Bureau of Indian Affairs – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 351 - 400 of 2,076
Protection and Restoration of Tribal Homelands
The Department invites representatives of federally recognized Tribes to consult on several topics related to the protection and restoration of Tribal homelands, including but not limited to: the land-into-trust process, leasing and rights-of-way, and sacred sites and treaty rights.
Annual Meeting Under Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Act, as Amended
The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), is announcing the annual meeting of the Federal agencies and Tribes that participate in the Indian Employment, Training, and Related Services Act of 2017, also known as ``Public Law 477'' Work Group. For the safety of all individuals, the meeting will be conducted virtually via MS TEAMs and by telephone.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Sixth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Kalispel Tribe of Indians (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Third Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (Colville Tribe) and the State of Washington (State) and the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation (Shoalwater Bay Tribe) and the State of Washington.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Connecticut
This notice publishes the approval of the Agreement Between the Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut (Tribe) and the State of Connecticut (State) to amend the Tribe's Class III Gaming Compact (Amendment) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Table Mountain Rancheria; Liquor Control Ordinance
This notice publishes the Liquor Control Ordinance of Table Mountain Rancheria. The Table Mountain Rancheria Liquor Control Ordinance regulates and controls the possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol in conformity with the laws of the State of California.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Electric Power Service Application, Reindeer in Alaska, Water Request, Leases and Permits, Navajo Partitioned Lands Grazing Permits
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) are proposing to renew five information collections.
Indian Gaming; Extension of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact (Rosebud Sioux Tribe and the State of South Dakota)
This notice announces the extension of the Class III gaming compact between the Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation and the State of South Dakota.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Tribal Reassumption of Jurisdiction Over Child Custody Proceedings, Secretarial Elections, Bureau of Indian Affairs Housing Improvement Program
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) are proposing to renew three information collections.
HEARTH Act Approval of Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish-Band of Pottawatomi Indians Business, Agriculture, and Residential Lease Regulations
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Match-E-Be- Nash-She-Wish-Band of Pottawatomi Indians (Tribe) Lease Regulations under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter into business, agriculture, and residential leases without further BIA approval.
HEARTH Act Approval of Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona Business Site Leasing Ordinance
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona Business Site Leasing Ordinance under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter into Business leases without further BIA approval.
HEARTH Act Approval of Table Mountain Rancheria Tribal Trust Lands Residential Lease Regulations
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Table Mountain Rancheria Tribal Trust Lands Residential Lease Regulations under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter into residential leases without further BIA approval.
HEARTH Act Approval of Title XVI Pueblo of Jemez Tribal Leasing Code
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Title XVI Pueblo of Jemez Tribal Leasing Code under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter agricultural, business, and wind and solar leases without further BIA approval.
HEARTH Act Approval of Title XVII Pueblo of Jemez Residential Leasing Code
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approved the Title XVII Pueblo of Jemez Residential Leasing Code under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act). With this approval, the Tribe is authorized to enter into residential leases without further BIA approval.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact Amendments in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Fourth Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Suquamish Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State), and the Fifth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Fifth Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Suquamish Tribe and the State of Washington.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact Amendments in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of Third Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Third Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State), and the Fourth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Fourth Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians and the State of Washington.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Tenth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Tulalip Tribes of Washington (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of Third Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Cowlitz Indian Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Fifth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of Third Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Spokane Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of Sixth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Puyallup Tribe of Indians (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of Sixth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Squaxin Island Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of Fifth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) for Class III Gaming between the Lummi Nation (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Oregon
This notice publishes the approval of Amendment IV to the Tribal-State Compact (Amendment) between the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians (Tribe) and the State of Oregon (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Wisconsin
This notice publishes the approval of the Third Amendment to the Oneida Nation and the State of Wisconsin Gaming Compact of 1991 providing for Class III gaming between the Oneida Nation (Tribe) and the State of Wisconsin (State).
Indian Land Title and Records
This final rule revises Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) regulations governing the Land Title and Records Office (LTRO) to reflect modernization of the LTRO. The LTRO maintains title documents for land held in trust or restricted status for individual Indians and Tribes (Indian land). This rule replaces outdated provisions and allows for more widespread efficiencies by reflecting current practices, while creating a framework for future LTRO operations.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Class III Gaming Procedures, Tribal Revenue Allocation Plans, and Gaming on Trust Lands Acquired After October 17, 1988
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs (AS-IA) are proposing to renew three information collections.
Indian Gaming; Approval by Operation of Law of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Florida
This notice publishes the approval by operation law of the Compact Between the Seminole Tribe of Florida (Tribe) and the State of Florida (State).
Not Invisible Act Joint Commission on Reducing Violent Crime Against Indians
This notice requests public nominations for the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)'s Joint Commission on Reducing Violent Crime Against Indians (Commission) as outlined in Section 4 of the Not Invisible Act of 2019. The Commission will develop recommendations for the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) and the Attorney General on actions the Federal Government can take to increase intergovernmental coordination to identify and combat violent crime on Indian lands and against Indians. The DOI is soliciting comments and nominations for qualified individuals to serve as non-Federal Commission members.
Bureau of Indian Education Strategic Direction 2018-2023
The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) invites Tribes and stakeholders to listening sessions on its BIE Strategic Direction for 2018-2023 document for input on whether adjustments are appropriate for years 2022 and 2023, given the unforeseen events of the past year and a half.
Rate Adjustments for Indian Irrigation Projects
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) owns or has an interest in irrigation projects located on or associated with various Indian reservations throughout the United States. We are required to establish irrigation assessment rates to recover the costs to administer, operate, maintain, and rehabilitate these projects. We are notifying you that we have adjusted the irrigation assessment rates at several of our irrigation projects and facilities to reflect current costs of administration, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Louisiana
This notice publishes the approval of the Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact for the Conduct of Class III Gaming between the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana (Tribe) and the State of Louisiana (State).
Indian Gaming; Extension of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact (Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of the Pyramid Reservation and the State of Nevada)
This notice announces the extension of the Class III gaming compact between the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of the Pyramid Lake Reservation and the State of Nevada.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Probate of Indian Estates, Except for Members of the Osage Nation and Five Civilized Tribes
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), are proposing to renew an information collection.
Tribal Energy Resource Agreements
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is confirming the interim final rule published on May 24, 2021, updating regulations governing Tribal Energy Resource Agreements (TERAs) between the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) and Indian Tribes. The interim final rule added the statutory requirement that that any application for a Tribal Energy Development Organization (TEDO) be submitted by the Tribe and corrected cross-references.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Law and Order on Indian Reservations-Marriage and Dissolution Applications
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) are proposing renew an information collection.
Office of Indian Economic Development, Tribal Tourism Grant Program (TTGP), Part of the NATIVE Act
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), through the Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED), Division of Economic Development (DED), solicits proposals from Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations (as defined in the NATIVE Act) to receive grants to support Tribal tourism feasibility studies and/or Tribal tourism business plan development. The Program supports Tribes and Tribal organizations to increase their capacity to plan, develop and manage tourism and related infrastructure in support of economic development and the NATIVE Act. The Program will provide funding for Tribes and Tribal organizations to conduct tourism feasibility studies that will empower them to make informed decisions on potential tourism project(s). The Program will also provide funding for Tribes and Tribal organizations to develop business plans on completed tourism feasibility studies. In addition to the feasibility study, tourism grants may fund business plans for Tribal tourism businesses recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Washington
This notice publishes the approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Tribal-State Compact for Class III Gaming between the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe (Tribe) and the State of Washington (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of South Dakota
This notice publishes the approval of the class III gaming compact between the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation (Tribe) and the State of South Dakota (State).
Cayuga Nation of New York; Alcoholic Beverage Control Ordinance
This notice publishes the liquor control ordinance of the Cayuga Nation of New York. The liquor control statute regulates and controls the possession, sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol in conformity with the laws of the State of New York.
Indian Gaming; Approval of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Minnesota
This notice publishes the approval of the class III gaming compact between the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota (Tribe) and the State of Minnesota (State).
Indian Gaming; Approval by Operation of Law of Tribal-State Class III Gaming Compact in the State of Indiana
This notice publishes the approval by operation law of the compact between the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians (Tribe) and the State of Indiana (State) providing for the conduct of Tribal class III gaming by the Tribe.
Use of Bureau-Operated Schools by Third Parties Under Lease Agreements and Fundraising Activity by Bureau-Operated School Personnel
Congress authorized the Director of the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE or Bureau) to enter into agreements with third parties to lease the land or facilities of a Bureau-operated school in exchange for funding that benefits the school. This final rule establishes standards for the appropriate use of lands and facilities under a lease agreement, provisions for establishment and administration of mechanisms for the acceptance of consideration for the use and benefit of a school, accountability standards to ensure ethical conduct, and provisions for monitoring the amount and terms of consideration received, the manner in which the consideration is used, and any results achieved by such use. This final rule also establishes standards to implement authority provided by Congress for BIE personnel to fundraise on behalf of Bureau-operated schools.
Environmental Impact Statement for the Yahthumb Solar Project on the Moapa River Indian Reservation, Clark County, Nevada
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), as lead agency in cooperation with the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians (Moapa Band), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and other agencies, intend to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will evaluate the development of the Yahthumb Solar Project (Project) on the Moapa River Indian Reservation (Reservation). This notice announces the beginning of the scoping process to solicit public comments and identify potential issues related to the EIS. The BIA requests comments concerning the scope of the analysis, and identification of relevant information, studies, and analyses. It also announces that two public scoping meetings will be held virtually to identify potential issues, alternatives, and mitigation to be considered in the EIS.
Advisory Board of Exceptional Children
The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) is announcing that the Advisory Board for Exceptional Children (Advisory Board) will hold two separate online meetings. The purpose of the meetings are to meet the mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) for Indian children with disabilities. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and for the safety of all individuals, it will be necessary to conduct online meetings.
Land Acquisitions; Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation
This notice announces that the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs has acquired all land comprising the National Bison Range, consisting of approximately 18,800.22 acres, more or less, into trust for the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation.
Land Acquisitions; Wilton Rancheria
The Principal Deputy Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs made a final agency determination to acquire 35.92 acres, more or less, in the City of Elk Grove, Sacramento County, California (Site) in trust for the Wilton Rancheria for gaming and other purposes on January 19, 2017.
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Grants to Indian Organizations for Off-Reservation Indian Child and Family Service Programs
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), through the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), is soliciting grants from Indian Organizations to establish and operate off-reservation Indian child and family service programs. The intent of the Indian child and family service programs are to provide services for stabilizing Indian families and Tribes, preventing the breakup of Indian families and, in particular, to ensure that the permanent removal of an Indian child from the custody of his/her Indian parent or Indian custodian shall be a last resort.
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