Department of Defense November 20, 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Department of Defense has submitted to OMB for clearance, the following proposal for collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35).
Cancellation of the Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Construction and Operation of an Outlying Landing Field To Support Carrier Air Wing Aircraft at Naval Air Station Oceana and Naval Station Norfolk, VA
The Department of the Navy (DoN) hereby cancels its Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Construction and Operation of an Outlying Landing Field (OLF) in northeastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. The purpose of the OLF was to support carrier-based air wing aircraft squadrons stationed at and transient to Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana and Naval Station (NS) Norfolk, VA. Navy Auxiliary Landing Field Fentress remains the single, local DoN OLF for Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) training for all fixed-wing, carrier-based air wing aircraft operating from NAS Oceana and NS Norfolk Chambers Field.
Meeting of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS)
The Department of Defense is publishing this notice to announce that the following Federal Advisory Committee meeting of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS) will take place. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the Committee's Annual Report and to receive briefings and updates relating to the Committee's current work.
Privacy Act; Implementation
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is proposing to update the DIA Privacy Act Program by adding the (k)(2) and (k)(5) exemptions to accurately describe the basis for exempting the records in the system of records notice LDIA 10-0004 Occupational, Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Records. This direct final rule makes non-substantive changes to the Defense Intelligence Agency Program rules. These changes will allow the Department to add exemption rules to the DIA Privacy Program rules that will exempt applicable Department records and/or material from certain portions of the Privacy Act. This will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DoD's program by ensuring the integrity of the security and counterintelligence records by the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. This rule is being published as a direct final rule as the Department of Defense does not expect to receive any adverse comments, and so a proposed rule is unnecessary.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Defense Intelligence Agency is proposing the add a system to its existing inventory of records systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The Defense Intelligence Agency proposes to add a new system of records notice, LDIA 13-0001, Conflict Management Programs, to its existing inventory of records systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This system manages the Equal Opportunity (EO) Program, Alternate Dispute Resolution Program (ADR), Employee Grievance System, and Reasonable Accommodation (RA) cases.
Privacy Act; Implementation
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is updating the DIA Privacy Act Program by adding the (k)(2) and (k)(5) exemptions to accurately describe the basis for exempting the records in the system of records notice LDIA 13-0001, Conflict Management Programs. This direct final rule makes non-substantive changes to the Defense Intelligence Agency Program rules. These changes will allow the Department to add exemption rules to the DIA Privacy Program rules that will exempt applicable Department records and/or material from certain portions of the Privacy Act. This will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DoD's program by ensuring the integrity of the security and counterintelligence records by the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. This rule is being published as a direct final rule as the Department of Defense does not expect to receive any adverse comments, and so a proposed rule is unnecessary.
Privacy Act; Implementation
Department of the Navy is updating the Navy Privacy Act Program by adding the (k)(5) exemption to accurately describe the basis for exempting the records in the system of records notice NM03800-1, Naval Global Maritime, Foreign, Counterterrorism and Counter Intelligence Operation Records. This direct final rule makes non- substantive changes to the Department of the Navy's Program rules. These changes will allow the Department to add exemption rules to the Department of the Navy Privacy Program rules that will exempt applicable Department records and/or material from certain portions of the Privacy Act. This will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DoD's program by ensuring the integrity of the security and investigative material complied for law enforcement purposes by the Department of the Navy and the Department of Defense. This rule is being published as a direct final rule as the Department of Defense does not expect to receive any adverse comments, and so a proposed rule is unnecessary.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Department of the Navy proposes to add a new system of records in its inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The blanket (k)(1) exemption applies to this systems of records to accurately describe the basis for exempting disclosure of classified information that is or may be contained in the records.
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