Bureau of Land Management 2012 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 251 - 300 of 474
Notice of Invitation To Participate; Coal Exploration License Application WYW180996, Wyoming
Pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976, and to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regulations, all interested parties are hereby invited to participate with Kiewit Mining Properties, Inc., on a pro rata cost- sharing basis, in its program for the exploration of coal deposits owned by the United States of America in Campbell County, Wyoming.
Notice of Competitive Coal Lease Sale, Colorado
Notice is hereby given that certain coal reserves in the Wadge Seam described below in Routt County, Colorado, will be offered for competitive lease by sealed bid in accordance with the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended.
Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Rawlins Resource Management Plan Amendment, and Segregation of Public Lands for the Chokecherry and Sierra Madre Wind Farm Project
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Proposed Rawlins Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment (Volume I) and Chokecherry and Sierra Madre (CCSM) Wind Energy Project (Volume II) Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and by this notice is announcing its availability. This notice will also segregate 2,560 acres of public lands located within the CCSM right-of-way (ROW) application area from appropriation under the public land laws including the 1872 Mining Law, but not the Mineral Leasing or Mineral Material Acts, for a period of 2 years from the date of publication of this notice.
Notice of Availability: Record of Decision for KRoad Moapa Solar Facility
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Record of Decision (ROD) for the KRoad Moapa Solar Facility located in Clark County, Nevada. The Secretary of the Interior approved the ROD on June 21, 2012, which constitutes the final decision of the Department of the Interior.
Notice of Availability of the Alta East Wind Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report and Proposed California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment, Kern County, CA
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Kern County, California, have prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and a Draft California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan Amendment (PA) for the Alta East Wind Project (AEWP), and by this notice the BLM is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Meeting, Front Range Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Front Range Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet as indicated below.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites public comments on, and plans to request approval to continue, the collection of information pertaining to Federal and Indian oil and gas leasing and drainage protection (except on the Osage Reservation). The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has assigned control number 1004-0185 to this information collection.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; South Dakota
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 27, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 27, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 27, 2012.
Oil and Gas; Well Stimulation, Including Hydraulic Fracturing, on Federal and Indian Lands
On May 11, 2012, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published in the Federal Register a proposed rule to regulate hydraulic fracturing on public land and Indian land. The rule would require disclosure to the public of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing on public land and Indian land, strengthen regulations related to well- bore integrity, and address issues related to flowback water. This rule is necessary to provide useful information to the public and to help ensure that hydraulic fracturing is conducted in a way that adequately protects the environment. Due to the complexity of the rule and the issues surrounding it, the BLM is extending the comment period for 60 days beyond the end of the initial comment period. As a result of this extension, the comment period will now close on September 10, 2012.
Eastern States: Filing of Plat of Survey
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM-Eastern States office in Springfield, Virginia, 30 calendar days from the date of publication in the Federal Register.
Notice of Public Meetings, Twin Falls District Resource Advisory Council, Idaho
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Twin Falls District Resource Advisory Council (RAC) and subcommittee for the proposed Monument and Cassia Land Use Plan amendments will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Call for Nominations for the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
The purpose of this notice is to solicit public nominations for three positions on the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board (Board). The Board provides advice concerning the management, protection, and control of wild free-roaming horses and burros on the public lands administered by the Department of the Interior, through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Department of Agriculture, through the U.S. Forest Service.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease WYW177129, Wyoming
Under the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) received a petition for reinstatement from Ridgeland Wyoming Inc., for competitive oil and gas lease WYW177129 for land in Converse County, Wyoming. The petition was filed on time and was accompanied by all the rentals due since the date the lease terminated under the law.
Notice of Public Meeting Location Change, Northwest Colorado Resource Advisory Council Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northwest Colorado Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet on August 23 at the Rio Blanco County Fairgrounds in Meeker. This is a location change from what was announced in the March 30, 2012 Federal Register.
Notice of Filing of Plats
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado State Office is publishing this notice to inform the public of the intent to file the land survey plats listed below and afford all affected parties a proper period of time to protest this action prior to the plat filing.
Notice of Filing of Plats
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado State Office is publishing this notice to inform the public of the filing of the land survey plats listed below.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites public comments on, and plans to request approval to continue, the collection of information that is necessary to implement two provisions of the Federal Cave Resources Protection Actone which requires Federal agencies to consult with interested parties to develop a listing of significant caves, and another under which Federal and State governmental agencies and bona fide educational and research institutions may request confidential information regarding significant caves. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has assigned control number 1004-0165 to this information collection.
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will issue an appealable decision to Chugach Alaska Corporation. The decision will approve conveyance of the surface and subsurface estates in certain lands pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq). The lands are located southeast of Whittier, Alaska, and contain 33.87 acres. Notice of the decision will also be published four times in the Anchorage Daily News.
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will issue an appealable decision to Nunapiglluraq Corporation (Native Village of Hamilton). The decision approves the surface estate in the lands described below for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq). The subsurface estate in these lands will be conveyed to Calista Corporation when the surface estate is conveyed to Nunapiglluraq Corporation. The lands are in the vicinity of Hamilton, Alaska, and are located in:
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Arizona
The plats of survey of the described lands were officially filed in the Arizona State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Phoenix, Arizona, on dates indicated.
Notice of Availability of the Proposed Resource Management Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Lower Sonoran and Sonoran Desert National Monument, Arizona
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Proposed Resource Management Plan (RMP)/Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Lower Sonoran (LS) and Sonoran Desert National Monument (SDNM), Arizona, and by this notice is announcing its availability.
Renewal of Approved Information Collection
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites public comments on, and plans to request approval to continue, the collection of information from applicants for a land patent under the Color-of-Title Act. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has assigned control number 1004-0029 to this information collection.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 13, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 13, 2012.
Filing of Plats of Survey, Wyoming
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has filed the plats of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Wyoming State Office, Cheyenne, Wyoming, on the dates indicated.
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Ocotillo Express LLC's Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility and Associated California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment, Imperial County, CA
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD)/Approved Amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan for the Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility (OWEF) to be located in the California Desert District near Imperial County, California. The Secretary of the Interior approved the ROD on May 11, 2012, which constitutes the final decision of the Department
Renewal of Approved Information Collection; OMB Control No. 1004-0012
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites public comments on, and plans to request approval to continue, the collection of information from applicants for land for recreation or public purposes. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has assigned control number 1004-0012 to this information collection.
Notice of Filing
The plats of survey described below are scheduled to be officially filed in the New Mexico State Office, Bureau of Land Management, Santa Fe, New Mexico, thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this publication.
Notice of Availability of the Final Land Use Analysis and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the East Lynn Lake Coal Lease by Applications WVES-50556 and WVES-50560, Wayne County, West Virginia
In accordance with National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Final Land Use Analysis (LUA) and Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to analyze the potential impacts of two Federal Coal Lease By Applications (LBA) WVES-50556 and WVES-50560, totaling 13,089.55 acres at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) East Lynn Lake Project in Wayne County, West Virginia.
Filing of Plats of Survey: California
The plats of survey of lands described below are scheduled to be officially filed in the Bureau of Land Management California State Office, Sacramento, California, thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this publication.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 11, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 11, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 11, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; Montana
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 9, 2012.
Notice of Public Meeting; Wyoming Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Wyoming Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Correction to Filing of Plats, Colorado
On May 23, 2012, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published a Notice of Filing of Plats by the Colorado State Office, Lakewood, Colorado [77 FR 30550]. The plat and field notes of the dependent resurvey and survey in Township 48 North, Range 6 West, New Mexico Principal Meridian, Colorado, accepted May 3, 2012, was incorrectly listed as Range 68 West. This Notice of Correction is intended to correct this to Range 6 West.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; North Dakota
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 5, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; North Dakota
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 5, 2012.
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey; North Dakota
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will file the plat of survey of the lands described below in the BLM Montana State Office, Billings, Montana, on July 5, 2012.
Notice of Public Meeting; Central Montana Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central Montana Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease WYW177172, Wyoming
Under the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) received a petition for reinstatement from Ridgeland Wyoming Inc. for competitive oil and gas lease WYW177172 for land in Converse County, Wyoming. The petition was filed on time and was accompanied by all the rentals due since the date the lease terminated under the law.
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the SunZia Southwest 500 kV Transmission Line Project in New Mexico and Arizona, and Prospective Draft Land Use Plan Amendments
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a Draft Resource Management Plan (Draft RMP) Amendment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the SunZia Southwest Transmission Line Project and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Public Meeting: Northwest California Resource Advisory Council
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA), and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972 (FACA), the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Northwest California Resource Advisory Council will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Competitive Coal Lease Sale, Wyoming
Notice is hereby given that certain coal resources in the North Porcupine Coal Tract described below in Campbell County, Wyoming, will be offered for competitive lease by sealed bid in accordance with the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended.
Notice of Public Meeting, Albuquerque Resource Advisory Council Meeting
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque District Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet as indicated below.
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed McCoy Solar Energy Project and Possible Land Use Plan Amendment, Riverside County, CA
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Palm Springs/ South Coast Field Office, Palm Springs, California, has prepared a Draft California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan Amendment (PA) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for McCoy Solar, LLC's right-of-way (ROW) application for the McCoy Solar Energy Project (MSEP), and by this notice is announcing the opening of the comment period.
Notice of Availability of the Record of Decision for the Taos Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces the availability of the Record of Decision (ROD)/Approved Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the Taos Field Office located in northern New Mexico. The New Mexico State Director signed the ROD on May 24, 2012, which constitutes the final decision of the BLM and makes the Approved RMP effective immediately.
Notice of Public Meeting, Farmington District Resource Advisory Council Meeting, New Mexico
In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Farmington District Resource Advisory Council (RAC), will meet as indicated below.
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