International Trade Commission September 27, 2017 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain LED Lighting Devices, LED Power Supplies, and Components Thereof, DN 3256; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure.
Certain Basketball Backboard Components and Products Containing the Same; Commission Determination Not To Review an Initial Determination Terminating the Investigation in Its Entirety Based on a Settlement Agreement; Termination of Investigation
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined not to review an initial determination (``ID'') (Order No. 15) of the presiding administrative law judge (``ALJ'') terminating the investigation in its entirety based on a settlement agreement. The investigation is terminated.
Privacy Act of 1974; Systems of Records
The system of records ITC-3 (Office of Inspector General Investigative Files (General)) contained records on individuals and contractors, who were the focus of an OIG investigation relating to the programs and operations of the Commission. The records were used to investigate and/or take other actions to address allegations of fraud, waste and abuse of a non-criminal nature by Commission employees or contractors. The system of records ITC-4 (Office of Inspector General Investigative Files (Criminal)) contained records on individuals and contractors, who were the focus of an OIG criminal investigation relating to the programs and operations of the Commission. The records were used to investigate allegations of criminal violations by Commission employees or contractors.
Privacy Act of 1974; Systems of Records
The Commission issues this notice to satisfy the Privacy Act's requirement to publish notice of the existence and character of records systems maintained by the Commission and of any new use or intended use of information in the Commission's systems of records. The U.S. International Trade Commission (``Commission'') proposes to add the following four new systems of records: (1) Roster of Mediators. This system contains records of individuals selected as roster members to serve as potential mediators as part of the Commission's mediation program. Records in this system are used to identify potential mediators for participation in the Commission's mediation program. (2) Personnel Photograph Records. This system contains photographs of Commission personnel. Records in this system are used to enhance the security of the Commission's building, educate the public, assist Commission personnel in interfacing with customers and the public, and promote open and collaborative electronic communication with Commission personnel. (3) Employment Law Records. This system contains documents relating to employment law matters including adverse actions, grievances, unfair labor practice charges, civil actions against Commission employees in their official capacities, and employee claims. (4) Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Records. This system contains correspondence and other documents relating to FOIA and Privacy Act requests and administrative appeals. The Commission proposes to revise the following thirteen existing systems of records: (1) Pay and Leave Records. This system contains payroll and personnel information. These records are used for the purposes of administering pay and leave, activity accounting, and budget preparation, and are used to prepare related reports to other Federal agencies. (2) Grievance Records. This system contains records of grievances filed by Commission employees under 5 CFR part 771, 5 U.S.C. 7121, or under negotiated grievance procedures. (3) Telephone Call Detail Records. This system contains records relating to the location of Commission telephones, the assignment of telephone numbers to employees, the use of Commission mobile devices, and the use of Commission telephones to place long-distance telephone calls or facsimile transmissions. (4) Security Access Records. This system contains records relating to the assignment and use of electronic security keys at the Commission and records identifying visitors to the Commission building. (5) Personnel Security Investigative Files. This system contains personnel security investigative records pertaining to current and former employees, applicants for employment including interns and volunteers, and contractors, subcontractors, and consultants. The records in this system are used to make national security, suitability, fitness, and HSPD-12 credentialing determinations; provide a current record of Commission employees with security clearance(s); and provide access cards and keys to Commission buildings and offices. (6) Library Circulation Records. Records in this system pertain to individuals with borrowing privileges, who have borrowed materials from the Main Library. Records are used to locate Main Library materials in circulation and to control and inventory borrowed materials. (7) Parking and Mass Transit Subsidy Records. Records in this system pertain to individuals who participate in the Commission mass transit and car pool subsidy programs. These records are used to allocate and control agency-subsidized parking spaces and mass transit subsidies, assist in creating car pools, and ensure that employees qualify for subsidized parking spaces or mass transit subsidies. (8) Congressional Correspondence Records. Records in this system pertain to Members of Congress and their constituents. These records are used to respond to Congressional inquiries and inform Congress about Commission activities. (9) System Access Records. This system contains information pertaining to a computer user's access to Commission computers and other information technology resources. It also includes records relating to name, address, country, telephone number, fax number, email address, employer type, agency or firm name, the computer's Internet protocol addresses, and account number gathered while accessing the Commission's internet and intranet Web sites. (10) Administrative Protective Order Breach and Related Records. The records in this system are used to determine whether a person has breached an administrative protective order and/or should be sanctioned. The records relate to a person's name, firm, address, the basis for the investigation, the Commission's determinations with respect to the facts of the investigation, and any sanctions or other actions taken in response to the agency's determinations. (11) Import and Export Records. This system contains records relating to an importer's, exporter's, or producer's name, organization, title or position, business role, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, Web site address, and Dun's number, as well as quantity and value information on imports and exports. Some contact information is for the homes of individuals. (12) Telecommuting Program Records. Records in this system pertain to individuals who participate in the Commission telecommuting program. These records are used to administer the program and may be used to monitor employee compliance with telecommuting procedures. (13) Emergency Notification Records. These records are maintained to notify and identify Commission employees or their designees under emergency conditions.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The system of records ITC-10 (Mailing List Records) contained records of requests by individuals for placement on a Commission mailing list. These records were used to maintain the names and addresses of individuals and/or organizations that requested copies of agency publications.
Rules of General Application
The United States International Trade Commission (``Commission'') proposes to amend provisions of its Rules of Practice and Procedure concerning the Privacy Act. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to delete certain exemptions that pertain only to systems of records that the Commission is removing and to add exemptions that pertain to a new system of records.
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