Bureau of Prisons 2010 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 10 of 10
Inmate Discipline Program/Special Housing Units: Subpart Revision and Clarification
The Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) is correcting a final rule that appeared in the Federal Register of December 8, 2010 (75 FR 76263). The document issued a final rule amending the Bureau's Inmate Discipline Program and Special Housing Units (SHU) regulations. The Bureau issues this correction document in order to correct typographical and numbering errors. No substantive changes are being made to the final rule document.
Inmate Discipline Program/Special Housing Units: Subpart Revision and Clarification
In this document, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) amends its Inmate Discipline and Special Housing Unit (SHU) regulations. We intend this amendment to streamline and clarify these regulations, eliminating unnecessary text and obsolete language, and removing internal agency procedures that need not be in regulations text. We also make substantive changes to our list of prohibited acts for which disciplinary sanctions may be imposed, and alter the list of possible sanctions available to allow Discipline Hearing Officers more flexibility in adapting the sanction to fit the seriousness of the violation.
Administrative Remedy Program: Exception to Initial Filing Procedures
In this document, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) revises current regulations on the Administrative Remedy Program to add an exception to initial filing of Administrative Remedy appeals at the institution level. The exception will state that formal administrative remedy requests regarding initial decisions that did not originate with the Warden, or his/her staff, may be initially filed with the Bureau office which made the original decision, and appealed directly to the General Counsel.
Inmate Communication With News Media: Removal of Byline Regulations
This document corrects the dates section of an interim final rule published on Friday, April 23, 2010. In the interim rule, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) revised its regulations regarding inmate contact with the community to remove two current Bureau regulations that prohibit inmates from publishing under a byline, due to a recent court ruling invalidating Bureau regulation language containing this prohibition. The April 23, 2010, publication inadvertently omitted an effective date.
Inmate Communication With News Media: Removal of Byline Regulations
In this interim rule, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) revises its regulations regarding inmate contact with the community to delete two current Bureau regulations that prohibit inmates from publishing under a byline, due to a recent court ruling invalidating Bureau regulation language containing this prohibition.
Communication Management Units
In this document, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) proposes to establish and describe Communication Management Units (CMUs) by regulation. CMUs are designed to provide an inmate housing unit environment that enables staff monitoring of all communication between CMU inmates and persons in the community. The ability to monitor such communication is necessary to ensure the safety, security, and orderly operation of correctional facilities, and protect the public. The Bureau currently operates CMUs in two of its facilities. This rule would clarify existing Bureau practices with respect to CMUs.
Commutation of Sentence: Technical Change
This document makes a minor technical change to the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) regulations on sentence commutation to clarify that the Bureau staff, who may not be institution-level staff, will recalculate the inmate's sentence in accordance with the terms of the commutation order if a petition for commutation of sentence is granted.
Inmate Access to Inmate Central File: PSRs and SORs
The Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) proposes to amend regulations regarding inmate access to Inmate Central File materials to prohibit sentenced inmates incarcerated in Bureau facilities, including those in contract facilities or community confinement, from possessing their Pre-Sentence Investigation Reports (PSRs), Statements of Reasons (SORs), or other similar sentencing documents from criminal judgments. Such inmates under this prohibition will continue to be permitted to review their PSRs and SORs.
Inmate Work and Performance Pay Program
In this document, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) proposes to streamline regulations on inmate work and performance pay by removing redundant language and provisions that relate solely to staff guidance.
Intake Screening
In this document, the Bureau of Prisons (Bureau) proposes to streamline intake screening regulations by removing internal agency management procedures that need not be stated in regulation.
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