Department of Transportation 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 451 - 500 of 3,043
Airworthiness Directives; Pratt & Whitney PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090-3, and PW4098 Turbofan Engines
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Pratt & Whitney PW4074, PW4074D, PW4077, PW4077D, PW4084D, PW4090, PW4090-3, and PW4098 turbofan engines, with certain front turbine hub part numbers installed. This AD requires a onetime visual inspection of the anti-rotation slots in the front turbine hub, for a machining nonconformance, and its replacement if the inspection failed. This AD results from a report of a crack found in an anti-rotation slot of a front turbine hub, during overhaul shop inspection. The anti-rotation slot geometry was not machined in conformance with the design drawing during manufacture. We are issuing this AD to prevent uncontained engine failure, damage to the airplane, and injury to passengers.
Special Conditions: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Boeing Model 777 Series Airplane; Overhead Cross Aisle Stowage Compartments
The FAA amends and supersedes proposed special conditions for the Boeing Model 777 series airplanes. The previous notice (Notice No. 25-06-09-SC) published on October 18, 2006 (71 FR 61432), did not reflect the final FAA position on the novel design feature, and was thus in error. This airplane, modified by Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, will have novel or unusual design features associated with overhead cross aisle stowage compartments. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for these design features. These amended proposed special conditions contain the additional safety standards the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Agency Information Collection Activity Seeking OMB Approval
The FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) revision of a current information collection. The Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on June 28, 2006, vol. 71, no. 124, page 36869. The FAA Aviation Research and Development Grants Program establishes uniform policies and procedures for the award and administration of research grants to colleges, universities, and not for profit organizations.
Petitions for Exemption; Summary of Petitions Received
Pursuant to FAA's rulemaking provisions governing the application, processing, and disposition of petitions for exemption part 11 of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), this notice contains a summary of certain petitions seeking relief from specified requirements of 14 CFR. The purpose of this notice is to improve the public's awareness of, and participation in, this aspect of FAA's regulatory activities. Neither publication of this notice nor the inclusion or omission of information in the summary is intended to affect the legal status of any petition or its final disposition.
Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Dumbarton Rail Corridor Project in the Southern Portion of the San Francisco Bay Area, CA
The Federal Transit Administration and the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) are planning to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the Dumbarton Rail Corridor (DRC) Project, an approximately 21-mile commuter rail extension on existing rail alignment to provide commuter rail service between the Peninsula and the East Bay across the southern part of the San Francisco Bay. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as well as provisions of the recently enacted Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users. The purpose of this Notice of Intent is to alert interested parties regarding the plan to prepare the EIS, to provide information on the proposed transit project, to invite participation in the EIS process, including comments on the scope of the EIS proposed in this notice, and to announce that public scoping meetings will be conducted.
Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on Proposed Highways in Washington
This notice announces actions taken by the FHWA and other Federal agencies that are final within the meaning of 23 U.S.C. 139(l)(1)-(2). The actions relate to various proposed transit and road improvement projects within the Interstate 405 (I-405) Corridor in the State of Washington. Those actions grant licenses, permits, and approvals for the projects.
Temporary Traffic Control Devices
The FHWA proposes to supplement its regulation that governs work zone safety and mobility in highway and street work zones to include conditions for the appropriate use of, and expenditure of funds for, uniformed law enforcement officers, positive protective measures between workers and motorized traffic, and installation and maintenance of temporary traffic control devices during construction, utility, and maintenance operations. The proposed changes are intended to decrease the likelihood of fatalities and injuries to workers who are exposed to motorized traffic (vehicles using the highway for purposes of travel) while working on Federal-aid highway projects. This proposal is in response to section 1110 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), Public Law 109-59, 119 Stat. 1227.
Reservation System for Unscheduled Arrivals at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport
This action extends the expiration date of Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) No. 105 through October 31, 2008. This action is necessary to maintain the reservation system established for unscheduled arrivals at O'Hare International Airport consistent with the newly adopted limitations imposed on scheduled operations at the airport.
Special Conditions: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Model GV, GV-SP, and GIV-X Airplanes; Windshield Coating in Lieu of Wipers
This action proposes a special condition for the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Model GV, GV-SP, and GIV-X airplanes. These airplanes will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) associated with use of a hydrophobic windshield coating, rather than windshield wipers, as the means to maintain a clear portion of the windshield during precipitation conditions, as required by the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. This proposed special condition contains the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Confidential Business Information
This notice addresses the confidentiality of certain information that manufacturers of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment submit to NHTSA pursuant to the Early Warning Reporting (EWR) rule. The agency is proposing to create class determinations, based on Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), treating certain categories of EWR information as confidential, namely production numbers (excluding light vehicles), consumer complaints, paid warranty claims, and field reports. In addition, for EWR reports on deaths and injuries, NHTSA is proposing to create a class determination based on FOIA Exemption 6 that the last six (6) characters of the vehicle identification number (VIN) are confidential. Finally, the agency is also proposing to clarify its Confidential Business Information rule with regard to confidentiality markings in submissions in electronic media.
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 737-700 IGW Airplane (BBJ, S/N 34683); Certification of Cooktops
The FAA issues these special conditions for the Boeing Model 737- 700 IGW airplane (BBJ serial number 34683). This airplane, as modified by PATS Aircraft LLC, will have a novel or unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. The modification consists of installing an electrically heated surface, called a cooktop. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Proposed Revision of Class D/E Airspace; Big Delta, Allen Army Airfield, Fort Greely, AK
This action proposes to revise the controlled airspace at Allen Army Airfield (AAF), AK. The current Class D airspace is continuous. The United States Army has decided to staff the Allen AAF air traffic control tower (ATCT) part time. The Class D and E airspace will need to be revised in order to align Class D airspace effective times to match ATCT hours of operation. The current title of the airspace described in FAA Order 7400.9P will also change to reflect current guidance in FAA Order 7400.2E. Adoption of this proposal would result in reconfiguring the controlled airspace at Allen AAF, Delta Junction, AK.
Notice of Granted Buy America Waivers
The following waivers will permit ticket vending machine manufacturers to install and count as domestic for purposes of the Buy America Act, 49 U.S.C. 5323(j), as implemented by the Federal Transit Administration at 49 CFR part 661, the Mars Electronics International (MEI) BNA57/542 Banknote Validator, the Asahi Seiko USA, Inc. (Asahi Seiko) Model SA-595 Compact Coin Dispensing Hopper, and the Nextek Corporation (Nextek) BV-6000 Currency Validator Tekpak. Each waiver is valid for a period of 2 years, or until such time as a domestic source for the product becomes available, whichever occurs first. This notice shall ensure that the public is aware of the waivers. FTA requests that the public notify it if a domestic source for any of the above-listed products becomes available.
Clarification for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Implementation for the Elderly Individuals and Individuals With Disabilities, Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC), and New Freedom Programs
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published a Federal Register notice on September 6, 2006 (71FR52610) announcing proposed guidance in the form of circulars to assist grantees in implementing the Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310), JARC, and New Freedom programs. By this notice, FTA clarifies interim guidance for FY 2007 included in the notice published on September 6, 2006, and provides additional interim guidance for FY 2007.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments
This amendment amends Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, addition of new obstacles, or changes in air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Request for Public Comment on Noise Analysis for Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Broward County, FL
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is requesting public comments on a Noise Analysis that was prepared for the Fort Lauderdale- Hollywood International Airport (FLL). This Analysis identifies noise impacts in the areas surrounding FLL during a 12-month period from July 2003 to June 2004 and a 12-month period from April 2005 to March 2006. This Noise Analysis is being provided for public comment as part of a settlement agreement between the FAA and Broward County related to runway utilization at FLL.
Special Conditions: Boeing Model 737-900ER Series Airplanes; Interaction of Systems and Structures
This action proposes a special condition for the Boeing Model 737-900ER airplane. This airplane will have a novel or unusual design feature(s) when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. These design features include interaction of systems and structures. The applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards for this design feature. The proposed special condition contains the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Notice of Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) Approvals and Disapprovals
The FAA publishes a monthly notice, as appropriate, of PFC approvals and disapprovals under the provisions of the Aviation Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1990 (Title IX of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990) (Pub. L. 101-508) and Part 158 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR Part 158). This notice is published pursuant to paragraph d of Sec. 158.29.
Agency Information Collection Activity Seeking OMB Approval
The FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) revision of a current information collection. The Federal Register Notice with a 60-day comment period soliciting comments on the following collection of information was published on August 8, 2006, vol. 71, no. 152, page 45092. The collection of information is necessary for gathering data concerning potential new hires for the FAA.
Notice of Rights and Protections Available Under the Federal Antidiscrimination and Whistleblower Protection Laws
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is publishing its Notice under Title II of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-174), as required by the Act and 5 CFR part 724. This Notice describes the obligation of DOT and other Federal agencies to notify all employees, former employees, and applicants for Federal employment of the rights and protections available to them under the Federal Antidiscrimination Laws and Whistleblower Protection Laws.
Airworthiness Directives; Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Model S-61 A, D, E, and V; Croman Corporation Model SH-3H, Carson Helicopters, Inc. Model S-61L; and Siller Helicopters Model CH-3E and SH-3A Helicopters
This document proposes adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the specified Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (Sikorsky), Croman Corporation (Croman), Carson Helicopters, Inc. (Carson), and Siller Helicopters (Siller) model helicopters. The AD would require, within a specified time, creating a component history card or equivalent record. The AD would also require recording the hours time-in-service (TIS) and the external lift cycles (lift cycles) for each main gearbox input left and right freewheel unit (IFWU) assembly. Also, the AD would require calculating a moving average of lift cycles per hour TIS at specified intervals on each IFWU assembly. The moving average would be used to determine if an IFWU assembly is used in repetitive external lift (REL) or non-REL helicopter operations. If an IFWU assembly is used in REL operations, this AD would require a repetitive inspection, which requires a visual and dimensional inspection of the IFWU assembly at specified intervals. This AD would also require recording certain information and replacing each part that is beyond the wear limits or that exhibits visual surface distress with an airworthy part. In addition, this AD would require permanently marking the REL IFWU camshafts and gear housings with the letters ``REL'' on the surface of these parts. This proposal is prompted by an accident in which the left and right IFWU assembly on a helicopter slipped or disengaged resulting in both engines overspeeding, engine shutdowns, and loss of engine power to the transmissions. The actions specified by the proposed AD are intended to prevent slipping in the IFWU assembly, loss of engine power to the transmissions, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter.
Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee Meeting on Transport Airplane and Engine Issues
This notice announces a public meeting of the FAA's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) to discuss transport airplane and engine (TAE) issues.
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption Applications; Vision
FMCSA announces receipt of applications from 75 individuals for exemptions from the vision requirement in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. If granted, the exemptions would enable these individuals to qualify as drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) in interstate commerce without meeting the Federal vision standard.
Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, Weather Takeoff Minimums; Miscellaneous Amendments
This amendment establishes, amends, suspends, or revokes Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) and/or Weather Takeoff Minimums for operations at certain airports. These regulatory actions are needed because of the adoption of new or revised criteria, or because of changes occurring in the National Airspace System, such as the commissioning of new navigational facilities, addition of new obstacles, or changes in air traffic requirements. These changes are designed to provide safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight operations under instrument flight rules at the affected airports.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A318-100 and A319-100 Series Airplanes; Model A320-111 Airplanes; Model A320-200, A321-200, A330-200, A330-300, A340-200, and A340-300 Series Airplanes; Model A340-541 Airplanes; and Model A340-642 Airplanes; Equipped With Certain Sogerma-Services Powered Seats
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus airplane models identified above. This AD requires inspecting to determine if a certain actuator is installed in the pilot's or co-pilot's seat, and doing applicable corrective actions. For certain actuators, the AD also requires replacing rotors on both vertical and horizontal movements with new rotors, and replacing the clutch cap with a new cap. This AD results from a report of heavy wear at the driving gear of the rotor shaft end of the electrical driven motor on certain actuators of the pilot's and co-pilot's seats. We are issuing this AD to prevent uncommanded movement of the pilot's or co- pilot's seat during takeoff or landing, which could result in interference with the operation of the airplane and consequent temporary loss of airplane control.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier Model CL-600-2B16 (CL-604) Airplanes and Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) Airplanes
The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Bombardier Model CL-600-2B16 (CL-604) airplanes and Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) airplanes. These models may be referred to by their marketing designations as RJ100, RJ200, RJ440, CRJ100, CRJ200, CRJ440, and CL-65. The existing AD currently requires revising the Emergency Procedures section of the airplane flight manual (AFM) to advise the flightcrew of additional procedures to follow in the event of stabilizer trim runaway. For certain airplanes, the existing AD also requires revising the Abnormal Procedures section of the AFM to advise the flightcrew of procedures to follow in the event of MACH TRIM, STAB TRIM, and horizontal stabilizer trim malfunctions. This AD requires revising the same Emergency and Abnormal Procedures sections of the AFM to advise the flightcrew of revised/additional procedures. This AD also requires revising the Normal section of the AFM to require a review of the location of certain circuit breakers and a functional check of the stabilizer trim system. This AD also requires installing circuit breaker identification collars and provides an optional terminating action for the requirements of the AD. This AD also removes airplanes from the applicability of the existing AD. This AD results from reports of uncommanded horizontal stabilizer trim motion. We are issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew is advised of appropriate procedures to follow in the event of uncommanded movement or stabilizer trim runaway. Failure to follow these procedures could result in excessive uncommanded movement of the horizontal stabilizer trim actuator (HSTA) and loss of ability to use trim switches to override uncommanded movement or yoke disconnect switches to disconnect the HSTA, which could result in reduction of or loss of pitch control and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane.
Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Adoption of New Accessibility Standards
The Department is amending its Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations to adopt, as its regulatory standards, the new Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) recently issued by the Access Board, including technical amendments the Access Board subsequently made to the new ADAAG. In adopting the new ADAAG as its standards, the Department is making minor modifications to some of the Guidelines and is providing further guidance concerning its newly-adopted standards.
Notice of Meeting of the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Park Service (NPS), in accordance with the National Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000, announce the next meeting of the National Parks Overflights Advisory Group Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ANPOAG ARC). This notice informs the public of the date, location, and agenda for the meeting. Date and Location: The NPOAG ARC will meet from November 28-30, 2006, at the Zion National Park Lodge, Zion National Park, Springdale, Utah 84767, phone number (435) 772-0211. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, November 28, 2006.
Flight Simulation Training Device Initial and Continuing Qualification and Use
The FAA is amending the regulations to establish a new part to set forth qualification requirements for flight simulation training devices (FSTD). The new part consolidates and updates FSTD requirements that currently exist in different parts of the FAA's regulations and in advisory circulars. In addition, the FAA is requiring that sponsors of FSTDs have a Quality Management System. These changes are necessary to promote standardization and accountability for FSTD qualification, maintenance, and evaluation. The intended effect of the new part is to ensure that users of FSTDs receive training in devices that closely match the performance and handling characteristics of the aircraft being simulated.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 747 Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 747 airplanes. This AD requires repetitive mid- and low-frequency eddy current inspections for cracks in the overlapped skin panels in the fuselage skin lap joints in sections 41, 42, 44, and 46, and corrective actions if necessary. This AD results from a report indicating that an operator found multiple small cracks in the overlapped skin panels in the fuselage skin lap joints. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracks in the overlapped skin panels, which could join together and result in reduced structural capability in the skin and consequent rapid decompression of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; EADS SOCATA Model TBM 700 Airplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as unsatisfactory initial elevator trim actuator greasing, which may lead to the icing of the elevator trim and generate an untrimmed nose-up attitude after an autopilot disconnection. We are issuing this AD to require actions to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Hartzell Propeller Inc. Model HC-B5MP-3( )/M10282A( )+6 and HC-B5MP-3( )/M10876( )( )( )( ) Five-Bladed Propellers.
The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Hartzell Propeller Inc. model HC-B5MP-3( )/M10282A( )+6 five- bladed propellers. That AD currently requires initial and repetitive torque check inspections on the mounting bolts on certain model Hartzell Propeller Inc. HC-B5MP-3( )/M10282A( )+6 five-bladed propellers, replacement of mounting bolts if necessary, and inspection and resurfacing of the engine and propeller mounting flanges if necessary. This AD requires the same actions but requires more detailed overhaul inspections and maintenance than the previous AD, AD 2004-21- 01. This AD also adds Hartzell Propeller Inc. HC-B5MP-3( )/M10876( )( )( )( ) five-bladed propellers to the applicability. This AD results from reports of fretting wear still occurring between the engine and propeller mounting flanges. The fretting wear results in loss of mounting bolt preload, causing failure of the mounting bolts. We are issuing this AD to prevent propeller separation from the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Schempp-Hirth GmbH & Co. KG Models Mini-Nimbus B and Mini-Nimbus HS-7 Sailplanes
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for the products listed above. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) issued by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as a failure in the flap actuating circuit. An investigation showed that the lever at the torsional drive in the fuselage failed at the weld. We are issuing this AD to require actions to correct the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Air Tractor, Inc. Models AT-602, AT-802, and AT-802A Airplanes
The FAA adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Air Tractor, Inc. Models AT-602, AT-802, and AT-802A airplanes. This AD requires you to repetitively inspect the engine mount for any cracks, repair or replace any cracked engine mount, and report any cracks found to the FAA. This AD results from reports of cracked engine mounts. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct cracks in the engine mount, which could result in failure of the engine mount. Such failure could lead to separation of the engine from the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300 and A310 Airplanes; and Airbus Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R Series Airplanes, and Model C4-605R Variant F Airplanes (Collectively Called A300-600 Series Airplanes)
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A300 and A310 airplanes and A300-600 series airplanes. This AD requires inspecting for discrepancies of all electrical bundles located in the leading and trailing edges of the wings, and performing corrective actions if necessary. This AD results from fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. We are issuing this AD to prevent an ignition source, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in a fuel tank explosion and consequent loss of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R Series Airplanes, and Model C4-605R Variant F Airplanes (Collectively Called A300-600 Series Airplanes); and Model A310 Series Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus models, as specified above. This AD requires modifying the aft pressure bulkhead for improved corrosion protection and drainage, and related concurrent actions. This AD results from severe corrosion found in the lower rim area of the aft pressure bulkhead during routine maintenance of an airplane. We are issuing this AD to prevent corrosion on the inner rim angle and cleat profile splice of the aft pressure bulkhead, which could result in the loss of airplane structural integrity.
Airworthiness Directives; Various Aircraft Equipped With Honeywell Primus II RNZ-850( )/-851( ) Integrated Navigation Units
The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to various aircraft equipped with certain Honeywell Primus II RNZ-850( )/-851( ) integrated navigation units (INUs). That AD, as one alternative for compliance, provides for a one-time inspection to determine whether a certain modification has been installed on the Honeywell Primus II NV-850 navigation receiver module (NRM), which is part of the INU. In lieu of accomplishing this inspection, and for aircraft found to have an affected NRM, the existing AD provides for revising the aircraft flight manual to include new limitations for instrument landing system approaches. This new AD requires inspecting to determine whether certain modifications have been done on the NRM; and doing related investigative, corrective, and other specified actions, as applicable; as well as further modifications to address additional anomalies. This AD results from reports indicating that erroneous glideslope indications have occurred on certain aircraft equipped with the subject INUs. We are issuing this AD to ensure that the flightcrew has an accurate glideslope deviation indication. An erroneous glideslope deviation indication could lead to the aircraft making an approach off the glideslope, which could result in impact with an obstacle or terrain.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R Series Airplanes, and Model A300 C4-605R Variant F Airplanes (Collectively Called A300-600 Series Airplanes)
The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to certain Airbus Model A300-600 series airplanes. That AD currently requires an inspection for evidence of chafing between the hydraulic flexible hose and the ram air turbine (RAT) hub, and related investigative and corrective actions if necessary. This new AD extends the applicability to include all Model A300-600 series airplanes that are equipped with a certain RAT. This AD results from reports of holes in the RAT hub cover. We are issuing this AD to prevent a hole in the RAT hub cover. A hole in the RAT hub cover could allow water to enter the RAT governing mechanism, freeze during flight, and jam the governing mechanism. In addition, the metal particles that result from chafing between the hydraulic flexible hose and the RAT could mix with the lubricant grease and degrade the governing mechanism. In an emergency, a jammed or degraded RAT could result in its failure to deploy, loss of hydraulic pressure or electrical power to the airplane, and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 757-200, -200CB, and -300 Series Airplanes
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 757-200, -200CB, and -300 series airplanes. This AD requires repetitive detailed inspections for proper functioning of the girt bar leaf springs for the escape slides to ensure the leaf springs retain the sliders and the required 0.37-inch minimum engagement between the sliders and floor fittings is achieved at passenger doors 1, 2, and 4, and corrective actions if necessary. This AD results from a report that the escape slides failed to deploy correctly during an operator's tests of the escape slides. We are issuing this AD to prevent escape slides from disengaging from the airplane during deployment or in use, which could result in injuries to passengers or flightcrew.
Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Santa Cruz, CA
This notice proposes to modify the Class E airspace area at Santa Cruz, CA. The establishment of a Special COPTER Area Navigation (RNAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) 040 Point In Space Standard Instrument Approach Procedure (SIAP) and a Special COPTER RNAV (GPS) 227 Departure Procedure serving Dominic Hospital Heliport has made this proposal necessary. Additional controlled airspace extending upward from 700 feet or more above the surface of the earth is needed to contain helicopters executing the Special COPTER RNAV (GPS) 040 Point In Space SIAP and Special COPTER RNAV (GPS) 227 Departure Procedure to Dominican Hospital Heliport. The intended effect of this proposal is to provide adequate controlled airspace for Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at Dominican Hospital Heliport, Santa Cruz, CA.
Occupational Noise Exposure for Railroad Operating Employees
FRA is amending its occupational noise standards for railroad employees whose predominant noise exposure occurs in the locomotive cab. FRA's previous standard (issued in 1980) limited cab employee noise exposure to certain levels based on the duration of their exposure. This rule modifies that standard and also sets out additional requirements. FRA is requiring railroads to conduct noise monitoring and to implement a hearing conservation program for railroad operating employees whose noise exposure equals or exceeds an 8-hour time- weighted average (TWA) of 85 decibels. FRA is also establishing design, build, and maintenance standards for new locomotives and maintenance requirements for existing locomotives. FRA expects that this rule will reduce the likelihood of noise-induced hearing loss for railroad operating employees.
Requested Administrative Waiver of the Coastwise Trade Laws
As authorized by Public Law 105-383 and Public Law 107-295, the Secretary of Transportation, as represented by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), is authorized to grant waivers of the U.S.- build requirement of the coastwise laws under certain circumstances. A request for such a waiver has been received by MARAD. The vessel, and a brief description of the proposed service, is listed below. The complete application is given in DOT docket 2006-26112 at https:// Interested parties may comment on the effect this action may have on U.S. vessel builders or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag vessels. If MARAD determines, in accordance with Public Law 105-383 and MARAD's regulations at 46 CFR part 388 (68 FR 23084; April 30, 2003), that the issuance of the waiver will have an unduly adverse effect on a U.S.-vessel builder or a business that uses U.S.-flag vessels in that business, a waiver will not be granted. Comments should refer to the docket number of this notice and the vessel name in order for MARAD to properly consider the comments. Comments should also state the commenter's interest in the waiver application, and address the waiver criteria given in Sec. 388.4 of MARAD's regulations at 46 CFR part 388.
Solicitation of Applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) High Priority and New Entrant Grant Funding
FMCSA announces that it has published an opportunity to apply for FY2007 MCSAP High Priority and New Entrant grant funding on the Web site ( Section 4101 of SAFETEA-LU (Pub. L. 109-59, August 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1144) amends 49 U.S.C. 31104(a) and authorizes the Motor Carrier Safety Grants funding for FY2006 through FY2009. The authorized level of funding for MCSAP is $197,000,000 for FY2007, which includes up to $15,000,000 for High Priority grants and up to $29,000,000 for New Entrant Safety Audits. High priority funds are only available for activities conducted by State agencies, local governments, and organizations representing government agencies or officials that use and train qualified officers and employees in coordination with State motor vehicle safety agencies. States and local governments are eligible to apply for New Entrant funds. All applicants must submit an electronic application package through To apply using the process, the applicant must be registered with To register, go to http:/ / The applicant must download the grant application package, complete the grant application package, and submit the completed grant application package. This can be done on the Internet at forgrants.jsp. The CFDA number for MCSAP is 20.218.
Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge, L.L.C., Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port License Application; Final Application Public Hearings and Final Environmental Impact Statement
The Maritime Administration (MARAD) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announce the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge, L.L.C., Liquefied Natural Gas Deepwater Port license application. Also, public hearings will be held on matters relevant to the approval or denial of the license application. The application describes a project that would be located in federal waters of Massachusetts Bay, in Block 125, approximately 13 miles south-southeast of Gloucester, MA. The Coast Guard and MARAD request public comments on the FEIS and application. Publication of this notice begins a 30-day public comment period and provides information on how to participate in the process. As a point of clarification, there is another deepwater port application by Neptune LNG, L.L.C. in the same vicinity. These applications are being processed and reviewed independently. The Neptune FEIS should be noticed as available and public hearing information published on November 3, 2006.
Airworthiness Directives; Teledyne Continental Motors GTSIO-520 Series Reciprocating Engines
The FAA proposes to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) GTSIO-520 series reciprocating engines. That AD currently requires initial and repetitive visual inspections of the starter adapter assembly and crankshaft gear and unscheduled visual inspections of the starter adapter assembly and crankshaft gear due to a rough-running engine. That AD also requires replacement of the starter adapter shaft gear needle bearing with a certain bushing and installation of a certain TCM service kit at the next engine overhaul, or at the next starter adapter replacement, whichever occurs first. This proposed AD would require the inspection ordered in paragraph (h) of AD 2005-20-04 to be done every 100 hours time-in-service (TIS), or annually. This proposed AD results from an error discovered in AD 2005-20-04. We are proposing this AD to prevent failure of the starter adapter assembly and or crankshaft gear, resulting in failure of the engine and possible forced landing.
Special Conditions: Airbus Model A380-800 Airplane, Reinforced Flightdeck Bulkhead
These special conditions are issued for the Airbus A380-800 airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. Many of these novel or unusual design features are associated with the complex systems and the configuration of the airplane, including its full-length double deck. For these design features, the applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards regarding a reinforced flightdeck bulkhead. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish an appropriate level of safety for a reinforced flightdeck bulkhead and are equivalent to the standards established by existing airworthiness regulations for the flightdeck door. Additional special conditions will be issued for other novel or unusual design features of the Airbus Model A380-800 airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 747-400, 747-400D, and 747-400F Series Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 747-400, 747-400D, and 747-400F series airplanes. This proposed AD would require replacement of an electronic flight information system/engine indicating and crew alerting system (EFIS/EICAS) interface unit (EIU) located on the E2-6 shelf of the main equipment center with a new or modified EIU. This proposed AD results from two instances where all six integrated display units (IDUs) on the flight deck panels went blank in flight. We are proposing this AD to prevent loss of the IDUs due to failure of all three EIUs, which could result in the inability of the flightcrew to maintain safe flight and landing of the airplane.
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