March 23, 2022 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 51 - 100 of 105
Proposed Information Collection Request; Comment Request; Brownfields Program-Accomplishment Reporting (Renewal)
Document Number: 2022-06096
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency is planning to submit an information collection request (ICR), ``Brownfields Program Accomplishment Reporting (Renewal)'' (EPA ICR No. 2104.09, OMB Control No. 2050-0192 to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. Before doing so, EPA is soliciting public comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection as described below. This is a proposed extension and update of the ICR, which is currently approved through December 31, 2024. An Agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions
Document Number: 2022-06087
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control
The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is publishing the names of one or more persons that have been placed on OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN List) based on OFAC's determination that one or more applicable legal criteria were satisfied. All property and interests in property subject to U.S. jurisdiction of these persons are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them.
Meeting of the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Federal Advisory Committee
Document Number: 2022-06086
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
This is an announcement of a meeting of the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Federal Advisory Committee (GAC) to discuss the Global Initiative, as described at https:// Due to ongoing COVID-19 mitigation restrictions, this meeting will be held virtually. Approved observers will receive the log-information prior to the meeting.
Natural Gas Pipelines; Project Cost and Annual Limits
Document Number: 2022-06085
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Pursuant to the authority delegated by the Commission's regulations, the Director of the Office of Energy Projects (OEP) computes and publishes the project cost and annual limits for natural gas pipelines blanket construction certificates for each calendar year.
Meeting of the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services
Document Number: 2022-06084
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, this notice announces that the Secretary's National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services (NACRHHS) has scheduled a public meeting. Information about NACRHHS and the agenda for this meeting can be found on the NACRHHS website at committees/rural-health/.
Credit Union Advisory Council Meeting
Document Number: 2022-06083
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), this notice sets forth the announcement of a public meeting of the Credit Union Advisory Council (CUAC or Council) of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau). The notice also describes the functions of the Council.
Community Bank Advisory Council Meeting
Document Number: 2022-06082
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), this notice sets forth the announcement of a public meeting of the Community Bank Advisory Council (CBAC or Council) of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau). The notice also describes the functions of the Council.
Consumer Advisory Board Meeting
Document Number: 2022-06081
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), this notice sets forth the announcement of a public meeting of the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The notice also describes the functions of the advisory board.
Occupational Exposure to COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings
Document Number: 2022-06080
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA is partially reopening the comment period to allow for additional public comment on specific topics and is scheduling an informal public hearing on its interim final rule establishing an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), ``Occupational Exposure to COVID- 19.'' The public hearing will begin on April 27, 2022.
Health Research Laboratories, LLC; Analysis of Proposed Consent Order To Aid Public Comment
Document Number: 2022-06079
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Federal Trade Commission, Agencies and Commissions
The consent agreement in this matter settles alleged violations of federal law prohibiting unfair or deceptive acts or practices. The attached Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment describes both the allegations in the complaint and the terms of the consent orderembodied in the consent agreementthat would settle these allegations.
Academic Research Council Meeting
Document Number: 2022-06078
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), this notice sets forth the announcement of a public meeting of the Academic Research Council (ARC or Council) of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau). The notice also describes the functions of the Council.
Indian Business Incubators Program (IBIP) Grants Under the Native American Business Incubator Act of 2020
Document Number: 2022-06077
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), through the Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED), Division of Economic Development (DED), solicits proposals from eligible applicants (see Section IV. Eligibility for Funding, of this notice) to receive competitive grants to establish and operate business incubators that serve Tribal reservation communities. These grants will provide individually tailored business incubation and other business services to Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs to overcome the unique obstacles they confront and provide tools necessary to start and grow businesses that offer products and services to reservation communities.
Fresh Garlic From the People's Republic of China: Final Results and Final Rescission, In Part, of the 26th Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2019-2020
Document Number: 2022-06076
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) has completed its administrative review of the antidumping duty order on fresh garlic from the People's Republic of China (China) for the period of review (POR) November 1, 2019, through October 31, 2020. We determine that mandatory respondent, Jining Shunchang Import & Export Co., Ltd. (Shunchang) failed to establish its eligibility for a separate rate and, therefore, is part of the China-wide entity. We are rescinding the review with respect to Zhengzhou Harmoni Spice Co., Ltd. (Harmoni).
Stainless Steel Plate in Coils From South Africa: Final Results of the Expedited Fourth Five-Year Sunset Review of the Countervailing Duty Order
Document Number: 2022-06075
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
As a result of this sunset review, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) finds that revocation of the countervailing duty (CVD) order on stainless steel plate in coils (SSPC) from South Africa would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of countervailable subsidies at the levels indicated in the ``Final Results of Sunset Review'' section of this notice.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Notice of Meeting
Document Number: 2022-06074
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Combined Notice Filings #1
Document Number: 2022-06140
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedures for Water Closets and Urinals
Document Number: 2022-06138
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Energy
This final rule amends the test procedures for water closets and urinals to reference the most recent update to the relevant industry standard, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (``ASME'') Standard A112.19.2-2018. In this final rule, the Department of Energy (``DOE'') is also amending certain definitions and adding definitions for certain terms that are currently used in the Federal test procedures but are not defined.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Request for Comments
Document Number: 2022-06136
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is proposing to renew an information collection.
Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corporation: Request for Renewal of Recognition
Document Number: 2022-06134
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
In this notice, OSHA announces Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corporation (BACL), application requesting renewal of recognition as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
Proposed Extension of Information Collection Request Submitted For Public Comment; Comment Request for requests for Revocation of Election Filed Under I.R.C. 83(b)
Document Number: 2022-06133
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Currently, the IRS is soliciting comments concerning the burden related to requests for revocation of election filed under I.R.C. 83(b).
Proposed Extension of Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment; Comment Request for Form 8876
Document Number: 2022-06132
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Currently, the IRS is soliciting comments concerning Form 8876, Excise Tax on Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions.
Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, DC
Document Number: 2022-06130
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), has completed an inventory of human remains and associated funerary objects, in consultation with the appropriate Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is a cultural affiliation between the human remains and associated funerary objects and present-day Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains and associated funerary objects should submit a written request to the BIA. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains and associated funerary objects to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, DC
Document Number: 2022-06129
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), in consultation with the appropriate Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, has determined that the cultural items listed in this notice meet the definition of unassociated funerary objects. Lineal descendants or representatives of any Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to claim these cultural items should submit a written request to the BIA. If no additional claimants come forward, transfer of control of the cultural items to the lineal descendants, Indian Tribes, or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Notice of Inventory Completion: Florence Indian Mound Museum, Florence, AL
Document Number: 2022-06128
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
The Florence Indian Mound Museum has completed an inventory of human remains in consultation with the appropriate Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations, and has determined that there is no cultural affiliation between the human remains and any present-day Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations. Representatives of any Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian organization not identified in this notice that wish to request transfer of control of these human remains should submit a written request to the Florence Indian Mound Museum. If no additional requestors come forward, transfer of control of the human remains to the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations stated in this notice may proceed.
Receipt of Documented Petition for Federal Acknowledgment as an American Indian Tribe
Document Number: 2022-06069
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
The Department of the Interior (Department) gives notice that the group known as the Schaghticoke Indian Tribe has filed a documented petition for Federal acknowledgment as an American Indian Tribe with the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs. The Department seeks comment and evidence from the public on the petition.
Safety Zone; March Madness Fireworks Display, New Orleans, LA
Document Number: 2022-06054
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security
The Coast Guard will enforce a temporary safety zone for a fireworks display located on the navigable waters of the Lower Mississippi River between Mile Marker (MM) 94.5 to 95.5. This action is needed to provide for the safety of life on these navigable waterways during the event. During the enforcement periods, the operator of any vessel in the regulated area must comply with directions from the Captain of the Port or designated representative.
Advisory Committee; Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee; Renewal
Document Number: 2022-05973
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the renewal of the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee (formerly known as the Bone, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee) by the Commissioner of Food and Drugs (the Commissioner). The Commissioner has determined that it is in the public interest to renew the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee for an additional 2 years beyond the charter expiration date. The new charter will be in effect until the March 23, 2024, expiration date.
Advisory Committee; Bone, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee; Change of Name and Function; Technical Amendment
Document Number: 2022-05965
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is amending the standing advisory committees' regulations to change the name and function of the Bone, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee. This action is being taken to reflect changes made to the charter for this advisory committee.
Airworthiness Directives; Bell Textron Inc., Helicopters
Document Number: 2022-05916
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Bell Textron Inc., Model 412, 412EP, and 412CF helicopters. This AD was prompted by evaluation results showing flight loads that impact the collective lever fatigue life. This AD requires adding a permanent hours time-in-service (TIS) penalty for certain collective levers and prohibits installing those collective levers unless the permanent hours TIS penalty has been added. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Proposed Establishment of Class D Airspace; Chicago/Romeoville, IL
Document Number: 2022-05883
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action proposes to establish Class D airspace at Chicago/ Romeoville, IL. The FAA is proposing this action to support the establishment of an air traffic control tower at Lewis University Airport, Chicago/Romeoville, IL.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Kansas City, MO
Document Number: 2022-05882
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action proposes to amend the Class E airspace at Kansas City, MO. The FAA is proposing this action as the result of a biennial airspace review.
Airworthiness Directives; Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. Segelflugzeugbau Gliders
Document Number: 2022-05873
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co. Segelflugzeugbau Model ASW-15 gliders. This proposed AD was prompted by mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI identifies the unsafe condition as wing root damage. This proposed AD would require repetitively inspecting the wing root ribs for cracks, looseness, and damage and replacing any root rib with a crack, a loose rib or lift pin bushing, or any damage. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
National Organic Program; National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances-Crops and Handling From October 2019 NOSB
Document Number: 2022-05870
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture
This rule amends the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) section of the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) organic regulations to implement recommendations submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) by the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). This rule allows the following substances for organic production: potassium hypochlorite to treat irrigation water used in organic crop production and fatty alcohols for sucker control in organic tobacco production. This rule also removes the listing for dairy cultures, as it is redundant with an existing listing.
Milk and Cream; Petition for an Administrative Stay of Action: Definitions and Standards of Identity for Yogurt, Lowfat Yogurt, and Nonfat Yogurt
Document Number: 2022-05804
Type: Rule
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is providing notice of a stay of the effectiveness of certain provisions of a final rule published in the Federal Register of June 11, 2021. The final rule amended the definition and standard of identity for yogurt and revoked the definitions and standards of identity for lowfat yogurt and nonfat yogurt. FDA is publishing this notification in response to objections timely filed in accordance with regulatory requirements.
Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Taxpayer Communications Project Committee
Document Number: 2022-06115
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Taxpayer Communications Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. Due to unavoidable delays in this year's approval process, we will not be able to meet the 15-calendar notice threshold, but this meeting will still be open. This meeting will still be held via teleconference.
Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Toll-Free Phone Lines Project Committee
Document Number: 2022-06114
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Toll-Free Phone Lines Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. Due to unavoidable delays in this year's approval process, we will not be able to meet the 15-calendar notice threshold, but this meeting will still be open. This meeting will still be held via teleconference.
Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Notices and Correspondence Project Committee
Document Number: 2022-06113
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Notices and Correspondence Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. Due to unavoidable delays in this year's approval process, we will not be able to meet the 15-calendar notice threshold, but this meeting will still be open. This meeting will still be held via teleconference.
Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Tax Forms and Publications Project Committee
Document Number: 2022-06112
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Tax Forms and Publications Project Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. Due to unavoidable delays in this year's approval process, we will not be able to meet the 15-calendar notice threshold, but this meeting will still be open. This meeting will still be held via teleconference.
Open Meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Special Projects Committee
Document Number: 2022-06111
Type: Notice
Date: 2022-03-23
Agency: Internal Revenue Service, Department of Treasury, Department of the Treasury
An open meeting of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel's Special Projects Committee will be conducted. The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel is soliciting public comments, ideas, and suggestions on improving customer service at the Internal Revenue Service. Due to unavoidable delays in this year's approval process, we will not be able to meet the 15-calendar notice threshold, but this meeting will still be open. This meeting will still be held via teleconference.
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