Department of Agriculture 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 501 - 550 of 1,526
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, Subpart C and Subpart D-2007-2008 Subsistence Taking of Wildlife Regulations; 2007-2008 Subsistence Taking of Fish on the Kenai Peninsula Regulations
This proposed rule would establish regulations for hunting and trapping seasons, harvest limits, methods, and means related to taking of wildlife for subsistence uses during the 2007-2008 regulatory year. The rulemaking is necessary because Subpart D is subject to an annual public review cycle. When final, this rulemaking would replace the wildlife taking regulations included in the ``Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, Subpart D2006-2007 Subsistence Taking of Fish and Wildlife Regulations,'' which expire on June 30, 2007. This rule would also amend the Customary and Traditional Use Determinations of the Federal Subsistence Board and the General Regulations on taking of wildlife. In addition, at the request of the Southcentral Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, the Federal Subsistence Board is accepting proposals to revise the regulations for fishing seasons, harvest limits, and methods related to taking of fish on the Kenai Peninsula for subsistence uses during the 2007-2008 regulatory year.
Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska, Subpart C; Nonrural Determinations
This rule would revise the list of nonrural areas identified by the Federal Subsistence Board (Board, we, us). Areas determined to be nonrural are not eligible to participate in the Federal Subsistence Management Program on Federal public lands in Alaska. We propose to change Adak's status to rural. We also propose to add Prudhoe Bay and the Kodiak Area, including the City of Kodiak, the Mill Bay area, Womens Bay, Bell's Flats, and the Coast Guard Station to the list of nonrural areas. The following areas would continue to be nonrural, but we propose changes in their boundaries: the Kenai Area; the Wasilla/ Palmer Area, including Point McKenzie; the Homer Area, including Fritz Creek East (except Voznesenka) and the North Fork Road area; and the Ketchikan Area. We propose no other changes in status. However, new information could lead to changes not proposed at this time.
Glenn/Colusa County Resource Advisory Committee
The Glenn/Colusa County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in Willows, California. Agenda items to be covered include: (1) Introductions, (2) Approval of Minutes, (3) Public Comment, (4) Project Proposals/Possible Action, (5) General Discussion, (6) Next Agenda.
Mendocino Resource Advisory Committee
The Mendocino County Resource Advisory Committee will meet August 18, 2006 (RAC) in Willits, California. Agenda items to be covered include: (1) Approval of minutes, (2) Handout Discussion, (3) Public Comment, (4) Financial Report, (5) Sub-committees, (6) Matters before the group, (7) Discussionapproval of projects, (8) Next agenda and meeting date.
Warehouse Rates for Peanuts Pledged as Collateral for a Marketing Assistance Loan
This notice advises warehouse operators operating under a Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Peanut Storage Agreement of the storage and handling rates applicable to the 2006 crop of peanuts.
Information Collection; Request for Comment; National Visitor Use Monitoring
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the revision of a currently approved information collection, National Visitor Use Monitoring.
State Administrative Expense Funds
This rule makes changes to the regulations governing State Administrative Expense funds for the Child Nutrition Programs to reflect amendments made by the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 to the Child Nutrition Act of 1966. This rule implements a provision of the Act that increases the minimum State Administrative Expense grant for each State administering the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), the School Breakfast Program (SBP) and/or the Special Milk Program (SMP) from $100,000 to $200,000 a year, adjusted by an index beginning in fiscal year 2009. The rule also implements a requirement that for fiscal years 2005 through 2007 no State shall receive less than its fiscal year 2004 allocation for administrative costs. This final rule will increase the available funds to certain States to expand supervision and technical assistance of Child Nutrition Programs.
Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee
The Roadless Area Conservation National Advisory Committee (Committee) will meet in Washington, DC. The purpose of this meeting is to review and draft recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture on state petitions for inventoried roadless area management. Petitions to be reviewed include those received from New Mexico, California, and possibly any petitions received between the publication of this notice and meeting dates.
Aerial Herbicide Application; Caribou-Targhee National Forest; Caribou and Franklin Counties, ID
The Montpelier Ranger District, Caribou-Targhee National Forest will be preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the effects of adding aerial herbicide applications to the existing integrated noxious weed management activities within the Cache Valley Front on 31,000 acres of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. The project area is in the Idaho tract of the Cache National Forest. It includes a portion of the west slope of the Bear River Range that extends from Highway 36 to Soda Point. The project area is south of Soda Springs, and east of Grace, ID, and is within the Montpelier Ranger District, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Idaho. The scope of this analysis is limited to the addition of aerial herbicide application to existing integrated weed management activities within the Caribou-Targhee National Forest boundary. The project impact zone includes Caribou and Franklin Counties, Idaho, and Idaho Fish and Game Hunting Unit (75). Implementation of this project is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2007. The decision would authorize aerial application of herbicide within the Cache Valley Front on 31,000 acres of the Caribou- Targhee National Forest.
Storage Requirements for Grain Security for Marketing Assistance Loans
The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is reopening and extending the comment period for the subject proposed rule. The original comment period for the proposed rule closed August 2, 2006, and CCC is reopening and extending it for 60 days from the date of this notice. CCC also will consider any comments received from August 2, 2006, to the date of this notice. This action responds to requests from the public to provide more time to comment on the proposed rule.
Plumas National Forest, California, Roadside Noxious Weed EIS
The Plumas National Forest, in cooperation with Butte, Plumas and Sierra Counties, will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to treat noxious weeds on National Forest system lands under an integrated weed management approach. Actions proposed through this project focus on eradication or control of invasive species along roads over the next 10 years. The potentially affected areas includes 706 known sites that cover 310 acres and additional roadside sites (within 100 feet of roads) within the next ten years not previously identified. Treatment acres for new infestations would not exceed a total of 2,000 acres over the 10-year period. The range of acres treated under the proposed action over the ten-year period would be 310 to 2,310. Up to five different control tactics would be prescribed for each infested area depending on phenology of a particular species, proximity to water and other sensitive resources, and size of infestation. Of the 310 acres of current infestations: 4 Acres are being proposed to be treated by mechanical/hand control tactics, 34.5 acres with herbicides, 191.5 acres with a combination of mechanical and herbicide tactics, and 80 acres with a combination of mechanical, biocontrol and herbicide tactics. A variety of noxious weeds would be treated, including but not limited to Canada Thistle, Medusa head, Yellow star thistle, Scotch broom, Hariy whitetop, Dyer's Woad, Perennial Pepperweed, French broom, Spanish broom, and Spotted Knapweed.
Eastern Idaho Resource Advisory Committee; Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Idaho Falls, ID
Pursuant to the authorities in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463) and under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-393) the Caribou-Targhee National Forests' Eastern Idaho Resource Advisory Committee will meet Thursday, September 21, 2006 in Idaho Falls for a business meeting. The meeting is open to the public.
Small Business Timber Sale Set-Aside Program Share Recomputation; Correction
The Forest Service published a document in the Federal Register of August 1, 2006, concerning request for comments on Small Business Timber Sale Set-Aside Program Share Recomputation. The document contained a typographical error in the Supplementary Information caption. The Dates caption has been revised to reflect that comments must be received in writing 60 days from the date of publication of this correction notice in the Federal Register.
Information Collection; Rate Quotation for Transportation Services
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the Commodity Credit Corporation is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the extension with revision of a currently approved information collection associated with Rate Quotation for Transportation Services. The CCC is collecting freight rate quotes from the participating Motor Carriers and Intermodal Marketing Companies who transport agricultural products for the Department of Agriculture and using the collected freight rate quotes to establish the lowest cost of movement to meet the transportation needs of CCC.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy; Minimal-Risk Regions, Identification of Ruminants and Processing and Importation of Commodities
In a final rule published in the Federal Register on January 4, 2005, we amended the regulations regarding the importation of animals and animal products to establish a category of regions that present a minimal risk of introducing bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) into the United States via live ruminants and ruminant products and byproducts, and we added Canada to this category. We also established conditions for the importation of certain live ruminants and ruminant products and byproducts from such regions. In this document, we are proposing to remove several restrictions regarding the identification of animals and the processing of ruminant materials from BSE minimal-risk regions, as well as BSE-based restrictions on gelatin derived from bovine hides. We do not believe these restrictions are necessary to prevent the introduction of BSE into the United States.
Animal Welfare; Elephants
We are notifying the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has received a petition from In Defense of Animals requesting that we issue an interpretive rule or policy to clarify the space and living conditions required for captive elephants, and that we enforce the Animal Welfare Act and its implementing regulations by requiring that exhibitors fully comply with the regulations. We are soliciting comments from the public regarding the petition, and whether we should continue to regulate the handling, care, treatment, and transport of elephants covered by the Animal Welfare Act under the general standards in the regulations or promulgate specific standards for elephants. We are also requesting comments regarding what should be included in any such standards.
Importation of Sheep and Goat Semen
We are proposing to amend the regulations regarding the importation of animal germplasm by removing specific restrictions on sheep semen from regions where scrapie exists and requiring the inclusion of additional information on the international health certificate accompanying sheep and goat semen. Experience and research have convinced us that sheep and goat semen pose a minimal risk of transmitting scrapie. This action would relieve restrictions on imported sheep semen while continuing to provide safeguards against the introduction and dissemination of scrapie.
Del Norte County Resource Advisory Committee
The Del Norte County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet on August 14 and 15, 2006, in Crescent City, California.The purpose of the meeting is to review and vote on FY 2007 proposed title II projects under Public Law 106-393, H.R. 2389, the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, also called the ``Payments to States'' Act.
Intermountain Region, Boise, Payette, and Sawtooth National Forests; Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement for the Revised Land and Resource Management Plan Environmental Impact Statement
The Forest Service will prepare a supplement to the final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Southwest Idaho Ecogroup Revised Land and Resource Management Plan EIS to present additional information concerning terrestrial Management Indicator Species (MIS).
Quachita-Ozark Resource Advisory Committee
This notice is published in accordance with section 10(a)(2) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Meeting notice is hereby given for the Quachita-Ozark Resource Advisory Committee pursuant to Section 205 of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000, Public Law 106-393. Topics to be discussed include: general information, including status of the proposed reauthorization of the Act, proposed new Title II projects, updates on current or completed Title II projects, renewal of committee member terms and committee member recruitment needs and, if appropriate, next meeting date and agenda.
Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period for Predator Damage Management in Wilderness Areas
The Forest Service is extending the public comment period an additional 30 days for the notice of proposed directives published in the Federal Register of June 7, 2006 (FR Doc. E6-8839, on pages 32915- 32918) concerning predator damage management in wilderness areas. Guidance to Forest officers in the management of predator damage in wilderness areas is contained in the Forest Service Manual (FSM) Title 2300, Recreation, Wilderness, and Related Resources Management and FSM 2600, Wildlife, Fish, and Sensitive Plant Habitat Management. These proposed directives would conform agency direction regarding predator damage with provisions in an interdepartmental Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services Division and the USDA Forest Service. The MOU, first entered into in 1993, was renewed in 1998, and again in 2004, with minor revisions. Comments received in response to this notice will be considered in development of the final directives for predator damage management on National Forest System lands, including wilderness.
Notice of Tri-County Advisory Committee Meeting
Pursuant to the authorities in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463) and under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-393) the Beaverhead- Deerlodge National Forest's Tri-County Resource Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, September 7, 2006, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., in Deer Lodge, Montana, for a business meeting. The meeting is open to the public.
Siskiyou County Resource Advisory Committee
The Siskiyou County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet in Yreka, California, August 21, 2006. The meeting will include routine business, and discussion and recommendation of project submissions for RAC funding.
Notice of Sanders County Resource Advisory Committee Meeting
Pursuant to the authorities in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463) and under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-393) the Lolo and Kootenai National Forests' Sanders County Resource Advisory Committee will meet on August 10 at 7 p.m. in Thompson Falls, Montana for a business meeting. The meeting is open to the public.
Blueberry Promotion, Research, and Information Order; Amendment No. 2 To Change the Name of the U.S.A. Cultivated Blueberry Council and Increase Membership
This final rule changes the title of the U.S.A. Cultivated Blueberry Council to the ``U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council'' (Council). The purpose of this change is to avoid any confusion in the industry regarding the specific type of blueberry and industry segment represented by the Council. Additionally, this change makes the name of the Council consistent with industry nomenclature, and adds one member and alternate to the Council to represent the state of Washingtonthe sixth largest highbush blueberry producing state.
United States Standards for Grades of Summer Squash
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), prior to undertaking research and other work associated with revising official grade standards, is soliciting comments on the possible revisions of the United States Standards for Grades of Summer Squash. At a meeting with the Fruit and Vegetable Industry Advisory Committee, AMS was asked to review the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable grade standards for usefulness in serving the industry. As a result, AMS has identified the United States Standards for Grades of Summer Squash for possible revision. AMS is considering proposed revisions to the U.S. standards that would incorporate grades that describe the quality and size of summer squash currently being marketed. Additionally, definitions would be included for defects not currently in the standards, and the ``Unclassified'' category would be eliminated from the standards. AMS is seeking comments regarding these changes and any other revisions to the summer squash standards that may be necessary to better serve the industry.
Request for an Extension of and Revision to a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget, for an extension for and revision to a currently approved information collection for Federal Seed Act Labeling and Enforcement.
Request for an Extension of and Revision to a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget, for an extension of and revision to the currently approved information collection for the Seed Service Testing Program.
Crop Insurance Education in Targeted States (Targeted States Program)
The following paragraph has been added to the beginning of the Summary portion of the May 3, 2006, Federal Register Notice: The Risk Management Agency (RMA) did not receive any complete and valid application packages for the State of Massachusetts under the original Request for Application Notice published in the Federal Register on May 3, 2006, for the Crop Insurance Education in Targeted States Program (Targeted States Program). As a result, RMA is re-announcing its Funding OpportunityRequest for Applications under the Targeted States Program for the State of Massachusetts only. Applicants who previously submitted an application under the May 3, 2006, Targeted States Program for Massachusetts must submit new applications that meet all the requirements of the original Notice published in the Federal Register on May 3, 2006. All other portions and sections of the full text Notice remain unchanged.
Notice of Agricultural Management Assistance Organic Certification Cost Share Program
This notice invites eligible States to submit a Standard Form 424, Application for Federal Assistance, and to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) for the Allocation of Organic Certification Cost-Share Funds. The AMS has allocated $1.0 million for this organic certification cost-share program in Fiscal Year 2006. Funds will be available under this program to 15 designated States to assist organic crop and livestock producers certified by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) accredited certifying agents to the National Organic Program (NOP). Eligible States interested in obtaining cost-share funds for their organic producers will have to submit an Application for Federal Assistance, and will have to enter into a cooperative agreement with AMS for the allocation of such funds.
Information Collection; Request for Comment; Application for Permit, Non-Federal Commercial Use of Roads Restricted by Order
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service is seeking comments from all interested individuals and organizations on the extension of a currently approved information collection, Application for Permit, Non-Federal Commercial Use of Roads Restricted by Order.
Highwood Generating Station
Notice is hereby given that the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) is extending the public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Highwood Generating Station (HGS), and, as requested, is conducting an additional public hearing. The Draft EIS was prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (U.S.C. 4231 et seq.) in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR 1500-1508) and RUS regulations (7 CFR 1794). This document has been prepared jointly with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The Draft EIS is to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of and alternatives to the Southern Montana Electric Transmission & Generation Cooperative, Inc. (SME) application for a loan guarantee to construct a 250 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant near Great Falls, Montana. SME is proposing to use a coal combustion technology known as circulating fluidized bed (CFB). Along with other proposed pollution controls collectively known as Best Available Control Technology (BACT), the HGS would be among the cleanest-burning coal-fired power plants currently operating in the United States. SME also proposes to construct and operate four, 1.5-MW wind turbines to generate supplemental electrical power at the preferred project location eight miles east of Great Falls. Receipt of the Draft EIS was announced by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Federal Register on July 3, 2006 (official date June 30, 2006). Requests for extension of public comment periods may be honored per 40 CFR 1506.10. The initial 45-day public comment period was to end on August 15, 2006. With the 15-day extension, the new deadline for public comments is now August 30, 2006. In addition to the public hearing held in Great Falls, Montana on July 27, an additional hearing will be held in Havre, Montana. The Havre public hearing will be held on August 7, 2006 at the Applied Technology Center Auditorium at MSU Northern, 300 West 11th Street, Havre, MT. An open house will be held from 5-7 p.m., with the hearing beginning at 7 p.m. The hearing will include a presentation summarizing the findings of the Draft EIS and the opportunity for attendees to submit both oral and written comments. In accordance with 40 CFR Section 1503.1, Inviting Comments, the purpose of the meeting will be to solicit comments from interested parties on the Draft EIS for the Highwood Generating Station.
Extension of Comment Period on the Proposed Land Management Plans for the Bitterroot, Flathead and Lolo National Forest
The Forest Service published a notice in the Federal Register on May 8, 2006 initiating a 90-day comment period on the Proposed Land Management Plans for the Bitterroot, Flathead and Lolo National Forests. The closing date for submitting comments has been extended to September 7, 2006.
Notice of Resource Advisory Committee, Custer, SD
Pursuant to authorities in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Public Law 92-463) and the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393), the Black Hills National Forest's Custer County Resource Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 in Custer, South Dakota for a business meeting. The meeting is open to the public.
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Revisions in the WIC Food Packages
This proposed rule would revise regulations governing the WIC food packages to align the WIC food packages with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and current infant feeding practice guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics, better promote and support the establishment of successful long-term breastfeeding, provide WIC participants with a wider variety of food, provide WIC State agencies with greater flexibility in prescribing food packages to accommodate participants with cultural food preferences, and serve participants with certain qualifying conditions under one food package to facilitate efficient management of medically fragile participants. The revisions largely reflect recommendations made by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies in its Report ``WIC Food Packages: Time for a Change,'' with certain cost containment and administrative modifications found necessary by the Department to ensure cost neutrality. The proposed improvements to the WIC food packages can be made without increasing the projected costs. The proposed rule would revise the maximum monthly allowances and minimum requirements for certain supplemental foods; revise the substitution rates for certain supplemental foods and allow additional foods as alternatives; redesign WIC food packages to enhance breastfeeding promotion and support; revise age specifications for assignment to infant food packages; add fruits and vegetables for WIC participants 6 months of age and older and eliminate juice from infants food packages; add whole grains to food packages for children and women and infant food meat for fully breastfed infants 6 through 11 months of age; revise the purpose, content, and requirements for the Food Package for the Medically Fragile, and address general provisions that apply to all food packages.
Importation of Swine Hides and Skins, Bird Trophies, and Ruminant Hides and Skins
We are proposing to amend the regulations governing the importation of animal byproducts to require that untanned swine hides and skins from regions with African swine fever and bird trophies from regions with exotic Newcastle disease go directly to an approved establishment upon importation into the United States. We would also set out certain requirements for the importation of untanned bovine, deer, and other ruminant hides and skins into the United States from Mexico to prevent the spread of bovine babesiosis. These proposed requirements would provide for the importation of these articles under conditions intended to prevent the introduction of African swine fever, bovine babesiosis, and exotic Newcastle disease.
Notice of Resource Advisory Committee Meeting
Pursuant to the authorities in the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463) and under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-393) the Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests' North Central Idaho Resource Advisory Committee will meet Wednesday and Thursday, September 6-7, 2006 in Orofino, Idaho for a business meeting. The meeting is open to the public.
Kootenai and Idaho Panhandle National Forests Proposed Land Management Plans
The Forest Service published a notice in the Federal Register on May 12, 2006 initiating a 90-day comment period on the Proposed Land Management Plans for the Kootenai and Idaho Panhandle National Forests. The closing date for submitting comments has been extended to September 9, 2006.
Frequency of Foreign Inspection System Supervisory Visits to Certified Foreign Establishments
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) FSIS is amending 9 CFR parts 327 and 381 to bring the frequency with which foreign inspection systems are required to make supervisory visits to certified establishments into agreement with the frequency with which the Agency makes supervisory visits to domestic establishments. This final rule does not affect in-plant inspection requirements. FSIS is deleting the requirement that supervisory visits take place ``not less frequent[ly] than one such visit per month.'' Instead, FSIS will require foreign inspection systems to make ``periodic supervisory visits'' to certified establishments to ensure that establishments meet FSIS requirements for certification to export meat and poultry to the United States.
Guaranteed Loans-Retaining PLP Status and Payment of Interest Accrued During Bankruptcy and Redemption Rights Periods
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) is amending its regulations pertaining to the retention of Preferred Lender Program (PLP) status by lenders in certain situations, and the payment of interest in cases where the lender is unable to take action due to bankruptcy or state redemption laws. This rule will allow PLP lenders, under certain conditions, to retain their PLP status for a period, not to exceed two years, after their loss ratio exceeds the standard established by the Agency. It will also allow for the payment of additional interest on a final loss claim if a bankruptcy prevents the lender from taking liquidation action or a state's mandatory redemption law prevents the lender from disposing of property acquired through foreclosure.
Management of Donated Foods in Child Nutrition Programs, the Nutrition Services Incentive Program, and Charitable Institutions; Extension of Comment Period
The Food and Nutrition Service, USDA, is extending the public comment period on the proposed rule entitled ``Management of Donated Foods in Child Nutrition Programs, the Nutrition Services Incentive Program, and Charitable Institutions,'' which was published in the Federal Register on June 8, 2006 at 71 FR 33344. This document extends the public comment period from August 7, 2006 to September 7, 2006, in order to provide the public additional time to review the proposed rule.
Quality Samples Program
This proposed rule would establish regulations applicable to the Quality Samples Program (QSP). The proposed regulations set forth details concerning program administration, including participant eligibility, application requirements, review and allocation process, reimbursement rules and procedures, and program controls.
Apricots Grown in Designated Counties in Washington; Temporary Relaxation of the Minimum Grade Requirement
This rule relaxes the minimum grade requirement prescribed under the Washington apricot marketing order for the 2006 shipping season only. The marketing order regulates the handling of fresh apricots grown in designated counties in the State of Washington, and is administered locally by the Washington Apricot Marketing Committee (Committee). This rule relaxes the minimum grade requirement for fresh apricots from Washington No. 1 grade to Washington No. 2 grade. This rule will enable handlers to ship more fruit into fresh market channels, taking into consideration hail damage caused to Washington apricots during the growing season. This change is expected to increase returns to producers and to make more fresh apricots available to consumers.
Request for an Extension to a Currently Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), this notice announces the Agricultural Marketing Service's (AMS) intention to request approval from the Office of Management and Budget, for an extension of the currently approved information collection for Regulations Governing Inspection, Certification and Standards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, and Other Products.
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