March 19, 2021 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 144
Notification of Temporary Travel Restrictions Applicable to Land Ports of Entry and Ferries Service Between the United States and Canada
This document announces the decision of the Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) to continue to temporarily limit the travel of individuals from Canada into the United States at land ports of entry along the United States-Canada border. Such travel will be limited to ``essential travel,'' as further defined in this document.
Notification of Temporary Travel Restrictions Applicable to Land Ports of Entry and Ferries Service Between the United States and Mexico
This document announces the decision of the Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) to continue to temporarily limit the travel of individuals from Mexico into the United States at land ports of entry along the United States-Mexico border. Such travel will be limited to ``essential travel,'' as further defined in this document.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing an opportunity for the public to comment on CMS' intention to collect information from the public. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the PRA), federal agencies are required to publish notice in the Federal Register concerning each proposed collection of information (including each proposed extension or reinstatement of an existing collection of information) and to allow 60 days for public comment on the proposed action. Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding our burden estimates or any other aspect of this collection of information, including the necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency's functions, the accuracy of the estimated burden, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected, and the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden.
Virgin Islands; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands (FEMA-4513-DR), dated April 2, 2020, and related determinations.
Puerto Rico; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (FEMA-4493-DR), dated March 27, 2020, and related determinations.
New Jersey; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of New Jersey (FEMA-4488-DR), dated March 25, 2020, and related determinations.
Oklahoma; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Oklahoma (FEMA-3555-EM), dated February 17, 2021, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-3554-EM), dated February 14, 2021, and related determinations.
Texas; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the State of Texas (FEMA-3554-EM), dated February 14, 2021, and related determinations.
District of Columbia; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the District of Columbia (FEMA-3553-EM), dated January 11, 2021, and related determinations.
District of Columbia; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the District of Columbia (FEMA-3553-EM), dated January 11, 2021, and related determinations.
Enhancing Participation in NRC Public Meetings
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has revised its policy statement, ``Enhancing Participation in NRC Public Meetings,'' to further clarify and enhance participation in public meetings conducted by the NRC. The revised policy statement redefines the three categories of public meetings and identifies the level of public participation offered at each category of meeting. The revised policy statement also clarifies notification expectations for meetings that include physical presence in the meeting room and meetings that rely solely on remote access technology such as teleconferencing. The revisions will improve the consistency of the NRC's public meetings and help participants better prepare for NRC meetings.
Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health (ICSH); Notice of Charter Renewal
This gives notice under the Federal Advisory Committee Act of October 6, 1972, that the Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health (ICSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, has been renewed for a 2-year period through March 20, 2023.
Solicitation of Nominations for Appointment to the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeking nominations for membership on the HICPAC. The HICPAC consists of 14 experts in fields including but not limited to, infectious diseases, infection prevention, healthcare epidemiology, nursing, clinical microbiology, surgery, hospitalist medicine, internal medicine, epidemiology, health policy, health services research, public health, and related medical fields. Nominations are being sought for individuals who have expertise and qualifications necessary to contribute to the accomplishments of the committee's objectives. Nominees will be selected based on expertise in the fields of infectious diseases, infection prevention, healthcare epidemiology, nursing, environmental and clinical microbiology, surgery, internal medicine, and public health. Federal employees will not be considered for membership. Members may be invited to serve for four-year terms. Selection of members is based on candidates' qualifications to contribute to the accomplishment of HICPAC objectives https://
Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET); Notice of Charter Renewal
This gives notice under the Federal Advisory Committee Act of October 6, 1972, that the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, has been renewed for a 2-year period through March 15, 2023.
Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher Program,
This notice updates the FY 2021 FMRs for four areas based on new survey data: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX HUD Metro FMR Area (HMFA), Knox County, ME, Lincoln County, ME, and Waldo County, ME. Further, HUD responds to comments received on the FY 2021 FMRs.
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Evaluation of the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative (New Collection)
The Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is proposing to collect data for an evaluation of the services provided to child welfare jurisdictions and Court Improvement Programs (CIP) by the Child Welfare Capacity Building Collaborative. This study uses instruments that build on previously approved OMB instruments, including satisfaction surveys, assessment tools, interview protocols, and service-specific feedback forms (OMB #0970-0484, expiration 11/30/ 22; OMB #0970-0494, expiration 2/28/23).
Submission for OMB Review; OCSE Stafford Act Flexibilities Request Form (New Collection)
The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), seeks approval of a standardized request form to collect information from state and tribal title IV-D child support agencies requesting administrative flexibilities under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, (the ``Stafford Act''), due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Renewal of an Existing Collection and Request for Comment; User Fees for the Administration of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), this document announces that EPA is planning to submit an Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The ICR, entitled: ``User Fees for the Administration of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)'' and identified by EPA ICR No. 2569.02 and OMB Control No. 2070-0208, represents the renewal of an existing ICR that is scheduled to expire on October 31, 2021. Before submitting the ICR to OMB for review and approval, EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collection that is summarized in this document. The ICR and accompanying material are available in the docket for public review and comment.
Procurement List; Proposed Additions and Deletions
The Committee is proposing to add product(s) to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and deletes product(s) and service(s) previously furnished by such agencies.
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Evaluation of Project Connect (New Collection)
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a new information collection to assess the implementation of Project Connect, a comprehensive home visitation intervention that provides home-based services and treatment to child welfare-involved, substance-affected families with children and adolescents ages 0 to 17.
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Renewal of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Performance Measures
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is requesting reinstatement of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Performance Measures (Office of Management and Budget (OMB) #0970-0449, expiration date March 31, 2021) with changes. Changes include a single addition of a field to capture a potential additional source of funding, and other minor changes to the most recent version of this form.
Procurement List; Additions and Deletions
This action adds product(s) to the Procurement List that will be furnished by nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, and deletes product(s) and service(s) from the Procurement List previously furnished by such agencies.
Submission for OMB Review; Human Services Programs in Rural Contexts Study
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proposing to collect data on the challenges and unique opportunities of administering human services programs in rural contexts. Case studies of 12 communities, in combination with analysis of administrative data and qualitative comparative analysis of the qualitative data, will provide ACF with a rich description of human services programs in rural contexts and provide ACF opportunities for strengthening human services programs' capacity to promote the economic and social wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities in rural contexts.
White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council; Notification of Virtual Public Meeting
Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hereby provides notice that the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) will meet on the date and time described below. Due to unforeseen administrative circumstances, EPA is announcing this meeting with less than 15 calendar days public notice. The meeting is open to the public. Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments relevant to the specific issues being considered by the WHEJAC. For additional information about registering to attend the meeting or to provide public comment, please see ``Registration'' under SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Due to the limit of 1000 participants, attendance will be on a first-come, first served basis. Pre-registration is required.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Vulnerability Discovery Program, 1601-0028
The Department of Homeland Security, will submit the following Information Collection Request (ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled Assessment and Monitoring of Breastfeeding-Related Maternity Care Practices in Intrapartum Care Facilities in the United States and Territories. The Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) survey is a census of maternity care hospitals in the United States and territories, that CDC has administered nearly every two years since 2007 in order to monitor and examine changes in breastfeeding-related maternity care over time.
North Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meeting
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) and its advisory committees will meet from April 5, 2021, through April 17, 2021.
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing efforts to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on Lighting Interventions for Improving the Health, Safety, and Well-Being of Underground Mineworkers. The purpose of this information collection is to examine the effect of human centric lighting (HCL) interventions on circadian disruption (CD) and well-being in underground mineworkers via survey administration and biometric data collection.
Proposed Data Collection Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of its continuing effort to reduce public burden and maximize the utility of government information, invites the general public and other Federal agencies the opportunity to comment on a proposed and/or continuing information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This notice invites comment on a proposed information collection project titled, The EDN Tuberculosis Follow-Up Worksheet for Newly-Arrived Persons with Overseas Tuberculosis Classifications. This TB follow-up worksheet intends to capture domestic TB examination data for persons arriving to the U.S. with overseas TB classifications.
Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Results of the 2015-2016 Antidumping Duty Administrative Review and Notice of Amended Final Results of Review
On February 24, 2021, the U.S. Court of International Trade (the Court) entered final judgment sustaining the final results of remand redetermination pursuant to court order by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) pertaining to the 2015-2016 antidumping duty (AD) administrative review on diamond sawblades and parts thereof (diamond sawblades) from the People's Republic of China (China). Commerce is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with Commerce's final results in the 2015-2016 AD administrative review of diamond sawblades from China, and that Commerce is amending the final results.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Application Package for Employers of National Service Enrollment Form and Survey
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS, operating as AmeriCorps) is proposing to renew an information collection.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Department of the Treasury, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on the revision of a currently approved information collection that is to be proposed for approval by the Office of Management and Budget. The Office of International Affairs of the Department of the Treasury is soliciting comments concerning Treasury International Capital Form S, ``Purchases and Sales of Long-Term Securities by Foreign Residents.''
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Department of the Treasury, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on the revision of a currently approved information collection that is to be proposed for approval by the Office of Management and Budget. The Office of International Affairs of the Department of the Treasury is soliciting comments concerning Treasury International Capital Form D, ``Report of Holdings of, and Transactions in, Financial Derivatives Contracts with Foreign Residents''.
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council)-Public Meetings
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold a meeting of its Mackerel Cobia AP on April 6, 2021.
Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Pacific Council) and its advisory entities will hold online public meetings.
Marine Mammals; File No. 25500
Notice is hereby given that University of Alaska Museum of the North, 907 Yukon Drive, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6960 (Responsible Party: Link Olson, Ph.D.), has applied in due form for a permit to receive, import, and export marine mammal parts for scientific research.
Public Meeting of the National Sea Grant Advisory Board
This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a forthcoming meeting of the National Sea Grant Advisory Board (Board), a Federal Advisory Committee. Board members will discuss and provide advice on the National Sea Grant College Program (Sea Grant) in the areas of program evaluation, strategic planning, education and extension, science and technology programs, and other matters as described in the agenda found on the Sea Grant website. For more information on this Federal Advisory Committee please visit the Federal Advisory Committee database: https:/ /
Broadband Grant Programs Webinar Series
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will host a webinar series in April through July 2021 in connection with the three new broadband grant programs authorized and funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021: The Broadband Infrastructure Program, the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program, and the Connecting Minority Communities Program. The webinars are designed to help prospective applicants understand the grant programs and to assist applicants to prepare high quality grant applications.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC); Public Meetings
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold public meetings of the Council.
Certain Corrosion Inhibitors From the People's Republic of China: Antidumping Duty and Countervailing Duty Orders
Based on affirmative final determinations by the Department of Commerce (Commerce) and International Trade Commission (ITC), Commerce is issuing antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on certain corrosion inhibitors (corrosion inhibitors) from the People's Republic of China (China).
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