2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 2,701 - 2,750 of 5,666
Final Action Concerning Review of Interpretations of Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act; Rule Governing Disclosure of Written Consumer Product Warranty Terms and Conditions; Rule Governing Pre-Sale Availability of Written Warranty Terms; Rule Governing Informal Dispute Settlement Procedures; and Guides for the Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees
Document Number: 2015-14065
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-20
Agency: Trade Representative, Office of United States
The Federal Trade Commission (``the Commission'') is announcing its final action in connection with the review of a set of warranty-related Rules and Guides: The Interpretations of the Magnuson- Moss Warranty Act (``Interpretations'' or ``part 700''); the Rule Governing Disclosure of Written Consumer Product Warranty Terms and Conditions (``Rule 701''); the Rule Governing Pre-Sale Availability of Written Warranty Terms (``Rule 702''); the Rule Governing Informal Dispute Settlement Procedures (``Rule 703''); and the Guides for the Advertising of Warranties and Guarantees (``the Guides'' or ``part 239''). The Interpretations represent the Commission's views on various aspects of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (``the Act'' or ``MMWA''), and are intended to clarify the Act's requirements. Rule 701 specifies the information that must appear in a written warranty on a consumer product. Rule 702 details the obligations of sellers and warrantors to make warranty information available to consumers prior to purchase. Rule 703 specifies the minimum standards required for any informal dispute settlement mechanism that is incorporated into a written consumer product warranty, and that the consumer must use prior to pursuing any legal remedies in court. The Guides are intended to help advertisers avoid unfair or deceptive practices in the advertising of warranties or guarantees.
Thiabendazole; Pesticide Tolerances for Emergency Exemptions
Document Number: 2015-17681
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
This regulation establishes a time-limited tolerance for residues of thiabendazole in or on succulent shelled peas. This action is associated with the utilization of a crisis exemption under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) authorizing use of the pesticide as a seed treatment on succulent pea seeds. This regulation establishes a maximum permissible level for residues of thiabendazole in or on this commodity. The time- limited tolerance expires on December 31, 2018.
Receipt of Several Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities
Document Number: 2015-17674
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
This document announces the Agency's receipt of several initial filings of pesticide petitions requesting the establishment or modification of regulations for residues of pesticide chemicals in or on various commodities.
Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee: Notice of Open Meetings and Webinars
Document Number: 2015-17642
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Rural Housing Service
This notice announces a series of meetings of the Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee (ASRAC). The Federal Advisory Committee Act requires that agencies publish notice of an advisory committee meeting in the Federal Register.
Distillates, (Fischer-Tropsch), Heavy, C18
Document Number: 2015-17630
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
This regulation establishes an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of distillates, (Fischer-Tropsch), heavy, C18-C50, branched, cyclic and linear when used as an inert ingredient (solvent, diluent and/or dust suppressant) in pesticide formulations applied to growing crops and raw agricultural commodities after harvest. On behalf of Pennzoil-Quaker State Company, Wagner Regulatory Associates, submitted a petition to EPA under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), requesting establishment of an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. This regulation eliminates the need to establish a maximum permissible level for residues of distillates, (Fischer-Tropsch), heavy, C18- C50, branched, cyclic and linear.
Safety Zone; Big Foot TLP, Walker Ridge 29, Outer Continental Shelf on the Gulf of Mexico
Document Number: 2015-17620
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard is establishing a safety zone around the Big Foot Tension Leg Platform construction site, located in Walker Ridge Block 29 on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of this interim rule is to include the construction area and protect the facility and all operations during the construction phase from all vessels operating outside the normal shipping channels and fairways that are not providing services to or working with the facility. Placing a safety zone around the facility while under construction that includes the construction site will significantly reduce the threat of allisions, collisions, security breaches, oil spills, releases of natural gas, and thereby protect the safety of life, property, and the environment.
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Coral, Coral Reefs, and Live/Hard Bottom Habitats of the South Atlantic Region; Amendment 8
Document Number: 2015-17617
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Economic Research Service
NMFS issues this final rule to implement Amendment 8 to the Fishery Management Plan for Coral, Coral Reefs, and Live/Hard Bottom Habitats of the South Atlantic Region (FMP) (Amendment 8), as prepared by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council). This final rule expands portions of the northern and western boundaries of the Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern (HAPC) (Oculina Bank HAPC) and allows transit through the Oculina Bank HAPC by fishing vessels with rock shrimp onboard; modifies vessel monitoring system (VMS) requirements for rock shrimp fishermen transiting through the Oculina Bank HAPC with rock shrimp on aboard; expands a portion of the western boundary of the Stetson Reefs, Savannah and East Florida Lithoherms, and Miami Terrace Deepwater Coral HAPC (CHAPC) (Stetson- Miami Terrace CHAPC), including modifications to the shrimp access area A, which is renamed ``shrimp access area 1''; and expands a portion of the northern boundary of the Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks Deepwater CHAPC (Cape Lookout CHAPC). In addition, this rule makes a minor administrative change to the names of the shrimp fishery access areas. The purpose of this rule is to increase protections for deepwater coral based on new information for deepwater coral resources in the South Atlantic.
Safety Zones and Regulated Navigation Area; Shell Arctic Drilling/Exploration Vessels and Associated Voluntary First Amendment Area, Puget Sound, WA, Extension
Document Number: 2015-17615
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard is extending the temporary safety zones and regulated navigation area that were previously established because the departure of several of the vessels associated with Royal Dutch Shell's (Shell) planned Arctic oil drilling and exploration operations have been delayed. The safety zones and regulated navigation area extended by this rule are necessary to ensure the mutual safety of all waterways users including the specified vessels and those individuals that desire to exercise their First Amendment rights.
Safety Zones; Annual Events Requiring Safety Zones in the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan Zone-Chicago Air and Water Show
Document Number: 2015-17614
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard will enforce the safety zone for the Chicago Air and Water Show on a portion of Lake Michigan, on August 13, 2015 through August 18, 2015. This action is necessary and intended to ensure safety of life on the navigable waters of the United States immediately prior to, during, and immediately after the air and water show. During the enforcement period listed below, the Coast Guard will enforce restrictions upon, and control movement of, vessels in the safety zone. No person or vessel may enter the safety zone while it is being enforced without permission of the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revisions to the Regulations for Petitions
Document Number: 2015-17580
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Economic Research Service, Farm Service Agency, Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service, announce the extension of the public comment period on our May 21, 2015, proposed revisions to the regulations concerning petitions under section 4(b)(3) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Comments previously submitted need not be resubmitted, as they will be fully considered in preparation of the final rule.
International Fisheries; Western and Central Pacific Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species; Fishing Effort Limits in Purse Seine Fisheries for 2015
Document Number: 2015-17571
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, Economic Research Service
NMFS announces the receipt of, and requests public comment on, a petition for rulemaking from Tri Marine Management Company, LLC (``Tri Marine''). The petitioner requests that NOAA undertake an emergency rulemaking to implement the 2015 limit on fishing effort by U.S. purse seine vessels on the high seas and in the U.S. exclusive economic zone in the area of application of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (Convention), and to issue a rule exempting from the limit any U.S. purse seine vessel that, pursuant to contract or declaration of intent, delivers or will deliver at least half its catch to tuna processing facilities in American Samoa.
Schedules of Controlled Substances: Temporary Placement of Acetyl Fentanyl Into Schedule I
Document Number: 2015-17563
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Agency for International Development
The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration is issuing this final order to temporarily schedule the synthetic opioid, N-(1-phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-phenylacetamide (acetyl fentanyl), and its optical, positional, and geometric isomers, salts and salts of isomers, into schedule I pursuant to the temporary scheduling provisions of the Controlled Substances Act. This action is based on a finding by the Administrator that the placement of this opioid substance into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act is necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety. As a result of this order, the regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions applicable to schedule I controlled substances will be imposed on persons who handle (manufacture, distribute, import, export, engage in research, or possess), or propose to handle, acetyl fentanyl.
Revisions to the Requirements for Authority To Manufacture and Distribute Postage Evidencing Systems
Document Number: 2015-17533
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agricultural Research Service
The Postal Service is revising the rules concerning authorization to manufacture and distribute postage evidencing systems to reflect new revenue assurance practices.
Property Transferred in Connection With the Performance of Services
Document Number: 2015-17530
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: National Nuclear Security Administration, Western Area Power Administration
This document contains proposed regulations relating to property transferred in connection with the performance of services. These proposed regulations affect certain taxpayers who receive property transferred in connection with the performance of services and make an election to include the value of substantially nonvested property in income in the year of transfer.
Suspension of Community Eligibility
Document Number: 2015-17526
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission
This rule identifies communities where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date. Also, information identifying the current participation status of a community can be obtained from FEMA's Community Status Book (CSB). The CSB is available at https:// www.fema.gov/fema/csb.shtm.
Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace for the following Missouri towns: Chillicothe, MO; Cuba, MO; Farmington, MO; Lamar, MO; Mountain View, MO; Nevada, MO; and Poplar Bluff, MO
Document Number: 2015-17501
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Historic Preservation, Advisory Council, African Development Foundation
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace at Chillicothe Municipal Airport, Chillicothe, MO; Cuba Municipal Airport, Cuba, MO; Farmington Regional Airport, Farmington, MO; Lamar Municipal Airport, Lamar, MO; Mountain View Airport, Mountain View, MO; Nevada Municipal Airport, Nevada, MO; and Poplar Bluff Municipal Airport, Poplar Bluff, MO. Decommissioning of the non-directional radio beacons (NDB) and/or cancellation of NDB approaches due to advances in Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities has made this action necessary for the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the above airports. Geographic coordinates are also adjusted at Lamar Municipal Airport, Lamar, MO; and Nevada Municipal Airport, Nevada, MO.
Proposed Amendment of Class D Airspace and Revocation of Class E Airspace; Columbus, Ohio State University Airport, OH, and Amendment of Class E Airspace; Columbus, OH
Document Number: 2015-17487
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Historic Preservation, Advisory Council, African Development Foundation
This action proposes to amend Class D and Class E airspace and remove Class E airspace in the Columbus, OH, area. Decommissioning of the non-directional radio beacon (NDB) and/or cancellation of NDB approaches at Ohio State University Airport, Columbus, OH, has made this action necessary for the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations at the airport. Also, the geographic coordinates of the airport, as well as the Port Columbus International Airport, will be updated.
Regulated Navigation Area; Middle Waterway Superfund Cleanup Site, Commencement Bay; Tacoma, WA
Document Number: 2015-17481
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard proposes to establish a regulated navigation area (RNA) on the Middle Waterway in Tacoma, Washington. The RNA will protect the sediment cap areas in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats (CB-NT) Superfund Cleanup Site in the Middle Waterway Problem Area. This regulated navigation area would prohibit activities that could disrupt the integrity of the engineered sediment caps that have been placed within the Middle Waterway Problem Area. These activities include vessel grounding, anchoring, dragging, trawling, spudding or other such activities that would disturb the integrity of the sediment caps. It will not affect transit or navigation of this area or the existing industrial activities occurring in this area.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Hampshire; Infrastructure State Implementation Plan Requirements
Document Number: 2015-17475
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve elements of State Implementation Plan (SIP) submissions from New Hampshire regarding the infrastructure requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA or Act) for the 2008 lead (Pb), 2008 8-hr ozone, 2010 nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and 2010 sulfur dioxide (SO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). EPA is also proposing to convert conditional approvals for several infrastructure requirements for the 1997 and 2006 fine particle (PM2.5) NAAQS to full approval under the CAA. Furthermore, we are proposing to update the classifications for several of New Hampshire's air quality control regions for ozone and sulfur dioxide based on recent air quality monitoring data collected by the state, and to grant the state's request for an exemption from the infrastructure SIP contingency plan obligation for ozone. Last, we are proposing to conditionally approve certain elements of New Hampshire's submittal relating to prevention of significant deterioration requirements. The infrastructure requirements are designed to ensure that the structural components of each state's air quality management program are adequate to meet the state's responsibilities under the CAA.
Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Lead Rule Revisions
Document Number: 2015-17474
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a request submitted on March 14, 2013, and supplemented on November 17, 2014, by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to revise the state implementation plan (SIP) for lead. The submittal updates Indiana's lead rule at Title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC), Article 15. It also amends 326 IAC Article 20, to incorporate some of the provisions of EPA's National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for secondary lead smelters. IDEM made the revisions to increase the stringency and clarity of Indiana's lead SIP rules.
Approval of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Indiana; Lead Rule Revisions
Document Number: 2015-17473
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a request submitted on March 14, 2013, and supplemented on November 17, 2014, by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to revise the state implementation plan for lead. The submittal updates Indiana's lead rule at Title 326 of the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC), Article 15. It also amends 326 IAC Article 20, to incorporate some of the provisions of EPA's National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for secondary lead smelters. IDEM made the revisions to increase the stringency and clarity of Indiana's lead SIP rules.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Adoption of Control Techniques Guidelines for Metal Furniture Coatings and Miscellaneous Metal Parts Coatings
Document Number: 2015-17470
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the State of Maryland (Maryland). This revision includes amendments to Maryland's regulation for the control of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and meets the requirement to adopt reasonably available control technology (RACT) for sources covered by EPA's Control Techniques Guidelines (CTG) standards for coatings for metal furniture and miscellaneous metal parts. These amendments will reduce emissions of VOC from these source categories and help Maryland attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for ozone. This action is being taken under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to the Minor New Source Review (NSR) State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Portable Facilities
Document Number: 2015-17468
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve revisions to the Texas State Implementation Plan (SIP) submitted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on March 19, 2010 and July 2, 2010. These revisions to the Texas SIP revise the minor New Source Review (NSR) program to provide for the relocation and change of location of permitted portable facilities, establish definitions related to portable facilities, and establish public participation for changes of location to portable facilities. The EPA proposes to find that these revisions to the Texas SIP comply with the Federal Clean Air Act (the Act or CAA) and are consistent with our regulations and policy for minor NSR. The EPA is proposing these actions under section 110 of the Act.
Toys: Determination Regarding Heavy Elements Limits for Unfinished and Untreated Wood
Document Number: 2015-17414
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (``Commission'' or ``CPSC'') is proposing to determine that unfinished and untreated trunk wood does not contain heavy elements that would exceed the limits specified in the Commission's toy standard, ASTM F963-11. Based on this proposed determination, unfinished and untreated trunk wood in toys would not require third party testing. In the ``Rules and Regulations'' section of this Federal Register, the Commission is issuing this determination as a direct final rule. If we receive no significant adverse comment in response to the direct final rule, we will not take further action on this proposed rule.
Toys: Determination Regarding Heavy Elements Limits for Unfinished and Untreated Wood
Document Number: 2015-17413
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (``Commission,'' or ``CPSC'') is issuing a direct final rule determining that unfinished and untreated trunk wood does not contain heavy elements that would exceed the limits specified in the Commission's toy standard, ASTM F963-11. Based on this determination, unfinished and untreated wood in toys does not require third party testing for the heavy element limits in ASTM F963.
Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Service Support, Connect America Fund
Document Number: 2015-17289
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Department of Defense
In this document, the Federal Communications Commission (the Commission) seeks to rebuild the current framework of the Lifeline program and continue its efforts to modernize the Lifeline program so that all consumers can utilize advanced networks.
Health Resources Priority and Allocations System (HRPAS)
Document Number: 2015-17047
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Energy Policy and New Uses Office, Agriculture Department
This interim final rule establishes standards and procedures by which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may require that certain contracts or orders that promote the national defense be given priority over other contracts or orders. This rule also sets new standards and procedures by which HHS may allocate materials, services, and facilities to promote the national defense. This rule will implement HHS's administration of priorities and allocations actions, and establish the Health Resources Priorities and Allocation System (HRPAS). The HRPAS will cover health resources pursuant to the authority under Section 101(c) of the Defense Production Act as delegated to HHS by Executive Order 13603. Priorities authorities (and other authorities delegated to the Secretary in E.O. 13603, but not covered by this regulation) may be re-delegated by the Secretary. The Secretary retains the authority for allocations.
Energy Conservation Program for Certain Industrial Equipment: Energy Conservation Standards and Test Procedures for Commercial Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Water-Heating Equipment
Document Number: 2015-16927
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Rural Housing Service
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is amending its energy conservation standards for small three-phase commercial air-cooled air conditioners (single package only) and heat pumps (single package and split system) less than 65,000 Btu/h; water-source heat pumps; and commercial oil-fired storage water heaters. Pursuant to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA), as amended, DOE must assess whether the uniform national standards for these covered equipment need to be updated each time the corresponding industry standardthe American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)/ Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Standard 90.1 (ASHRAE Standard 90.1)is amended, which most recently occurred on October 9, 2013. Under EPCA, DOE may only adopt more stringent standards if there is clear and convincing evidence showing that more stringent amended standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified, and would save a significant additional amount of energy. The levels DOE is adopting are the same as the efficiency levels specified in ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013. DOE has determined that the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 efficiency levels for the equipment types listed above are more stringent than existing Federal energy conservation standards and will result in economic and energy savings compared existing energy conservation standards. Furthermore, DOE has concluded that clear and convincing evidence does not exist that would justify more-stringent standard levels than the efficiency levels in ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 for any of the equipment classes. DOE has also determined that the standards for small three-phase commercial air-cooled air conditioners (split system) do not need to be amended. DOE is also updating the current Federal test procedure for commercial warm-air furnaces to incorporate by reference the most current version of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z21.47, Gas-fired central furnaces, specified in ASHRAE Standard 90.1, and the most current version of ASHRAE 103, Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers.
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Airplanes
Document Number: 2015-16580
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-17
Agency: Historic Preservation, Advisory Council, African Development Foundation
We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bombardier, Inc. Model DHC-8-102, -103, -106, -201, -202, -301, -311, and -315 airplanes. This AD was prompted by fuel system reviews conducted by the manufacturer. This AD requires revising the maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, to incorporate new limitations for fuel tank systems. We are issuing this AD to prevent potential ignition sources within the fuel system, which could result in a fuel tank explosion.
Safety Zone, Block Island Wind Farm; Rhode Island Sound, RI
Document Number: 2015-17484
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard is establishing a 500-yard safety zone around each of five locations where the Block Island Wind Farm (BIWF) wind turbine generator (WTG) foundations will be constructed in the navigable waters of the Rhode Island Sound, RI. These safety zones are intended to safeguard mariners from the hazards associated with construction of the BIWF WTG foundations. Vessels are prohibited from entering into, transiting through, mooring, or anchoring within these safety zones while construction vessels and associated equipment are present, unless authorized by the Captain of the Port (COTP), Southeastern New England or the COTP's designated representative.
Safety Zone; Town of Olcott Fireworks Display; Lake Ontario, Olcott, NY
Document Number: 2015-17483
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone on Lake Ontario, Olcott, NY. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of Lake Ontario during the Town of Olcott fireworks display. This temporary safety zone is necessary to protect mariners and vessels from the navigational hazards associated with a fireworks display.
Safety Zone, Indian River Bay; Millsboro, DE
Document Number: 2015-17482
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard proposes to establish a temporary safety zone on the waters of Indian River Bay adjacent to Millsboro, Delaware. The safety zone will restrict vessel traffic on Indian River Bay in the vicinity of a fireworks barge on August 22 and September 26, 2015, from 8:45 p.m. until 10:15 p.m. on each day. Should inclement weather require cancellation of the fireworks display on the above scheduled dates, the safety zone will be enforced from 8:45 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. on August 23 and September 27, 2015. This safety zone is necessary to protect the surrounding public and vessels from the hazards associated with a fireworks display.
Special Local Regulations; Beaufort Water Festival, Beaufort, SC
Document Number: 2015-17477
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard is establishing a special local regulation pertaining to the Beaufort Water Festival from 12:00 p.m. through 4:00 p.m. on July 26, 2015. This action is necessary to ensure safety of life on navigable waters of the United States during the Beaufort Water Festival Air Show. During the enforcement period, this special local regulation establishes a regulated area which all people and vessels will be prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring, or remaining within. Vessels may enter, transit through, anchor in, or remain within the area if authorized by the Captain of the Port Charleston or a designated representative.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Redesignation Request and Associated Maintenance Plan for the Lancaster Nonattainment Area for the 1997 Annual and 2006 24-Hour Fine Particulate Matter Standard
Document Number: 2015-17471
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's request to redesignate to attainment the Lancaster Nonattainment Area (Lancaster Area or Area) for the 1997 annual and 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter (PM2.5) national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS or standard). EPA has determined that the Lancaster Area attained both the 1997 annual and 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS. In addition, EPA is approving as a revision to the Pennsylvania State Implementation Plan (SIP) the associated maintenance plan to show maintenance of the 1997 annual and 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS through 2025 for the Lancaster Area. The maintenance plan includes the 2017 and 2025 PM2.5 and nitrogen oxides (NOX) mobile vehicle emissions budgets (MVEBs) for the Lancaster Area for the 1997 annual and 2006 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS, which EPA is approving for transportation conformity purposes. Furthermore, EPA is approving the 2007 base year emissions inventory included in the maintenance plan for the Lancaster Area for both NAAQS. These actions are being taken under the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Determination 30 for Significant New Alternatives Policy Program
Document Number: 2015-17469
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Department of Agriculture
This determination of acceptability expands the list of acceptable substitutes pursuant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program. This action lists as acceptable additional substitutes for use in the refrigeration and air conditioning; foam blowing; solvent cleaning; aerosols; and adhesives, coatings, and inks sectors.
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans; Washington: Interstate Transport Requirements for the 2008 Lead and 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Document Number: 2015-17467
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is approving a submittal by the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) demonstrating that the State Implementation Plan (SIP) meets certain interstate transport requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) promulgated for lead (Pb) on October 15, 2008 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on January 22, 2010. Specifically, Ecology conducted an emissions inventory analysis and reviewed monitoring data to show that sources in Washington do not significantly contribute to nonattainment or interfere with maintenance of the 2008 Pb and 2010 NO2 NAAQS in any other state.
Safety Zone, Brandon Road Lock and Dam to Lake Michigan including Des Plaines River, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago River, and Calumet-Saganashkee Channel, Chicago, IL; Between Mile Markers 296.1 and 296.7
Document Number: 2015-17460
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard will enforce a segment of the Safety Zone; Brandon Road Lock and Dam to Lake Michigan including Des Plaines River, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago River, Calumet-Saganashkee Channel on all waters of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal between Mile Marker 296.1 to Mile Marker 296.7 at specified times from August 3, 2015, through September 18, 2015. This action is necessary to protect the waterway, waterway users, and vessels from the hazards associated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's trial tests on the water for the Asian Carp studies. During the enforcement periods listed below, entry into, transiting, mooring, laying-up or anchoring within the enforced area of this safety zone by any person or vessel is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan or her designated representative.
Safety Zone, Brandon Road Lock and Dam to Lake Michigan Including Des Plaines River, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago River, and Calumet-Saganashkee Channel, Chicago, IL; Between Mile Markers 286 and 286.5
Document Number: 2015-17459
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard will enforce a segment of the Safety Zone; Brandon Road Lock and Dam to Lake Michigan including Des Plaines River, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Chicago River, Calumet-Saganashkee Channel, Chicago, IL, in the vicinity of the Brandon Road Lock and Dam between Mile Marker 286 and Mile Marker 286.5 at specified times from August 17, 2015, through September 18, 2015. This action is necessary to protect the waterway, waterway users, and vessels from the hazards associated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's trial tests on the water for the Asian Carp studies. During the enforcement periods listed below, entry into, transiting, mooring, laying-up or anchoring within the enforced area of this safety zone by any person or vessel is prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Lake Michigan or her designated representative.
Special Local Regulations; Temporary Change for Recurring Marine Event in the Fifth Coast Guard District
Document Number: 2015-17456
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard proposes to temporarily change the enforcement periods of special local regulations for a recurring marine event in the Fifth Coast Guard District. This regulation applies to the ``Ocean City Maryland Offshore Grand Prix'' power boat race, a recurring marine event held on the North Atlantic Ocean near Ocean City, MD, and would be effective from October 3, 2015, to October 4, 2015. Special local regulations are necessary to provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the event. This action is intended to restrict vessel traffic in a portion of the North Atlantic Ocean near Ocean City, MD during the event.
Special Local Regulations; Southeast Drag Boat Championships, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway; Bucksport, SC
Document Number: 2015-17455
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Agricultural Marketing Service
The Coast Guard is establishing a special local regulation on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in Bucksport, South Carolina during the Southeast Drag Boat Championships, a series of high-speed boat races. The event will take place from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily from July 24, 2015 through July 26, 2015. Approximately 50 high-speed race boats are expected to participate in the races. This special local regulation is necessary to provide for the safety of life and property on navigable waters of the United States during the event. Furthermore, this special local regulation will temporarily restrict vessel traffic in a portion of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Persons and vessels that are not participating in the races will be prohibited from entering, transiting through, anchoring in, or remaining within the regulated area unless authorized by the Captain of the Port Charleston or a designated representative.
Power Reactor In-Core Monitoring
Document Number: 2015-17442
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Joint Board for Enrollment of Actuaries
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received a petition for rulemaking (PRM) requesting that the NRC amend its ``Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities'' regulations to require all nuclear power plant (NPP) licensees to use in-core monitoring devices at different elevations and radial positions throughout the reactor core. The PRM was submitted by Mr. Mark Edward Leyse (the petitioner) on March 13, 2015, docketed by the NRC on April 24, 2015, and assigned Docket No. PRM-50-111. The NRC is examining the issues raised in this PRM to determine whether they should be considered in rulemaking. The NRC is not requesting public comment on this PRM at this time.
Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins; Addition of Certain Influenza Virus Strains to the List of Select Agents and Toxins
Document Number: 2015-17435
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Energy Policy and New Uses Office, Agriculture Department
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing to add certain influenza virus strains to the list of HHS select agents and toxins. Specifically, we are proposing to add the influenza viruses that contain the hemagglutinin (HA) from the Goose Guangdong/1/96 lineage (the influenza viruses that contain the hemagglutinin (HA) from the A/Gs/Gd/1/96 lineage), including wild-type viruses, as a non-Tier 1 select agent. We are also proposing to add any influenza viruses that contain the HA from the A/Gs/Gd/1/96 lineage that were made transmissible among mammals by respiratory droplets in a laboratory as a Tier 1 select agent. We have determined that these influenza viruses have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety.
Agency Interpretation of Prosthetic Replacement of a Joint
Document Number: 2015-17417
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Southwestern Power Administration
The Department of Veterans Affairs is publishing interpretive guidance for diagnostic codes (DC) 5051 through 5056, which establish rating criteria for prosthetic implant replacements of joints of the musculoskeletal system. The Schedule for Rating Disabilities under these DCs allows for a 1-year, 100-percent disability evaluation upon prosthetic replacement of a joint. This final rule clarifies that VA's longstanding interpretation of DCs 5051 through 5056 is that a 100- percent evaluation will be in place for a period of one year when the total joint, rather than the partial joint, has been replaced by a prosthetic implant.
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Revision to the Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds
Document Number: 2015-17386
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking direct final action to approve a revision to the Commonwealth of Virginia's State Implementation Plan (SIP). The revision adds two compounds to the list of substances not considered to be volatile organic compounds (VOC). EPA is approving these revisions in accordance with the requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA).
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Revision to the Definition of Volatile Organic Compounds
Document Number: 2015-17384
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Department of Agriculture
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to approve the State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the purpose of revising the definition of volatile organic compounds (VOC). In the Final Rules section of this Federal Register, EPA is approving the Commonwealth's SIP submittal as a direct final rule without prior proposal because the Agency views this as a noncontroversial submittal and anticipates no adverse comments. A detailed rationale for the approval is set forth in the direct final rule. If no adverse comments are received in response to this action, no further activity is contemplated. If EPA receives adverse comments, the direct final rule will be withdrawn and all public comments received will be addressed in a subsequent final rule based on this proposed rule. EPA will not institute a second comment period. Any parties interested in commenting on this action should do so at this time.
Stage 3 Compliance for Jets Weighing 75,000 Pounds or Less After December 31, 2015
Document Number: 2015-17382
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Historic Preservation, Advisory Council, African Development Foundation
The Federal Aviation Administration is reminding operators of jet airplanes weighing 75,000 pounds or less that after December 31, 2015, operations in the contiguous United States may be conducted only with airplanes that comply with at least Stage 3 noise levels. Operators that fail to meet this requirement may be subject to civil penalties. Certain operations of airplanes not meeting Stage 3 may be conducted under special flight authorizations granted by the FAA on a case by case basis.
Alzchem AG; Filing of Food Additive Petition (Animal Use)
Document Number: 2015-17379
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Energy Policy and New Uses Office, Agriculture Department, Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that Alzchem AG has filed a petition proposing that the food additive regulations be amended to provide for the safe use of guanidinoacetic acid as a substance that spares arginine and serves as a precursor of creatine in diets for broiler chickens and turkeys.
Conservation Reserve Program
Document Number: 2015-17317
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Aging Administration, Science and Technology Policy Office, National Transportation Safety Board
This rule amends the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) regulations to implement provisions of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (the 2014 Farm Bill). This rule specifies eligibility requirements for enrollment of grassland in CRP and adds references to veteran farmers and ranchers to the provisions for Transition Incentives Program contracts, among other changes. The provisions in this rule for eligible land primarily apply to new CRP offers and contracts. For existing contracts, this rule provides additional voluntary options for permissive uses, early terminations, conservation and land improvements, and incentive payments for tree thinning. This rule also makes conforming changes to provisions applicable to multiple Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) programs, which include CRP, administered by FSA, including acreage report requirements, compliance monitoring, and equitable relief provisions.
Establishment of Class E Airspace; Defuniak Springs, FL
Document Number: 2015-17286
Type: Rule
Date: 2015-07-16
Agency: Historic Preservation, Advisory Council, African Development Foundation
This action establishes Class E Airspace at Defuniak Springs, FL, to accommodate new Area Navigation (RNAV) Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs) serving Defuniak Springs Airport. Controlled airspace is necessary for the safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
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