February 10, 2021 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 81
Oil and Gas and Sulfur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf-Revisions to the Requirements for Exploratory Drilling on the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf; Reopening of Comment Period
The Department of the Interior (DOI or Department), acting through BSEE and BOEM, is reopening the comment period for Proposed Rule: Oil and Gas and Sulfur Operations in the Outer Continental ShelfRevisions to the Requirements for Exploratory Drilling on the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf, which was published in the Federal Register on December 9, 2020.
Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements in an Era of Next-Generation Networks and Services; Correction
The Federal Communications Commission published a document in the Federal Register on January 8, 2021, announcing the elimination of unbundling and resale requirements where they stifle technology transitions and broadband deployment, and the preservation of unbundling requirements where they are still necessary to realize the 1996 Act's goal of robust intermodal competition benefiting all Americans. There is a typographical error in the rules section of this document, incorrectly referring to the heading as ``Availability of DS1 loops'' when it should read ``Availability of DS3 loops.''
Hazardous Materials: Notice of Actions on Special Permits
In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations, notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has received the application described herein.
Hazardous Materials: Notice of Applications for Modifications to Special Permit
In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations, notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has received the application described herein. Each mode of transportation for which a particular special permit is requested is indicated by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' portion of the table below as follows: 1 Motor vehicle, 2Rail freight, 3Cargo vessel, 4Cargo aircraft only, 5Passenger-carrying aircraft.
Hazardous Materials: Notice of Applications for New Special Permits
In accordance with the procedures governing the application for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations, notice is hereby given that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has received the application described herein. Each mode of transportation for which a particular special permit is requested is indicated by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' portion of the table below as follows: 1 Motor vehicle, 2Rail freight, 3Cargo vessel, 4Cargo aircraft only, 5Passenger-carrying aircraft.
Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Semiconductor Devices, Wireless Infrastructure Equipment Containing the Same, and Components Thereof, DN 3532; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection: Comment Request; Information Collection Request Title: Survey of Eligible Users of the National Practitioner Data Bank, OMB No. 0915-0366-Reinstatement With Change
In compliance with the requirement for opportunity for public comment on proposed data collection projects of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, HRSA announces plans to submit an Information Collection Request (ICR), described below, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Prior to submitting the ICR to OMB, HRSA seeks comments from the public regarding the burden estimate, below, or any other aspect of the ICR.
Railroad Cost of Capital-2020
The Board is instituting a proceeding to determine the railroad industry's cost of capital for 2020. The decision solicits comments on the following issues: The railroads' 2020 current cost of debt capital; the railroads' 2020 current cost of preferred equity capital (if any); the railroads' 2020 cost of common equity capital; and the 2020 capital structure mix of the railroad industry on a market value basis.
Commission Meeting
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission will conduct its regular business meeting on March 12, 2021, from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Details concerning the matters to be addressed at the business meeting are contained in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this notice. Also the Commission published a document in the Federal Register on January 11, 2021, concerning its public hearing on February 4, 2021, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; State Administrative Plan for the Hazard Mitigation Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on a reinstatement, without change, of a previously approved information collection for which approval has expired. FEMA will submit the information collection abstracted below to the Office of Management and Budget for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The submission will describe the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use.
Safety Zone; Cocos Lagoon, Merizo, GU
The Coast Guard is proposing to establish a recurring safety zone for navigable waters within Cocos Lagoon. This safety zone will encompass the designated swim course for the Cocos Crossing swim event in the waters of Cocos Lagoon, Merizo, Guam. Race participants, chase boats, and organizers of the event will be exempt from the safety zone. Entry of persons or vessels into the safety zone is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port (COTP) Guam. We invite your comments on this proposed rulemaking.
Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Standard, Line, and Pressure Pipe From Ukraine: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Postponement of Final Determination, and Extension of Provisional Measures
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that seamless carbon and alloy steel standard, line, and pressure pipe (seamless pipe) from Ukraine is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination.
Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Standard, Line, and Pressure Pipe From the Russian Federation: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Postponement of Final Determination, and Extension of Provisional Measures
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that seamless carbon and alloy steel standard, line, and pressure pipe (seamless pipe) from the Russian Federation (Russia) is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination.
Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Standard, Line, and Pressure Pipe From the Republic of Korea: Preliminary Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Postponement of Final Determination, and Extension of Provisional Measures
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that seamless carbon and alloy steel standard, line, and pressure pipe (seamless pipe) from the Republic of Korea (Korea) is being, or is likely to be, sold in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV). The period of investigation is July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020. Interested parties are invited to comment on this preliminary determination.
Product Change-Priority Mail and First-Class Package Service Negotiated Service Agreement
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Request for Information: Evidence-Building Activities
The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 requires federal agencies to develop evidence-building plans to identify and address questions relevant to Agency strategy, programs, policies, regulations, management, and operations. On November 9, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a request for information (RFI) soliciting input from the public regarding potential priority questions that can guide evidence-building activities by. DHS is reopening and extending the comment period for the RFI.
Agency Information Collection Request; 60-Day Public Comment Request
In compliance with the requirement of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the Secretary (OS), Department of Health and Human Services, is publishing the following summary of a proposed collection for public comment. The ICR is for extending the use of the approved information collection assigned OMB control number 0937-0191, which expires on April 30, 2021. Prior to submitting the ICR to OMB, OS seeks comments from the public regarding the burden estimate, below, or any other aspect of the ICR.
Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information for December 2020
EPA is required under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, to make information publicly available and to publish information in the Federal Register pertaining to submissions under TSCA Section 5, including notice of receipt of a Premanufacture notice (PMN), Significant New Use Notice (SNUN) or Microbial Commercial Activity Notice (MCAN), including an amended notice or test information; an exemption application (Biotech exemption); an application for a test marketing exemption (TME), both pending and/or concluded; a notice of commencement (NOC) of manufacture (including import) for new chemical substances; and a periodic status report on new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or have recently concluded review. This document covers the period from 12/01/ 2020 to 12/31/2020.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 2021 Commercial Longline Closure for South Atlantic Golden Tilefish
NMFS implements an accountability measure for the commercial longline component for golden tilefish in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the South Atlantic. Commercial longline landings for golden tilefish are projected to reach the longline component's commercial quota by February 10, 2021. Therefore, NMFS closes the commercial longline component of golden tilefish in the South Atlantic EEZ on February 10, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. local time. This closure is necessary to protect the golden tilefish resource.
Passenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires From Taiwan: Amended Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value
On January 6, 2021, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) published its preliminary determination in the less-than-fair-value investigation of passenger vehicle and light truck (PVLT) tires from Taiwan in the Federal Register. Commerce is amending this preliminary determination to correct a significant ministerial error.
Stainless Steel Bar From India: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Results of Changed Circumstances Review of the Antidumping Duty Order and Notice of Amended Final Results of Review
On January 28, 2021, the U.S. Court of International Trade (the Court) entered final judgment sustaining the final results of remand redetermination pursuant to court order by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) pertaining to the changed circumstances review of the antidumping duty (AD) order on stainless steel bar (SSB) from India. Commerce is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with Commerce's final results in the changed circumstances review of SSB from India, and that Commerce is amending the final results.
Development of a National Consumer Awareness Campaign on Combating the Trafficking in Counterfeit and Pirated Products
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO or Office) published a request for comments in the Federal Register on November 17, 2020, seeking information from stakeholders, including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights holders, online third- party marketplaces, third-party intermediaries, other private sector stakeholders, other entities with experience in public-private awareness campaigns, and applicable government agencies on the ``Development of a National Consumer Awareness Campaign on Combating the Trafficking in Counterfeit and Pirated Products'' as a public- private partnership. Through this notice, the USPTO is reopening the period for public comment until March 12, 2021.
Notice of Receipt of Requests to Voluntarily Cancel Certain Pesticide Registrations and Amend Registrations To Terminate Certain Uses
In accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA is issuing a notice of receipt of requests by the registrants to voluntarily cancel certain pesticide product registrations and to amend certain product registrations to terminate uses. EPA intends to grant these requests at the close of the comment period for this announcement unless the Agency receives substantive comments within the comment period that would merit its further review of the requests, or unless the registrants withdraw their requests. If these requests are granted, any sale, distribution, or use of products listed in this notice will be permitted after the registrations have been cancelled and uses terminated only if such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms as described in the final order.
Safety-Related Steel Structures and Steel-Plate Composite Walls for Other Than Reactor Vessels and Containments
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1304, ``Safety-Related Steel Structures and Steel-Plate Composite Walls for other than Reactor Vessels and Containments.'' DG-1304 is a new guide that proposes guidance to meet regulatory requirements for safety-related steel structures and steel-plate composite walls for other than reactor vessels. DG-1304 endorses, with exceptions and clarifications, the 2018 edition of American National Standards Institute/American Nuclear Society (ANSI/AISC) N690, ``Specification for Safety-Related Steel Structures for Nuclear Facilities.''
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