Agencies and Commissions January 2014 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Sunshine Act Meetings: February 2014
Document Number: 2014-02168
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: National Labor Relations Board, Agencies and Commissions
Sunshine Act Meetings
Document Number: 2014-02119
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Election Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice of Permit Applications Received Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
Document Number: 2014-02087
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is required to publish a notice of permit applications received to conduct activities regulated under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978. NSF has published regulations under the Antarctic Conservation Act at Title 45 Part 670 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This is the required notice of permit applications received.
Update to Notice of Financial Institutions for Which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been Appointed Either Receiver, Liquidator, or Manager
Document Number: 2014-02056
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Corporation) has been appointed the sole receiver for the following financial institutions effective as of the Date Closed as indicated in the listing. This list (as updated from time to time in the Federal Register) may be relied upon as ``of record'' notice that the Corporation has been appointed receiver for purposes of the statement of policy published in the July 2, 1992 issue of the Federal Register (57 FR 29491). For further information concerning the identification of any institutions which have been placed in liquidation, please visit the Corporation Web site at bank/individual/failed/banklist.html or contact the Manager of Receivership Oversight in the appropriate service center.
Proposed Dewey-Burdock Project in Fall River and Custer Counties, South Dakota, for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities
Document Number: 2014-02043
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) (NUREG-1910, Supplement 4) for the Dewey-Burdock In- Situ Uranium Recovery (ISR) Project. By letter dated August 10, 2009, Powertech USA, Inc. (Powertech) submitted an application to the NRC for a new source materials license for the Dewey-Burdock ISR Project, which Powertech proposes to be located in Fall River and Custer Counties, South Dakota. Powertech is proposing to recover uranium from the Dewey- Burdock Project site using the in-situ recovery process.
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2014-02037
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Treatment of Certain Collateralized Debt Obligations Backed Primarily by Trust Preferred Securities With Regard to Prohibitions and Restrictions on Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
Document Number: 2014-02019
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Agencies and Commissions, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
The OCC, Board, FDIC, CFTC and SEC (individually, an ``Agency,'' and collectively, ``the Agencies'') are each adopting a common interim final rule that would permit banking entities to retain investments in certain pooled investment vehicles that invested their offering proceeds primarily in certain securities issued by community banking organizations of the type grandfathered under section 171 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (``Dodd- Frank Act''). The interim final rule is a companion rule to the final rules adopted by the Agencies to implement section 13 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (``BHC Act''), which was added by section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Procurement List; Proposed Additions And Deletions
Document Number: 2014-02014
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Agencies and Commissions
The Committee is proposing to add products to the Procurement List that will be furnished by the nonprofit agency employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and delete products previously furnished by such agency. Comments Must Be Received On Or Before: March 3, 2014.
Procurement List Additions
Document Number: 2014-02013
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Agencies and Commissions
This action adds products and services to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.
Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission
Document Number: 2014-02007
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested
Document Number: 2014-02006
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35013520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s). Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and further ways to reduce the information burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid Control Number.
Information Collection Being Submitted for Review and Approval to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Document Number: 2014-02005
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35023520), the FCC invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB Control Number.
Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission
Document Number: 2014-02004
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35013520), the Federal Communications Commission invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s). Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid OMB control number.
Connecticut Disaster # CT-00032
Document Number: 2014-02001
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Small Business Administration, Agencies and Commissions
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the State of Connecticut dated 01/24/2014. Incident: Shelton Apartment Fire Incident Period: 01/06/2014. Effective Date: 01/24/2014. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/25/2014 Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 10/24/2014
Petition for Reconsideration of Action in Rulemaking Proceeding
Document Number: 2014-02000
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
In this document, a Petition for Reconsideration (Petition) has been filed in the Commission's Rulemaking proceeding by the National Association of the Deaf, et al.
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested.
Document Number: 2014-01999
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s). Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and further ways to reduce the information burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid Control Number.
Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies
Document Number: 2014-01998
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Reserve System, Agencies and Commissions
California Disaster # CA-00215
Document Number: 2014-01996
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Small Business Administration, Agencies and Commissions
This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a disaster for the State of California dated 01/23/2014. Incident: Pfeiffer Fire. Incident Period: 12/16/2013 through 12/20/2013. Effective Date: 01/23/2014. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/24/2014. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 10/23/2014.
Texas Disaster Number TX-00418
Document Number: 2014-01995
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Small Business Administration, Agencies and Commissions
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Texas (FEMA- 4159-DR), dated 12/20/2013. Incident: Severe Storms and Flooding. Incident Period: 10/30/2013 through 10/31/2013. Effective Date: 01/17/2014. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 02/18/2014. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 09/22/2014.
Alaska Disaster #AK-00030
Document Number: 2014-01991
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Small Business Administration, Agencies and Commissions
This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Alaska (FEMA 4161DR), dated 01/16/2014. Incident: Flooding. Incident Period: 10/27/2013 through 10/28/2013.
ARKANSAS Disaster Number AR-00066
Document Number: 2014-01990
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Small Business Administration, Agencies and Commissions
This is an amendment of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of ARKANSAS (FEMA4160DR), dated 01/06/2014. Incident: Severe Winter Storm Incident Period: 12/05/2013 through 12/06/2013 Effective Date: 01/22/2014 Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/07/2014 Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 10/06/2014
Information Collection Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission Under Delegated Authority
Document Number: 2014-01983
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or the Commission) invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number.
Information Collection Being Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval
Document Number: 2014-01982
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35013520), the Federal Communications Commission invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s). Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid OMB control number.
Information Collection Being Submitted for Review and Approval to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Document Number: 2014-01981
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Communications Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden and as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3502-3520), the FCC invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimates; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and ways to further reduce the information collection burden on small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees. The FCC may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB Control Number.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
Document Number: 2014-01975
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Railroad Retirement Board, Agencies and Commissions
In accordance with the requirement of Section 3506 (c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 which provides opportunity for public comment on new or revised data collections, the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) will publish periodic summaries of proposed data collections. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed information collection is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the RRB's estimate of the burden of the collection of the information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden related to the collection of information on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Title and purpose of information collection: Self-Employment/ Corporate Officer Work and Earnings Monitoring; OMB 3220-0202. Section 2 of the Railroad Retirement Act (RRA) provides for the payment of disability annuities to qualified employees. Section 2 also provides that if the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) receives a report of an annuitant working for a railroad or earning more than prescribed dollar amounts from either nonrailroad employment or self-employment, the annuity is no longer payable, or can be reduced, for the months worked. The regulations related to the nonpayment or reduction of the annuity by reason of work are prescribed in 20 CFR 220.160-164. Some activities claimed by the applicant as ``self-employment'' may actually be employment for someone else (e.g. training officer, consultant, salesman). 20 CFR 216.22 9 (c) states, for example, that an applicant is considered an employee, and not self-employed, when acting as a corporate officer, since the corporation is the applicant's employer. Whether the RRB classifies a particular activity as self- employment or as work for an employer depends upon the circumstances in each case. The circumstances are prescribed in 20 CFR 216.21-216-23. Certain types of work may actually indicate an annuitant's recovery from disability. Regulations related to an annuitant's recovery form disability of work are prescribed in 20 CFR 220.17-220-20. In addition, the RRB conducts continuing disability reviews, (also known as a CDR) to determine whether the annuitant continues to meet the disability requirements of the law. Payment of disability benefits and/or a beneficiary's period of disability will end if medical evidence or other information shows that an annuitant is not disabled under the standards prescribed in Section 2 of the RRA. Continuing disability reviews are generally conducted if one or more of the following conditions are met: (1) the annuitant is scheduled for a routine periodic review, (2) the annuitant returns to work and successfully completes a trial work period, (3) substantial earnings are posted to the annuitant's wage record, or (4) information is received from the annuitant or a reliable source that the annuitant has recovered or returned to work. Provisions relating to when and how often the RRB conducts disability reviews are prescribed in 20 CFR 220.186. To enhance program integrity activities, the RRB utilizes Form G- 252, Self-Employment/Corporate Officer Work and Earnings Monitoring. Form G-252 obtains information from a disability annuitant who claims to be self-employed or a corporate officer or who the RRB determines to be self-employed or a corporate officer after a continuing disability review. The continuing disability review may be prompted by a report of work, return to railroad service, an allegation of a medical improvement or a routine disability review call-up. The information gathered is used to determine entitlement and/or continued entitlement to, and the amount of, the disability annuity, as prescribed in 20 CFR 220.176. Completion is required to retain benefits. One response is required of each respondent. The RRB proposes no changes to Form G-252.
Implementation of Full-Service Intelligent Mail Requirements for Automation Prices; Correction
Document Number: 2014-01974
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
This document corrects an error in the identification of a certain provision of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM[supreg]), revised in a final rule published in the Federal Register of Thursday, April 18, 2013 (78 FR 23137). The misidentified provision relates to the availability of Intelligent Mail barcode (IMbTM) Tracing as an additional mailing service.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Review; Comment Request
Document Number: 2014-01955
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently submitted to OMB for review the following proposal for the collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). The NRC hereby informs potential respondents that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The NRC published a Federal Register notice with a 60-day comment period on this information collection on September 30, 2013 (78 FR 59979). 1. Type of submission, new, revision, or extension: New. 2. The title of the information collection: Voluntary Reporting of Planned Licensing Request Submittals. 3. Current OMB approval number: 3150-XXXX. 4. The form number if applicable: N/A. 5. How often the collection is required: Annually. 6. Who will be required or asked to report: All operating power reactors whose licensing actions are handled by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing. 7. An estimate of the number of annual responses: 62. 8. The estimated number of annual respondents: 62. 9. An estimate of the total number of hours needed annually to complete the requirement or request: 310. 10. Abstract: The NRC is seeking information on the licensing actions that licensees plan to submit over the next three years. The information would be used by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation to better plan its resource utilization. Specifically, the office would use the information to (1) inform its budget development, (2) identify potential impacts from multiple actions utilizing the same resources, (3) develop solutions, if possible, to resource conflicts, and (4) communicate scheduling impacts to stakeholders. The public may examine and have copied for a fee publicly available documents, including the final supporting statement, at the NRC's Public Document Room, Room O-1F21, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. The OMB clearance requests are available at the NRC's Web site: doc-comment/omb/. The document will be available on the NRC's home page site for 60 days after the signature date of this notice. Comments and questions should be directed to the OMB reviewer listed below by March 3, 2014. Comments received after this date will be considered if it is practical to do so, but assurance of consideration cannot be given to comments received after this date.
Information Collection Request: Submission for OMB Review
Document Number: 2014-01946
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Peace Corps, Agencies and Commissions
The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 USC Chapter 35).
Information Collection Request; Submission for OMB Review
Document Number: 2014-01945
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Peace Corps, Agencies and Commissions
The Peace Corps will be submitting the following information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The purpose of this notice is to allow 60 days for public comment in the Federal Register preceding submission to OMB. We are conducting this process in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 USC Chapter 35).
Community Health Systems, Inc. and Health Management Associates, Inc.; Analysis of Agreement Containing Consent Orders to Aid Public Comment
Document Number: 2014-01942
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The consent agreement in this matter settles alleged violations of federal law prohibiting unfair methods of competition. The attached Analysis of Agreement Containing Consent Orders to Aid Public Comment describes both the allegations in the draft complaint and the terms of the consent ordersembodied in the consent agreementthat would settle these allegations.
Actions Taken at December 12, 2013, Meeting
Document Number: 2014-01923
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Agencies and Commissions
As part of its regular business meeting held on December 12, 2013, in Annapolis, Maryland, the Commission took the following actions: (1) approved or tabled the applications of certain water resources projects (one involving an into-basin diversion and one involving an out-of-basin diversion); and (2) took additional actions, as set forth in the Supplementary Information below.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission to OMB for Reinstatement, with Change, of a Previously Approved Collection; Comment Request
Document Number: 2014-01909
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: National Credit Union Administration, Agencies and Commissions
The NCUA intends to submit the following information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). This information collection is published to obtain comments from the public. Financial and statistical information is collected on a monthly basis and is used by NCUA to monitor financial and statistical trends in corporate credit unions and to allocate examination and supervision resources.
Document Number: 2014-01703
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: National Credit Union Administration, Agencies and Commissions
This final rule permits credit unions to engage in limited derivatives activities for the purpose of mitigating interest rate risk. This rule applies only to Federal credit unions. The final rule addresses permissible derivatives and characteristics, limits on derivatives, operational requirements, counterparty and margining requirements, and the procedures a credit union must follow to apply for derivatives authority.
Price Cap Rules for Market Dominant Price Adjustments
Document Number: 2014-01669
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Postal Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Commission is proposing rules addressing the price cap for market dominant price adjustments as part of an ongoing review. This stage of the review concerns rate reductions, rate incentives, and de minimis rate increases. The Commission invites public comment on the proposals.
Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships With, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
Document Number: 2013-31511
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Agencies and Commissions, Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
The OCC, Board, FDIC, and SEC (individually, an ``Agency,'' and collectively, ``the Agencies'') are adopting a rule that would implement section 13 of the BHC Act, which was added by section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (``Dodd- Frank Act''). Section 13 contains certain prohibitions and restrictions on the ability of a banking entity and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund.
Prohibitions and Restrictions on Proprietary Trading and Certain Interests in, and Relationships with, Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds
Document Number: 2013-31476
Type: Rule
Date: 2014-01-31
Agency: Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``CFTC'' or ``Commission'') is adopting a final rule to implement Section 619 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the ``Dodd-Frank Act''), which contains certain prohibitions and restrictions on the ability of a banking entity and nonbank financial company supervised by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the ``Board'') to engage in proprietary trading and have certain interests in, or relationships with, a hedge fund or private equity fund. Section 619 also requires the Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Securities and Exchange Commission to also issue regulations implementing section 619 and directs the CFTC and those four agencies to consult and coordinate with each other, as appropriate, in developing and issuing the implementing rules, for the purposes of assuring, to the extent possible, that such rules are comparable and provide for consistent application and implementation. To that end, although the Commission is adopting a final rule that is not a joint rule with the other agencies, the CFTC and the other agencies have worked closely together to develop the same rule text and supplementary information, except for information specific to the CFTC or the other agencies, as applicable. In particular, the CFTC's final rule is numbered as part 75 of the Commission's regulations, the rule text refers to the ``Commission'' instead of the ``[Agency]'' and one section of the regulations addresses authority, purpose, scope, and relationship to other authorities with respect to the Commission. Furthermore, it is noted that the supplementary information generally refers to the ``Agencies'' collectively when referring to deliberations and considerations in developing the final rule by the CFTC together with the other four agencies and references to the ``final rule'' should be deemed to refer to the final rule of the Commission as herein adopted.
Sunshine Act Meetings
Document Number: 2014-02085
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-30
Agency: Postal Regulatory Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Sunshine Act Meeting
Document Number: 2014-02024
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-30
Agency: Consumer Product Safety Commission, Agencies and Commissions
Sunshine Act Meeting; National Science Board
Document Number: 2014-01994
Type: Notice
Date: 2014-01-30
Agency: National Science Foundation, Agencies and Commissions
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