International Trade Administration July 17, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Assembled Into Modules, From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review, and Partial Rescission of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2014
The Department of Commerce (the Department) has completed its administrative review of the countervailing duty order (CVD) on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells, whether or not assembled into modules (solar cells), from the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014, period of review (POR). We have determined that the mandatory respondents Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Changshu) Inc. and its cross-owned affiliates (collectively, Canadian Solar) and Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co., Ltd. and its cross-owned affiliates (collectively, Trina Solar), received countervailable subsidies during the POR. The final net subsidy rates are listed below in the section, ``Final Results of Administrative Review.'' We are also rescinding the review for 20 companies for which all review requests were timely withdrawn or for which we have concluded that there were no entries, exports, or sales of the subject merchandise during the POR.
Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker From Japan: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order
As a result of the determination by the Department of Commerce (Department) and the International Trade Commission (ITC) that revocation of the antidumping duty (AD) order on gray portland cement and cement clinker (cement and clinker) from Japan would likely lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and material injury to an industry in the United States, the Department is publishing a notice of continuation of this antidumping duty order.
Amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods From Ukraine
The Department of Commerce (the Department) and a representative of the Ukrainian signatory producer/exporter of certain oil country tubular goods (OCTG) from Ukraine, Interpipe, have signed an amendment to the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Certain Oil Country Tubular Goods from Ukraine (Agreement). The amendment to the Agreement extends the Agreement for one additional year, specifying that the Agreement shall terminate four years after the effective date of the original agreement, on July 10, 2018.
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