accessing the docket or go to the Docket Operations in Room W12-140
of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical questions concerning
this action, contact Todd Martin, Airframe and Cabin Safety Branch,
ANM-115, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification
Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton,
WA 98057-3356; telephone (425) 227-1178; facsimile (425) 227-1232;
email Todd.Martin@faa.gov.
For legal questions concerning this action, contact Sean Howe,
Office of the Regional Counsel, ANM-7, Federal Aviation Administration,
1601 Lind Avenue SW., Renton, Washington 98057-3356; telephone (425)
227-2591; facsimile (425) 227-1007; email Sean.Howe@faa.gov.
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA's authority to issue rules on aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106 describes
the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation
Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's authority.
This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701, ``General
Requirements.'' Under that section, the FAA is charged with promoting
safe flight of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations and minimum standards for the design and performance of
aircraft that the Administrator finds necessary for safety in air
commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that authority. It
prescribes new safety standards for the design and operation of
transport category airplanes.
I. Background
Part 25 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
prescribes airworthiness standards for type certification of transport
category airplanes, for products certified in the United States. Book 1
of the EASA Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of
Compliance for Large Aeroplanes (CS-25) prescribes the corresponding
airworthiness standards for products certified in Europe. While part 25
and CS-25 Book 1 are similar, they differ in several respects. The
necessity of meeting two sets of certification requirements raises the
cost of developing new transport category airplanes with little to no
increase in safety. Therefore, the FAA tasked ARAC through the Loads
and Dynamics Harmonization Working Group (LDHWG) and the General
Structures Harmonization Working Group (GSHWG) to review existing
structures regulations and recommend changes that would eliminate
differences between the U.S. and European airworthiness standards,
while maintaining or improving the level of safety in the current
regulations. This proposed rule is a result of this harmonization
[[Page 13836]]
The LDHWG and GSHWG developed recommendations, which EASA has
incorporated into CS-25 with some changes. The FAA agrees with the ARAC
recommendations as adopted by EASA, and we propose to amend part 25
accordingly. The proposals are not expected to be controversial and
should reduce certification costs to industry without adversely
affecting safety. The complete analyses for the proposed changes made
in response to ARAC recommendations can be found in the ARAC
recommendation reports, located in the docket for this rulemaking.
II. Overview of Proposed Rule
The FAA proposes to amend the airworthiness regulations described
below. This action would harmonize part 25 requirements with the
corresponding requirements in EASA CS-25 Book 1.
1. Section 25.307(a), ``Proof of structure,'' would be revised to
allow a ``sufficient'' level of structural testing, in some cases less
than ultimate, when analysis has not been shown to be reliable.
2. Section 25.621, ``Casting factors,'' would be revised to clarify
Definition of critical casting and
Quality control, inspection, and testing requirements for
critical and non-critical castings.
3. Section 25.683, ``Operation tests,'' would be revised to add a
requirement that--
The control system must remain free from jamming,
friction, disconnection, and permanent damage in the presence of
structural deflection and
Under vibration loads, no hazard may result from
interference or contact of the control system with adjacent elements.
4. Section 25.721, ``Landing Gear--General,'' would be revised to--
Expand the landing gear failure conditions to include side
loads, in addition to up and aft loads, and expand this requirement to
include nose landing gear in addition to the main landing gear,
Specify that the wheels-up landing conditions are assumed
to occur at a descent rate of 5 feet per second,
Add a sliding-on-ground condition, and
Require the engine mount be designed so that, when it
fails due to overload, this failure does not cause the spillage of
enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard.
5. Section 25.787, ``Stowage compartments,'' would be revised to
expand the inertia forces requirements for cargo compartments by
removing the exclusion of compartments located below or forward of all
occupants in the airplane.
6. Section 25.963, ``Fuel tanks: general,'' would be revised to--
Require that fuel tanks be designed so that no fuel is
released in or near the fuselage, or near the engines, in quantities
that would constitute a fire hazard in otherwise survivable emergency
landing conditions,
Define fuel tank pressure loads for fuel tanks located
within and outside the fuselage pressure boundary and near the fuselage
or near the engines, and
Specify the wheels-up landing conditions and landing gear
and engine mount failure conditions that must be considered when
evaluating fuel tank structural integrity.
7. Section 25.994, ``Fuel system components,'' would be revised to
specify the wheels-up landing conditions to be considered when
evaluating fuel system components.
III. Discussion of the Proposal
A. Section 25.307(a), ``Proof of Structure''
Section 25.307(a) currently requires that applicants for a type
design conduct strength testing unless structural analysis has been
shown to be reliable. When analysis has not been shown to be reliable,
the regulation states that the FAA ``may require ultimate load tests in
cases where limit load tests may be inadequate.''
Rather than specifying ``limit load'' or ``ultimate load,'' the
GSHWG proposed that the harmonized requirement state that
substantiating load tests must be made that are ``sufficient'' to
verify structural behavior up to the load levels required by Sec.
25.305 (strength and deformation). Where it is justified, these test
load levels may be less than ultimate.
We propose to revise Sec. 25.307(a) to state that, when analysis
has not been shown to be reliable, tests must be conducted to
``sufficient'' load levels. Normally, testing to ultimate load levels
is required, but when previous relevant test evidence can be used to
support the analysis, then a lower level of testing may be accepted.
The proposed rule would allow this intermediate level of testing. While
the rule has changed, the intent remains the same: to ensure that the
structure will not have any structural deformation under limit load or
any failure under ultimate load.
This action would harmonize Sec. 25.307(a) with the corresponding
EASA standard.
B. Section 25.621, ``Casting Factors''
Section 25.621 currently requires classification of structural
castings as either critical or non-critical, and depending on
classification, specifies inspection requirements, test requirements,
and casting factors for strength and deformation. These casting factors
are applied in addition to the factor of safety required by Sec.
25.303, ``Factor of safety.'' The application of factors of safety to
castings is necessary because the casting process can be inconsistent.
Castings are subject to variability in mechanical properties due to
this casting process, which can result in imperfections (such as voids)
within the cast part.
We propose to revise Sec. 25.621 to define ``critical casting''
and to clarify the quality control, inspection, and testing
requirements for critical and non-critical castings. The proposed rule
would specify the inspection and testing requirements based on the
casting factor chosen by the applicant--from 1.0 to 2.0 or greater.
Section 25.621 currently requires that critical castings in
structural applications have a minimum casting factor of 1.25. A
casting factor of 1.0 would be allowed by the proposed rule, as
described below, because casting technology has improved since the
current Sec. 25.621 was adopted, and much higher quality castings can
be produced using improved foundry methods. The proposed rule would
require the following for critical castings:
A visual and special non-destructive inspections. The
special non-destructive inspections would be limited to specified areas
of the casting where defects are likely to occur.
A casting factor of 1.5 or greater would be allowed
provided that one casting undergoes static testing and is shown to meet
the relevant strength and deformation requirements. A casting factor of
1.25 or greater would be allowed provided that three castings undergo
static testing and are shown to meet the relevant strength and
deformation requirements.
A casting factor of 1.0 or greater would be allowed
provided that one casting undergoes static testing and is shown to meet
the relevant strength and deformation requirements, and it is
demonstrated that a process is in place to ensure the castings produced
have material variation equivalent to those of wrought alloy products
of similar composition. Draft Advisory Circular (AC) 25.621-X,
``Casting Factors,'' will be published concurrently with this NPRM.
This draft AC outlines a process for using a casting factor of 1.0,
[[Page 13837]]
including any changes to that process that may occur over time. The
proposed rule requires ``process monitoring,'' which is intended to
mean continuous process monitoring for the entire production lifecycle.
The proposed rule would also specify quality control, inspection,
and testing requirements for non-critical castings with casting factors
ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 or greater.
C. Section 25.683, ``Operation Tests''
Section 25.683 currently requires the airplane control system to be
free from jamming, excessive friction, and excessive deflection when
subjected to pilot effort and control system loads. We propose to
revise Sec. 25.683 by adding a requirement to substantiate that, in
the presence of deflections of the airplane structure due to maneuver
loads, the control system can be exercised and remain free from
jamming, friction, disconnection, and any form of permanent damage. In
addition, we propose adding a requirement to substantiate that, under
vibration loads, no interference or contact of the control system with
adjacent elements can result in hazard.
Since control systems are typically attached or routed through
adjacent aircraft structure, it is necessary to ensure that deflections
of that adjacent structure do not adversely affect the safe operation
of the control system through interference, jamming, or induced
loading. Also, the control system design should be such that the
effects of vibration loads in normal flight and ground operating
conditions will not affect the safe operation of the control system.
These actions would harmonize Sec. 25.683 with the corresponding
EASA standard.
D. Section 25.721, ``Landing Gear--General (Emergency Landing
Section 25.721(a) currently requires that the main landing gear
system be designed so that if it fails due to overloads during takeoff
and landing, the failure does not cause the spillage of enough fuel to
constitute a fire hazard. This is intended to protect fuel tanks from
rupture and puncture due to the failure of the landing gear and its
supports. This requirement applies only to fuel systems inside the
fuselage for airplanes with 9 seats or less, and all fuel systems for
airplanes with 10 seats or more. We propose to revise Sec. 25.721(a)
1. Apply to the nose landing gear as well as the main landing gear,
2. Clarify that landing gear failure is assumed,
3. Expand the failure conditions to include side loads, in addition
to up and aft loads, and
4. Remove the exception for airplanes with less than 10 seats.
We propose revising Sec. 25.721(a) to apply to the nose gear as
well as the main landing gear because nose gear failures can also
impact fuel tanks. We would also clarify that landing gear failure is
assumed by stating that the design must consider such failures ``when''
they occur, rather than ``if'' they occur. This clarification is needed
because in some past cases, applicants relied on over-designing the
landing gear beyond ultimate strength requirements rather than showing
safe separation in the event of failure.
We would expand the failure conditions to consider side loads to
ensure that a comprehensive range of failure conditions are considered.
Lastly, we would remove the exception for airplanes with less than 10
This exception in Sec. 25.721 was originally introduced at
Amendment 25-32 (37 FR 3969, February 24, 1972). In the preamble to
that final rule, the FAA determined that:
[C]ertain of the requirements in proposed Secs. 25.562, 25.721,
25.787, 25.807, and 25.812 are inappropriate and unnecessary, or are
unnecessarily severe, for transport category airplanes that have
maximum passenger seating configurations, excluding pilots seats, of
nine seats or less. In those instances, the proposed requirements
have been revised to provide exceptions and to include requirements
for such airplanes that provide a level of safety for such airplanes
equivalent to that for airplanes with larger passenger seating
This exception is appropriate for certain cabin safety provisions
that necessitate the egress of large numbers of passengers. However,
the FAA believes that for the hazards associated with fuel fires, there
is no technical justification for limiting the applicability of any of
the fuel tank protection provisions based on the passenger seating
Section 25.721(b) currently states that airplanes must be able to
land on a paved runway, with any one or more landing gear legs not
extended, without failures that result in spillage of enough fuel to
constitute a fire hazard. This condition is not intended to treat a
collapsed gear condition, but is intended to cover cases in which one
or more gear legs do not extend for whatever reason, and the airplane
must make a controlled landing on a paved runway in this condition. The
current requirement applies only to airplanes with 10 seats or more. We
propose to revise Sec. 25.721(b) to:
1. Specify that the wheels-up landing conditions are assumed to
occur at a descent rate of 5 feet per second,
2. Clarify the combinations of retracted landing gear that must be
3. Add a sliding-on-ground condition, and
4. Remove the exception for airplanes with less than 10 seats.
At the time Sec. 25.721(b) was adopted by Amendment 25-32 (37 FR
3969, February 24, 1972), Sec. 25.561 contained a landing descent
speed of ``5 feet per second'' as an alternative criterion that could
allow a reduction in the specified vertical emergency landing design
load factor. Amendment 25-64 (53 FR 17646, May 17, 1988) removed this
alternative to make the specified vertical design load factor the
minimum design condition. However, the 5-feet-per-second descent speed
contained in Sec. 25.561 had become, by design practice and
interpretation, the design descent velocity for the wheels-up landing
conditions addressed in Sec. Sec. 25.721 and 25.994. By removing it,
the quantitative definition of the wheels-up landing condition on a
paved runway was lost. We propose to revise Sec. 25.721(b) to re-
establish the 5-feet-per-second descent rate for the ``minor crash
landing'' condition.
We would add a sliding-on-ground condition to ensure that the
wheels-up landing conditions are evaluated beyond the initial impact.
The exception for airplanes with less than 10 seats would be removed
from Sec. 25.721(a) and (b) as noted above.
We propose to replace Sec. 25.721(c) with a new requirement that
the engine mount and pylon be designed so that, when it fails due to
overload, the failure mode is not likely to cause the spillage of
enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard. Service experience has shown
that landing gear malfunctions can lead to the airplane landing on the
engine nacelles for some configurations. This can result in the engine
nacelle breaking away, creating much the same fuel tank rupture
potential as the landing gear breaking away.
These actions would harmonize Sec. 25.721 with the corresponding
EASA standard.
E. Section 25.787(a), ``Stowage Compartments''
Section 25.787(a) currently requires that cargo compartments be
designed to the emergency landing conditions of Sec. 25.561(b), but
excludes compartments located below or forward of all occupants in the
airplane. We propose
[[Page 13838]]
to revise Sec. 25.787(a) to include compartments located below or
forward of all occupants in the airplane. This change would ensure
that, in these compartments, inertia forces in the up and aft direction
will not injure passengers, and inertia forces in any direction will
not cause penetration of fuel tanks or lines, or cause other hazards.
This action would harmonize Sec. 25.787(a) with the corresponding EASA
The LDHWG originally recommended that Sec. 25.561(c) be revised to
achieve this objective of addressing cargo compartments below or
forward of airplane occupants. However, when evaluating the LDHWG
recommendation, EASA determined that CS 25.787 already addressed the
issue and noted that Sec. 25.787(a) and CS 25.787(a) were different in
this regard. Separately, ARAC also tasked the Cabin Safety
Harmonization Working Group with reviewing Sec. 25.787, and that group
also recommended that the FAA harmonize Sec. 25.787(a) with CS
25.787(a). The FAA agrees that the change should be made to Sec.
25.787(a), rather than Sec. 25.561.
F. Section 25.963(d), ``Fuel Tanks: General (Emergency Landing
Section 25.963(d) currently requires that fuel tanks within the
fuselage contour be able to resist rupture and retain fuel under the
inertia forces defined in Sec. 25.561. In addition, these tanks must
be in a protected position so that exposure of the tanks to scraping
action with the ground is unlikely. We propose to revise Sec.
25.963(d), as described below, based on recommendations provided by the
1. The introductory sentence to Sec. 25.963(d) would require that,
``so far as it is practicable,'' fuel tanks be designed, located and
installed so that no fuel is released in or near the fuselage, or near
the engines, in quantities that would constitute a fire hazard in
``otherwise survivable emergency landing conditions.'' This is
considered a general requirement, while more specific criteria are
provided in Sec. 25.963(d)(1) through (d)(5). The term ``practicable''
here means that any feasible or workable design should be considered in
order to protect the fuel tanks. The phrase ``otherwise survivable
emergency landing conditions'' is not specifically quantified. However,
past events should be considered in developing a robust fuel tank
2. Section 25.963(d)(1) through (d)(3) would define fuel tank
pressure loads for fuel tanks located within and outside the fuselage
pressure boundary, and near the fuselage or near the engines, as
described below.
The LDHWG recommended revising Sec. 25.963(d) to delete the
reference to Sec. 25.561 for emergency landing load factors, which are
used to develop the fuel tank pressure loads. The emergency landing
load factors of Sec. 25.561(b)(3) are based upon the restraint of
fixed mass items, and the response of a fluid during emergency landings
is different and much more complex to quantify. The proposed
requirements for fuel tanks both within and outside of the fuselage
pressure boundary have been simply formulated in terms of equations
with factors that are justified based upon the satisfactory service
experience of the existing fleet.
The current regulation addresses only fuel tanks within the
fuselage contour, although the FAA has issued special conditions to
require fuel inertia loading conditions on horizontal tail tanks
outside the fuselage contour.
The LDHWG determined that the safety record for fuel tank rupture
caused solely by fuel inertia loads is excellent. Manufacturers'
records of accidents and serious incidents involving large transport
airplanes showed no event where fuel inertia pressure caused
significant loss of fuel. Fuel losses that did occur were mainly caused
by direct impact and external-object punctures.
Nevertheless, a fuel inertia criterion for wing fuel tanks is
needed to ensure that future designs meet the same level of safety
achieved by the current fleet. The wing fuel tanks of many current
aircraft types were designed to a simple criterion in which fuel
pressure was calculated using an inertia head equal to the local
geometrical stream-wise distance between the fuel tank solid
boundaries. Service experience has shown this criterion produces fuel
tank designs with an acceptable level of safety. Therefore, it is
appropriate that the future airworthiness standards for fuel tanks
should require a similar level of design fuel pressure for similar fuel
tank designs.
For fuel tanks within the fuselage pressure boundary, the current
fuel inertia load criterion, as generally applied, covers up to a full
fuel tank, an inertia head equal to maximum pressure head, and inertia
load factors equal to those of Sec. 25.561(b)(3). This level of
rupture resistance for fuel tanks is justified based upon occupant
survivability considerations. Therefore, the LDHWG recommended, and the
FAA concurs, that the current minimum level of rupture resistance
should be retained for fuel tanks within the fuselage pressure
boundary. For fuel tanks outside the fuselage pressure boundary, the
design load factors for the inboard and outboard (lateral) loading
conditions and forward loading conditions are proposed as one-half of
those for fuel tanks within the fuselage. The design load factors for
the up, down, and aft loading conditions would be the same for all fuel
When EASA adopted the LDHWG recommendations, it noted an objection
that had been raised by the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) Power
Plant Study Group (PPSG). The PPSG did not agree with the LDHWG
recommendation regarding fuel tank pressure loads for fuel tanks ``near
the fuselage or near the engines,'' which had been specifically
addressed by Joint Aviation Regulation. In response to the PPSG
objection, EASA added criteria for fuel tanks near the fuselage and
near the engines. We agree with these criteria and propose to add the
same to Sec. 25.963(d).
3. Section 25.963(d)(4) would require that the effects of crushing
and scraping actions with the ground not cause fuel spillage, or
generate temperatures that would constitute a fire hazard under the
conditions specified in proposed Sec. 25.721(b). By reference to Sec.
25.721(b), this rule would require consideration of the 5 feet-per-
second wheels-up landing criteria and subsequent sliding on the ground.
The potential effects of crushing and scraping, including thermal
effects, must be evaluated for these minor crash landing conditions.
4. Section 25.963(d)(5) would require that fuel tank installations
be such that the tanks will not rupture as a result of an engine pylon
or engine mount or landing gear tearing away as specified in proposed
Sec. 25.721(a) and (c). This requirement would be largely redundant to
the proposed Sec. 25.721(a) and (c), but is included in Sec.
25.963(d) for completeness.
These actions would harmonize Sec. 25.963(d) with the
corresponding EASA standard with the following two exceptions:
CS 25.963(d) requires that fuel tanks be designed and located so
that no fuel is released in quantities ``sufficient to start a serious
fire'' in otherwise survivable emergency landing conditions. The
proposed rule would require that no fuel is released in quantities
``that would constitute a fire hazard.'' The two phrases have the same
intent and meaning, and the latter phrase is consistent with the
wording in CS 25.721/Sec. 25.721, CS 25.963(d)(4)/Sec. 25.963(d)(4),
and CS 25.994/Sec. 25.994.
The fuel tank pressure criteria in CS 25.963(d) vary depending on
whether the fuel tank is ``within the fuselage
[[Page 13839]]
contour'' or ``outside the fuselage contour.'' The proposed rule would
be more specific by referring to ``those parts of fuel tanks within the
fuselage pressure boundary or that form part of the fuselage pressure
boundary'' versus ``those parts of fuel tanks outside the fuselage
pressure boundary.'' The proposed wording is clearer and has the same
intent and meaning as that specified in CS 25.963(d).
G. Section 25.994, ``Fuel System Components''
Section 25.994 currently requires that fuel system components in an
engine nacelle or in the fuselage be protected from damage that could
result in spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard as a
result of a wheels-up landing on a paved runway. We propose to revise
Sec. 25.994 to specify that the wheels-up landing conditions that must
be considered are those defined in proposed Sec. 25.721(b). This
action would harmonize Sec. 25.994 with the corresponding EASA
As noted previously, the 5-feet-per-second descent speed contained
in an earlier amendment to Sec. 25.561 had become, by design practice
and interpretation, the design descent velocity for the wheels-up
landing conditions addressed in Sec. Sec. 25.721 and 25.994. In fact,
Advisory Circular (AC) 25.994-1, ``Design Considerations to Protect
Fuel Systems During a Wheel-Up Landing,'' dated July 24, 1986,
specifically referred to Sec. 25.561 for the design conditions, which
at that time contained the 5-feet-per-second landing descent criteria.
H. Advisory Material
The FAA is developing three new proposed ACs to be published
concurrently with the proposed regulations in this NPRM. The proposed
ACs would provide guidance material for acceptable means, but not the
only means, of demonstrating compliance with proposed Sec. Sec.
25.307, 25.561, 25.621, 25.721, 25.963, and 25.994. We will accept
public comments to the following proposed ACs on the ``Aviation Safety
Draft Documents Open for Comment'' Internet Web site at https://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/:
AC 25-X, ``Fuel Tank Strength in Emergency Landing
Conditions.'' (AC 25-X would provide guidance for the fuel tank
structural integrity requirements of Sec. Sec. 25.561, 25.721, and
AC 25.307-X, ``Proof of Structure.''
AC 25.621-X, ``Casting Factors.''
IV. Regulatory Notices and Analyses
A. Regulatory Evaluation
Proposed changes to Federal regulations must undergo several
economic analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 and Executive Order
13563 direct that each Federal agency shall propose or adopt a
regulation only upon a reasoned determination that the benefits of the
intended regulation justify its costs. Second, the Regulatory
Flexibility Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-354) requires agencies to analyze
the economic impact of regulatory changes on small entities. Third, the
Trade Agreements Act (Pub. L. 96-39) prohibits agencies from setting
standards that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of
the United States. In developing U.S. standards, the Trade Act requires
agencies to consider international standards and, where appropriate,
that they be the basis of U.S. standards. Fourth, the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-4) requires agencies to prepare a
written assessment of the costs, benefits, and other effects of
proposed or final rules that include a Federal mandate likely to result
in the expenditure by State, local, or tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more annually
(adjusted for inflation with base year of 1995). This portion of the
preamble summarizes the FAA's analysis of the economic impacts of this
proposed rule.
Department of Transportation Order DOT 2100.5 prescribes policies
and procedures for simplification, analysis, and review of regulations.
If the expected cost impact is so minimal that a proposed or final rule
does not warrant a full evaluation, this order permits that a statement
to that effect and the basis for it be included in the preamble if a
full regulatory evaluation of the cost and benefits is not prepared.
Such a determination has been made for this proposed rule. The
reasoning for this determination follows.
The FAA proposes to amend certain airworthiness standards for
transport category airplanes. Adopting this proposal would eliminate
regulatory differences between the airworthiness standards of the FAA
and EASA. This proposal would not add new requirements beyond what
manufacturers currently meet for EASA certification and would not
affect current industry design practices. Meeting two sets of
certification requirements raises the cost of developing new transport
category airplanes with little to no increase in safety. In the
interest of fostering international trade, lowering the cost of
manufacturing new transport category airplanes, and making the
certification process more efficient, the FAA, EASA, and several
industry working groups came together to create, to the maximum extent
possible, a single set of certification requirements that would be
accepted in both the United States and Europe. Therefore, as a result
of these harmonization efforts, the FAA proposes to amend the
airworthiness regulations described in section II of this NPRM,
``Overview of the Proposed Rule.'' This action would harmonize part 25
requirements with the corresponding requirements in EASA CS-25 Book 1.
Currently, all manufacturers of transport category airplanes,
certificated under part 25 are expected to continue their current
practice of compliance with the EASA certification requirements in CS-
25 Book 1. Since future certificated transport airplanes are expected
to meet CS-25 Book 1, and this rule simply adopts the same EASA
requirements, manufacturers will incur minimal or no additional cost
resulting from this proposed rule. Therefore, the FAA estimates that
there are no additional costs associated with this proposed rule.
In fact, manufacturers could receive cost savings because they will
not have to build and certificate transport category airplanes to two
different authorities' certification specifications and rules.
The FAA, however, has not attempted to quantify the cost savings
that may accrue from this rule, beyond noting that while they may be
minimal, they contribute to a potential harmonization savings. The
agency concludes that because the compliance cost for this proposed
rule is minimal and there may be harmonization cost savings, further
analysis is not required.
The FAA has, therefore, determined that this proposed rule is not a
``significant regulatory action'' as defined in section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866, and is not ``significant'' as defined in DOT's
Regulatory Policies and Procedures.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Determination
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-354) (RFA)
establishes ``as a principle of regulatory issuance that agencies shall
endeavor, consistent with the objectives of the rule and of applicable
statutes, to fit regulatory and informational requirements to the scale
of the businesses, organizations, and governmental jurisdictions
subject to regulation. To achieve this principle, agencies are required
to solicit and
[[Page 13840]]
consider flexible regulatory proposals and to explain the rationale for
their actions to assure that such proposals are given serious
consideration.'' The RFA covers a wide-range of small entities,
including small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions.
Agencies must perform a review to determine whether a rule will
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities. If the agency determines that it will, the agency must
prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis as described in the RFA.
However, if an agency determines that a rule is not expected to
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities, section 605(b) of the RFA provides that the head of the
agency may so certify, and a regulatory flexibility analysis is not
required. The certification must include a statement providing the
factual basis for this determination, and the reasoning should be
The FAA believes that this rule would not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities for the
following reason. The net effect of this rule is minimum regulatory
cost relief as the proposed rule would adopt those EASA requirements
that industry already complies with. Moreover, manufacturers of part 25
airplanes are not small entities. Because those manufacturers already
meet or expect to meet this CS-25 standard as well as the existing CFR
requirement, the net effect of this proposed rule is regulatory cost
Because manufacturers of transport category airplanes are not small
entities, this proposed rule is expected to have minimal to no
additional costs, and could be cost-relieving, as the acting FAA
Administrator, I certify that this proposed rule would not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
C. International Trade Impact Assessment
The Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (Pub. L. 96-39), as amended by the
Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub. L. 103-465), prohibits Federal
agencies from establishing standards or engaging in related activities
that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of the United
States. Pursuant to these Acts, the establishment of standards is not
considered an unnecessary obstacle to the foreign commerce of the
United States, so long as the standard has a legitimate domestic
objective, such the protection of safety, and does not operate in a
manner that excludes imports that meet this objective. The statute also
requires consideration of international standards and, where
appropriate, that they be the basis for U.S. standards. The FAA has
assessed the potential effect of this proposed rule and determined that
it is in accord with the Trade Agreements Act as the rule uses European
standards as the basis for United States regulation.
D. Unfunded Mandates Assessment
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-
4) requires each Federal agency to prepare a written statement
assessing the effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final
agency rule that may result in an expenditure of $100 million or more
(in 1995 dollars) in any one year by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector; such a mandate
is deemed to be a ``significant regulatory action.'' The FAA currently
uses an inflation-adjusted value of $143.1 million in lieu of $100
million. This proposed rule does not contain such a mandate; therefore,
the requirements of Title II of the Act do not apply.
E. Paperwork Reduction Act
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) requires
that the FAA consider the impact of paperwork and other information
collection burdens imposed on the public. The FAA has determined that
there would be no new requirement for information collection associated
with this proposed rule.
F. International Compatibility and Cooperation
(1) In keeping with U.S. obligations under the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to conform to
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and
Recommended Practices to the maximum extent practicable. The FAA has
reviewed the corresponding ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and
has identified no differences with these proposed regulations.
(2) Executive Order (EO) 13609, Promoting International Regulatory
Cooperation, (77 FR 26413, May 4, 2012) promotes international
regulatory cooperation to meet shared challenges involving health,
safety, labor, security, environmental, and other issues and reduce,
eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory
requirements. The FAA has analyzed this action under the policy and
agency responsibilities of Executive Order 13609, Promoting
International Regulatory Cooperation. The agency has determined that
this action would eliminate differences between U.S. aviation standards
and those of other civil aviation authorities by creating a single set
of certification requirements for transport category airplanes that
would be acceptable in both the United States and Europe.
G. Environmental Analysis
FAA Order 1050.1E identifies FAA actions that are categorically
excluded from preparation of an environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy
Act in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. The FAA has
determined this rulemaking action qualifies for the categorical
exclusion identified in paragraph 312f of Order 1050.1E and involves no
extraordinary circumstances.
V. Executive Order Determinations
A. Executive Order 13132, Federalism
The FAA has analyzed this proposed rule under the principles and
criteria of Executive Order 13132, Federalism. The agency has
determined that this action would not have a substantial direct effect
on the States, or the relationship between the Federal Government and
the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among
the various levels of government, and, therefore, would not have
Federalism implications.
B. Executive Order 13211, Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy
Supply, Distribution, or Use
The FAA analyzed this proposed rule under Executive Order 13211,
Actions Concerning Regulations that Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use (May 18, 2001). The agency has determined that it
would not be a ``significant energy action'' under the executive order
and would not be likely to have a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy.
VI. Additional Information
A. Comments Invited
The FAA invites interested persons to participate in this
rulemaking by submitting written comments, data, or views. The agency
also invites comments relating to the economic, environmental, energy,
or federalism impacts that might result from adopting the proposals in
this document. The most helpful comments reference a specific portion
of the proposal, explain the reason for any recommended
[[Page 13841]]
change, and include supporting data. To ensure the docket does not
contain duplicate comments, commenters should send only one copy of
written comments, or if comments are filed electronically, commenters
should submit only one time.
The FAA will file in the docket all comments it receives, as well
as a report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA
personnel concerning this proposed rulemaking. Before acting on this
proposal, the FAA will consider all comments it receives on or before
the closing date for comments. The FAA will consider comments filed
after the comment period has closed if it is possible to do so without
incurring expense or delay. The agency may change this proposal in
light of the comments it receives.
Proprietary or Confidential Business Information: Commenters should
not file proprietary or confidential business information in the
docket. Such information must be sent or delivered directly to the
person identified in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of
this document, and marked as proprietary or confidential. If submitting
information on a disk or CD ROM, mark the outside of the disk or CD
ROM, and identify electronically within the disk or CD ROM the specific
information that is proprietary or confidential.
Under 14 CFR 11.35(b), if the FAA is aware of proprietary
information filed with a comment, the agency does not place it in the
docket. It is held in a separate file to which the public does not have
access, and the FAA places a note in the docket that it has received
it. If the FAA receives a request to examine or copy this information,
it treats it as any other request under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552). The FAA processes such a request under Department of
Transportation procedures found in 49 CFR part 7.
B. Availability of Rulemaking Documents
An electronic copy of rulemaking documents may be obtained from the
Internet by--
1. Searching the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https://www.regulations.gov,
2. Visiting the FAA's Regulations and Policies Web page at https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies, or
3. Accessing the Government Printing Office's Web page at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/.
Copies may also be obtained by sending a request to the Federal
Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, ARM-1, 800 Independence
Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 267-9680.
Commenters must identify the docket or notice number of this
All documents the FAA considered in developing this proposed rule,
including economic analyses and technical reports, may be accessed from
the Internet through the Federal eRulemaking Portal referenced in item
(1) above.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation
Administration proposes to amend chapter I of title 14, Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 25 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, and 44704.
2. Amend Sec. 25.307 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 25.307 Proof of structure.
(a) Compliance with the strength and deformation requirements of
this subpart must be shown for each critical loading condition.
Structural analysis may be used only if the structure conforms to that
for which experience has shown this method to be reliable. In other
cases, substantiating tests must be made to load levels that are
sufficient to verify structural behavior up to loads specified in Sec.
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 25.621 by revising paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) to read
as follows:
Sec. 25.621 Casting factors.
(a) General. For castings used in structural applications, the
factors, tests, and inspections specified in paragraphs (b) through (d)
of this section must be applied in addition to those necessary to
establish foundry quality control. The inspections must meet approved
specifications. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section apply to any
structural castings, except castings that are pressure tested as parts
of hydraulic or other fluid systems and do not support structural
(b) * * *
(c) Critical castings. Each casting whose failure could preclude
continued safe flight and landing of the airplane or could result in
serious injury to occupants is considered a critical casting. Each
critical casting must have a factor associated with it for showing
compliance with strength and deformation requirements, and must comply
with the following criteria associated with that factor:
(1) A casting factor of 1.0 or greater may be used, provided that--
(i) It is demonstrated, in the form of process qualification, proof
of product, and process monitoring that, for each casting design and
part number, the castings produced by each foundry and process
combination have coefficients of variation of the material properties
that are equivalent to those of wrought alloy products of similar
composition. Process monitoring must include testing of coupons cut
from the prolongations of each casting (or each set of castings, if
produced from a single pour into a single mold in a runner system) and,
on a sampling basis, coupons cut from critical areas of production
castings. The acceptance criteria for the process monitoring
inspections and tests must be established and included in the process
specifications to ensure the properties of the production castings are
controlled to within levels used in design.
(ii) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface, using visual and liquid
penetrant, or equivalent, inspection methods; and
(B) Inspection of structurally significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using radiographic, or equivalent,
inspection methods.
(iii) One casting undergoes a static test and is shown to meet the
strength and deformation requirements of Sec. 25.305(a) and (b).
(2) A casting factor of 1.25 or greater may be used, provided
(i) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface, using visual and liquid
penetrant, or equivalent inspection methods; and
(B) Inspection of structurally significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using radiographic, or equivalent,
inspection methods.
(ii) Three castings undergo static tests and are shown to meet:
(A) The strength requirements of Sec. 25.305(b) at an ultimate
load corresponding to a casting factor of 1.25; and
(B) The deformation requirements of Sec. 25.305(a) at a load of
1.15 times the limit load.
(3) A casting factor of 1.50 or greater may be used, provided
(i) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface, using visual and liquid
penetrant, or equivalent, inspection methods; and
[[Page 13842]]
(B) Inspection of structurally significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using radiographic, or equivalent,
inspection methods.
(ii) One casting undergoes a static test and is shown to meet:
(A) The strength requirements of Sec. 25.305(b) at an ultimate
load corresponding to a casting factor of 1.50; and
(B) The deformation requirements of Sec. 25.305(a) at a load of
1.15 times the limit load.
(d) Non-critical castings. For each casting other than critical
castings, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section, the following
(1) A casting factor of 1.0 or greater may be used, provided that
the requirements of (c)(1) of this section are met, or all of the
following conditions are met:
(i) Castings are manufactured to approved specifications that
specify the minimum mechanical properties of the material in the
casting and provides for demonstration of these properties by testing
of coupons cut from the castings on a sampling basis.
(ii) Each casting receives:
(A) Inspection of 100% of its surface, using visual and liquid
penetrant, or equivalent, inspection methods; and
(B) Inspection of structurally significant internal areas and areas
where defects are likely to occur, using radiographic, or equivalent,
inspection methods.
(iii) Three sample castings undergo static tests and are shown to
meet the strength and deformation requirements of Sec. 25.305(a) and
(2) A casting factor of 1.25 or greater may be used, provided that
each casting receives:
(i) Inspection of 100% of its surface, using visual and liquid
penetrant, or equivalent, inspection methods; and
(ii) Inspection of structurally significant internal areas and
areas where defects are likely to occur, using radiographic, or
equivalent, inspection methods.
(3) A casting factor of 1.5 or greater may be used, provided that
each casting receives inspection of 100% of its surface using visual
and liquid penetrant, or equivalent, inspection methods.
(4) A casting factor of 2.0 or greater may be used, provided that
each casting receives inspection of 100% of its surface using visual
inspection methods.
(5) The number of castings per production batch to be inspected by
non-visual methods in accordance with paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) of
this section may be reduced when an approved quality control procedure
is established.
4. Amend Sec. 25.683 by redesignating the introductory text as
paragraph (a), redesignating paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) as paragraphs
(a)(1), (a)(2), and (a)(3) respectively, and adding paragraphs (b) and
(c) to read as follows:
Sec. 25.683 Operation tests.
(a) It must be shown by operation tests that when portions of the
control system subject to pilot effort loads are loaded to 80% of the
limit load specified for the system and the powered portions of the
control system are loaded to the maximum load expected in normal
operation, the system is free from--
(1) Jamming;
(2) Excessive friction; and
(3) Excessive deflection.
(b) It must be shown by analysis and, where necessary, by tests
that in the presence of deflections of the airplane structure due to
the separate application of pitch, roll, and yaw limit maneuver loads,
the control system, when loaded to obtain these limit loads and
operated within its operational range of deflections, can be exercised
about all control axes and remain free from--
(1) Jamming;
(2) Excessive friction;
(3) Disconnection, and
(4) Any form of permanent damage.
(c) It must be shown that under vibration loads in the normal
flight and ground operating conditions, no hazard can result from
interference or contact with adjacent elements.
5. Revise Sec. 25.721 to read as follows:
Sec. 25.721 General.
(a) The landing gear system must be designed so that when it fails
due to overloads during takeoff and landing, the failure mode is not
likely to cause spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard.
The overloads must be assumed to act in the upward and aft directions
in combination with side loads acting inboard and outboard. In the
absence of a more rational analysis, the side loads must be assumed to
be up to 20% of the vertical load or 20% of the drag load, whichever is
(b) The airplane must be designed to avoid any rupture leading to
the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard as a result of
a wheels-up landing on a paved runway, under the following minor crash
landing conditions:
(1) Impact at 5 feet-per-second vertical velocity, with the
airplane under control, at Maximum Design Landing Weight--
(i) With the landing gear fully retracted and, as separate
(ii) With any other combination of landing gear legs not extended.
(2) Sliding on the ground, with--
(i) The landing gear fully retracted and with up to a 20[deg] yaw
angle and, as separate conditions,
(ii) Any other combination of landing gear legs not extended and
with 0[deg] yaw angle.
(c) For configurations where the engine nacelle is likely to come
into contact with the ground, the engine pylon or engine mounting must
be designed so that when it fails due to overloads (assuming the
overloads to act predominantly in the upward direction and separately,
predominantly in the aft direction), the failure mode is not likely to
cause the spillage of enough fuel to constitute a fire hazard.
6. Amend Sec. 25.787 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 25.787 Stowage compartments.
(a) Each compartment for the stowage of cargo, baggage, carry-on
articles, and equipment (such as life rafts), and any other stowage
compartment, must be designed for its placarded maximum weight of
contents and for the critical load distribution at the appropriate
maximum load factors corresponding to the specified flight and ground
load conditions, and to the emergency landing conditions of Sec.
25.561(b)(3) where the breaking loose of the contents of such
compartments could--
(1) Cause direct injury to occupants;
(2) Penetrate fuel tanks or lines or cause fire or explosion hazard
by damage to adjacent systems; or
(3) Nullify any of the escape facilities provided for use after an
emergency landing.
If the airplane has a passenger-seating configuration, excluding pilot
seats, of 10 seats or more, each stowage compartment in the passenger
cabin, except for under seat and overhead compartments for passenger
convenience, must be completely enclosed.
* * * * *
7. Amend Sec. 25.963 by revising paragraph (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 25.963 Fuel tanks: general.
* * * * *
(d) Fuel tanks must, so far as it is practicable, be designed,
located, and installed so that no fuel is released in or near the
fuselage, or near the engines, in quantities that would constitute a
fire hazard in otherwise survivable emergency landing conditions, and--
(1) Fuel tanks must be able to resist rupture and retain fuel under
ultimate hydrostatic design conditions in which
[[Page 13843]]
the pressure P within the tank varies in accordance with the formula:
P = K[rho]gL
P = fuel pressure at each point within the tank.
[rho] = typical fuel density.
g = acceleration due to gravity.
L = a reference distance between the point of pressure and the tank
farthest boundary in the direction of loading.
K = 4.5 for the forward loading condition for those parts of fuel
tanks outside the fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 9 for the forward loading condition for those parts of fuel
tanks within the fuselage pressure boundary, or that form part of
the fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 1.5 for the aft loading condition.
K = 3.0 for the inboard and outboard loading conditions for those
parts of fuel tanks within the fuselage pressure boundary, or that
form part of the fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 1.5 for the inboard and outboard loading conditions for those
parts of fuel tanks outside the fuselage pressure boundary.
K = 6 for the downward loading condition.
K = 3 for the upward loading condition.
(2) For those parts of wing fuel tanks near the fuselage or near
the engines, the greater of the fuel pressures resulting from
paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (d)(2)(ii) of this section must be used:
(i) The fuel pressures resulting from paragraph (d)(1) of this
section, and
(ii) The lesser of the two following conditions:
(A) Fuel pressures resulting from the accelerations as specified in
Sec. 25.561(b)(3) considering the fuel tank full of fuel at maximum
fuel density. Fuel pressures based on the 9.0g forward acceleration may
be calculated using the fuel static head equal to the streamwise local
chord of the tank. For inboard and outboard conditions, an acceleration
of 1.5g may be used in lieu of 3.0g as specified in Sec. 25.561(b)(3),
(B) Fuel pressures resulting from the accelerations as specified in
Sec. 25.561(b)(3) considering a fuel volume beyond 85% of the maximum
permissible volume in each tank using the static head associated with
the 85% fuel level. A typical density of the appropriate fuel may be
used. For inboard and outboard conditions, an acceleration of 1.5g may
be used in lieu of 3.0g as specified in Sec. 25.561(b)(3).
(3) Fuel tank internal barriers and baffles may be considered as
solid boundaries if shown to be effective in limiting fuel flow.
(4) For each fuel tank and surrounding airframe structure, the
effects of crushing and scraping actions with the ground should not
cause the spillage of enough fuel, or generate temperatures that would
constitute a fire hazard under the conditions specified in Sec.
(5) Fuel tank installations must be such that the tanks will not
rupture as a result of an engine pylon or engine mount or landing gear,
tearing away as specified in Sec. 25.721(a) and (c).
* * * * *
8. Revise Sec. 25.994 to read as follows:
Sec. 25.994 Fuel system components.
Fuel system components in an engine nacelle or in the fuselage must
be protected from damage that could result in spillage of enough fuel
to constitute a fire hazard as a result of a wheels-up landing on a
paved runway under each of the conditions prescribed in Sec.
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 14, 2013.
Dorenda D. Baker,
Director, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2013-04812 Filed 2-28-13; 8:45 am]