Department of Commerce January 2013 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 151 - 185 of 185
Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; Proposed Rule To Implement a Targeted Acadian Redfish Fishery for Sector Vessels; Reopening of Comment Period
This action reopens the comment period for an Acadian redfish- related proposed rule that published on November 8, 2012. The original comment period closed on November 23, 2012. This action clarifies a bycatch threshold incorrectly explained in the proposed rule. The public comment period is being reopened to solicit additional public comment on this correction.
Extension of the Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) implemented a pilot program (Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program) in which an applicant, under certain conditions, can request a twelve- month time period to pay the search fee, the examination fee, any excess claim fees, and the surcharge (for the late submission of the search fee and the examination fee) in a nonprovisional application. The Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program benefits applicants by permitting additional time to determine if patent protection should be soughtat a relatively low costand by permitting applicants to focus efforts on commercialization during this period. The Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program benefits the USPTO and the public by adding publications to the body of prior art, and by removing from the USPTO's workload those nonprovisional applications for which applicants later decide not to pursue examination. The USPTO is extending the Extended Missing Parts Pilot Program until December 31, 2013, to better gauge whether the Extended Missing Parts Program offers sufficient benefits to the patent community for it to be made permanent.
Nominations for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Advisory Committee
NMFS, on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce, is seeking nominations for the advisory committee established under the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention Implementation Act (Act). The advisory committee, to be composed of individuals from groups concerned with the fisheries covered by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention (Convention), will be given the opportunity to provide input to the United States Commissioners to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (Commission) regarding the deliberations and decisions of the Commission.
Magnesium Metal From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2011-2012
The Department of Commerce (``Department'') is conducting the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on magnesium metal from the People's Republic of China (``PRC''). The period of review (``POR'') is April 1, 2011, through March 31, 2012. This review covers one PRC company, Tianjin Magnesium International, Co., Ltd. (``TMI''). The Department preliminarily finds that TMI did not have reviewable transactions during the POR.
Hand Trucks and Certain Parts Thereof From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results of the 2010-2011 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is currently conducting an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on hand trucks and certain parts thereof (hand trucks) from the People's Republic of China (PRC) covering the period of review (POR) of December 1, 2010, through November 30, 2011. We preliminarily determine that sales made by New-Tec Integration (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. (New-Tec) were below normal value (NV). In addition, we are not rescinding this review with respect to WelCom Products, Inc. (WelCom), Yangjiang Shunhe Industrial Co., Ltd. and Yangjiang Shunhe Industrial & Trade Co., Ltd. (collectively, Shunhe), and Yuhuan Tongsheng Industry Company (Tongsheng) at this time (see ``Intent Not to Rescind in Part,'' infra). We invite interested parties to comment on these preliminary results.
Annual Surveys in the Manufacturing Area
The Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau) is conducting the 2013 Annual Surveys in the Manufacturing Area. The 2013 Annual Surveys consist of the Annual Survey of Manufactures, the Business R&D and Innovation Survey, and the Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey. We have determined that annual data collected from these surveys are needed to aid the efficient performance of essential governmental functions, and have significant application to the needs of the public and industry. The data derived from these surveys, most of which have been conducted for many years, are not publicly available from nongovernmental or other governmental sources. For more information on these surveys (e.g. forms and reporting instructions, due dates, etc.), visit the Census Bureau's Business Help Site and select the survey name.
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; St. George Reef Light Station Restoration and Maintenance at Northwest Seal Rock, Del Norte County, CA
We have received an application from the St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society (Society), for an Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA) to take marine mammals, by harassment incidental to conducting aircraft operations, lighthouse renovation, and light maintenance activities on the St. George Reef Light Station on Northwest Seal Rock (NWSR) in the northeast Pacific Ocean from the period of February through April, 2013 and during the period of November through December, 2013. Per the Marine Mammal Protection Act, we are requesting comments on our proposal to issue an Incidental Harassment Authorization to the Society to incidentally harass, by Level B harassment only, four species of marine mammals during the specified activity.
Export Trade Certificate of Review
The U.S. Department of Commerce issued an amended Export Trade Certificate of Review to Northwest Fruit Exporters on December 21, 2012. The Certificate has been amended twenty three times. The previous amendment was issued on August 12, 2011 (76 FR 55010, Sept. 6, 2011). The original Certificate was issued on June 11, 1984 (49 FR 24581, June 14, 1984).
Boundary Expansion of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries; Intent To Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Statement; Scoping Meetings
On December 21, 2012, NOAA published a notice of intent in the Federal Register to revise the boundaries of Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones national marine sanctuaries. This document makes a correction to the dates of the scoping meetings. The end of the scoping period remains March 1, 2013.
Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof From the People's Republic of China: Initiation of Antidumping Duty Changed Circumstances Review
Pursuant to section 751(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and 19 CFR 351.216 and 351.221(c)(3), the Department of Commerce is initiating a changed circumstances review of the antidumping duty order on diamond sawblades and parts thereof from the People's Republic of China with respect to Husqvarna (Hebei) Co., Ltd.
Endangered and Threatened Species; Take of Anadromous Fish
Notice is hereby given that NMFS has issued Permit 14808 to the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), Permit 15573 to the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID), Permit 16543 to the California Department of Water Resources (CDWR), Permit 13791 to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and Permit 17077 to Dr. Peter Moyle with the University of California, Davis (UCD).
Endangered and Threatened Species; Take of Anadromous Fish
Notice is hereby given that NMFS has received six scientific research permit application requests relating to Pacific salmon. The proposed research is intended to increase knowledge of species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and to help guide management and conservation efforts. The applications may be viewed online at: https:/ /
Endangered and Threatened Species; Take of Anadromous Fish
Notice is hereby given that NMFS has received an application for a permit for scientific purposes and to enhance the propagation and survival of a listed species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), from the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and PacifiCorp for a 10 year period. As part of this permit application, the CDFG has submitted a draft HGMP. The HGMP specifies methods for the operation of the Iron Gate hatchery coho salmon program, located along the Klamath River, within the State of California. This document serves to notify the public of the availability of the permit application and HGMP for public review and comment prior to a decision by NMFS whether to issue the permit. This notice also announces the availability for public review and comment of a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) regarding issuance of the permit, which involves take of coho salmon listed as threatened under the ESA.
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Hydrographic Surveys
NMFS' Office of Protected Resources has received a request from the NOAA Office of Coast Survey (OCS) for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals incidental to conducting hydrographic surveys, over the course of 5 years from the date of issuance. Pursuant to regulations implementing the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is announcing receipt of OCS's request under the MMPA for the development and implementation of regulations governing the incidental taking of marine mammals. We invite information, suggestions, and comments on OCS's application and request.
Light-Walled Rectangular Pipe and Tube From Mexico: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
On September 7, 2012, the Department of Commerce published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on light-walled rectangular pipe and tube (LWR pipe and tube) from Mexico. This review covers two respondent companies and the period of review is from August 1, 2010, through July 31, 2011. We invited interested parties to comment on the preliminary results but we received no such comments. Therefore, our final results remain unchanged from the preliminary results of review.
Fall 2012 Semiannual Agenda of Regulations
In compliance with Executive Order 12866, entitled ``Regulatory Planning and Review,'' and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as amended, the Department of Commerce (Commerce), in the spring and fall of each year, publishes in the Federal Register an agenda of regulations under development or review over the next 12 months. Rulemaking actions are grouped according to prerulemaking, proposed rules, final rules, long-term actions, and rulemaking actions completed since the spring 2012 agenda. The purpose of the agenda is to provide information to the public on regulations that are currently under review, being proposed, or issued by Commerce. The agenda is intended to facilitate comments and views by interested members of the public. Commerce's fall 2012 regulatory agenda includes regulatory activities that are expected to be conducted during the period October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, Fall 2012
This agenda provides summary descriptions of significant and not significant regulations being developed in agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in conformance with Executive Orders (EO) 12866 ``Regulatory Planning and Review,'' and 13563 ``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.'' The agenda also describes regulations affecting small entities as required by section 602 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Public Law 96-354. This agenda also identifies regulatory actions that are being reviewed in compliance with section 610(c) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. We invite public comment on those actions as well as any regulation consistent with EO 13563. USDA has attempted to list all regulations and regulatory reviews pending at the time of publication except for minor and routine or repetitive actions, but some may have been inadvertently missed. There is no legal significance to the omission of an item from this listing. Also, the dates shown for the steps of each action are estimated and are not commitments to act on or by the date shown. USDA's complete regulatory agenda is available online at Because publication in the Federal Register is mandated for the regulatory flexibility agendas required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 602), USDA's printed agenda entries include only: (1) Rules that are likely to have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities; and (2) Rules identified for periodic review under section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. For this edition of the USDA regulatory agenda, the most important significant regulatory actions and a Statement of Regulatory Priorities are included in the Regulatory Plan, which appears in both the online regulatory agenda and in part II of the Federal Register that includes the abbreviated regulatory agenda.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic; Trip Limit Reduction
NMFS reduces the commercial trip limit of Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel in or from the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the Atlantic migratory group southern zone to 1,500 lb (680 kg), round weight, per day. This trip limit reduction is necessary to maximize the socioeconomic benefits of the quota.
New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
The New England Fishery Management Council's (Council) Groundfish Oversight Committee will meet jointly with the Groundfish Advisory Panel and Recreational Advisory Panel to consider actions affecting New England fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of the Expedited Third Sunset Review of the Countervailing Duty Order
On September 4, 2012, the Department of Commerce (``Department'') initiated the third Sunset Review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Italy. The Department finds that revocation of this countervailing duty order would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of net countervailable subsidies at the rates in the ``Final Results of Reviews'' section of this notice.
Certain Pasta From Turkey: Final Results of the Expedited Third Sunset Review of the Countervailing Duty Order
On September 4, 2012, the Department of Commerce (``Department'') initiated the third Sunset Review of the countervailing duty order on certain pasta from Turkey. The Department finds that revocation of this countervailing duty order would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of net countervailable subsidies at the rates in the ``Final Results of Reviews'' section of this notice.
Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan; Trawl Rationalization Program; Reconsideration of Allocation of Whiting
This action proposes revisions to several portions of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Trawl Rationalization Program regulations and requests comments on NMFS' preliminary conclusion that the Pacific Fishery Management Council's (Council's) selection of the no action alternative regarding the reconsideration of initial allocation of Pacific whiting (whiting) is consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan (FMP), and other applicable law.. This action is necessary to comply with a court order requiring NMFS to reconsider the initial allocation of whiting to the shorebased individual fishing quota (IFQ) fishery and the at-sea mothership fishery. These proposed regulatory changes would affect the transfer of quota share (QS) and individual bycatch quota (IBQ) between QS accounts in the shorebased IFQ fishery, and severability of catch history assignments in the mothership fishery, both of which would be allowed on specified dates with the exception of widow rockfish. Widow rockfish is no longer an overfished species and transfer of QS for this species will be reinstated pending reconsideration of the allocation of widow rockfish QS in a future action. The divestiture period for widow rockfish QS in the IFQ fishery is also proposed to be delayed indefinitely.
Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags From the People's Republic of China: Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2011-2012
The Department of Commerce (the Department) is rescinding its administrative review of the antidumping duty order on polyethylene retail carrier bags (PRCBs) from the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the period August 1, 2011, through July 31, 2012.
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Summer Flounder Fishery; Quota Transfer
NMFS announces that the State of North Carolina is transferring a portion of its 2012 commercial summer flounder quota to the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State of North Carolina is transferring a portion of its 2012 commercial summer flounder quota to the State of Connecticut, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is transferring a portion of its 2012 commercial summer flounder quota to the State of Rhode Island. NMFS is adjusting the quotas and announcing the revised commercial quota for each state involved.
Announcing an Open Meeting of the Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board
The Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board (ISPAB) will meet Wednesday, February 13, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Thursday, February 14, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and Friday, February 15, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time. All sessions will be open to the public.
National Medal of Technology and Innovation Call for 2013 Nominations
The Department of Commerce (United States Patent and Trademark Office) is accepting nominations for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation (NMTI). Since establishment by Congress in the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, the President of the United States has awarded the annual NMTI (initially known as the National Medal of Technology) to our nation's leading innovators. Those wishing to nominate a candidate who has made an outstanding, lasting contribution to the economy may obtain a nomination form from: https://
Fresh Garlic From the People's Republic of China: Initiation of Antidumping Duty New Shipper Review; 2011-2012
The Department of Commerce (Department) has determined that a request for a new shipper review (NSR) under the antidumping duty order on fresh garlic from the People's Republic of China (PRC) meets the statutory and regulatory requirements for initiation. The period of review (POR) is November 1, 2011, through October 31, 2012.
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