Agencies and Commissions August 27, 2018 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 14 of 14
Agency Information Collection Activities Under OMB Review
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), this notice announces that the Information Collection Request (ICR) abstracted below has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and comment. The ICR describes the nature of the information collection and its expected costs and burden.
New Postal Products
The Commission is noticing a recent Postal Service filing for the Commission's consideration concerning negotiated service agreements. This notice informs the public of the filing, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps.
Administrative Declaration of a Disaster for the State of NEW MEXICO
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the State of NEW MEXICO dated 08/15/2018. Incident: Severe Storms and Flash Flooding. Incident Period: 07/23/2018 through 07/27/2018.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The information collection requirements described below will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The FTC seeks public comments on the agency's shared enforcement with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (``CFPB'') of the information collection requirements in subpart N of the CFPB's Regulation V (``Rule''). That clearance expires on November 30, 2018.
30-Day Notice for the “NEA Funding Reporting Requirements-Final Descriptive Reports FY2019 and Later”
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has submitted the following public information collection request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995: NEA Funding Reporting RequirementsFinal Descriptive Reports FY2019 and later. Copies of this ICR, with applicable supporting documentation, may be obtained by visiting
Chief Compliance Officer Duties and Annual Report Requirements for Futures Commission Merchants, Swap Dealers, and Major Swap Participants
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or ``CFTC'') is amending its regulations regarding certain duties of chief compliance officers (``CCOs'') of swap dealers (``SDs''), major swap participants (``MSPs''), and futures commission merchants (``FCMs'') (collectively, ``Registrants''); and certain requirements for preparing, certifying, and furnishing to the Commission an annual report containing an assessment of the Registrant's compliance activities.
Proposed Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board) invites comment on a proposal to implement a new information collection, the Report of Institution-to-Aggregate Granular Data on Assets and Liabilities on an Immediate Counterparty Basis (FR 2510)(OMB No. 7100-to be assigned).
LPTV, TV Translator, and FM Broadcast Station Reimbursement; Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions
In this document, the Commission directs the Media Bureau to engage a contractor to assist in the reimbursement process and administration of the Reimbursement Fund for LPTV, TV translator, and FM stations, and also directs the Bureau to make determinations regarding eligible costs and the reimbursement process, such as calculating the amount of allocations to eligible entities and seeking comment on a revised Catalog of Eligible Expenses. The Commission also determines that the Media Bureau will announce, pursuant to the requirements in the Reimbursement Expansion Act, when the reimbursement program for all entities eligible for reimbursement pursuant to the Spectrum Act and the Reimbursement Expansion Act will end. Finally, the Commission interprets the Reimbursement Expansion Act as providing at least $50 million for use by the Commission to fund its efforts to educate consumers about the reorganization of broadcast television spectrum under the United States Code.
LPTV, TV Translator, and FM Broadcast Station Reimbursement, Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions
In this document, the Commission proposes rules to implement Congress's recent directive that we reimburse certain Low Power Television (LPTV), television translator (TV translator), and FM broadcast stations for costs incurred as a result of the Commission's broadcast television spectrum incentive auction. When Congress authorized the Commission to conduct the incentive auction, it required the Commission to reimburse certain costs incurred by full power and Class A television licensees and multichannel video program distributors (MVPDs). On March 23, 2018, Congress adopted the Reimbursement Expansion Act (REA), which, among other things, expands the list of entities eligible to be reimbursed for auction-related expenses to include LPTV, TV translator, and FM broadcast stations, and to provide additional funds to the Reimbursement Fund to be used for this purpose. The REA requires the Commission to complete a rulemaking to adopt a reimbursement process for LPTV, TV translator, and FM stations within a year from the adoption date of the Act. This NPRM commences the proceeding to implement this directive and enable the Commission to meet this statutory deadline.
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