January 29, 2015 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 116
Announcement of Federal Interagency Competition, Fiscal Year 2015 Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership
This notice outlines a competition to designate up to 12 communities as manufacturing communities (Manufacturing Communities) through the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP), including proposal submission requirements and instructions, and eligibility and selection criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals. Manufacturing Communities will receive preference for a range of future Federal economic development funding and technical assistance offered by IMCP participating agencies. Some Manufacturing Communities, as discussed in the Supplementary Information section of this notice and subject to the availability of funds, may receive financial assistance awards from IMCP participating agencies to assist in cultivating an environment for businesses to create well-paying manufacturing jobs in regions across the country.
Notice of Availability (NOA) of and Request for Comments on the Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017-2022 (DPP)
BOEM is announcing the availability of and requests comments on the Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017-2022 (DPP). This draft proposal is for the 2017-2022 OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program that will succeed the current 2012-2017 Program. The DPP provides the basis for gathering information and conducting analyses to inform the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) on which areas to include for further leasing consideration in the 2017-2022 Program. Section 18 of the OCS Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1344) specifies a multi- step process of consultation and analysis that must be completed before the Secretary may approve a new Five-Year Program. The required steps following this notice include the development of a Proposed Program (PP), Proposed Final Program (PFP), and Secretarial approval. In conjunction with this notice, BOEM is publishing a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the 2017-2022 Program, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), 2017-2022 Oil and Gas Leasing Program
Consistent with the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), BOEM is announcing its intent to prepare an EIS to inform the decisions that will be taken during the preparation and implementation of the 2017-2022 Oil and Gas Leasing Program (2017-2022 Program). Section 18 of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1344) requires the development of an OCS oil and gas leasing program every five years. The 2017-2022 Program must address the size, timing and location of the lease sales to be held under it. Section 18 also requires a multi-step process of consultation and analysis that must be completed before the Secretary of the Interior may approve a new Program. BOEM initiated the 2017-2022 Program process by issuing a request for information and comments (RFI) in June 2014. The remaining process required by section 18 of the OCS Lands Act includes development of a Draft Proposed Program (DPP), a Proposed Program, a Proposed Final Program (PFP), and Secretarial approval of the 2017-2022 Program. The EIS is developed in concert with the 2017-2022 Program documents. The EIS will analyze the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of possible OCS oil and gas activities that could result from lease sales contemplated under the 2017-2022 Program. The scope of the EIS will be based on the DPP after consideration of public input received during the scoping period for the EIS. The DPP includes potential lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico (Western, Central, and a small portion of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Planning Areas not subject to Congressional moratorium), Atlantic (Mid and South Atlantic Planning Areas), and Alaska (Cook Inlet, Chukchi, and Beaufort Planning Areas) (for details, see the DPP at https://www.boem.gov/Five-Year-Program/). This notice starts the formal scoping process for the EIS under 40 CFR 1501.7 of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and solicits input from the public regarding alternatives to the proposed action, impacting factors, environmental resources and issues of concern in the DPP area, and possible mitigating measures that should be evaluated in the EIS. The purpose of scoping is to determine the appropriate content for a focused and balanced programmatic environmental analysis by (a) ensuring significant issues are identified early and properly studied during development of the Programmatic EIS; (b) identifying alternatives, mitigation measures, and analytic tools; and (c) identifying insignificant issues and narrowing the scope of the EIS.
Draft 2014 Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports
NMFS reviewed the Alaska, Atlantic, and Pacific regional marine mammal stock assessment reports (SARs) in accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act. SARs for marine mammals in the Alaska, Atlantic, and Pacific regions were revised according to new information. NMFS solicits public comments on the draft 2014 SARs.
Notice of Availability of the Draft NOAA Restoration Center Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
NMFS announces the availability of the NOAA Restoration Center Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. Publication of this notice begins the public comment period for this Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS). The purpose of the DPEIS is to evaluate, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of implementing the alternative programmatic approaches to coastal habitat restoration within the NOAA Restoration Center and other NOAA programs implementing similar habitat restoration activities.
Announcement of Requirements and Registration for Head Health Advanced Materials Prize Competition-Head Health Challenge III
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of Commerce, in a cooperative partnership with the National Football League (NFL), the General Electric Company (GE) and Under Armour, Inc. (UA), is conducting a prize competition funding initiative to support the discovery, design and deployment of materials that improve the protection of athletes, members of the military, and society overall. The Head Health Advanced Materials Prize Competition (Head Health Challenge III, Challenge III, or Competition) is being conducted to broadly advance the science of materials for impact protection, as well as measurements and standards for assessing the performance of such materials. These advances are essential for the health of athletes of every age, and they will have a broad positive impact on the range of activities and occupations in our society that require protective gear. It is hoped that Head Health Challenge III will stimulate engagement with diverse science and technology communities across industry, academia and government (e.g. automotive, aerospace, light-weighting, and physical security) that can realize innovative approaches to this problem. Efforts to speed diagnosis and improve prevention, protection and treatment for mild traumatic brain injury hold promise for improved safety of athletes, members of the military and the American public. The NFL, GE and UA share a commitment to the importance of research and technology development to better understand, diagnose, prevent and protect against brain injury, as reflected in collaborations, including the Head Health Initiative. In this context, the development of energy- absorbing materials is highly aligned with the broader efforts of NIST under the President's Materials Genome Initiative, aimed at accelerating innovation in advanced materials to address critical national needs, and in keeping with NIST's mission. Previous Head Health Challenge collaborations by the NFL, GE and UA have addressed the detection and management of mild traumatic brain injuries, focused on discovering imaging and algorithms to better detect and analyze subtle changes in the brain (Head Health Challenge I: Methods for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries), and on novel technologies, system designs, or materials that can quantify head impact in real time, detect, track or monitor biologic or physiological indicators of traumatic brain injury, protect the brain from traumatic injury, mitigate or prevent short or long-term consequences of brain trauma, and assist in training to prevent traumatic brain injury (Head Health Challenge II: Innovative Approaches For Preventing And Identifying Brain Injuries). Information on Head Health Challenges I and II may be found at www.HeadHealthChallenge.com. The National Football League, Under Armour, GE and the National Institute of Standards and Technology have established a joint effort to advance the state-of-the-art in advanced materials for impact mitigation. The objective of Challenge III is to stimulate the development of a range of materials that provide excellent energy absorbing and energy dissipating properties. The NFL, Under Armour, GE and NIST look forward to receiving submissions consistent with the listed specifications that will aid in advancing safety and protection for athletes, the warfighter, and civilians.
Wooden Bedroom Furniture From the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony With Final Results of Administrative Review and Notice of Amended Final Results of Administrative Review Pursuant to Court Decision
On January 14, 2015, the United States Court of International Trade (``CIT'') issued its final judgment in Dongguan Sunrise Furniture Co. Ltd., et al. v. United States Consol. Court No. 10-00254 \1\ and sustained the Department of Commerce's (``the Department'') final results of redetermination pursuant to the fourth remand of the 2008 administrative review of the antidumping duty order on wooden bedroom furniture from the People's Republic of China.\2\ Consistent with the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (``CAFC'') in Timken Co. v. United States, 893 F.2d 337 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (``Timken''), as clarified by Diamond Sawblades Mfrs. Coalition v. United States, 626 F.3d 1374 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (``Diamond Sawblades''), the Department is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with the Department's Final Results \3\ and is amending its Final Results with regard to the calculation of the weighted average margin applied to the mandatory respondent, Dongguan Sunrise Furniture Co., Ltd., Taicang Sunrise Wood Industry Co., Ltd., Taicang Fairmont Designs Furniture Co., Ltd., and Meizhou Sunrise Furniture Co., Ltd. (collectively ``Fairmont'') and two separate rate respondents: Langfang Tiancheng Furniture Co., Ltd. and Longrange Furniture Co., Ltd.
Aluminum Extrusions From the People's Republic of China: Partial Rescission of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
On June 27, 2014, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published in the Federal Register a notice of initiation of an administrative review of the antidumping duty (AD) order on aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China (PRC), based on multiple timely requests for an administrative review.\1\ The review covers 155 companies. Based on the timely withdrawal of the requests for review of certain companies, we are now rescinding this administrative review with respect to the 116 companies identified in the Appendix to this notice.\2\
Fishing Capacity Reduction Program for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery
NMFS issues this notice to inform interested parties that the Oregon coastal Dungeness crab sub-loan in the fishing capacity reduction program for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery has been repaid. Therefore, buyback fee collections on Oregon coastal Dungeness crab will cease for all landings after December 31, 2014.
Virginia Electric and Power Company D/B/A Dominion Virginia Power, North Anna Power Station, Unit 3
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is withdrawing the intent to prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) published in the Federal Register on February 7, 2011. The purpose of the SEIS the NRC had intended to prepare was to address any impacts that would have resulted from a change in the reactor technology referenced in the North Anna Power Station (NAPS) Unit 3 Combined License (COL) application. The intent to prepare a SEIS is being withdrawn because of the applicant's decision to return to the original reactor design, as referenced and evaluated in an earlier SEIS for the NAPS.
Inland Waterways Users Board; Request for Nominations
Section 302 of Public Law 99-662 established the Inland Waterways Users Board. The Board is an independent Federal advisory committee. The Secretary of the Army appoints its 11 (eleven) representative organizations. This notice is to solicit nominations for 1 appointment to a two-year term that will begin after May 28, 2015.
Community Oriented Policing Services; Public Meetings With Members of the Research Community, Subject-Matter Experts and the Public To Discuss Topics Relating to Policing
On December 18, 2014, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13684 titled ``Establishment of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing'' establishing the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing (``Task Force''). The Task Force seeks to identify best practices and make recommendations to the President on how policing practices can promote effective crime reduction while building public trust and examine, among other issues, how to foster strong, collaborative relationships between local law enforcement and the communities they protect. The Task Force will be holding public meetings to address the topics of Community Policing & Crime Reduction and Training & Education. The meeting agendas are as follows:
Verification and Validation of Selected Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft NUREG, NUREG-1824 (EPRI 3002002182), ``Verification and Validation of Selected Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications, Supplement 1.''
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.; Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station
On December 9, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) solicited comments on, among other proposed actions, a proposed amendment for the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station in a notice entitled, ``Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations.'' According to the notice, comments were required to be filed by January 8, 2015. Due to concerned stakeholders seeking additional time to provide comments, the NRC has decided to reopen the public comment period for the proposed amendment to the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Renewed Facility Operating License.
Issuance of an NPDES General Permit for Oil and Gas Geotechnical Surveys and Related Activities in Federal Waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
The Director, Office of Water and Watersheds, EPA Region 10, is publishing notice of availability of the final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Oil and Gas Geotechnical Surveys and Related Activities in Federal Waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas (Geotechnical General Permit; Permit No. AKG- 28-4300). The Geotechnical General Permit authorizes twelve types of discharges from facilities engaged in oil and gas geotechnical surveys to evaluate the subsurface characteristics of the seafloor and related activities in federal waters of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Geotechnical borings are collected to assess the structural properties of subsurface soil conditions for potential placement of oil and gas installations, which may include production and drilling platforms, ice islands, anchor structures for floating exploration drilling vessels, and potential buried pipeline corridors. Geotechnical surveys result in a disturbance of the seafloor and produce discharges consisting of soil, rock and cuttings materials, in addition to facility-specific waste streams authorized under this General Permit. Geotechnical related activities also result in a disturbance of the seafloor and produce similar discharges. These activities may include feasibility testing of equipment that disturbs the seafloor, and testing and evaluation of trenching technologies. The Geotechnical General Permit contains effluent limitations and requirements that ensure the discharges will not cause an unreasonable degradation of the marine environment, as required by Section 403(c) of the Clean Water Act (i.e. Ocean Discharge Criteria Evaluation). 33 U.S.C. 1342(c).
Termination of Dormant Proceedings
In this document, the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB), terminates, as dormant, certain docketed Commission proceedings. The Commission believes that termination of these proceedings furthers the Commission's organizational goals of increasing the efficiency of its decision-making, modernizing the agency's processes in the digital age, and enhancing the openness and transparency of Commission proceedings for practitioners and the public.
Notice of Status Update on the Proposed Determination for the Pebble Deposit Area, Southwest Alaska
On July 21, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published in the Federal Register a Notice of Proposed Determination, under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act, to restrict the use of certain waters in the South Fork Koktuli River, North Fork Koktuli River, and Upper Talarik Creek watersheds in Southwest Alaska as disposal sites for dredged or fill material associated with mining the Pebble deposit, a copper-, gold-, and molybdenum-bearing ore body. On September 19, 2014, EPA published in the Federal Register a notice extending the time period to either withdraw the Proposed Determination or to prepare the Recommended Determination until no later than February 4, 2015. As part of ongoing litigation brought by the Pebble Limited Partnership, on November 25, 2014, a Federal District Court Judge issued a preliminary injunction that requires EPA to stop all work connected to the 404(c) proceeding, including reviewing and considering public comments. EPA is complying with the court's order and as such is not taking any steps to withdraw the Proposed Determination or to prepare a Recommended Determination while the preliminary injunction is in place.
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: NAC International MAGNASTOR® System; Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 4
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending its spent fuel storage regulations to add Amendment No. 4 to the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1031 for the NAC International MAGNASTOR[supreg] System. Amendment No. 4 changes a limiting condition for operation (LCO) in the technical specifications for transportable storage canister (TSC) vacuum drying and helium backfill times, and corrects a typographical error. The NRC approval of this Amendment would not authorize transportation.
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Low-Energy Marine Geophysical Survey in the Ross Sea, January to February 2015
In accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), notification is hereby given that NMFS has issued an IHA to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Polar Programs, and Antarctic Support Contract (ASC) on behalf of Louisiana State University, to take marine mammals, by Level B harassment, incidental to conducting a low-energy marine geophysical (seismic) survey in the Ross Sea, January to February 2015.
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks: NAC International MAGNASTOR® System, Certificate of Compliance No. 1031, Amendment No. 4
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing to amend its spent fuel storage regulations to add Amendment No. 4 to the Certificate of Compliance (CoC) No. 1031 for the NAC International MAGNASTOR[supreg] System. Amendment No. 4 changes a limiting condition for operation in the technical specifications for transportable storage canister vacuum drying and helium backfill times, and corrects a typographical error. The NRC approval of this Amendment would not authorize transportation.
Western Pacific Fishery Management Council; Public Meetings
The Eight Regional Fishery Management Councils (RFMCs) will convene a meeting of representatives of their respective Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) in Honolulu, HI.
Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico; Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review (SEDAR); Public Meetings
The SEDAR 42 assessment of Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper will consist of a series of webinars. This notice is for a webinar associated with the Assessment portion of the SEDAR process. See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Final Collection; Comment Request
The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank), as a part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal Agencies to comment on the proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This form will enable Ex-Im Bank to identify the specific details of the proposed co-financing transaction between a U.S. exporter, Ex-Im Bank, and a foreign export credit agency; the information collected includes vital facts such as the amount of U.S.-made content in the export, the amount of financing requested from Ex-Im Bank, and the proposed financing amount from the foreign export credit agency. These details are necessary for approving this unique transaction structure and coordinating our support with that of the foreign export credit agency to ultimately complete the transaction and support U.S. exportsand U.S. jobs. The form can be viewed at: https://www.exim.gov/pub/pending/eib11-04.pdf.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revision to the Regulations for the Nonessential Experimental Population of the Mexican Wolf; Correction
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, published a final rule in the Federal Register on January 16, 2015, that revises the regulations for the nonessential experimental population of the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi). In that rule, we made an error in our description of Phase 2 by stating that dispersal and occupancy of Mexican wolves west of Interstate 17 will be limited to the area west of Highway 89 in Arizona. We intended to state that dispersal and occupancy of Mexican wolves west of Interstate 17 will be limited to the area east of Highway 89. With this document, we correct our error.
Submission for OMB Review; 30-Day Comment Request Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (NIH)
Under the provisions of Section 3507(a)(1)(D) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) a request for review and approval of the information collection listed below. This proposed information collection was previously published in the Federal Register on November 21, 2014, volume #79, page 69500 and allowed 60 days for public comment. No public comments were received. The purpose of this notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comment. The NIH may not conduct or sponsor, and the respondent is not required to respond to, an information collection that has been extended, revised, or implemented on or after October 1, 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Direct Comments to OMB: Written comments and/or suggestions regarding the item(s) contained in this notice, especially regarding the estimated public burden and associated response time, should be directed to the: Office of Management and Budget, Office of Regulatory Affairs, OIRA_submission@omb.eop.gov or by fax to 202-395-6974, Attention: NIH Desk Officer. Comment Due Date: Comments regarding this information collection are best assured of having their full effect if received within 30 days of the date of this publication.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Regulation Project
The Department of the Treasury, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Nominations to the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability
The Office of Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) is seeking nominations of qualified individuals to be considered for appointment as members of the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability (ACBTSA). ACBTSA is a Federal advisory committee within the Department of Health and Human Services. Management support for the activities of this Committee is the responsibility of the OASH. The qualified individuals will be nominated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services for consideration of appointment as members of the ACBTSA. Members of the Committee, including the Chair, are appointed by the Secretary. Members are invited to serve on the Committee for up to four-year terms.
Loan Guaranty: Adjustable Rate Mortgage Notification Requirements and Look-Back Period
This document proposes to amend the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Loan Guaranty Service (LGY) regulations that govern adjustable rate mortgages made in conjunction with the Home Loan Guaranty program. These revisions would align VA's disclosure and interest rate adjustment requirements with the implementing regulations of the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), as recently revised by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Specifically, the rule would amend the timing, content, and format requirements for the disclosures provided to borrowers prior to an interest-rate adjustment. The proposed regulation would also require that an interest-rate adjustment correspond with the interest rate index available 45 days prior to the adjustment. This proposed rulemaking would ensure VA's consistency with other applicable consumer finance and housing regulations governing adjustable rate mortgages.
Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability
As stipulated by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is hereby giving notice that the Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability (ACBTSA) will hold a meeting. The meeting will be open to the public.
Commission To Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories
This notice announces an open meeting of the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories (Commission). The Commission was created pursuant section 319 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, Public Law 113-76, and in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C. App. 2. This notice is provided in accordance with the Act.
Establishment of a New Fee Area at Congaree National Park
Congaree National Park in South Carolina plans to collect expanded amenity recreation fees at the Longleaf Campground and Bluff Campground beginning in early 2015. Revenue will be used to cover the cost of collections at the campground and for deferred maintenance in the park.
Application for Recognition as a 501(c)(29) Organization
This document contains final regulations authorizing the IRS to prescribe the procedures by which certain entities may apply to the IRS for recognition of exemption from Federal income tax. These regulations affect qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers participating in the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan program established by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that seek exemption from federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code.
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics announces a proposed public information collection and seeks public comment on the provisions thereof. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Notice of Receipt of Complaint; Solicitation of Comments Relating to the Public Interest
Notice is hereby given that the U.S. International Trade Commission has received a complaint entitled Certain Audio Processing Hardware and Software and Products Containing Same, DN 3053; the Commission is soliciting comments on any public interest issues raised by the complaint or complainant's filing under section 210.8(b) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 210.8(b)).
Intent To Prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (Supplement 2) for the Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet, Louisiana, New Industrial Canal Lock and Connecting Channels Project, New Orleans, LA
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), New Orleans District intends to prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), integrated with a General Reevaluation Report, for the Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico Mississippi River- Gulf Outlet, Louisiana New Industrial Canal Lock and Connecting Channels Project, hereinafter referred to as ``the Project''. This project is sometimes referred to as the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) Lock Replacement Project. This will be the second supplemental EIS prepared for this project.
Filing of Plats of Survey: California
The plats of survey of lands described below are scheduled to be officially filed in the Bureau of Land Management California State Office, Sacramento, California.
Meeting of the National Coordination Committee on the AI/AN SANE-SART Initiative
The National Coordination Committee on the American Indian/ Alaska Native (AI/AN) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Initiative (``National Coordination Committee'' or ``Committee'') will meet to carry out its mission to provide advice to assist the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to promote culturally relevant, victim-centered responses to sexual violence within AI/AN communities. Dates and Locations: The meeting will be held via webinar on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. The webinar is open to the public for participation. There will be a designated time for the public to speak, and the public can observe and submit comments in writing to Shannon May, the Designated Federal Official. Webinar space is limited. To register for the webinar, please provide your full contact information to Shannon May (contact information below).
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Blood Establishment Registration and Product Listing
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Appeals of Science-Based Decisions Above the Division Level at the Center for Veterinary Medicine
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Medical Device Labeling Regulations
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
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