Department of Energy November 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 179 of 179
State Energy Advisory Board (STEAB)
This notice announces a teleconference call of the State Energy Advisory Board (STEAB). The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463; 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of these meetings be announced in the Federal Register.
Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board, Savannah River Site
This notice announces a meeting of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), Savannah River Site. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that public notice of this meeting be announced in the Federal Register.
Application To Export Electric Energy; Powerex Corp.
Powerex Corp. (Powerex) has applied to renew its authority to transmit electric energy from the United States to Mexico pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act.
Application to Export Electric Energy; Brookfield Energy Marketing Inc.
Brookfield Energy Marketing Inc. (BEMI) has applied to renew its authority to transmit electric energy from the United States to Canada pursuant to section 202(e) of the Federal Power Act.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products and Certain Commercial and Industrial Equipment: Test Procedures for Residential and Commercial Water Heaters
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) proposes to revise its test procedure for residential water heaters and certain commercial water heaters established under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. This rulemaking will fulfill DOE's statutory obligation for residential and certain commercial water heaters to review its test procedure for covered products and equipment at least once every seven years. In addition, this rulemaking will satisfy DOE's statutory obligation to develop a uniform efficiency descriptor for residential and commercial water heaters. The proposed test method would apply the same efficiency descriptor to all residential and certain commercial water heaters, and it would extend coverage to eliminate certain gaps in the current residential test procedure, update the simulated-use-test draw pattern, and update the water delivery temperature requirement. DOE is also announcing a public meeting to discuss and receive comments on issues presented in this test procedure rulemaking.
Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to Samsung From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of its decision and order in Case No. RF-032 that grants to Samsung Electronics America, Inc. (Samsung) a waiver from the DOE electric refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test procedures for specific basic models set forth in its petition for waiver. In its petition, Samsung provides an alternate test procedure that is identical to the test procedure DOE published in a final rule dated January 25, 2012 (77 FR 3559) that manufacturers will be required to use starting in 2014. Under today's decision and order, Samsung shall be required to test and rate these refrigerator-freezers using an alternate test procedure as adopted in that January 2012 final rule, which accounts for multiple defrost cycles when measuring energy consumption.
Notice of Petition for Waiver of Samsung Electronics America, Inc. From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedure, and Grant of Interim Waiver
This notice announces receipt of a petition for waiver from Samsung Electronics America, Inc. (Samsung) regarding specified portions of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedure for determining the energy consumption of electric refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers. In its petition, Samsung provides an alternate test procedure that is the same as the test procedure DOE published in a final rule setting out testing requirements for manufacturers to follow starting in 2014. DOE solicits comments, data, and information concerning Samsung's petition and the suggested alternate test procedure. Today's notice also grants Samsung an interim waiver from the electric refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test procedure, subject to use of the alternative test procedure set forth in this notice.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to Whirlpool Corporation From the Department of Energy Residential Dishwasher Test Procedure
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of the decision and order (Case No. DW-011) that grants to Whirlpool Corporation (Whirlpool) a waiver from the DOE dishwasher test procedure. The waiver pertains to the models of dishwasher equipped with a ``water use system'' specified in Whirlpool's petition. Under today's decision and order, Whirlpool shall be required to test and rate its KitchenAid brand dishwasher equipped with a ``water use system'' using an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy and water consumption.
Notice of Availability for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Announcement of Public Hearings for the Proposed Champlain Hudson Power Express Transmission Line Project
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces the availability of the ``Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Champlain Hudson Power Express Transmission Line Project'' (DOE/EIS-0447) for public review and comment. DOE is also announcing four public hearings to receive comments on the Draft EIS. The Draft EIS evaluates the environmental impacts of DOE's proposed Federal action of issuing a Presidential permit to the Applicant, Champlain Hudson Power Express, Inc. (CHPEI), to construct, operate, maintain, and connect a new electric transmission line across the U.S./Canada border in northeastern New York State.
Recommendation From the Western Area Power Administration To Pursue Regional Transmission Organization Membership
Western Area Power Administration (Western), Upper Great Plains Region (Western-UGP), a power marketing administration (PMA) of the Department of Energy (DOE), is publishing a recommendation to pursue formal negotiations with the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), concerning membership. Western is seeking public comment from Western's customers, Tribes, stakeholders, and the public at large. A decision to pursue implementation of the recommendation will be posted to Western's Web site.
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