Department of the Interior January 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 106
States' Decisions on Participating in Accounting and Auditing Relief for Federal Oil and Gas Marginal Properties
Final regulations that ONRR published on September 13, 2004 (69 FR 55076), provide two types of accounting and auditing relief for Federal onshore or Outer Continental Shelf lease production from marginal properties. As the regulations require, ONRR provided a list of qualifying marginal Federal oil and gas properties to States that received a portion of Federal royalties. Each State then decided whether to participate in one or both relief options. For calendar year 2015, we provide in this notice the affected States' decisions to allow one or both types of relief.
Notice of Application for Withdrawal and Opportunity for Public Meeting, Burgess Junction Visitor Center and Administrative Site; Wyoming
The United States Forest Service (USFS) has filed an application with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requesting that the Secretary of the Interior withdraw approximately 73 acres of National Forest System land from location and entry under the mining laws in order to protect capital improvements constructed for the Burgess Junction Visitor Center and Administrative Site in the Bighorn National Forest. This notice temporarily segregates the land for up to 2 years from location and entry under the United States mining laws while the withdrawal application is being processed. This notice also gives the public an opportunity to comment on the withdrawal application and to request a public meeting. The land has been and will remain open to such forms of disposition allowed by law on National Forest System land and to mineral leasing.
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Bakersfield Field Office Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement, California
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Approved Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Bakersfield Field Office located in Kings, Madera, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, Ventura, eastern Fresno, and western Kern counties in south-central California. The California State Director signed the ROD on December 22, 2014, which constitutes the BLM's final decision and makes the Approved RMP effective immediately.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Bull Mountain Unit Master Development Plan, Gunnison County, CO
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Bull Mountain Unit Master Development Plan (MDP) and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Sheep Mountain Uranium Project, Fremont County, Wyoming
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy Act of 1976 (FLPMA) and associated regulations, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Sheep Mountain Uranium Project and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for the Mexican Wolf
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), determine endangered status under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, for the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi). The effect of this regulation will be to revise the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife by making a separate entry for the Mexican wolf. We are separating our determination on the listing of the Mexican wolf as endangered from the determination on our proposal regarding the delisting of the gray wolf in the United States and Mexico. This rule finalizes our determination for the Mexican wolf.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revision to the Regulations for the Nonessential Experimental Population of the Mexican Wolf
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), revise the regulations for the nonessential experimental population of the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) under section 10(j) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. This action is being taken in coordination with our final rule in this Federal Register to list the Mexican wolf as an endangered subspecies. The regulatory revisions in this rule will improve the project to reintroduce a nonessential experimental population, thereby increasing potential for recovery of this species.
Notice of Public Meetings, Northwest Colorado Resource Advisory Council Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northwest Colorado Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Endangered and Threatened Species Permit Applications
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered or threatened species. The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), prohibits activities with endangered and threatened species unless a Federal permit allows such activities. Both the Act and the National Environmental Policy Act require that we invite public comment before issuing these permits.
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Coquille Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project, City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
This notice advises the public that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) as lead agency intends to gather information necessary for preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in connection with the Coquille Indian Tribe's (Tribe) application for a proposed 2.4-acre fee-to-trust transfer and casino project to be located in the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. This notice also announces the beginning of the public scoping process to solicit public comments and identify issues.
Advisory Board for Exceptional Children Meeting
The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) is announcing that the Advisory Board for Exceptional Children (Advisory Board) will hold its next meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The purpose of the meeting is to meet the mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) for Indian children with disabilities.
Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, Texas
The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan (Plan), Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, Texas. The Plan/FEIS evaluates the impacts of four alternatives that address off-road vehicle (ORV) management in the national recreation area.
Final Strategic Growth Policy for the National Wildlife Refuge System
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has finalized a policy to implement a strategic approach to the growth of the National Wildlife Refuge System (Refuge System, System). The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act (Administration Act), as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, requires that we ``plan and direct the continued growth of the System in a manner that is best designed to accomplish the mission of the System.'' This policy directs Refuge System employees to focus their protection measures on priority conservation features to ensure that our limited resources are used to make the greatest contribution to the conservation of species in a cost-effective and transparent manner. It ensures that the growth of the System reflects our vision toward managing functional landscapes, enhancing our scientific rigor, improving our effectiveness, and involving our partners and the American people. The Strategic Growth policy is found in ``Refuge Planning,'' chapter 5, part 602 in the Fish and Wildlife Service Manual.
Alaska; Hunting and Trapping in National Preserves-Reopening of Public Comment Period
The National Park Service is reopening the public comment period for the proposed rule to amend its regulations for sport hunting and trapping in National Preserves in Alaska. The proposed rule also includes updates to procedures for closing an area or restricting an activity in National Park Service Areas in Alaska and other minor changes. Reopening the comment period for 31 days will allow more time for the public to review the proposal and submit comments.
Request for Nominations of Members To Serve on the Bureau of Indian Education Advisory Board for Exceptional Children
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee ActPublic Law 92- 463, 5 United States Code, Appendix 2, Section 10 (a) (b); and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA), (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.), the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) requests nominations of individuals to serve on the Advisory Board for Exceptional Children (Advisory Board). There are six positions available. The BIE will consider nominations received in response to this request for nominations, as well as other sources. The ``Supplementary Information'' section for this notice provides committee and membership criteria.
Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs
This notice publishes the current list of 566 tribal entities recognized and eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs by virtue of their status as Indian tribes. The list is updated from the notice published on January 29, 2014 (79 FR 4748).
U.S. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Multi-Stakeholder Group (USEITI MSG) Advisory Committee
This notice announces the next four meetings of the United States Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (USEITI) Multi- Stakeholder Group (MSG) Advisory Committee. Dates and Times: The four meetings in 2015 will occur on February 24-25, 2015; May 20-21, 2015; September 16-17, 2015; and December 15- 16, 2015; in Washington, DC, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, unless we indicate otherwise at, where we will post agendas, meeting logistics, and meeting materials prior to the meeting.
Bureau of Land Management's Eastern States Office Relocating; Limited Access to Public Room During Move
The Bureau of Land Management's Eastern States Office will move to a new location and close access to its Public Room from January 14, 2015 to January 23, 2015. Some services and limited access to records will be available at the new location from January 26, 2015 through March 2, 2015. Updates regarding records access will be posted on the Eastern States Web site at
Filing of Plats of Survey; NV
The purpose of this notice is to inform the public and interested State and local government officials of the filing of Plats of Survey in Nevada.
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska-2016-17 and 2017-18 Subsistence Taking of Wildlife Regulations
This proposed rule would establish regulations for hunting and trapping seasons, harvest limits, and methods and means related to taking of wildlife for subsistence uses during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 regulatory years. The Federal Subsistence Board is on a schedule of completing the process of revising subsistence taking of wildlife regulations in even-numbered years and subsistence taking of fish and shellfish regulations in odd-numbered years; public proposal and review processes take place during the preceding year. The Board also addresses customary and traditional use determinations during the applicable cycle. When final, the resulting rulemaking will replace the existing subsistence wildlife taking regulations. This rule would also amend the general regulations on subsistence taking of fish and wildlife.
Notice of Application for Withdrawal Extension and Opportunity for Public Meeting, California
The United States Forest Service (USFS) has filed an application with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requesting that the Secretary of the Interior extend the duration of the withdrawal created by Public Land Order (PLO) No. 7179 for an additional 20-year term. PLO No. 7179 withdrew 45 acres of National Forest System land from location and entry under the United States mining laws, but not from leasing under the mineral leasing laws, to protect the seismic integrity of the University of CaliforniaBerkeley Seismic Observatory located in Siskiyou County, California. The withdrawal created by PLO No. 7179 will expire on January 24, 2016, unless extended. This notice provides an opportunity to comment on the withdrawal extension application and to request a public meeting.
Filing of Plats of Survey; Idaho
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has officially filed the plats of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Idaho State Office, Boise, Idaho, effective 9:00 a.m., on the dates specified.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Notice of Availability of a Technical/Agency Draft Recovery Plan for the Laurel Dace
We, the Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of the technical/agency draft recovery plan for the endangered laurel dace, a small fish native to the Tennessee River Basin in Tennessee. The draft recovery plan includes specific recovery objectives and criteria to be met in order for us to downlist the species to threatened status or delist it under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). We request review and comment on this draft recovery plan from local, State, and Federal agencies, and the public.
Filing of Plats of Survey: Oregon/Washington
The plats of survey of the following described lands are scheduled to be officially filed in the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office, Portland, Oregon, 30 days from the date of this publication.
Notice of Realty Action: Proposed Competitive Sale (N-89521) of Public Land in White Pine County, NV
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to sell a 40-acre parcel of public land in White Pine County, NV by competitive sale. Bidding on the subject parcel will begin at not less than the appraised fair market value (FMV) of $81,580. The BLM is proposing to use the competitive sale procedures consistent with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, and the applicable BLM land sale regulations.
Notice of Realty Action: Proposed Modified Competitive Sale (N-87744) in White Pine County, NV
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to sell a 40-acre parcel of public land in White Pine County, Nevada by modified competitive sale. Bidding on the subject parcel will begin at not less than the appraised fair market value (FMV) of $81,580. The BLM is proposing to use the modified competitive sale procedures consistent with Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, and the applicable BLM land sale regulations.
Notice of Realty Action: Competitive Sale of Public Lands (N-87866) in White Pine County, NV
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to offer by competitive sale, a 38.02-acre parcel of public land in White Pine County, NV, at no less than the appraised fair market value (FMV) of $135,000. The sale will be subject to the applicable provisions of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, and applicable BLM land sale regulations.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Draft Recovery Plan for Baker's Larkspur (Delphinium bakeri
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of the Draft Recovery Plan for Baker's Larkspur (Delphinium bakeri) for public review and comment. The recovery plan includes downlisting objectives and criteria, and specific actions necessary to reclassify the species from endangered to threatened on the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.
Draft Environmental Assessment and Proposed Wright Solar Park Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan, Merced County, California
This notice advises the public that we, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), have prepared a draft environmental assessment (EA) under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), in response to an application from Wright Solar Park, LLC (the applicant) for an incidental take permit (ITP) pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The applicant has prepared the draft Wright Solar Park Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to describe and implement a conservation plan that will minimize and mitigate environmental effects associated with the construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of an up-to-200-megawatt photovoltaic power generating facility and implementation of conservation actions associated with the Habitat Conservation Plan in Merced County, California. We also announce a 60-day public comment period on the permit application, including the draft EA and the proposed HCP. We request data, comments, new information, or suggestions from the public, other concerned governmental agencies, the scientific community, Tribes, industry, or any other interested party.
Renewal of Agency Information Collection for Tribal Energy Resource Agreements
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs is seeking comments on the renewal of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval for the collection of information titled ``Tribal Energy Resource Agreements'' (TERAs) under the Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development Office (IEED) authorized by OMB Control Number 1076-0167. This information collection expires March 31, 2015.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Public Advisory Committee
The Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary is announcing a public meeting of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Public Advisory Committee.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Endangered Status for 21 Species and Proposed Threatened Status for 2 Species in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), recently published a proposed listing for 21 plant and animal species from the Mariana Islands (U.S. Territory of Guam and the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) as endangered species and 2 plant species from the Mariana Islands as threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), and announced a 60-day public comment period on the proposed actions, ending December 1, 2014. We now reopen the public comment period for an additional 30 days, and announce two public hearings and four public information meetings on our proposed rule. We are taking these actions to allow all interested parties additional time and opportunity to comment on the proposed rule.
Notice of Invitation To Participate; Coal Exploration License Application WYW183864, Wyoming
Pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, and to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regulations, all interested parties are hereby invited to participate with Black Butte Coal Company on a pro rata cost-sharing basis, in a program for the exploration of coal deposits owned by the United States of America in Sweetwater County, Wyoming.
Notice of Invitation To Participate; Coal Exploration License; Application WYW183863, Wyoming
Pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, and to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regulations, all interested parties are hereby invited to participate with Black Butte Coal Company on a pro rata cost-sharing basis, in a program for the exploration of coal deposits owned by the United States of America in Sweetwater County, Wyoming.
Notice of Realty Action: Recreation and Public Purposes Lease for Change of Use and Conveyance of Public Lands in Nye County, NV
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Pahrump Field Office has examined and proposes to change the use of a 400-acre Recreation and Public Purposes (R&PP) Lease from a buffer zone to a landfill located in Nye County, Nevada. The land has been leased by the Nevada Division of State Lands (NDSL) since 1962, and it surrounds an existing 80-acre landfill. The conveyance would be offered pursuant to the Recreation and Public Purposes (R&PP) Act of 1926. The NDSL proposes to use the land for a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C landfill and disposal site.
Notice of Motorized Vehicle Temporary Restrictions for Specified Routes on Public Land During the Annual Moab Jeep Safari, Utah
This notice restricts motorized use on 10 popular vehicle routes located on public land used by the Moab Jeep Safari during its annual Moab Jeep Safari organized-group event, authorized under a Special Recreation Permit (SRP). The action is in effect for the Jeep Safari event which takes place annually, during the 9-day period prior to and including Easter. The dates for the Moab Jeep Safari and the dates of the temporary restrictions will be posted at the Moab Field Office and on the Moab Field Office's Web site at the addresses provided below every year at least 30 days prior to the event. The dates are also available upon request.
Texas City Y Oil Spill; Notice of Intent To Conduct Restoration Planning
Under the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), Federal and State trustees for natural resources are authorized to assess natural resource injuries resulting from an oil discharge or the substantial threat of discharge, as well those injuries that result from response activities. The trustees develop and implement a restoration plan to identify and quantify injuries to natural resources and the restoration required to compensate for those injuries. This notice announces the intent of the Federal and State trustees to conduct restoration planning regarding the discharge of oil from the Kirby Barge 27706 resulting from the collision with an inbound bulk carrier, the M/V SUMMER WIND, an incident that occurred in the Houston Ship Channel near Texas City, Texas on March 22, 2014.
Notice of Availability and Notice of Public Meeting for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for the North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program
The Bureau of Reclamation and the City of Modesto have made available for public review and comment the North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR). The North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program would provide recycled water from the Cities of Turlock and Modesto via the Central Valley Project's Delta-Mendota Canal to Del Puerto Water District for irrigation purposes, and would further provide annual supplemental water to south of the Sacramento- San Joaquin River Delta Central Valley Project Improvement Act designated wildlife refuges for wetlands.
Notice of Public Review and Comment Period Extension for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Central Valley Project Municipal and Industrial Water Shortage Policy, Central Valley, California
The Bureau of Reclamation is extending the public review and comment period for the Central Valley Project Municipal and Industrial Water Shortage Policy Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Draft EIS was initially noticed by Reclamation on November 19, 2014 and public comments were originally due on January 12, 2015. In response to public requests, the comment period is being extended until March 13, 2015.
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Public Meetings for the Kachess Drought Relief Pumping Plant and Keechelus Reservoir-to-Kachess Reservoir Conveyance, Kittitas and Yakima Counties, Washington
The Bureau of Reclamation and Washington State Department of Ecology have made available for public review and comment the Kachess Drought Relief Pumping Plant and Keechelus Reservoir-to-Kachess Reservoir Conveyance Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Draft EIS describes the potential environmental effects of the No Action Alternative and five action alternatives. The action alternatives examine constructing and operating a pumping plant to access up to 200,000 acre-feet of water in Kachess Reservoir during drought years and conveying it to the Kachess River for irrigation use within the Yakima Project, and constructing and operating a gravity flow tunnel from Keechelus Reservoir to Kachess Reservoir that could convey up to 400 cubic feet of water per second to Kachess Reservoir. The action alternatives include activities to enhance the resiliency of bull trout populations in the Kachess and Keechelus watersheds as well as elsewhere in the Yakima River basin.
Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Long Canyon Mine Project, Elko County, NV
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Long Canyon Mine Project and by this notice is announcing its availability.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection; Control Number 1004-0034
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites public comments on, and plans to request approval to continue, the collection of information about transfers and assignments of leases for oil, gas, and geothermal resources. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has assigned control number 1004- 0034 to this information collection.
Record of Decision for the General Management Plan: Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida and Mississippi
The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the General Management Plan (GMP) for Gulf Islands National Seashore (National Seashore). On September 11, 2014, the Regional Director, Southeast Region, approved the ROD for the project.
Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Notice To Amend an Existing System of Records
Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the Department of the Interior is issuing a public notice of its intent to amend the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians Privacy Act system of records, ``Individual Indian Money (IIM) Trust Funds-Interior, OS-02,'' to combine the existing system of records with the OST Privacy Act system of records, ``Accounting Reconciliation Tool (ART)Interior, OS-11'' into one system of records for efficiency purposes and to promote the overall streamlining and management of Department of the Interior Privacy Act systems of records. This amendment will also update the system location, categories of individuals covered by the system, categories of records in the system, authority for maintenance of the system, storage, safeguards, retention and disposal, system manager and address, notification procedures, records access and contesting procedures, records source categories, and the routine uses to include activities related to land consolidation of fractionated lands.
Notice of Public Meeting for the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group
The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG) makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior concerning Glen Canyon Dam operations and other management actions to protect resources downstream of Glen Canyon Dam, consistent with the Grand Canyon Protection Act. The AMWG meets two to three times a year.
Consolidated Federal Oil & Gas and Federal & Indian Coal Valuation Reform
The Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) proposes to change the regulations governing valuation for royalty purposes of oil and gas produced from Federal onshore and offshore leases and coal produced from Federal and Indian leases. The proposed rule also consolidates definitions for oil, gas, and coal product valuation into one subpart applicable to the Federal oil and gas and Federal and Indian coal subparts.
Notice of Public Meeting; Wyoming Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wyoming Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Endangered and Threatened Species Permit Applications
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, invite the public to comment on the following applications to conduct certain activities with endangered or threatened species. The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), prohibits activities with endangered and threatened species unless a Federal permit allows such activities. Both the Act and the National Environmental Policy Act require that we invite public comment before issuing these permits.
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