Department of the Air Force March 30, 2020 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Notice of Intent To Prepare a Legislative Environmental Impact Statement and Notice of Cancellation of Scoping Meetings for the Proposed Extension of the Military Land Withdrawal at Barry M. Goldwater Range, Arizona
Document Number: 2020-06568
Type: Notice
Date: 2020-03-30
Agency: Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force
The United States Air Force (USAF) (co-lead agency), in coordination with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) (co-lead agency), is issuing this amended notice to advise the public of the continuing intent to prepare a Legislative Environmental Impact Statement (LEIS) for the proposed extension of the Barry M. Goldwater Range (BMGR) land withdrawal and reservation in Arizona. The LEIS will also address a proposal to withdrawal approximately 2,366 acres of additional public land adjacent to Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Airfield to enhance the security and safety of flight operations at the airfield. However, as a direct result of the National Emergency declared by the President on Friday, March 13, 2020, in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States and the Center for Disease Control's recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings, the Air Force is now canceling five public scoping meetings between April 9, 2020 and April 30, 2020. In lieu of the public scoping meetings, the Air Force will use the alternative means set forth below to inform the public and stakeholders and to obtain input for scoping the proposed action.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
Document Number: 2020-06526
Type: Notice
Date: 2020-03-30
Agency: Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force
The AF is modifying the System of Records titled, ``Telecommunications Notification System,'' F010 AFSPC A. This System of Records will become the DoD ``Enterprise Mass Warning and Notification System (EMWNS),'' DCIO 02 DoD. The DoD seeks to implement a system to quickly send alert notifications to Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard personnel, dependents, DoD civilians, and contractors in an emergency event. The system efficiently notifies and communicates critical safety information to personnel located both on and off military locations. The system enables respondents to communicate with their respective chains of command to account for themselves during emergency events.
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