Department of Transportation July 29, 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 10 of 10
Regulatory Guidance on the Definition of “Principal Place of Business”
The FMCSA announces regulatory guidance concerning its definition of ``principal place of business.'' The regulatory guidance is presented in a question-and-answer format and is generally applicable to motor carrier operations subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. No prior interpretations or regulatory guidance concerning the term ``principal place of business,'' whether published or unpublished may be relied upon as authoritative if they are inconsistent with the guidance published today. This guidance will provide the motor carrier industry and Federal, State and local law enforcement officials with uniform information for use in determining which locations may be designated by a motor carrier as its principal place of business.
Additional Proposed Guidance for New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures and Request for Comments for 2009
This notice includes, and requests comments on, additional Proposed Guidance on New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures. This guidance continues FTA's efforts to streamline and simplify the New and Small Starts programs. The notice: (1) Proposes modifications to the evaluation and rating process; (2) clarifies existing policies; and (3) solicits public feedback on potential changes to FTA's internal practices for the New and Small Starts programs. Please note this guidance is in addition to, and distinct from, the guidance on New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures published concurrently in this issue of the Federal Register.
Final Guidance on New Starts/Small Starts Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this notice is to convey the 2009 final guidance on New Starts/Small Starts policies and procedures. On May 20, 2009, FTA announced in the Federal Register the availability of proposed guidance and requested public comment. FTA received a total of 29 comments, primarily from transit agencies and metropolitan planning organizations, as well as cities, advocacy groups, State departments of transportation, and other interested parties. After reviewing the public comments, FTA is issuing final guidance, which is included at the end of this notice. Please note that FTA is concurrently publishing a separate notice in today's Federal Register that includes additional proposed guidance on the New Starts and Small Starts program for public comment.
Requirements and Procedures for Consumer Assistance To Recycle and Save Program
This final rule sets forth requirements and procedures for the voluntary vehicle trade-in and purchase/lease program under the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009. This program helps consumers pay for a new, more fuel efficient car or truck from a participating dealer when they trade in a less fuel efficient car or truck. The rule establishes a process by which dealers can register in order to participate in the program and establishes the criteria this agency will use to determine which disposal facilities are eligible to receive and either crush or shred the trade-in vehicles. It also sets forth the criteria that trade-in vehicles and new vehicles must meet in order for purchases and leases to qualify for assistance under this program and establishes the requirements that must be met by consumers, dealers, disposal facilities and others. Finally, the rule sets forth enforcement procedures and provisions for punishing fraud and other violations of the program requirements.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Renewals; Vision
FMCSA previously announced its decision to renew the exemptions from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for 29 individuals. FMCSA has statutory authority to exempt individuals from the vision requirement if the exemptions granted will not compromise safety. The Agency has concluded that granting these exemptions will provide a level of safety that will be equivalent to, or greater than, the level of safety maintained without the exemptions for these commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, and -900ER Series Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 737-600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, and -900ER series airplanes. This proposed AD would require replacing the engine fuel shutoff valves for the left and right main tanks. This proposed AD results from a report of a failed engine start, which was caused by an internally fractured engine fuel shutoff valve. We are issuing this AD to prevent the failure of the valve in the closed position, open position, or partially open position, which could result in engine fuel flow problems and possible uncontrolled fuel leak or fire.
Advisory Circular 33.87-2, Comparative Endurance Test Method To Show Durability for Parts Manufacturer Approval of Turbine Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit Parts
This notice announces the issuance of Advisory Circular (AC) 33.87-2, Comparative Endurance Test Method to Show Durability for Parts Manufacturer Approval of Turbine Engine and Auxiliary Power Unit Parts. This AC describes a comparative endurance test method to be used for certain turbine engine or auxiliary power unit parts when manufactured under Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA). This method may be used when PMA applicants introduce changes that could affect the durability of their proposed designs. It may also be used when an applicant has insufficient comparative data to show that the durability of their proposed PMA part is at least equal to the type design. The applicant can use this method when requesting PMA under test and computation, per part 21 of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and using the comparative test and analysis approach detailed in Federal Aviation Administration Order 8110.42, Part Manufacturer Approval Procedures.
Airworthiness Directives; BAE Systems (Operations) Limited Model BAe 146-100A and 146-200A Series Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A330-200, A330-300, A340-200, and A340-300 Series Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as: * * * * *
Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model EMB-120, -120ER, -120FC, -120QC, and -120RT Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as:
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