Department of Energy November 25, 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 11 of 11
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for General Service Lamps
The U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE") proposes several clarifications to the test procedures for general service lamps ("GSLs") located in appendix W, appendix BB and appendix DD. Specifically, DOE proposes to clarify that GSLs must not be tested as colored lamps, GSLs that can operate at multiple correlated color temperatures ("CCTs") be tested at one specific CCT, and that lamps with additional components that do not affect light output must be turned off during testing. The proposed clarifications specify that non-integrated lamps be tested with a fluorescent lamp ballast or external driver selected based on compatibility lists and availability; and provide specifications regarding the starting method, ballast factor, number of lamps and references to the relevant industry standards. This rulemaking is limited in scope and is considering clarifications to the current test procedures that are required for certification of compliance with existing applicable GSL energy conservation standards. Further, this rulemaking does not satisfy the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) requirement that, at least once every 7 years, DOE review the test procedures for GSLs. DOE is seeking comment from interested parties on the proposal.
Commission Information Collection Activities (FERC-523); Comment Request; Extension
In compliance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) is soliciting public comment on a renewal of currently approved information collection, FERC-523 (Application for Authorization for the Issuance of Securities or the Assumption of Liabilities). There were no comments received on the 60-day notice that ended on November 12, 2024.
Reinstatement of a Previously Approved Information Collection for the Weatherization Assistance Program
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, intends to extend a previously approved collection, without change, for three years with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The information collection request, Weatherization Assistance Program Sub-Programs, was previously approved on May 26, 2022, under OMB Control No. 1910-5157 and expires on May 31, 2025.
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