Toys: Determination Regarding Heavy Elements Limits for Unfinished and Untreated Wood, 42376-42381 [2015-17413]
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Issued in Renton, Washington, on June 29,
Jeffrey E. Duven,
Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2015–16580 Filed 7–16–15; 8:45 am]
16 CFR Part 1251
[Docket No. CPSC–2011–0081]
Toys: Determination Regarding Heavy
Elements Limits for Unfinished and
Untreated Wood
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Direct final rule.
The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘Commission,’’ or
‘‘CPSC’’) is issuing a direct final rule
determining that unfinished and
untreated trunk wood does not contain
heavy elements that would exceed the
limits specified in the Commission’s toy
standard, ASTM F963–11. Based on this
determination, unfinished and
untreated wood in toys does not require
third party testing for the heavy element
limits in ASTM F963.
DATES: The rule is effective on
September 15, 2015, unless we receive
a significant adverse comment by
August 17, 2015. If we receive a timely
significant adverse comment, we will
publish notification in the Federal
Register, withdrawing this direct final
rule before its effective date.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by Docket No. CPSC–2011–
0081, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit
electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
The Commission does not accept
comments submitted by electronic mail
(email), except through The Commission
encourages you to submit electronic
comments by using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written
submissions by mail/hand delivery/
courier to: Office of the Secretary,
Consumer Product Safety Commission,
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Room 820, 4330 East West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone (301)
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this notice. All
comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal
identifiers, contact information, or other
personal information provided, to: Do not submit
confidential business information, trade
secret information, or other sensitive or
protected information that you do not
want to be available to the public. If
furnished at all, such information
should be submitted in writing.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to:, and insert the
docket number CPSC–2011–0081, into
the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the
Randy Butturini, Project Manager,
Office of Hazard Identification and
Reduction U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West
Hwy, Room 814, Bethesda, MD 20814;
301–504–7562: email; rbutturini@
A. Background
1. Third Party Testing
Section 14(a) of the Consumer
Product Safety Act, (‘‘CPSA’’), as
amended by the Consumer Product
Safety Improvement Act of 2008
(‘‘CPSIA’’), requires that manufacturers
of products subject to a consumer
product safety rule or similar rule, ban,
standard or regulation enforced by the
CPSC must certify that the product
complies with all applicable CPSCenforced requirements. 15 U.S.C.
2063(a). For children’s products,
certification must be based on testing
conducted by a CPSC-accepted third
party conformity assessment body. Id.
Pub. L. 112–28 (August 12, 2011),
directed the CPSC to seek comment on
‘‘opportunities to reduce the cost of
third party testing requirements
consistent with assuring compliance
with any applicable consumer product
safety rule, ban, standard, or
regulation.’’ In response to Pub. L. 112–
28, the Commission published in the
Federal Register a Request for Comment
(‘‘RFC’’). See
PageFiles/103251/3ptreduce.pdf. As
directed by the Commission, staff
submitted a briefing package to the
Commission that described
opportunities that the Commission
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 137 / Friday, July 17, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
could pursue to potentially reduce the
third party testing costs consistent with
assuring compliance. See https://
In addition to soliciting and reviewing
comments as required by Pub. L. 112–
28, the Commission published in the
Federal Register on April 16, 2013 a
Request for Information (‘‘RFI’’) on four
potential opportunities to reduce testing
burdens. See
In February 2014, the Commission also
published a notice in the Federal
Register of a CPSC workshop on
potential ways to reduce third party
testing costs through determinations
consistent with assuring compliance.
See The
workshop was held on April 3, 2014.
As discussed further in this preamble,
if the Commission determines that, due
to the nature of a particular material,
children’s products made of that
material will comply with CPSC’s
requirements with a high degree of
assurance, manufacturers do not need to
have those materials tested by a third
party conformity assessment body.
2. CPSC’s Toy Standard
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Section 106 of the CPSIA states that
the provisions of ASTM International
(‘‘ASTM’’), Consumer Safety
Specifications for Toy Safety (‘‘ASTM
F963’’ or ‘‘toy standard’’), ‘‘shall be
considered to be consumer product
safety standards issued by the
Commission under section 9 of the
CPSA (15 U.S.C. 2058).’’ 1 Thus, toys
subject to ASTM F963–11, the current
mandatory version of the standard, must
be tested by a CPSC-accepted third party
conformity assessment body and
demonstrate compliance with all
applicable CPSC requirements for the
manufacturer to issue a Children’s
Product Certificate (‘‘CPC’’) before the
toys can be entered into commerce.
The toy standard has numerous
requirements. Among them, section
4.3.5 requires that surface coating
materials and accessible substrates of
toys 2 that can be sucked, mouthed, or
1 ASTM F963–11 is a consumer product safety
standard, except for section 4.2 and Annex 4, or any
provision that restates or incorporates an existing
mandatory standard or ban promulgated by the
Commission or by statute.
2 ASTM F963–11 contains the following note
regarding the scope of the solubility requirement:
NOTE 3—For the purposes of this requirement, the
following criteria are considered reasonably
appropriate for the classification of toys or parts
likely to be sucked, mouthed or ingested: (1) All toy
parts intended to be mouthed or contact food or
drink, components of toys which are cosmetics, and
components of writing instruments categorized as
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ingested, comply with the solubility
limits on eight heavy elements. (We
refer to these elements as the ‘‘ASTM
heavy elements.’’) One of the eight
ASTM heavy elements is lead. The
Commission previously determined that
certain materials do not exceed lead
content limits, and therefore, those
materials do not require third party
testing when used in children’s
products (including toys). 16 CFR
1500.91. Thus, CPSC staff focused its
work on the remaining seven ASTM
heavy elements. The eight ASTM heavy
elements and their solubility limits are
shown below.
The third party testing burden could
only be reduced if all heavy elements
listed in section 4.3.5 have
concentrations below their solubility
limits. Because third party conformity
assessment bodies typically run one test
for all of the ASTM heavy elements, no
testing burden reduction would be
achieved if any one of the heavy
elements requires testing.
B. Contractor’s Research
1. Overview
CPSC hired a contractor to conduct a
literature search to assess whether the
Commission potentially could
determine that wood and other natural
TABLE 1—MAXIMUM SOLUBLE MImaterials do not contain any of the
GRATED ELEMENT IN PARTS-PER- seven specified heavy elements in
MILLION FOR SURFACE COATINGS concentrations above the ASTM F963–
AND SUBSTRATES INCLUDED AS 11 maximum solubility limits
(excluding the eighth element, lead
which is already subject to a
determination). The contractor
researched the following materials:
parts per
• Unfinished and untreated wood
(ash, beech, birch, cherry, maple, oak,
(‘‘ppm’’) 3
pine, poplar, and walnut);
Antimony, (‘‘Sb’’) .......................
• Bamboo;
Arsenic, (‘‘As’’) ..........................
• Beeswax;
Barium, (‘‘Ba’’) ..........................
• Undyed and untreated fibers and
Cadmium, (‘‘Cd’’) ......................
75 textiles (cotton, wool, linen, and silk);
Chromium, (‘‘Cr’’) ......................
Lead, (‘‘Pb’’) ..............................
• Uncoated or coated paper (wood or
Mercury, (‘‘Hg’’) ........................
other cellulosic fiber).
Selenium, (‘‘Se’’) .......................
Staff chose these materials for
research because they met two criteria:
3. Possible Determinations Regarding
• Materials the Commission
the ASTM Heavy Elements
previously determined not to contain
For some materials, the
lead in concentrations above 100 ppm;
concentrations of all the listed heavy
elements might always be below their
• Materials more likely to be used in
respective solubility limits due to
toys subject to the ASTM F963–11
biological, manufacturing, or other
solubility limits.
constraints. For example, one of the
The contractor’s report is available on
specified elements may be sequestered
the Commission’s Web site at: https://
in a portion of a plant, such as the roots, is not used in textile
manufacturing. Additionally, a
TERAReportASTMElements.pdf. CPSC
manufacturing process step may remove staff reviewed the contractor’s report
a specified element, if the element is
and prepared a briefing package
present, from the material being
providing recommendations to the
processed. For these materials,
Commission. The staff’s briefing
compliance with the limits stated in
package is also available on the
section 4.3.5 of ASTM F963–11 is
Commission’s Web site. https://
assured without requiring third party
testing because the material is
intrinsically compliant.
toys; (2) Toys intended for children less than 6
years of age, that is, all accessible parts and
In conducting this research, the
components where there is a probability that those
contractor considered the following
parts and components may come into contact with
the mouth.
3 The method to assess the solubility of a listed
• The concentrations of the seven
element is detailed in section 8.3.2, Method to
heavy elements in the material under
Dissolve Soluble Matter for Surface Coatings, of
ASTM F963–11. Modeling clays included as part of
• The presence and concentrations of
a toy have different solubility limits for several of
the elements.
the elements in the environmental
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 137 / Friday, July 17, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
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media (e.g., soil, water, air), and in the
base materials for the textiles and paper;
• Whether processing has the
potential to introduce any of the seven
heavy elements into the material under
study; and
• The potential for contamination
after production, such as through
The contractor examined secondary
sources and reviewed articles to identify
the available data regarding the
elements’ concentrations in the
materials listed above. The contractor
summarized the relevant data on
bioavailability and presence/
concentrations in environmental media
(i.e., soil, air, and water) from the most
recent Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry (‘‘ATSDR’’) 4
toxicological profile, supplemented
with more recent authoritative reviews.
The contractor conducted a literature
search for data on concentrations of the
chemical elements in each of the
specific materials. Potentially relevant
papers for information on
concentrations of chemical elements in
each product were identified and
reviewed. The contractor used the
references from reviewed articles to
identify other articles to examine and
used the references in those articles to
find other sources recursively, to
uncover relevant cited references.5 The
literature screening was to examine
whether there is a potential for an
ASTM heavy element to be present in
the natural material at levels above its
solubility limit. When the contractor
determined there was sufficient
information to indicate the potential for
an ASTM heavy element to be present,
the contractor stopped that particular
line of inquiry and reported the results.
As discussed in the staff’s briefing
package, the contractor’s report does not
support a Commission determination for
any material other than unfinished and
untreated wood. The literature reviewed
by the contractor did not provide
sufficient information to determine that
any of the reviewed materials, other
than unfinished and untreated wood, do
not contain the heavy elements in
concentrations above the limits stated in
the toy standard.
2. Findings Regarding Wood
Of the materials reviewed, the
contractor identified the most studies
for wood. Although the contractor could
not examine every study concerning
4 The congressionally mandated Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry produces
toxicological profiles for hazardous substances
found at National Priorities List sites.
5 This method is often referred to as ‘‘tree
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wood, the contractor reported that the
studies examined constitute a
representative sample of studies. The
contractor studied measurements taken
from trees in natural settings, samples
from trees grown on contaminated soils,
hydroponically grown 6 seedlings,
experimental studies with seedlings
grown in pots in which the soil had
some of the elements intentionally
added, and seedlings soaked in
solutions containing one or more of the
ASTM heavy elements.
The contractor examined
measurements on roots, shoots, bark,
trunks, branches, and leaves (or needles,
for evergreens). Not every study
conducted measurements on each part
of the tree. Many studies showed
concentrations of the ASTM heavy
elements at levels below their solubility
Antimony. For antimony, the studies
examined showed that roots, shoots,
branches, and leaves contained
antimony in concentrations greater than
the ASTM solubility limit of 60 ppm.
No tree trunks showed antimony
concentrations above the ASTM
solubility limit. One study’s
measurements of tree trunks showed
that the trunks were nearly free of
Arsenic. For arsenic, trunks, roots
shoots, leaves, stems, bark, and
branches of trees were characterized. An
experimental study showed roots with
more than 25 ppm arsenic. A study at
a contaminated mining site showed
roots, branches, leaves/needles, and
shoots with arsenic concentrations
above the ASTM solubility limit.
However, no tree trunk measurement
showed arsenic in concentrations above
25 ppm. In the two tested cases, tree
trunks contained only trace levels of
arsenic (levels well below the solubility
One study measured levels of arsenic
in sawdust sampled from 15 sawmill
locations in the Sapele metropolis (a
port city in Nigeria). The highest arsenic
concentration measured was 93.0 ppm.
The study’s authors did not specify
what types of trees or wood were
processed at the sawmills. However, the
authors noted that a major industry in
the study area is Africa Timber Plywood
Industry and mentioned that arsenic
and chromium are used as wood
preservatives. Plywood is a
manufactured wood and could contain
materials not found in natural wood.
The authors did not report what woods
these sawmills were processing.
6 Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is
a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient
solutions, in water, without soil.
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Therefore, we cannot draw any
conclusions from this study.
Barium. For barium, measurements of
leaves, leaf litter, wood, and sawdust all
showed barium concentrations below
the ASTM solubility limit of 1,000 ppm.
Cadmium. For cadmium, the studies
examined showed cadmium in tree core
samples and wood at levels below the
ASTM solubility limit of 75 ppm.
Studies that measured cadmium in
hydroponic samples showed cadmium
levels in root, stem bark, stem wood,
and leaf parts above 75 ppm. In a
similar manner, shoots grown in pots
containing varying amounts of cadmium
added, showed cadmium concentrations
above the ASTM solubility limit in
leaves, stems, and roots.
Chromium. For chromium, one study
at a chromate-contaminated site found
chromium concentrations above the
ASTM solubility limit of 60 ppm in
roots, but measurements were below the
detection limit for leaves, wood, and
bark. Hydroponic studies by the same
researcher showed that tree roots can
concentrate chromium, but
translocation (the movement of a
material from one place to another) of
chromium from the roots to other parts
of the tree, is very low.
Mercury. For mercury, the contractor
reviewed studies that measured mercury
uptake in the roots, shoots, leaves, bark,
trunks, limbs, fruits, branches, stems,
and nuts of trees. The studies included
both experimental tests and trees
sampled from natural areas. Only an
experimental study with seedlings
grown in pots, to which either mercuric
nitrate, methyl mercury chloride, or
both, had been added, showed mercury
in concentrations above the ASTM
solubility limit in shoots and leaves of
sycamore seedlings. The other studies
did not show mercury levels above the
ASTM solubility limit of 60 ppm in
samples, even at contaminated sites.
Selenium. For selenium, one study
showed measured concentrations of 1.4
ppm selenium in tree rings growing in
contaminated soil. Other studies
showed selenium at concentrations of
10 ppm or less, well below the ASTM
solubility limit of 500 ppm. Only an
experimental study with tree cuttings
grown hydroponically in either sodium
selenate or sodium selenite for 6 days,
showed root concentrations above the
ASTM solubility limit. All other parts of
the cuttings had selenium levels below
the ASTM solubility limit.
Conclusions. The contractor’s report
provides sufficient information for the
Commission to determine that
unfinished and untreated wood from
tree trunks does not contain the ASTM
heavy elements in concentrations above
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 137 / Friday, July 17, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
their respective solubility limits, and
are, therefore, not required to be third
party tested to assure compliance with
the ASTM F963–11 solubility test. The
studies examined multiple species of
trees grown on several continents. No
study examined by the contractor found
any of the ASTM heavy elements in tree
trunks at concentrations beyond the
element’s solubility limit.
The contractor’s report indicates that
heavy elements could be present in
wood from other portions of the tree:
The roots, bark, leaves, or fruit. The
studies examined by the contractor
showed high levels of one or more of the
ASTM heavy elements in portions of
trees other than trunks. However,
commercial timber harvesting involves
the process of ‘‘delimbing’’ The tree to
create logs that can be transported and
cut at a sawmill or lumberyard.7 Often,
the sawmill creates uniform-length
planks from the delivered logs. These
planks are sold to wood wholesalers or
retailers, and are bought by wooden toy
and other manufacturers. Because
commercial practice creates logs from
only the trunks of harvested trees, the
wood available for use in toys and other
wooden objects is sourced from these
logs, or trunks of trees, and not the other
parts of trees that could contain the
ASTM elements above the limits in the
toy standard.8
C. Determination for Unfinished and
Untreated Wood for ASTM F963 Limits
for Heavy Elements
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES
1. Legal Requirements for a
As noted above, section 14(a)(2) of the
CPSA requires third party testing for
children’s products that are subject to a
children’s product safety rule. 15 U.S.C.
2063(a)(2). Toys must comply with the
toy standard, including the specified
limits on heavy elements. 15 U.S.C.
2056b. In response to statutory
direction, the Commission has
investigated approaches that would
reduce the burden of third party testing
while also assuring compliance with
7 A succinct description of timber logging can be
found at
Logging&redirect=no. A more comprehensive
review of timber harvesting can be found at https://
8 Often, the sawmill creates uniform-length
planks from the delivered logs. These planks are
sold to wood wholesalers or retailers, and are
bought by wooden toy and other manufacturers.
Two references to the woods used in toys are:, and https://
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CPSC requirements. As part of that
endeavor, the Commission has
considered whether certain materials
used in toys would not require third
party testing.
To issue a determination that a
material does not require third party
testing, the Commission must have
sufficient evidence to conclude that the
material would consistently comply
with the CPSC requirement that the
material is subject to so that third party
testing is unnecessary to provide a high
degree of assurance of compliance. 16
CFR part 1107. Section 1107.2, defines
‘‘a high degree of assurance’’ as ‘‘an
evidence-based demonstration of
consistent performance of a product
regarding compliance based on
knowledge of a product and its
For a material determination, a high
degree of assurance of compliance
means that the material will comply
with the specified chemical limits due
to the nature of the material, or due to
a processing technique (e.g., harvesting,
smelting, cleaning, filtering, sorting)
that reduces the chemical concentration
below its limit. For materials
determined to comply with a chemical
limit, the material must continue to
comply with that limit if it is used in
a children’s product subject to that
requirement. A material on which a
determination has been made cannot be
altered or adulterated to render it
noncompliant and then used in a
children’s product.
Based on the information discussed in
section B of this preamble, the
Commission determines that unfinished
and untreated trunk wood complies
with the solubility requirements for the
heavy elements in section 4.3.5 of
ASTM F963–11 with a high degree of
assurance. This determination means
that third party testing for compliance to
the solubility requirements is not
required for certification purposes for
unfinished and untreated trunk wood.
The Commission makes this
determination to reduce the third party
testing burden on children’s product
certifiers while continuing to ensure
2. Potential for Third Party Testing
Burden Reduction
CPSC staff assessed the burden
reduction that could result from a
determination that unfinished and
untreated trunk wood does not require
third party testing for compliance with
the limits on heavy elements in the toy
standards. Testing the soluble
concentration of the ASTM heavy
elements requires placing the toy (or
component part of the toy) in a solution
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of hydrochloric acid for 2 hours. After
2 hours, the solids are separated from
the solution, and the solution is
analyzed for the presence of any of the
ASTM F963–11 heavy elements using
atomic spectroscopy. The cost of this
testing can vary by factors such as
geography and the volume of testing
that a manufacturer obtains from a
testing laboratory. Based on published
invoices and price lists, the cost of a
third party test for the ASTM heavy
elements ranges from around $60 in
China, up to around $190 in the United
Staff cannot estimate with any
certainty what the total potential burden
reduction would be from a
determination that unfinished and
untreated wood will not contain
concentrations of antimony, arsenic,
barium, cadmium, mercury, and
selenium in excess of the limits in
ASTM F963–11. Most of the
approximately 80,000 kinds of toys on
the market 9 probably do not contain
any wood components. If we assume
that 10 percent of the approximately
80,000 different kinds of toys on the
market have at least one wood
component that requires third party
testing, and we also assume that the
average cost of a third party test is about
$125 (representing the approximate
midpoint of the range for the test’s cost),
then the potential total burden
reduction from a determination for
unfinished and untreated wood from
tree trunks would be about $1 million
annually. This estimate assumes that
only one type of wood was used in a
product so that the manufacturer would
not have to test each individual
unfinished and untreated wood
component part in a product, as allowed
by the component part testing rule (16
CFR part 1109). The estimated benefits
could be lower if some manufacturers
certify that their wood components
comply with the ASTM F963–11 heavy
elements requirements, based on third
party tests of their raw materials instead
of the finished product, as allowed by
the component part testing rule.
Moreover, the assumption that 10
percent of the toys have wood
components is intended only to
illustrate the potential benefits; the
9 The estimate that there are 80,000 different
kinds of toys is based on the number of toys listed
on the Web site on June 2, 2015, for
which was listed as the seller and
recommended for children 13 years old or younger.
Examples of toys that might include wood
components include building blocks, various wood
pull toys, some toy cars and trucks, train sets, some
games and puzzles, some toy figures, and some toys
for toddlers and infants.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 137 / Friday, July 17, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
assumption is not based on any formal
study of the toy market.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES
3. Statutory Authority
Section 3 of the CPSIA grants the
Commission general rulemaking
authority to issue regulations, as
necessary, to implement the CPSIA.
Public Law 110–314, § 3, Aug. 14, 2008.
As noted previously, section 14 of the
CPSA, which was amended by the
CPSIA, requires third party testing for
children’s products that are subject to a
children’s product safety rule. 15 U.S.C.
2063(a)(2). Section 14(d)(3)(B) of the
CPSA, as amended by Public Law 112–
28, gives the Commission the authority
to ‘‘prescribe new or revised third party
testing regulations if it determines that
such regulations will reduce third party
testing costs consistent with assuring
compliance with the applicable
consumer product safety rules, bans,
standards, and regulations.’’ Id.
2063(d)(3)(B). These statutory
provisions authorize the Commission to
issue this rule determining that
unfinished and untreated trunk wood
will not exceed the limits for heavy
elements stated in the toy standard, and
therefore, unfinished and untreated
trunk wood does not require third party
conformity assessment body testing to
assure compliance with the heavy
elements limits stated in the toy
This determination relieves
unfinished and untreated trunk wood
from the third party testing requirement
of section 14 of the CPSA for purposes
of supporting the required certification.
However, if the unfinished and
untreated wood is altered so that the
material exceeds the heavy elements
limits of ASTM F963, the determination
is not applicable to that material. The
changed or altered material or product
must then be tested and meet the heavy
element requirements of ASTM F963.
The determination only lifts the
obligation to have unfinished and
untreated trunk wood tested by a third
party conformity assessment body. The
underlying requirement that products
subject to the toy standard must comply
with the toy standard’s limits on heavy
elements remains in place.
4. Description of the Rule
This rule creates a new Part 1251 for
‘‘Toys; Determination Regarding Heavy
Elements Limits for Unfinished and
Untreated Wood.’’ Section 1251.1 of the
rule explains the statutorily-created
requirements for toys under ASTM F963
and the third party testing requirements
for children’s products.
Section 1251.2(a) of the rule
establishes the Commission’s
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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determination that unfinished and
untreated trunk wood does not exceed
the limits for the heavy elements
established in section 4.3.5 of the toy
standard with a high degree of
assurance as that term is defined in 16
CFR part 1107. The determination only
applies if the material has not been
treated or adulterated with the addition
of any materials that could result in the
addition of any of the heavy elements
listed in the toy standard at levels above
their respective solubility limits. In
section 1251.2(b) of the rule, unfinished
and untreated trunk wood means wood
harvested from trees with no added
surface coatings (e.g., varnish, paint,
shellac, polyurethane) and no materials
added to the wood substrate (e.g., stains,
dyes, preservatives, antifungals,
insecticides). Because commercial
practice creates wood from only the
trunks of harvested trees, unfinished
and untreated wood as used in the rule
means wood that is generally
commercially available. Unfinished and
untreated wood does not include
manufactured or engineered woods such
as pressed wood, plywood, particle
board, or fiberboard.
D. Direct Final Rule Process
The Commission is issuing this rule
as a direct final rule (‘‘DFR’’). The
Administrative Procedure Act (‘‘APA’’)
generally requires notice and comment
rulemaking 5 U.S.C. 553(b). In
Recommendation 95–4, the
Administrative Conference of the
United States (‘‘ACUS’’) endorsed direct
final rulemaking as an appropriate
procedure to expedite promulgation of
rules that are noncontroversial and that
are not expected to generate significant
adverse comment. See 60 FR 43108
(August 18, 1995). Consistent with the
ACUS recommendation, the
Commission is publishing this rule as a
direct final rule because we believe the
determination will not be controversial.
The rule will not impose any new
obligations, but will relieve companies
from the requirement of having toys (or
materials that are component parts of
toys) tested by a third party conformity
assessment body if the toys or materials
are made of unfinished and untreated
wood. We expect that the determination
will be supported by stakeholders. The
determination responds to the desire
expressed by numerous stakeholders
and Congress that the Commission
provide relief from the burdens of third
party testing while also ensuring that
products will comply with all
applicable children’s product safety
rules. The rule establishes a discrete
determination that a specific material
(unfinished and untreated wood) in a
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particular type of product (toys) will
always comply with the toy standard’s
limits on heavy elements. We expect
that this focused action will not
engender any significant adverse
Unless we receive a significant
adverse comment within 30 days, the
rule will become effective on September
15, 2015. In accordance with ACUS’s
recommendation, the Commission
considers a significant adverse comment
to be one where the commenter explains
why the rule would be inappropriate,
including an assertion challenging the
rule’s underlying premise or approach,
or a claim that the rule would be
ineffective or unacceptable without
Should the Commission receive a
significant adverse comment, the
Commission will withdraw this direct
final rule. A notice of proposed
rulemaking (‘‘NPR’’), providing an
opportunity for public comment, is also
being published in this same issue of
the Federal Register.
E. Effective Date
The APA generally requires that a
substantive rule must be published not
less than 30 days before its effective
date. 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(1). Because the
final rule provides relief from existing
testing requirements under the CPSIA,
the effective date is September 15, 2015.
However, as discussed in section D of
the preamble, if the Commission
receives a significant adverse comment
the Commission will withdraw the DFR
and proceed with the NPR published in
this same issue of the Federal Register.
F. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
(‘‘RFA’’) generally requires that agencies
review proposed and final rules for the
rules’ potential economic impact on
small entities, including small
businesses, and prepare regulatory
flexibility analyses. 5 U.S.C. 603 and
The rule would relieve toy
manufacturers and importers of the
responsibility of obtaining third party
tests for compliance with the limits on
the ASTM elements for components of
toys consisting of unfinished and
untreated wood. Although the impact
will be to reduce testing costs, we
expect that the rule would have only
limited impact on toy manufacturers
and importers for two reasons. First, the
rule will affect only those companies
that manufacture or import toys that
contain unfinished and untreated wood
components. We expect that relatively
few of the approximately 80,000 toys on
the market contain any unfinished and
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 137 / Friday, July 17, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
untreated wood components. Therefore
this rule would be expected to impact
only a small number of manufacturers
and importers or at most, a small
portion of the toys in the market.
Second, manufacturers of toys
containing unfinished and untreated
wood components still would be
required to test to other aspects of the
ASTM toy standard, so the impact of
this rule relative to production costs for
most firms should be small. Due to the
small number of entities affected and
the limited scope of the impact, the
Commission certifies that this rule will
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities
pursuant to section 605(b) of the RFA,
5 U.S.C. 605(b).
G. Environmental Considerations
The Commission’s regulations
provide a categorical exclusion for
Commission rules from any requirement
to prepare an environmental assessment
or an environmental impact statement
because they ‘‘have little or no potential
for affecting the human environment.’’
16 CFR 1021.5(c)(2). This rule falls
within the categorical exclusion, so no
environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement is
required. The Commission’s regulations
state that safety standards for products
normally have little or no potential for
affecting the human environment. 16
CFR 1021.5(c)(1). Nothing in this rule
alters that expectation.
List of Subjects
Business and industry, Infants and
children, Consumer protection, Imports,
Product testing and certification, Toys.
Accordingly, 16 CFR part 1251 is
added to read as follows:
ingested, must comply with solubility
limits that the toy standard establishes
for eight heavy elements. Materials used
in toys subject to section 4.3.5 of the toy
standard must comply with the third
party testing requirements of section
14(a)(2) of the Consumer Product Safety
Act (‘‘CPSA’’), unless listed in § 1251.2.
§ 1251.2
(a) Unfinished and untreated wood
does not exceed the limits for the heavy
elements established in section 4.3.5 of
the toy standard with a high degree of
assurance as that term is defined in 16
CFR part 1107, provided that the
material has been neither treated nor
adulterated with materials that could
result in the addition of any of the
heavy elements listed in the toy
standard at levels above their respective
solubility limits.
(b) For purposes of this section,
unfinished and untreated wood means
wood harvested from the trunks of trees
with no added surface coatings (such as,
varnish, paint, shellac, or polyurethane)
and no materials added to the wood
substrate (such as, stains, dyes,
preservatives, antifungals, or
insecticides). Unfinished and untreated
wood does not include manufactured or
engineered woods (such as pressed
wood, plywood, particle board, or
Dated: July 13, 2015.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2015–17413 Filed 7–16–15; 8:45 am]
Drug Enforcement Administration
1251.1 The toy standard and testing
1251.2 Wood.
[Docket No. DEA–413F]
Schedules of Controlled Substances:
Temporary Placement of Acetyl
Fentanyl Into Schedule I
Authority: Sec. 3, Pub. L. 110–314, 122
Stat. 3016; 15 U.S.C. 2063(d)(3)(B).
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with RULES
The Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008 (‘‘CPSIA’’)
made provisions of ASTM F963,
Consumer Product Safety Specifications
for Toy Safety (‘‘toy standard’’), a
mandatory consumer product safety
standard. Among the mandated
provisions is section 4.3.5 of ASTM
F963 which requires that surface coating
materials and accessible substrates of
toys that can be sucked, mouthed, or
17:58 Jul 16, 2015
Jkt 235001
Drug Enforcement
Administration, Department of Justice.
ACTION: Final order.
§ 1251.1 The toy standard and testing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21 CFR Part 1308
The Administrator of the Drug
Enforcement Administration is issuing
this final order to temporarily schedule
the synthetic opioid, N-(1phenethylpiperidin-4-yl)-Nphenylacetamide (acetyl fentanyl), and
its optical, positional, and geometric
isomers, salts and salts of isomers, into
schedule I pursuant to the temporary
scheduling provisions of the Controlled
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4700
Substances Act. This action is based on
a finding by the Administrator that the
placement of this opioid substance into
schedule I of the Controlled Substances
Act is necessary to avoid an imminent
hazard to the public safety. As a result
of this order, the regulatory controls and
administrative, civil, and criminal
sanctions applicable to schedule I
controlled substances will be imposed
on persons who handle (manufacture,
distribute, import, export, engage in
research, or possess), or propose to
handle, acetyl fentanyl.
DATES: This final order is effective on
July 17, 2015.
R. Scherbenske, Office of Diversion
Control, Drug Enforcement
Administration; Mailing Address: 8701
Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia
22152, Telephone: (202) 598–6812.
Legal Authority
The Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) implements and
enforces titles II and III of the
Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention
and Control Act of 1970, as amended.
Titles II and III are referred to as the
‘‘Controlled Substances Act’’ and the
‘‘Controlled Substances Import and
Export Act,’’ respectively, and are
collectively referred to as the
‘‘Controlled Substances Act’’ or the
‘‘CSA’’ for the purpose of this action. 21
U.S.C. 801–971. The DEA publishes the
implementing regulations for these
statutes in title 21 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR), chapter II. The CSA
and its implementing regulations are
designed to prevent, detect, and
eliminate the diversion of controlled
substances and listed chemicals into the
illicit market while ensuring an
adequate supply is available for the
legitimate medical, scientific, research,
and industrial needs of the United
States. Controlled substances have the
potential for abuse and dependence and
are controlled to protect the public
health and safety.
Under the CSA, every controlled
substance is classified into one of five
schedules based upon its potential for
abuse, its currently accepted medical
use in treatment in the United States,
and the degree of dependence the drug
or other substance may cause. 21 U.S.C.
812. The initial schedules of controlled
substances established by Congress are
found at 21 U.S.C. 812(c), and the
current list of all scheduled substances
is published at 21 CFR part 1308.
Section 201 of the CSA, 21 U.S.C. 811,
provides the Attorney General with the
authority to temporarily place a
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 137 (Friday, July 17, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 42376-42381]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-17413]
16 CFR Part 1251
[Docket No. CPSC-2011-0081]
Toys: Determination Regarding Heavy Elements Limits for
Unfinished and Untreated Wood
AGENCY: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (``Commission,'' or
``CPSC'') is issuing a direct final rule determining that unfinished
and untreated trunk wood does not contain heavy elements that would
exceed the limits specified in the Commission's toy standard, ASTM
F963-11. Based on this determination, unfinished and untreated wood in
toys does not require third party testing for the heavy element limits
in ASTM F963.
DATES: The rule is effective on September 15, 2015, unless we receive a
significant adverse comment by August 17, 2015. If we receive a timely
significant adverse comment, we will publish notification in the
Federal Register, withdrawing this direct final rule before its
effective date.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. CPSC-2011-
0081, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at: Follow the instructions for
submitting comments. The Commission does not accept comments submitted
by electronic mail (email), except through The
Commission encourages you to submit electronic comments by using the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written submissions by mail/hand
delivery/courier to: Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Room 820, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814;
telephone (301) 504-7923.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number for this notice. All comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal identifiers, contact
information, or other personal information provided, to: Do not submit confidential business information,
trade secret information, or other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to the public. If furnished at
all, such information should be submitted in writing.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to:, and insert the docket
number CPSC-2011-0081, into the ``Search'' box, and follow the prompts.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Randy Butturini, Project Manager,
Office of Hazard Identification and Reduction U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West Hwy, Room 814, Bethesda, MD 20814;
301-504-7562: email;
A. Background
1. Third Party Testing
Section 14(a) of the Consumer Product Safety Act, (``CPSA''), as
amended by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
(``CPSIA''), requires that manufacturers of products subject to a
consumer product safety rule or similar rule, ban, standard or
regulation enforced by the CPSC must certify that the product complies
with all applicable CPSC-enforced requirements. 15 U.S.C. 2063(a). For
children's products, certification must be based on testing conducted
by a CPSC-accepted third party conformity assessment body. Id. Pub. L.
112-28 (August 12, 2011), directed the CPSC to seek comment on
``opportunities to reduce the cost of third party testing requirements
consistent with assuring compliance with any applicable consumer
product safety rule, ban, standard, or regulation.'' In response to
Pub. L. 112-28, the Commission published in the Federal Register a
Request for Comment (``RFC''). See As directed by the Commission, staff submitted a
briefing package to the Commission that described opportunities that
the Commission
[[Page 42377]]
could pursue to potentially reduce the third party testing costs
consistent with assuring compliance. See
In addition to soliciting and reviewing comments as required by
Pub. L. 112-28, the Commission published in the Federal Register on
April 16, 2013 a Request for Information (``RFI'') on four potential
opportunities to reduce testing burdens. See In February 2014, the Commission
also published a notice in the Federal Register of a CPSC workshop on
potential ways to reduce third party testing costs through
determinations consistent with assuring compliance. See The workshop
was held on April 3, 2014.
As discussed further in this preamble, if the Commission determines
that, due to the nature of a particular material, children's products
made of that material will comply with CPSC's requirements with a high
degree of assurance, manufacturers do not need to have those materials
tested by a third party conformity assessment body.
2. CPSC's Toy Standard
Section 106 of the CPSIA states that the provisions of ASTM
International (``ASTM''), Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety
(``ASTM F963'' or ``toy standard''), ``shall be considered to be
consumer product safety standards issued by the Commission under
section 9 of the CPSA (15 U.S.C. 2058).'' \1\ Thus, toys subject to
ASTM F963-11, the current mandatory version of the standard, must be
tested by a CPSC-accepted third party conformity assessment body and
demonstrate compliance with all applicable CPSC requirements for the
manufacturer to issue a Children's Product Certificate (``CPC'') before
the toys can be entered into commerce.
\1\ ASTM F963-11 is a consumer product safety standard, except
for section 4.2 and Annex 4, or any provision that restates or
incorporates an existing mandatory standard or ban promulgated by
the Commission or by statute.
The toy standard has numerous requirements. Among them, section
4.3.5 requires that surface coating materials and accessible substrates
of toys \2\ that can be sucked, mouthed, or ingested, comply with the
solubility limits on eight heavy elements. (We refer to these elements
as the ``ASTM heavy elements.'') One of the eight ASTM heavy elements
is lead. The Commission previously determined that certain materials do
not exceed lead content limits, and therefore, those materials do not
require third party testing when used in children's products (including
toys). 16 CFR 1500.91. Thus, CPSC staff focused its work on the
remaining seven ASTM heavy elements. The eight ASTM heavy elements and
their solubility limits are shown below.
\2\ ASTM F963-11 contains the following note regarding the scope
of the solubility requirement: NOTE 3--For the purposes of this
requirement, the following criteria are considered reasonably
appropriate for the classification of toys or parts likely to be
sucked, mouthed or ingested: (1) All toy parts intended to be
mouthed or contact food or drink, components of toys which are
cosmetics, and components of writing instruments categorized as
toys; (2) Toys intended for children less than 6 years of age, that
is, all accessible parts and components where there is a probability
that those parts and components may come into contact with the
\3\ The method to assess the solubility of a listed element is
detailed in section 8.3.2, Method to Dissolve Soluble Matter for
Surface Coatings, of ASTM F963-11. Modeling clays included as part
of a toy have different solubility limits for several of the
Table 1--Maximum Soluble Migrated Element in Parts-Per-Million for
Surface Coatings and Substrates Included as Part of a Toy
Element parts per
(``ppm'') 3
Antimony, (``Sb'')......................................... 60
Arsenic, (``As'').......................................... 25
Barium, (``Ba'')........................................... 1000
Cadmium, (``Cd'').......................................... 75
Chromium, (``Cr'')......................................... 60
Lead, (``Pb'')............................................. 90
Mercury, (``Hg'').......................................... 60
Selenium, (``Se'')......................................... 500
3. Possible Determinations Regarding the ASTM Heavy Elements
For some materials, the concentrations of all the listed heavy
elements might always be below their respective solubility limits due
to biological, manufacturing, or other constraints. For example, one of
the specified elements may be sequestered in a portion of a plant, such
as the roots, that is not used in textile manufacturing. Additionally,
a manufacturing process step may remove a specified element, if the
element is present, from the material being processed. For these
materials, compliance with the limits stated in section 4.3.5 of ASTM
F963-11 is assured without requiring third party testing because the
material is intrinsically compliant.
The third party testing burden could only be reduced if all heavy
elements listed in section 4.3.5 have concentrations below their
solubility limits. Because third party conformity assessment bodies
typically run one test for all of the ASTM heavy elements, no testing
burden reduction would be achieved if any one of the heavy elements
requires testing.
B. Contractor's Research
1. Overview
CPSC hired a contractor to conduct a literature search to assess
whether the Commission potentially could determine that wood and other
natural materials do not contain any of the seven specified heavy
elements in concentrations above the ASTM F963-11 maximum solubility
limits (excluding the eighth element, lead which is already subject to
a determination). The contractor researched the following materials:
Unfinished and untreated wood (ash, beech, birch, cherry,
maple, oak, pine, poplar, and walnut);
Undyed and untreated fibers and textiles (cotton, wool,
linen, and silk); and
Uncoated or coated paper (wood or other cellulosic fiber).
Staff chose these materials for research because they met two
Materials the Commission previously determined not to
contain lead in concentrations above 100 ppm; and
Materials more likely to be used in toys subject to the
ASTM F963-11 solubility limits.
The contractor's report is available on the Commission's Web site
at: CPSC staff reviewed the
contractor's report and prepared a briefing package providing
recommendations to the Commission. The staff's briefing package is also
available on the Commission's Web site.
In conducting this research, the contractor considered the
following factors:
The concentrations of the seven heavy elements in the
material under study;
The presence and concentrations of the elements in the
[[Page 42378]]
media (e.g., soil, water, air), and in the base materials for the
textiles and paper;
Whether processing has the potential to introduce any of
the seven heavy elements into the material under study; and
The potential for contamination after production, such as
through packaging.
The contractor examined secondary sources and reviewed articles to
identify the available data regarding the elements' concentrations in
the materials listed above. The contractor summarized the relevant data
on bioavailability and presence/concentrations in environmental media
(i.e., soil, air, and water) from the most recent Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (``ATSDR'') \4\ toxicological profile,
supplemented with more recent authoritative reviews. The contractor
conducted a literature search for data on concentrations of the
chemical elements in each of the specific materials. Potentially
relevant papers for information on concentrations of chemical elements
in each product were identified and reviewed. The contractor used the
references from reviewed articles to identify other articles to examine
and used the references in those articles to find other sources
recursively, to uncover relevant cited references.\5\ The literature
screening was to examine whether there is a potential for an ASTM heavy
element to be present in the natural material at levels above its
solubility limit. When the contractor determined there was sufficient
information to indicate the potential for an ASTM heavy element to be
present, the contractor stopped that particular line of inquiry and
reported the results.
\4\ The congressionally mandated Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry produces toxicological profiles for hazardous
substances found at National Priorities List sites.
\5\ This method is often referred to as ``tree searching.''
As discussed in the staff's briefing package, the contractor's
report does not support a Commission determination for any material
other than unfinished and untreated wood. The literature reviewed by
the contractor did not provide sufficient information to determine that
any of the reviewed materials, other than unfinished and untreated
wood, do not contain the heavy elements in concentrations above the
limits stated in the toy standard.
2. Findings Regarding Wood
Of the materials reviewed, the contractor identified the most
studies for wood. Although the contractor could not examine every study
concerning wood, the contractor reported that the studies examined
constitute a representative sample of studies. The contractor studied
measurements taken from trees in natural settings, samples from trees
grown on contaminated soils, hydroponically grown \6\ seedlings,
experimental studies with seedlings grown in pots in which the soil had
some of the elements intentionally added, and seedlings soaked in
solutions containing one or more of the ASTM heavy elements.
\6\ Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of
growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without
The contractor examined measurements on roots, shoots, bark,
trunks, branches, and leaves (or needles, for evergreens). Not every
study conducted measurements on each part of the tree. Many studies
showed concentrations of the ASTM heavy elements at levels below their
solubility limits.
Antimony. For antimony, the studies examined showed that roots,
shoots, branches, and leaves contained antimony in concentrations
greater than the ASTM solubility limit of 60 ppm. No tree trunks showed
antimony concentrations above the ASTM solubility limit. One study's
measurements of tree trunks showed that the trunks were nearly free of
Arsenic. For arsenic, trunks, roots shoots, leaves, stems, bark,
and branches of trees were characterized. An experimental study showed
roots with more than 25 ppm arsenic. A study at a contaminated mining
site showed roots, branches, leaves/needles, and shoots with arsenic
concentrations above the ASTM solubility limit. However, no tree trunk
measurement showed arsenic in concentrations above 25 ppm. In the two
tested cases, tree trunks contained only trace levels of arsenic
(levels well below the solubility limit).
One study measured levels of arsenic in sawdust sampled from 15
sawmill locations in the Sapele metropolis (a port city in Nigeria).
The highest arsenic concentration measured was 93.0 ppm. The study's
authors did not specify what types of trees or wood were processed at
the sawmills. However, the authors noted that a major industry in the
study area is Africa Timber Plywood Industry and mentioned that arsenic
and chromium are used as wood preservatives. Plywood is a manufactured
wood and could contain materials not found in natural wood. The authors
did not report what woods these sawmills were processing. Therefore, we
cannot draw any conclusions from this study.
Barium. For barium, measurements of leaves, leaf litter, wood, and
sawdust all showed barium concentrations below the ASTM solubility
limit of 1,000 ppm.
Cadmium. For cadmium, the studies examined showed cadmium in tree
core samples and wood at levels below the ASTM solubility limit of 75
ppm. Studies that measured cadmium in hydroponic samples showed cadmium
levels in root, stem bark, stem wood, and leaf parts above 75 ppm. In a
similar manner, shoots grown in pots containing varying amounts of
cadmium added, showed cadmium concentrations above the ASTM solubility
limit in leaves, stems, and roots.
Chromium. For chromium, one study at a chromate-contaminated site
found chromium concentrations above the ASTM solubility limit of 60 ppm
in roots, but measurements were below the detection limit for leaves,
wood, and bark. Hydroponic studies by the same researcher showed that
tree roots can concentrate chromium, but translocation (the movement of
a material from one place to another) of chromium from the roots to
other parts of the tree, is very low.
Mercury. For mercury, the contractor reviewed studies that measured
mercury uptake in the roots, shoots, leaves, bark, trunks, limbs,
fruits, branches, stems, and nuts of trees. The studies included both
experimental tests and trees sampled from natural areas. Only an
experimental study with seedlings grown in pots, to which either
mercuric nitrate, methyl mercury chloride, or both, had been added,
showed mercury in concentrations above the ASTM solubility limit in
shoots and leaves of sycamore seedlings. The other studies did not show
mercury levels above the ASTM solubility limit of 60 ppm in samples,
even at contaminated sites.
Selenium. For selenium, one study showed measured concentrations of
1.4 ppm selenium in tree rings growing in contaminated soil. Other
studies showed selenium at concentrations of 10 ppm or less, well below
the ASTM solubility limit of 500 ppm. Only an experimental study with
tree cuttings grown hydroponically in either sodium selenate or sodium
selenite for 6 days, showed root concentrations above the ASTM
solubility limit. All other parts of the cuttings had selenium levels
below the ASTM solubility limit.
Conclusions. The contractor's report provides sufficient
information for the Commission to determine that unfinished and
untreated wood from tree trunks does not contain the ASTM heavy
elements in concentrations above
[[Page 42379]]
their respective solubility limits, and are, therefore, not required to
be third party tested to assure compliance with the ASTM F963-11
solubility test. The studies examined multiple species of trees grown
on several continents. No study examined by the contractor found any of
the ASTM heavy elements in tree trunks at concentrations beyond the
element's solubility limit.
The contractor's report indicates that heavy elements could be
present in wood from other portions of the tree: The roots, bark,
leaves, or fruit. The studies examined by the contractor showed high
levels of one or more of the ASTM heavy elements in portions of trees
other than trunks. However, commercial timber harvesting involves the
process of ``delimbing'' The tree to create logs that can be
transported and cut at a sawmill or lumberyard.\7\ Often, the sawmill
creates uniform-length planks from the delivered logs. These planks are
sold to wood wholesalers or retailers, and are bought by wooden toy and
other manufacturers. Because commercial practice creates logs from only
the trunks of harvested trees, the wood available for use in toys and
other wooden objects is sourced from these logs, or trunks of trees,
and not the other parts of trees that could contain the ASTM elements
above the limits in the toy standard.\8\
\7\ A succinct description of timber logging can be found at A
more comprehensive review of timber harvesting can be found at
\8\ Often, the sawmill creates uniform-length planks from the
delivered logs. These planks are sold to wood wholesalers or
retailers, and are bought by wooden toy and other manufacturers. Two
references to the woods used in toys are:, and
C. Determination for Unfinished and Untreated Wood for ASTM F963 Limits
for Heavy Elements
1. Legal Requirements for a Determination
As noted above, section 14(a)(2) of the CPSA requires third party
testing for children's products that are subject to a children's
product safety rule. 15 U.S.C. 2063(a)(2). Toys must comply with the
toy standard, including the specified limits on heavy elements. 15
U.S.C. 2056b. In response to statutory direction, the Commission has
investigated approaches that would reduce the burden of third party
testing while also assuring compliance with CPSC requirements. As part
of that endeavor, the Commission has considered whether certain
materials used in toys would not require third party testing.
To issue a determination that a material does not require third
party testing, the Commission must have sufficient evidence to conclude
that the material would consistently comply with the CPSC requirement
that the material is subject to so that third party testing is
unnecessary to provide a high degree of assurance of compliance. 16 CFR
part 1107. Section 1107.2, defines ``a high degree of assurance'' as
``an evidence-based demonstration of consistent performance of a
product regarding compliance based on knowledge of a product and its
For a material determination, a high degree of assurance of
compliance means that the material will comply with the specified
chemical limits due to the nature of the material, or due to a
processing technique (e.g., harvesting, smelting, cleaning, filtering,
sorting) that reduces the chemical concentration below its limit. For
materials determined to comply with a chemical limit, the material must
continue to comply with that limit if it is used in a children's
product subject to that requirement. A material on which a
determination has been made cannot be altered or adulterated to render
it noncompliant and then used in a children's product.
Based on the information discussed in section B of this preamble,
the Commission determines that unfinished and untreated trunk wood
complies with the solubility requirements for the heavy elements in
section 4.3.5 of ASTM F963-11 with a high degree of assurance. This
determination means that third party testing for compliance to the
solubility requirements is not required for certification purposes for
unfinished and untreated trunk wood. The Commission makes this
determination to reduce the third party testing burden on children's
product certifiers while continuing to ensure compliance.
2. Potential for Third Party Testing Burden Reduction
CPSC staff assessed the burden reduction that could result from a
determination that unfinished and untreated trunk wood does not require
third party testing for compliance with the limits on heavy elements in
the toy standards. Testing the soluble concentration of the ASTM heavy
elements requires placing the toy (or component part of the toy) in a
solution of hydrochloric acid for 2 hours. After 2 hours, the solids
are separated from the solution, and the solution is analyzed for the
presence of any of the ASTM F963-11 heavy elements using atomic
spectroscopy. The cost of this testing can vary by factors such as
geography and the volume of testing that a manufacturer obtains from a
testing laboratory. Based on published invoices and price lists, the
cost of a third party test for the ASTM heavy elements ranges from
around $60 in China, up to around $190 in the United States.
Staff cannot estimate with any certainty what the total potential
burden reduction would be from a determination that unfinished and
untreated wood will not contain concentrations of antimony, arsenic,
barium, cadmium, mercury, and selenium in excess of the limits in ASTM
F963-11. Most of the approximately 80,000 kinds of toys on the market
\9\ probably do not contain any wood components. If we assume that 10
percent of the approximately 80,000 different kinds of toys on the
market have at least one wood component that requires third party
testing, and we also assume that the average cost of a third party test
is about $125 (representing the approximate midpoint of the range for
the test's cost), then the potential total burden reduction from a
determination for unfinished and untreated wood from tree trunks would
be about $1 million annually. This estimate assumes that only one type
of wood was used in a product so that the manufacturer would not have
to test each individual unfinished and untreated wood component part in
a product, as allowed by the component part testing rule (16 CFR part
1109). The estimated benefits could be lower if some manufacturers
certify that their wood components comply with the ASTM F963-11 heavy
elements requirements, based on third party tests of their raw
materials instead of the finished product, as allowed by the component
part testing rule. Moreover, the assumption that 10 percent of the toys
have wood components is intended only to illustrate the potential
benefits; the
[[Page 42380]]
assumption is not based on any formal study of the toy market.
\9\ The estimate that there are 80,000 different kinds of toys
is based on the number of toys listed on the Web site on
June 2, 2015, for which was listed as the seller and
recommended for children 13 years old or younger. Examples of toys
that might include wood components include building blocks, various
wood pull toys, some toy cars and trucks, train sets, some games and
puzzles, some toy figures, and some toys for toddlers and infants.
3. Statutory Authority
Section 3 of the CPSIA grants the Commission general rulemaking
authority to issue regulations, as necessary, to implement the CPSIA.
Public Law 110-314, Sec. 3, Aug. 14, 2008. As noted previously,
section 14 of the CPSA, which was amended by the CPSIA, requires third
party testing for children's products that are subject to a children's
product safety rule. 15 U.S.C. 2063(a)(2). Section 14(d)(3)(B) of the
CPSA, as amended by Public Law 112-28, gives the Commission the
authority to ``prescribe new or revised third party testing regulations
if it determines that such regulations will reduce third party testing
costs consistent with assuring compliance with the applicable consumer
product safety rules, bans, standards, and regulations.'' Id.
2063(d)(3)(B). These statutory provisions authorize the Commission to
issue this rule determining that unfinished and untreated trunk wood
will not exceed the limits for heavy elements stated in the toy
standard, and therefore, unfinished and untreated trunk wood does not
require third party conformity assessment body testing to assure
compliance with the heavy elements limits stated in the toy standard.
This determination relieves unfinished and untreated trunk wood
from the third party testing requirement of section 14 of the CPSA for
purposes of supporting the required certification. However, if the
unfinished and untreated wood is altered so that the material exceeds
the heavy elements limits of ASTM F963, the determination is not
applicable to that material. The changed or altered material or product
must then be tested and meet the heavy element requirements of ASTM
The determination only lifts the obligation to have unfinished and
untreated trunk wood tested by a third party conformity assessment
body. The underlying requirement that products subject to the toy
standard must comply with the toy standard's limits on heavy elements
remains in place.
4. Description of the Rule
This rule creates a new Part 1251 for ``Toys; Determination
Regarding Heavy Elements Limits for Unfinished and Untreated Wood.''
Section 1251.1 of the rule explains the statutorily-created
requirements for toys under ASTM F963 and the third party testing
requirements for children's products.
Section 1251.2(a) of the rule establishes the Commission's
determination that unfinished and untreated trunk wood does not exceed
the limits for the heavy elements established in section 4.3.5 of the
toy standard with a high degree of assurance as that term is defined in
16 CFR part 1107. The determination only applies if the material has
not been treated or adulterated with the addition of any materials that
could result in the addition of any of the heavy elements listed in the
toy standard at levels above their respective solubility limits. In
section 1251.2(b) of the rule, unfinished and untreated trunk wood
means wood harvested from trees with no added surface coatings (e.g.,
varnish, paint, shellac, polyurethane) and no materials added to the
wood substrate (e.g., stains, dyes, preservatives, antifungals,
insecticides). Because commercial practice creates wood from only the
trunks of harvested trees, unfinished and untreated wood as used in the
rule means wood that is generally commercially available. Unfinished
and untreated wood does not include manufactured or engineered woods
such as pressed wood, plywood, particle board, or fiberboard.
D. Direct Final Rule Process
The Commission is issuing this rule as a direct final rule
(``DFR''). The Administrative Procedure Act (``APA'') generally
requires notice and comment rulemaking 5 U.S.C. 553(b). In
Recommendation 95-4, the Administrative Conference of the United States
(``ACUS'') endorsed direct final rulemaking as an appropriate procedure
to expedite promulgation of rules that are noncontroversial and that
are not expected to generate significant adverse comment. See 60 FR
43108 (August 18, 1995). Consistent with the ACUS recommendation, the
Commission is publishing this rule as a direct final rule because we
believe the determination will not be controversial. The rule will not
impose any new obligations, but will relieve companies from the
requirement of having toys (or materials that are component parts of
toys) tested by a third party conformity assessment body if the toys or
materials are made of unfinished and untreated wood. We expect that the
determination will be supported by stakeholders. The determination
responds to the desire expressed by numerous stakeholders and Congress
that the Commission provide relief from the burdens of third party
testing while also ensuring that products will comply with all
applicable children's product safety rules. The rule establishes a
discrete determination that a specific material (unfinished and
untreated wood) in a particular type of product (toys) will always
comply with the toy standard's limits on heavy elements. We expect that
this focused action will not engender any significant adverse comments.
Unless we receive a significant adverse comment within 30 days, the
rule will become effective on September 15, 2015. In accordance with
ACUS's recommendation, the Commission considers a significant adverse
comment to be one where the commenter explains why the rule would be
inappropriate, including an assertion challenging the rule's underlying
premise or approach, or a claim that the rule would be ineffective or
unacceptable without change.
Should the Commission receive a significant adverse comment, the
Commission will withdraw this direct final rule. A notice of proposed
rulemaking (``NPR''), providing an opportunity for public comment, is
also being published in this same issue of the Federal Register.
E. Effective Date
The APA generally requires that a substantive rule must be
published not less than 30 days before its effective date. 5 U.S.C.
553(d)(1). Because the final rule provides relief from existing testing
requirements under the CPSIA, the effective date is September 15, 2015.
However, as discussed in section D of the preamble, if the Commission
receives a significant adverse comment the Commission will withdraw the
DFR and proceed with the NPR published in this same issue of the
Federal Register.
F. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (``RFA'') generally requires that
agencies review proposed and final rules for the rules' potential
economic impact on small entities, including small businesses, and
prepare regulatory flexibility analyses. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604.
The rule would relieve toy manufacturers and importers of the
responsibility of obtaining third party tests for compliance with the
limits on the ASTM elements for components of toys consisting of
unfinished and untreated wood. Although the impact will be to reduce
testing costs, we expect that the rule would have only limited impact
on toy manufacturers and importers for two reasons. First, the rule
will affect only those companies that manufacture or import toys that
contain unfinished and untreated wood components. We expect that
relatively few of the approximately 80,000 toys on the market contain
any unfinished and
[[Page 42381]]
untreated wood components. Therefore this rule would be expected to
impact only a small number of manufacturers and importers or at most, a
small portion of the toys in the market.
Second, manufacturers of toys containing unfinished and untreated
wood components still would be required to test to other aspects of the
ASTM toy standard, so the impact of this rule relative to production
costs for most firms should be small. Due to the small number of
entities affected and the limited scope of the impact, the Commission
certifies that this rule will not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities pursuant to section 605(b) of the
RFA, 5 U.S.C. 605(b).
G. Environmental Considerations
The Commission's regulations provide a categorical exclusion for
Commission rules from any requirement to prepare an environmental
assessment or an environmental impact statement because they ``have
little or no potential for affecting the human environment.'' 16 CFR
1021.5(c)(2). This rule falls within the categorical exclusion, so no
environmental assessment or environmental impact statement is required.
The Commission's regulations state that safety standards for products
normally have little or no potential for affecting the human
environment. 16 CFR 1021.5(c)(1). Nothing in this rule alters that
List of Subjects
Business and industry, Infants and children, Consumer protection,
Imports, Product testing and certification, Toys.
Accordingly, 16 CFR part 1251 is added to read as follows:
1251.1 The toy standard and testing requirements.
1251.2 Wood.
Authority: Sec. 3, Pub. L. 110-314, 122 Stat. 3016; 15 U.S.C.
Sec. 1251.1 The toy standard and testing requirements.
The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (``CPSIA'')
made provisions of ASTM F963, Consumer Product Safety Specifications
for Toy Safety (``toy standard''), a mandatory consumer product safety
standard. Among the mandated provisions is section 4.3.5 of ASTM F963
which requires that surface coating materials and accessible substrates
of toys that can be sucked, mouthed, or ingested, must comply with
solubility limits that the toy standard establishes for eight heavy
elements. Materials used in toys subject to section 4.3.5 of the toy
standard must comply with the third party testing requirements of
section 14(a)(2) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (``CPSA''), unless
listed in Sec. 1251.2.
Sec. 1251.2 Wood.
(a) Unfinished and untreated wood does not exceed the limits for
the heavy elements established in section 4.3.5 of the toy standard
with a high degree of assurance as that term is defined in 16 CFR part
1107, provided that the material has been neither treated nor
adulterated with materials that could result in the addition of any of
the heavy elements listed in the toy standard at levels above their
respective solubility limits.
(b) For purposes of this section, unfinished and untreated wood
means wood harvested from the trunks of trees with no added surface
coatings (such as, varnish, paint, shellac, or polyurethane) and no
materials added to the wood substrate (such as, stains, dyes,
preservatives, antifungals, or insecticides). Unfinished and untreated
wood does not include manufactured or engineered woods (such as pressed
wood, plywood, particle board, or fiberboard).
Dated: July 13, 2015.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2015-17413 Filed 7-16-15; 8:45 am]