Prince William Sound Resource Advisory Committee, 20425-20426 [2024-06107]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 57 / Friday, March 22, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
(EPA Reg. Nos. 100–1623, 264–1210,
and 7969–472).
On April 28, 2021, APHIS published
a notice of intent (NOI) in the Federal
Register (86 FR 22384–22386, Docket
No. APHIS–2020–0021), announcing
that as part of our evaluation of the
Bayer petition, we planned to prepare
an EIS to consider the potential impacts
of a determination of nonregulated
status for MON 87429 maize on the
human environment.5
APHIS solicited public comment for a
period of 30 days, ending May 28, 2021,
as part of its scoping process to identify
issues to address in the draft EIS. On
June 30, 2021, APHIS announced in the
Federal Register (86 FR 34714–34715,
Docket No. APHIS–2020–0021) that the
comment period was reopened for 30
days to allow interested persons
additional time to prepare and submit
comments until July 30, 2021. APHIS
received a total of 3,069 comments by
the end of the comment period.
Comments received were from the
agricultural industry, nongovernmental
organizations, Tribal governments, and
individuals. The most common topics
and issues of concern raised in the
comments received on the NOI for the
draft EIS included: The potential for
dicamba or 2,4–D drift to adversely
impact crops not resistant to these
herbicides, as well as adversely impact
wild plants and plants on residential
and commercial properties; the
potential economic impacts of herbicide
drift on crop and non-crop plants;
herbicide-resistant crops and their
influence on herbicide use; the potential
for development of weed resistance to
herbicides; potential effects of
pesticides on the soil microbiome,
pollinators, wildlife, biodiversity, and
endangered species; potential effects on
Tribal nations, including Tribal nation
corn production, indigenous corn
varieties, and food sovereignty; and
potential benefits of MON 87429 corn in
weed and herbicide resistant weed
management, and U.S. corn production.
APHIS evaluated all comments
received on the NOI in developing the
draft EIS. A summary of the comments
received and APHIS response to
5 The National Environmental Policy Act as
amended, and Council on Environmental Quality
NEPA implementing regulations at 40 CFR 1500–
1508 require Federal agencies to thoroughly assess
the potential environmental consequences of
federal actions on the ‘‘human environment’’.
Human environment means comprehensively the
natural and physical environment and the
relationship of present and future generations of
Americans with that environment. Impacts/effects
include ecological (such as effects on natural
resources, and on the components, structures, and
functioning of affected ecosystems), aesthetic,
historic, cultural, economic, social, or health effects
(see 40 CFR 1508.1).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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comments are provided in appendix 1 of
the draft EIS.
Because the introduced trait genes in
MON 87429 maize are involved in weed
management, and considering public
comments received on the NOI, the
primary topics of focus in the draft EIS,
in relation to potential impacts on the
human environment are: (1) Weed and
herbicide resistant weed management,
(2) herbicide use with MON 87429
maize, (3) the potential effects of
exposure to the introduced trait genes
and gene products on human health and
wildlife, (4) gene flow and potential
weediness of MON 87429 maize, and (5)
potential socioeconomic impacts.
The draft EIS has been prepared in
accordance with (1) The National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.), (2) regulations of the Council on
Environmental Quality for
implementing the procedural provisions
of NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500–1508), (3)
USDA regulations implementing NEPA
(7 CFR part 1b), and (4) APHIS’ NEPA
Implementing Procedures (7 CFR part
372). APHIS is making available the
draft EIS, as well as a draft plant pest
risk assessment (PPRA), for a 45-day
public review and comment period. The
draft EIS and draft PPRA are available
as indicated under ADDRESSES and FOR
A notice of availability regarding the
draft EIS will also be published by the
Environmental Protection Agency in the
Federal Register.
Done in Washington, DC, this 11th day of
March 2024.
Donna Lalli,
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–06050 Filed 3–21–24; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Prince William Sound Resource
Advisory Committee
Forest Service, Agriculture
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
The Prince William Sound
Resource Advisory Committee (RAC)
will hold a public meeting according to
the details shown below. The committee
is authorized under the Secure Rural
Schools and Community SelfDetermination Act (the Act) and
operates in compliance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The
purpose of the committee is to improve
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collaborative relationships and to
provide advice and recommendations to
the Forest Service concerning projects
and funding consistent with Title II of
the Act as well as to make
recommendations on recreation fee
proposals for sites on the Chugach
National Forest within boroughs
associated with the Prince William
Sound RAC, consistent with the Federal
Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.
DATES: An in person and virtual meeting
will be held on Sunday, April 7, 2024,
at 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Alaska
daylight time (AKDT).
Written and Oral Comments: Anyone
wishing to provide in-person and/or
virtual oral comments must pre-register
by 5:00 p.m. AKDT on April 5, 2024.
Written public comments will be
accepted by 11:59 p.m. AKDT on April
6, 2024. Comments submitted after this
date will be provided to the Forest
Service, but the committee may not
have adequate time to consider those
comments prior to the meeting.
All RAC meetings are subject to
cancellation. For status of the meeting
prior to attendance, please contact the
person listed under FOR FURTHER
ADDRESSES: This meeting will be held
in-person and virtually at the Cordova
Ranger District, located at 612 Second
Street, Cordova, Alaska 99574. RAC
information and meeting details can be
found at the following website: https://
?cid=fseprd1127267 or by contacting the
person listed under FOR FURTHER
Written Comments: Written comments
must be sent by email to tanya.zastrow@ or via mail (i.e., postmarked)
to Tanya Zastrow, P.O. Box 280,
Cordova, Alaska 99574. The Forest
Service strongly prefers comments be
submitted electronically.
Oral Comments: Persons or
organizations wishing to make oral
comments must pre-register by 11:59
p.m. AKDT, April 5, 2024, and speakers
can only register for one speaking slot.
Oral comments must be sent by email to or via mail
(i.e., postmarked) to Tanya Zastrow,
P.O. Box 280, Cordova, Alaska 99574.
Steven Namitz, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO), by phone at 907–424–
4747 or email at steven.namitz@ or Tanya Zastrow, RAC
Coordinator, at 907–424–4722 or email
purpose of the meeting is to:
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 57 / Friday, March 22, 2024 / Notices
1. Hear from Title II project
proponents; and
2. Review and recommend projects for
funding under the Secure Rural Schools
allocations to the Prince William Sound
The agenda will include time for
individuals to make oral statements of
three minutes or less. Individuals
wishing to make an oral statement
should make a request in writing at least
three days prior to the meeting date to
be scheduled on the agenda. Written
comments may be submitted to the
Forest Service up to 14 days after the
meeting date listed under DATES.
Please contact the person listed under
or before the deadline, for all questions
related to the meeting. All comments,
including names and addresses when
provided, are placed in the record and
are available for public inspection and
copying. The public may inspect
comments received upon request.
Meeting Accommodations: The
meeting location is compliant with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, and the
USDA provides reasonable
accommodation to individuals with
disabilities where appropriate. If you are
a person requiring reasonable
accommodation, please make requests
in advance for sign language
interpretation, assistive listening
devices, or other reasonable
accommodation to the person listed
CONTACT section or contact USDA’s
TARGET Center at (202) 720–2600
(voice and TTY) or USDA through the
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
Additionally, program information may
be made available in languages other
than English.
USDA programs are prohibited from
discriminating based on race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, gender
identity (including gender expression),
sexual orientation, disability, age,
marital status, family/parental status,
income derived from a public assistance
program, political beliefs, or reprisal or
retaliation for prior civil rights activity,
in any program or activity conducted or
funded by USDA (not all bases apply to
all programs). Remedies and complaint
filing deadlines vary by program or
Equal opportunity practices in
accordance with USDA’s policies will
be followed in all appointments to the
committee. To ensure that the
recommendations of the committee have
taken in account the needs of the
diverse groups served by USDA,
membership shall include to the extent
possible, individuals with demonstrated
ability to represent minorities, women,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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and persons with disabilities. USDA is
an equal opportunity provider,
employer, and lender.
Dated: March 18, 2024.
Cikena Reid,
USDA Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024–06107 Filed 3–21–24; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Fermi Research Alliance, et al.,
Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of
Scientific Instruments
Pursuant to section 6(c) of the
Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Materials Importation Act of 1966 (Pub.
L. 89–651, as amended by Pub. L. 106–
36; 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR part 301), we
invite comments on the question of
whether instruments of equivalent
scientific value, for the purposes for
which the instruments shown below are
intended to be used, are being
manufactured in the United States.
Comments must comply with 15 CFR
301.5(a)(3) and (4) of the regulations and
be postmarked on or before April 11,
2024. Address written comments to
Statutory Import Programs Staff, Room
41006, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, DC 20230. Please also
email a copy of those comments to
Docket Number: 24–001. Applicant:
Fermi Research Alliance, P.O. Box 500,
Batavia, IL 60510. Instrument: Helium
Refrigeration/Liquification Plant and
accompanying accessories.
Manufacturer: Air Liquide, France.
Intended Use: The PIP II linear
accelerator will provide unparalleled
achievement in particle acceleration.
These accelerated particles will be born
at the FNAL site in Batavia, IL and
accelerated via the PIP II linear
accelerator through the Earth
approximately 900 miles west into the
Deep Underground Neutrino
Experiment (DUNE) located in Lead, SD,
to discover whether neutrinos violate
the fundamental matter-antimatter
symmetry of physics. The design,
research, development, and results from
the construction and use of the PIP II
Linear Accelerator will be the subject of
high energy physics and physics
engineering courses at dozens of
domestic and international institutions
of higher education. No specific course
titles are available at this time, but the
information will be extensively
discussed and challenged at college and
university classrooms for years to come.
Justification for Duty-Free Entry:
PO 00000
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According to the applicant, there are no
instruments of the same general
category manufactured in the United
States. Application accepted by
Commissioner of Customs: December
19, 2023.
Docket Number: 24–002. Applicant:
Washington University in St. Louis, One
Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130–
4899. Instrument: Two-Dimensional
Material Metallographic Microscopic
Transfer System. Manufacturer: HIGH
China. Intended Use: The instrument is
intended to be used for all general twodimensional (2D) materials like
graphene, molybdenum sulfide, black
phosphorus, 2D magnetic et al., to
perform a comprehensive set of optical
experiments aimed at elucidating
optical and magnetic properties of
superlattices based on 2D materials et
al. The main objective is to create new
quantum materials as designed, to study
exotic quantum states, which is crucial
for the evolution of optical, electronic
and information technologies of the
future. This transfer stage is particularly
developed for cutting-edge technology
in the fabrication and manipulation of
two-dimensional materials, which is
crucial for researchers in these fields.
Justification for Duty-Free Entry:
According to the applicant, there are no
instruments of the same general
category manufactured in the United
States. Application accepted by
Commissioner of Customs: January 3,
Docket Number: 24–003. Applicant:
University of Colorado JILA
Department, Campus Box 440 UCB, JILA
Building, Room S/175, Boulder, CO
80309. Instrument: Narrow Linewidth
Laser. Manufacturer: Shanghai
Precilasers Technology Co, Ltd., China.
Intended Use: The instrument will be
intended to be used for Quantum
simulation using Lithium atoms in a
cryogenic environment. Ultracold
Lithium atoms will be used for studies
of the Fermi-Hubbard model, which are
an ideal platform for such studies due
to their broadly tunable interactions
with Feshbach resonances. Observation
will determine whether low temperature
phases of the Fermi-Hubbard model can
be revealed by performing our
experiments within a cryogenically
pumped environment to improve the
evaporatively cooled gas temperatures
due to suppression of hole-induced
heating. Justification for Duty-Free
Entry: According to the applicant, there
are no instruments of the same general
category manufactured in the United
States. Application accepted by
Commissioner of Customs: January 17,
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 57 (Friday, March 22, 2024)]
[Pages 20425-20426]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-06107]
Forest Service
Prince William Sound Resource Advisory Committee
AGENCY: Forest Service, Agriculture (USDA).
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: The Prince William Sound Resource Advisory Committee (RAC)
will hold a public meeting according to the details shown below. The
committee is authorized under the Secure Rural Schools and Community
Self-Determination Act (the Act) and operates in compliance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The purpose of the committee is
to improve collaborative relationships and to provide advice and
recommendations to the Forest Service concerning projects and funding
consistent with Title II of the Act as well as to make recommendations
on recreation fee proposals for sites on the Chugach National Forest
within boroughs associated with the Prince William Sound RAC,
consistent with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.
DATES: An in person and virtual meeting will be held on Sunday, April
7, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Alaska daylight time (AKDT).
Written and Oral Comments: Anyone wishing to provide in-person and/
or virtual oral comments must pre-register by 5:00 p.m. AKDT on April
5, 2024. Written public comments will be accepted by 11:59 p.m. AKDT on
April 6, 2024. Comments submitted after this date will be provided to
the Forest Service, but the committee may not have adequate time to
consider those comments prior to the meeting.
All RAC meetings are subject to cancellation. For status of the
meeting prior to attendance, please contact the person listed under FOR
ADDRESSES: This meeting will be held in-person and virtually at the
Cordova Ranger District, located at 612 Second Street, Cordova, Alaska
99574. RAC information and meeting details can be found at the
following website: or by contacting the person
Written Comments: Written comments must be sent by email to
[email protected] or via mail (i.e., postmarked) to Tanya Zastrow,
P.O. Box 280, Cordova, Alaska 99574. The Forest Service strongly
prefers comments be submitted electronically.
Oral Comments: Persons or organizations wishing to make oral
comments must pre-register by 11:59 p.m. AKDT, April 5, 2024, and
speakers can only register for one speaking slot. Oral comments must be
sent by email to [email protected] or via mail (i.e., postmarked)
to Tanya Zastrow, P.O. Box 280, Cordova, Alaska 99574.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steven Namitz, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO), by phone at 907-424-4747 or email at
[email protected] or Tanya Zastrow, RAC Coordinator, at 907-424-
4722 or email at [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The purpose of the meeting is to:
[[Page 20426]]
1. Hear from Title II project proponents; and
2. Review and recommend projects for funding under the Secure Rural
Schools allocations to the Prince William Sound area.
The agenda will include time for individuals to make oral
statements of three minutes or less. Individuals wishing to make an
oral statement should make a request in writing at least three days
prior to the meeting date to be scheduled on the agenda. Written
comments may be submitted to the Forest Service up to 14 days after the
meeting date listed under DATES.
Please contact the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT, by or before the deadline, for all questions related to the
meeting. All comments, including names and addresses when provided, are
placed in the record and are available for public inspection and
copying. The public may inspect comments received upon request.
Meeting Accommodations: The meeting location is compliant with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, and the USDA provides reasonable
accommodation to individuals with disabilities where appropriate. If
you are a person requiring reasonable accommodation, please make
requests in advance for sign language interpretation, assistive
listening devices, or other reasonable accommodation to the person
listed under the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section or contact
USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or USDA through
the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program
information may be made available in languages other than English.
USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race,
color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including
gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital
status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance
program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil
rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA
(not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing
deadlines vary by program or incident.
Equal opportunity practices in accordance with USDA's policies will
be followed in all appointments to the committee. To ensure that the
recommendations of the committee have taken in account the needs of the
diverse groups served by USDA, membership shall include to the extent
possible, individuals with demonstrated ability to represent
minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. USDA is an equal
opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Dated: March 18, 2024.
Cikena Reid,
USDA Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024-06107 Filed 3-21-24; 8:45 am]