Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Current List of HHS-Certified Laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities Which Meet Minimum Standards To Engage in Urine and Oral Fluid Drug Testing for Federal Agencies
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notifies Federal agencies of the laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities (IITFs) currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines) using Urine and the laboratories currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines using Oral Fluid.
Notice of Meeting for the Interdepartmental Substance Use Disorders Coordinating Committee (ISUDCC)
The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) announces a meeting of the Interdepartmental Substance Use Disorders Coordinating Committee (ISUDCC). The ISUDCC is open to the public and members of the public can attend the meeting via telephone or webcast only, and not in person. Agenda with call-in information will be posted on the SAMHSA website prior to the meeting at: about-us/advisory-councils/meetings.
Current List of HHS-Certified Laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities Which Meet Minimum Standards To Engage in Urine and Oral Fluid Drug Testing for Federal Agencies
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notifies Federal agencies of the laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities (IITFs) currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines) using Urine and the laboratories currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines using Oral Fluid.
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Drug Testing Advisory Board; Notice of Availability of Report of Fiscal Year 2023 Closed or Partially Closed Meetings
A report summarizing the closed or partially closed meeting activities of the SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Drug Testing Advisory Board during fiscal year 2023 has been prepared. A copy of this report has been filed with the Library of Congress.
HHS Approval of Entities That Certify Medical Review Officers
This notice publishes a list of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved Medical Review Officers certification entities. The most recent HHS Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines), effective on October 10, 2023 (Oral Fluid) and February 1, 2024 (Urine), address the role and qualifications of Medical Review Officers (MROs) and HHS approval of entities that certify MROs.
Notice of Meeting for the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC)
The Secretary of Health and Human Services announces a meeting of the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC). The meeting will provide information on federal efforts related to serious mental illness (SMI) and serious emotional disturbance (SED); and Report Outs from Focus Area 1Data and Evaluation; Focus Area 2 Access and Engagement; Focus Area 3Treatment and Recovery; Focus Area 4Criminal Justice, and Focus Area 5Finance; and updates on SAMHSA's initiatives.
Current List of HHS-Certified Laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities Which Meet Minimum Standards To Engage in Urine and Oral Fluid Drug Testing for Federal Agencies
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notifies Federal agencies of the laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities (IITFs) currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines) using Urine and the laboratories currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines using Oral Fluid.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Supplemental Funding Opportunity
This notice is to inform the public that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is supporting administrative supplements in scope of the parent award for the 59- eligible Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) recipients funded under the FFY 2024-2025 Combined Block Grant Application (OMB Control Number 0930-0168). The distribution of MHBG funds, including funds allocated for technical assistance, must adhere to a statutory formula. The formula considers the population at risk, the cost of providing services, and other relevant factors. To comply with these requirements, technical assistance funds will be distributed to States and territories using this established formula. These awards have a project end date of September 30, 2025.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Supplemental Funding Opportunity
This notice is to inform the public that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is supporting administrative supplements in scope of the parent award for the 56 eligible grant recipients funded in FY 2024 Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness Grant (PATH), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) SM-24-F2. Each PATH recipient may receive up to $8,967. These awards have a project end date of September 29, 2025.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Correction
The SAMHSA published a document in the Federal Register of August 15, 2024, concerning request for comments on specifications for comments on a new SAMHSA data collection titled "SAMHSA Unified Client-level Performance Reporting Tool (SUPRT)". The document was missing a website to view the proposed draft tool. This correction includes the web address.
Current List of HHS-Certified Laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities Which Meet Minimum Standards To Engage in Urine and Oral Fluid Drug Testing for Federal Agencies
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notifies Federal agencies of the laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities (IITFs) currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines) using Urine and the laboratories currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines using Oral Fluid.
Meetings of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC), and Joint Meeting of the TTAC and Indian Health Service (IHS) National Tribal Advisory Committee on Behavioral Health (NTAC)
Notice is hereby given for the meetings on September 17, 2024, of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC); and on September 18, 2024, a joint meeting with the TTAC and Indian Health Service (IHS) National Tribal Advisory Committee on Behavioral Health (NTAC). Both meetings are open to the public and will be held in person and virtually. Agenda with call-in information will be posted on the SAMHSA website prior to the meeting at: meetings. The TTAC meeting will include, but not be limited to, remarks from the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use; updates on SAMHSA priorities; follow up on topics related to the previous TTAC meetings; and council discussions. The joint meeting of the SAMHSA TTAC and IHS NTAC will include discussion on improving behavioral health for American Indian and Alaska Natives.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Supplemental Funding Opportunity
This notice is to inform the public that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is supporting administrative supplements in scope of the parent award for the five eligible grant recipients funded in FY22 and FY23 under the Grants to Prevent Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose Program (PDO), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) SP-21-002. Recipients may receive up to $279,266 each for a total of $1,396,330 across the program. These recipients have a project end date for use of these supplemental funds of September 29, 2025. The supplemental funding will be used to fund a comprehensive Training of Trainer (ToT) model to enhance workforce development and capacity in the arena of preventing prescription drug/ overdose related deaths and adverse events within existing projects funded under the PDO program.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Supplemental Funding Opportunity
This notice is to inform the public that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is supporting an administrative supplement in scope of the parent award for one eligible grant recipient funded under the FY 2023 Provider's Clinical Support SystemMedications for Opioid Use Disorder (PCSS-MOUD), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) TI-23-014. The recipient may receive up to $1,000,000. This supplement provides support to the recipient with a project end date of September 30, 2025. The supplemental funding will be used to support increased fees from the training platform service as a result of an increase in the number of practitioners accessing training from the program.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Supplemental Funding Opportunity
This notice is to inform the public that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is supporting administrative supplements in scope of the parent award for the 26 eligible grant recipients funded in FY 2022 under the First Responders- Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (FR-CARA), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) TI-22-008. Recipients may receive up to $58,190 each, for a total of $1,512,940 across the program. These recipients have a project end date for use of these supplemental funds of September 29, 2025. The supplements will be used to fund a Training of Trainer (ToT) model to rapidly expand workforce development and capacity in the arena of preventing overdose related deaths and adverse events within existing projects funded under the FR-CARA program.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Notice of Supplemental Funding Opportunity
This notice is to inform the public that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is supporting administrative supplements in scope of the parent award for the 12 eligible grant recipients funded in FY 2022 under the Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program (Short Title: Native Connections), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) SM-21-011. Recipients may receive up to $77,500 each for a total of $930,000 across the grant cohort. These recipients have a project end date for these supplemental funds of September 29, 2025. The supplemental funding will be used to fund a comprehensive Training of Trainers (ToT) model to enhance and expand workforce development and capacity in the areas of focus of the TBH program: preventing and reducing substance use, overdose, suicidal behavior, suicide, and addressing the impact of trauma among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth, up to and including age 24.
Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority
SAMHSA has modified its organizational structure.
Current List of HHS-Certified Laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities Which Meet Minimum Standards To Engage in Urine and Oral Fluid Drug Testing for Federal Agencies
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notifies Federal agencies of the laboratories and Instrumented Initial Testing Facilities (IITFs) currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs (Mandatory Guidelines) using Urine and the laboratories currently certified to meet the standards of the Mandatory Guidelines using Oral Fluid.
Notice of Subcommittee Meetings for the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC)
The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Secretary) announces subcommittee meetings of the Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee (ISMICC). The meetings are open to the public and can be accessed via telephone only. The public can access the meetings in listen-only mode. Call-in information can be accessed at: The meetings will include information on the following focus areas: Data and Evaluation, Access, Treatment and Recovery, Justice, and Finance.
Meeting of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services National Advisory Council
Notice is hereby given of the meeting on August 27, 2024, of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services National Advisory Council (CMHS NAC). The meeting is open to the public and can also be accessed virtually (best option as space is restricted). Agenda with call-in information will be posted on the SAMHSA website prior to the meeting at: us/advisory-councils/meetings. The meeting will include, but not be limited to, consideration of the meeting minutes from the February 27, 2024, SAMHSA, CMHS NAC meeting; updates from the CMHS Director; remarks from SAMHSA's Assistant Secretary; updates on Disasters; and updates on Subcommittee Tasks.
Meeting of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Advisory Council
Notice is hereby given for the meeting on August 29, 2024, of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Advisory Council (SAMHSA NAC). The meeting is open to the public and can also be accessed virtually. Agenda with call-in information will be posted on the SAMHSA website prior to the meeting at: https:// The meeting will include, but not be limited to, remarks from the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use; consideration and approval of the meeting minutes of February 29, 2024; a recap of the Joint meetings of the councils (JNAC) of August 28, 2024, and Lessons Learned. There will be presentations with council discussions on the following topics: Older Adults, Workforce, Legislative updates, OMTO, Budget, and Credentialing Work.
Joint Meeting of the National Advisory Councils
Notice is hereby given of the combined (joint) meeting on August 28, 2024, of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) national advisory councils: the SAMHSA National Advisory Council (NAC), the Center for Mental Health Services NAC, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention NAC, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment NAC; and the two SAMHSA advisory committees: Advisory Committee for Women's Services (ACWS) and the Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC).
Meeting of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC)
Notice is hereby given for the meeting on August 27, 2024, of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Tribal Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC). The meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Agenda with call-in information will be posted on the SAMHSA website prior to the meeting at: councils/meetings. The meeting will include, but not be limited to, remarks from the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use; updates on SAMHSA priorities; follow up on topics related to the previous TTAC meetings; planning for the in-person September 2024 meeting; and council discussions.
Meeting of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention National Advisory Council
Notice is hereby given for the meeting on August 27, 2024, of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention National Advisory Council (CSAP NAC). The meeting is open to the public and can also be accessed virtually. Agenda with call-in information will be posted on the SAMHSA website prior to the meeting at: advisory-councils/meetings. The meeting will include, but not be limited to, remarks from the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use; approval of the meeting minutes of February 27, 2024; an update from the CSAP NAC Substance Use Prevention Workforce Subcommittee; overview and discussion on CSAP's primary prevention portfolio; Council discussion and public comments.
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