Department of Agriculture March 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 61
Consumer Oriented Operating Loans
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS or Agency), a Rural Development agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, is issuing this notice to announce it will be utilizing its long-standing statutory authority to consider operating loans under an initiative known as Consumer Oriented Operating Loans (COOL). COOL funding may be approved at the discretion of the RUS Administrator to finance operations for current system borrowers to meet financing needs where the borrower faces hardship circumstances involving unique, transitory, or exigent conditions. To qualify for COOL financing borrowers will commit to create environmental benefits to end users/consumers and invest in additional new carbon pollution-free electricity and/or energy efficiency measures. RUS estimates $50 million will be available for this program in fiscal year 2024.
Multifamily Housing Program Update to the Credit Report Process
The Rural Housing Service (RHS or Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is proposing to update its regulations on how credit reports are obtained for the purposes of determining eligibility and feasibility for Multifamily Housing (MFH) Programs.
National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard; Annual Review of the List of Bioengineered Foods
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) is soliciting information about potential additions to or subtractions from the List of Bioengineered Foods (List) as it pertains to the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (Standard).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Comment Request
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, ERS is proposing a new information collection to study consumer's willingness to pay to prevent health effects of foodborne illness, "Foodborne Illness Prevention Valuation Survey."
Notice of Request for Extension and Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection for Pistachios Grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intent to request an extension for and revision to a currently approved information collection for Pistachios Grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico, pursuant to Federal Marketing Order No. 983.
Olives Grown in California; Decreased Assessment Rate
This proposed rule would implement a recommendation from the California Olive Committee (Committee) to decrease the assessment rate established for the 2024 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years. The proposed assessment rate would remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
Notice of Availability of a Pest Risk Analysis for the Importation of Fresh Hass Avocado From Guatemala Into the United States
We are advising the public that we have prepared a pest risk analysis that evaluates the risks associated with the importation of fresh Hass avocado (Persea americana var. Hass) fruit from Guatemala into the United States. Based on the analysis, we have determined that the application of one or more designated phytosanitary measures will be sufficient to mitigate the risks of introducing or disseminating plant pests or noxious weeds via the importation of fresh Hass avocado fruit from Guatemala into the United States. We are making the pest risk analysis available to the public for review and comment.
Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee: Notice of Intent To Renew Charter
Through this Notice, the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), is announcing its intent to renew the Charter of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee (FVIAC), which expires May 23, 2024.
Northwest Forest Plan Area Advisory Committee
The Northwest Forest Plan Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting according to the details shown below. The committee is authorized under the National Forest Management Act and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The purpose of the committee is to provide advice and pragmatic recommendations regarding potential regional scale land management planning approaches and solutions within the Northwest Forest Plan area within the context of the 2012 Planning Rule.
30-Day Notification of Nonpayment of Rent in Multi-Family Housing Direct Loan Programs
The Rural Housing Service (RHS or Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is issuing a final rule to amend its regulations for the Multi-Family Housing Direct Loans and Grants Programs to require that Section 515, 514, and 516 Multi-Family Housing program borrowers provide tenants with written notification a minimum of 30 days prior to a lease termination or eviction action for nonpayment of rent, as statutorily required by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, (CARES Act). The ``30-day notice'' requirement applies regardless of the existence of a presidentially declared national emergency or the availability of emergency rental assistance funds. This rule will require this notice to include instructions on how a tenant can cure the nonpayment to avoid eviction, and how to recertify household income. This final rule also adds that the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) may require MFH Section 515 and 514 borrowers and Section 516 grantees to issue information as provided by the Secretary during a presidential declaration of a public health emergency.
Prince William Sound Resource Advisory Committee
The Prince William Sound Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will hold a public meeting according to the details shown below. The committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (the Act) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The purpose of the committee is to improve collaborative relationships and to provide advice and recommendations to the Forest Service concerning projects and funding consistent with Title II of the Act as well as to make recommendations on recreation fee proposals for sites on the Chugach National Forest within boroughs associated with the Prince William Sound RAC, consistent with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska-2025-26 and 2026-27 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Shellfish Regulations
This proposed rule revises regulations for fish and shellfish seasons, harvest limits, methods, and means related to taking of fish and shellfish for subsistence uses during the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 regulatory years. The Federal Subsistence Board (hereafter referred to as ``the Board'') is on a schedule of completing the process of revising subsistence taking of fish and shellfish regulations in odd- numbered years and subsistence taking of wildlife regulations in even- numbered years; public proposal and review processes take place during the preceding year. The Board also addresses customary and traditional use determinations during the applicable cycle. When final, the resulting rulemaking replaces the existing subsistence fish and shellfish taking regulations. This proposed rule may also amend the general regulations on subsistence taking of fish and wildlife.
Bayer; Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement and a Draft Plant Risk Assessment for Determination of Nonregulated Status for Maize Developed Using Genetic Engineering for Dicamba, Glufosinate, Quizalofop, and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Resistance, With Tissue-Specific Glyphosate Resistance Facilitating the Production of Hybrid Maize Seed
We are advising the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has prepared a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) and draft plant pest risk assessment (PPRA) evaluating the potential environmental impacts and plant pest risk that may result from the approval of a petition for nonregulated status for maize developed using genetic engineering for dicamba, glufosinate, quizalofop, and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic resistance with tissue- specific glyphosate resistance facilitating the production of hybrid maize seed. We are making the draft EIS and draft PPRA available for public review and comment.
Addition of Black Stem Rust-Resistant Barberry Plant Varieties to Regulated Articles List
We are proposing to add 32 varieties to the list of black stem rust-resistant barberry species and varieties. This change would allow for the interstate movement of these newly developed varieties without unnecessary restrictions.
Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Advisory Committee Meeting
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will hold a public meeting of the Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Advisory Committee (UAIPAC). UAIPAC will convene to discuss proposed recommendations for the Secretary of Agriculture on the development of policies and outreach relating to urban, indoor, and other emerging agriculture production practices. UAIPAC is authorized under the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended.
60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Title Clearance and Loan Closing; OMB Control No.: 0575-0147
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Housing Service (RHS) announces its' intention to request an extension of a currently approved information collection and invites comments on this information collection.
Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program Change in Priority Projects Criteria
The Rural Housing Service (RHS or the Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is amending the current regulation for the Multifamily Family Housing (MFH) Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program (GRRHP). This final rule will align the current criteria of priority projects with the Housing Act of 1949 while improving the customer experience with more timely and proactive responses to housing market demands and Administration priorities.
Section 514 Off-Farm Labor Housing Subsequent Loans and Section 516 Off-Farm Labor Housing Subsequent Grants To Improve, Repair, or Make Modifications to Existing Off-Farm Labor Housing Properties for Fiscal Year 2024
The Rural Housing Service (RHS or Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), announces that it is accepting applications for subsequent Section 514 Off-Farm Labor Housing (Off-FLH) loans and subsequent Section 516 Off- FLH grants to improve, repair, or make modifications to existing Off- Farm Labor Housing Properties for fiscal year 2024. This Notice describes the method used to distribute funds, the application process, and submission requirements.
Voluntary Labeling of FSIS-Regulated Products With U.S.-Origin Claims
FSIS is amending its regulations to define the conditions under which the labeling of meat, poultry, and egg products under mandatory inspection, as well as voluntarily inspected products, may bear voluntary label claims indicating that the product is of United States origin. As of the compliance date of this final rule, establishments will not need to include these claims on the label, but if they choose to include them, they will need to meet the requirements in this rule.
Changes Related to Reserve Account Administration in Multi-Family Housing (MFH) Direct Loan Programs
The Rural Housing Service (RHS or Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is updating its regulations and implementing changes related to the administration of property reserve accounts under the Multi-Family Housing (MFH) section 515, Rural Rental Housing (RRH), and section 514, 516 Farm Labor Housing (FLH) programs. This final rule will increase flexibility in project refinancing for additional capital improvements needed at MFH section 515, RRH, and section 514, 516 FLH properties.
Extension of Certain Timber Sale Contracts; Finding of Substantial Overriding Public Interest
The Chief of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, has determined that it is in the substantial overriding public interest (SOPI) to redetermine pulpwood rates and extend up to two years certain National Forest System timber sales and sale of property stewardship contracts. This finding applies to timber sale and sale of property stewardship contracts that were awarded before March 13, 2024, and, upon award, to contracts with a bid opening prior to March 13, 2024, subject to specified exceptions. Contracts with 20 percent or more of the included product listed as pulpwood with required removal will qualify for a pulpwood rate redetermination and may qualify for an extension under this SOPI finding. The SOPI determination is due to a combination of factors impacting the national economy and the pulp, paper, and chips markets. The intended effect of pulpwood rate redeterminations and extensions of certain timber and sale of property contracts is to allow timber purchasers and contractors time to navigate through the market conditions; to minimize contract defaults, mill closures, and bankruptcies; to sustain employment opportunities, and to minimize the time-consuming and often difficult process of collecting default damages. Without a vibrant forest products industry, the Forest Service cannot manage the land to meet the multiple forest management and restoration objectives nationwide as intended and funded by Congress.
Notice of an Extension to a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Rural Utilities Service's (RUS or Agency), an agency within the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, intention to request an extension to a currently approved information collection package for the High Energy Costs Grants Rural Communities Program (HECG). In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Agency invites comments on this information collection for which it intends to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Agency Information Collection Activities: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Requirements for National Directory of New Hires for Employment Verification
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on this proposed information collection. This collection is a revision of a currently approved collection.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USDA Forest Service), collectively ``the Agencies,'' have prepared a Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Bears Ears National Monument (BENM or Monument), and by this notice are providing information announcing the opening of the comment period on the Draft RMP/EIS and the comment period on proposed areas of critical environmental concern (ACECs) on lands managed by the BLM and proposed recreational shooting closures. The BLM is leading the NEPA process in partnership with the USDA Forest Service, which will sign a decision for the USDA Forest Service-managed lands based on the analysis in the EIS. The Agencies have and will continue to meaningfully engage the Bears Ears Commission in the development of the RMP and EIS, as required by Proclamation 10285.
Revision to Electric Program Operating Policies and Procedures
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is issuing a final rule with request for comments. The intent of this rulemaking is to provide more flexibility for the RUS Electric Program borrowers to complete emergency repairs while maintaining the ability to receive RUS financing, to delete unnecessary and outdated requirements imposed on electric borrowers and applicants and provide flexibility in selecting construction procurement methods that better support applicant needs in awarding construction contracts. These changes will reduce agency travel costs by extending the time between the required review period for operations and maintenance reviews, reduce the number of reviews for RUS Electric Program staff, and increase customer satisfaction and service.
Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Logan River Watershed Project in Cache County, Utah
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Utah State Office announces its intent to prepare a watershed plan and EIS for the Logan River Watershed Project located within the Logan River Watershed in Cache County, Utah. The proposed watershed plan will examine alternative solutions to reduce water loss and increase efficiency in the current agricultural water delivery system, provide flood control and protection, and enhance recreational facilities in portions of Logan, North Logan, and Hyde Park cities and portions of unincorporated Cache County, Utah between and to the west of the cities. NRCS is requesting comments to identify significant issues, potential alternatives, information, and analyses relevant to the proposed action from all interested individuals, Federal, State agencies, and Tribes.
Notice of Request for Renewal and Revision of the Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces a public comment period on the information collection requests (ICRs) associated with the Standard Reinsurance Agreement and Appendices I, II and IV administered by Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC). Appendix III is excluded because it contains the Data Acceptance System requirements.
National Organic Program; Market Development for Mushrooms and Pet Food
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) proposes to amend the USDA organic regulations to clarify standards for organic mushrooms and organic pet food. Specific standards for these products do not currently exist. Instead, these products have been certified organic using the general organic standards for crops, livestock, and handling. However, this approach is not ideal as the current regulations do not address unique aspects of either product. AMS expects this rule would promote development of these markets by increasing regulatory certainty that would, in turn, encourage investment in the markets. The topics addressed by the proposed rule include sourcing of substrate and spawn in organic mushroom production, composting requirements for organic mushroom production, composition and labeling requirements for organic pet food, and the use of certain synthetic substances in organic pet food.
Fiscal Year 2024 Raw Cane Sugar Tariff-Rate Quota Increase
The Foreign Agricultural Service is providing notice of an increase in the fiscal year (FY) 2024 raw cane sugar tariff-rate quota (TRQ) of 125,000 metric tons raw value (MTRV).
2024 Rates for Grain Inspection Services Under the United States Grain Standards Act
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is announcing the 2024 rates it will charge for official inspection and weighing services, supervision of official inspection and weighing services, and miscellaneous fees for other services performed under the United States Grain Standards Act, as amended. This action publishes the annual review of fees and the resulting fees.
Notice of Intent To Request Revision and Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 this notice announces the intention of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to request revision and extension of a currently approved information collection, the Agricultural Labor Survey. Revision to burden hours will be needed due to changes in the size of the target population, sampling design, number of mailings, and/or questionnaire length.
Notice of Intent To Seek Approval To Reinstate an Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the intention of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to seek reinstatement of an information collection, the Census of Horticultural Specialties. Response to this survey will be mandatory.
Tomatoes Grown in Florida; Increased Assessment Rate
This proposed rule would implement a recommendation from the Florida Tomato Committee (Committee) to increase the assessment rate established for the 2023-2024 and subsequent fiscal periods from $0.025 to $0.035 per 25-pound container of tomatoes or equivalent. The proposed assessment rate would remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
Notice of Intent To Seek Approval To Reinstate an Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the intention of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to seek reinstatement of an information collection, the 2024 Tenure, Ownership and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) survey.
Notice of Intent To Request Revision and Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the intention of the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to request revision and extension of a currently approved information collection, the List Sampling Frame Surveys. Revision to burden hours will be needed due to 1) The survey not being conducted in 2024 as the 2024 survey is conducted as part of the Census of Agriculture ICR (OMB Control Number 0535-0236). Annually, NASS obtains lists of farm and ranch operators from different crop and livestock organizations. Before adding these names to our list of active operators we will contact the individuals to determine if they qualify as a farm or ranch and then collect basic information from them on the size and type of operation they have. These data will be used to eliminate any duplication we may have with names already on our list.
Hazelnuts Grown in Oregon and Washington; Decreased Assessment Rate
This final rule implements a recommendation from the Hazelnut Marketing Board (Board) to decrease the assessment rate established for the 2023-2024 marketing year and subsequent marketing years. The assessment rate will remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended, or terminated.
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