November 15, 2023 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 139 of 139
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Canaveral National Seashore, Titusville, FL
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Canaveral National Seashore (CANA) has completed an inventory of human remains and has determined that there is no cultural affiliation between the human remains and any Indian Tribe. The human remains were removed from Volusia County, FL.
Notice of Inventory Completion: University of Oregon, Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Eugene, OR
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History (UOMNCH) has completed an inventory of human remains and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice. The human remains were removed from Honolulu County, HI.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), The Children's Museum of Indianapolis intends to repatriate a certain cultural item that meets the definition of a sacred object and that has a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice. The cultural item was removed from Drew County, Arkansas.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), The Children's Museum of Indianapolis intends to repatriate a certain cultural item that meets the definition of an object of cultural patrimony and that has a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice. The cultural item was removed from Wyoming.
Western Nuclear, Inc.; Split Rock Site
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is noticing the establishment of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as the long-term custodian of the Split Rock site and the transfer of the Split Rock site to DOE, under the general license provisions of NRC's regulations. The NRC also notices the termination of Western Nuclear, Inc.'s (WNI) Wyoming Source Material License No. WYSUA-0056 for the Split Rock uranium mill tailings site in Jeffrey City, Wyoming.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), The Children's Museum of Indianapolis intends to repatriate certain cultural items that meet the definition of sacred objects and that have a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice. The cultural items were removed from Nebraska.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), The Children's Museum of Indianapolis intends to repatriate a certain cultural item that meets the definition of an object of cultural patrimony and that has a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: James B. and Rosalyn L. Pick Museum of Anthropology at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL (Formerly Anthropology Museum at Northern Illinois University)
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the James B. and Rosalyn L. Pick Museum of Anthropology at Northern Illinois University (Pick Museum) intends to repatriate a cultural item that meets the definition of a sacred object and that has a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Sutter County Museum, Yuba City, CA
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the Sutter County Museum intends to repatriate certain cultural items that meet the definition of either unassociated funerary objects or objects of cultural patrimony and that have a cultural affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice. The cultural items were removed from Sutter County and Yuba County, CA.
Notice of Inventory Completion: The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the University of Kansas has completed an inventory of human remains and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in this notice. The human remains were removed from Dixie County, FL.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
New England Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
The New England Fishery Management Council (Council) is scheduling a meeting of its Scallop Advisory Panel via webinar to consider actions affecting New England fisheries in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Recommendations from this group will be brought to the full Council for formal consideration and action, if appropriate.
Agency Information Collection Extension
The Department of Energy (DOE) has submitted an information collection request to the OMB for extension under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information collection requests a three-year extension of its collection, titled Contracting, OMB Control Number 1910-5190. The proposed collection will collect information related to BPA's management and oversight of contracting requirements in fulfillment of BPA's vendor contracts.
International Product Change-Priority Mail Express International, Priority Mail International & First-Class Package International Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a Priority Mail Express International, Priority Mail International & First-Class Package International Service contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Competitive Product List in the Mail Classification Schedule.
Black Hills National Forest Advisory Board
The Black Hills National Forest Advisory Board will hold a public meeting according to the details shown below. The Board is authorized under the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974, the National Forest Management Act of 1976, the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, and operates in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The purpose of the Board is to provide advice and recommendations on a broad range of forest issues such as forest plan revisions or amendments, forest health including fire, insect and disease, travel management, forest monitoring and evaluation, recreation fees, and site-specific projects having forest- wide implications.
White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council; Notification of Virtual Public Meeting
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hereby provides notice that the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) will meet on the date and time described below. The meeting is open to the public. For additional information about registering to attend the meeting or to provide a public comment, please see ``Registration'' under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Pre-registration is required.
Advisory Committee; Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee; Renewal
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the renewal of the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs (the Commissioner). The Commissioner has determined that it is in the public interest to renew the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee for an additional 2 years beyond the charter expiration date. The new charter will be in effect until the August 27, 2025, expiration date.
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Lutak Dock Replacement Project, Haines Borough, Alaska
NMFS has received a request from Haines Borough for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to the Lutak dock replacement project in Lutak, Alaska. Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is requesting comments on its proposal to issue an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to incidentally take marine mammals during the specified activities. NMFS is also requesting comments on a possible one-time, 1-year renewal that could be issued under certain circumstances and if all requirements are met, as described in Request for Public Comments at the end of this notice. NMFS will consider public comments prior to making any final decision on the issuance of the requested MMPA authorization and agency responses will be summarized in the final notice of our decision.
Freedom of Information Act Fee Schedule
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB or Board) is proposing to revise its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) fee schedule and to make conforming amendments to two related provisions of its FOIA regulations.
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Advisory Committee: Closed Meeting
The President's Commission on White House Fellowships (PCWHF) was established by an executive order in 1964. The PCWHF is an advisory committee composed of Special Government Employees appointed by the President.
Privacy Act of 1974; STATE-60, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs and Related Records
The Department of State is giving notice of a publication for a system of records pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 for the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs and Related Records, STATE-60; and this final rule, which exempts portions of this system of records from one or more provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), proposes a new system of records titled, ``DOT/FAA 858 Adjudication Docket Records in Aviation Litigation Proceedings under 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 13, subparts D and G and Acquisition Dispute Proceedings under 14 CFR part 17''. This system of records allows DOT to collect and maintain case records for in-house administrative adjudications and mediations (``adjudicative records'') in accordance with FAA procedures and regulations that support its mission of aviation safety.
Air Plan Approval; Kentucky; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is updating the materials that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the Commonwealth of Kentucky's (Commonwealth's) State Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations affected by this update have been previously submitted by the Commonwealth and approved by EPA. In this notice, EPA is also notifying the public of corrections and clarifying changes to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) tables that identify material incorporated by reference into the Commonwealth's SIP. This update affects the materials that are available for public inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the EPA Regional Office.
Medicare Program; Contract Year 2025 Policy and Technical Changes to the Medicare Advantage Program, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program, Medicare Cost Plan Program, and Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly; Health Information Technology Standards and Implementation Specifications
This proposed rule would revise the Medicare Advantage (Part C), Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (Part D), Medicare cost plan, and Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) regulations to implement changes related to Star Ratings, marketing and communications, agent/broker compensation, health equity, dual eligible special needs plans (D-SNPs), utilization management, network adequacy, and other programmatic areas. This proposed rule also includes proposals to codify existing sub-regulatory guidance in the Part C and Part D programs.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc., Airplanes
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc., Model BD-700-1A10 and BD-700-1A11 airplanes. This proposed AD was prompted by reports that some overheat detection sensing elements of the bleed air leak detection system were manufactured with insufficient salt fill, which can result in an inability to detect hot bleed air leaks. This proposed AD would require maintenance records verification, and if an affected part is installed, would prohibit the use of certain Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) items under certain conditions by requiring revising the operator's existing MEL. This proposed AD would also require testing the overheat detection sensing elements, marking each serviceable sensing element with a witness mark, and replacing each nonserviceable part with a serviceable part. This proposed AD would also prohibit the installation of affected parts under certain conditions. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
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