October 17, 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 168
Disclosure of Short Sales and Short Positions by Institutional Investment Managers
The Commission is adopting an interim final temporary rule requiring certain institutional investment managers to file information on Form SH concerning their short sales and positions of section 13(f) securities, other than options. The new rule extends the reporting requirements established by our Emergency Orders dated September 18, 2008, September 21, 2008 and October 2, 2008, with some modifications. The extension will be effective until August 1, 2009. Consistent with the Orders, the rule requires an institutional investment manager that exercises investment discretion with respect to accounts holding section 13(f) securities having an aggregate fair market value of at least $100 million to file Form SH with the Commission following a calendar week in which it effected a short sale in a section 13(f) security, with some exceptions.
Extension of Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule Deadline for Authorized Programs
EPA is proposing to amend the Final Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR) deadline for authorized programs (states, tribes, or local governments) with existing electronic document receiving systems to submit an application for EPA approval to revise or modify their authorized programs. This action proposes to extend the current October 13, 2008, deadline until January 13, 2010. Additionally, in the ``Rules and Regulations'' section of this Federal Register, EPA is making this revision as a direct final rule without a prior proposed rule. If the Agency receives no relevant adverse comment, EPA will not take further action on this proposed rule.
Extension of Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule Deadline for Authorized Programs
EPA is taking direct final action to amend the Final Cross- Media Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR) deadline for authorized programs (states, tribes, or local governments) with existing electronic document receiving systems to submit an application for EPA approval to revise or modify their authorized programs. This action will extend the current October 13, 2008, deadline until January 13, 2010.
Receipt of Application for Incidental Take Permit for One Condominium Complex in Escambia County, FL
Seabreeze Properties, LLC (Applicant) requests an incidental take permit (ITP) under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended. The Applicant anticipates taking Perdido Key beach mice (Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis) incidental to developing, constructing, and human occupancy of a condominium complex in Escambia County, Florida (Project). The Applicant's Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) describes the mitigation and minimization measures proposed to address the effects of the Project to the Perdido Key beach mouse.
Incidental Take Permit Application for Pleasant Rifts Housing Development, Dorchester County, MD
This notice advises the public that RB & JH Properties, LLC (applicant) has applied to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for an incidental take permit under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended. The proposed permit would authorize incidental take of the endangered Delmarva fox squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus) (DFS) that is likely to occur on the Pleasant Rifts Housing Development, a 29.6-acre property owned by the applicant near Secretary, in Dorchester County, Maryland. We also announce the availability for public comment of a draft habitat conservation plan (HCP) prepared under the Act in support of the permit application and a draft environmental assessment (EA) for the action prepared in accordance with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on an Application for a Department of the Army Permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act by the Upper Trinity Regional Water District for the Construction of Lake Ralph Hall, a Proposed 7,605-Surface-Acre Water Supply Reservoir in Fannin County, TX
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District (USACE) has received an application for a Department of the Army permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) from the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD) to construct Lake Ralph Hall. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the USACE has determined that issuance of such a permit may have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment and, therefore, requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The USACE intends to prepare an EIS to assess the environmental, social, and economic effects of issuance of a Department of the Army permit under Section 404 of the CWA for discharges of dredged and fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.) associated with the construction of the proposed water supply reservoir. In the EIS, the USACE will assess potential impacts associated with a range of alternatives.
Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge, Pike and Gibson Counties, Indiana
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce that the Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Environmental Assessment (EA) are available for Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge. Goals and objectives in the CCP describe how the agency intends to manage the refuge over the next 15 years.
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
EPA expressed environmental objections to the proposed action alternatives due to the potential for substantial and unacceptable impacts to the Poudre and South Platte Rivers, and expressed concern that the DEIS may not contain sufficient information to fully assess the potential water quality and wetland impacts of the proposed action alternatives. Rating EO2.
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security Emergency Personnel Location Records System of Records
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and as part of the Department of Homeland Security's ongoing effort to review and update legacy system of record notices, the Department of Homeland Security proposes to consolidate two legacy record systems: FEMA/NP-1 Emergency Assignment Records, September 7, 1990, and FEMA/NP-2 Key Personnel Central Locator List, September 7, 1990, into one Department of Homeland Security-wide system of records. This system will allow the Department of Homeland Security and its components to contact necessary Departmental personnel, including Federal employees and contractors, and other individuals to respond to all hazards emergencies including technical, manmade or natural disasters, or to participate in exercises. Categories of individuals, categories of records, and the routine uses of these legacy system of records notices have been consolidated and updated to better reflect the Department's emergency personnel location record systems. This reclassified system, titled Emergency Personnel Location Records, will be included in the Department's inventory of record systems.
Endangered and Threatened Species; Take of Anadromous Fish
Notice is hereby given that East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), 1 Winemasters Way, Lodi, CA 95240, has been issued a permit to take Central Valley, California steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) for purposes of scientific research.
Endangered and Threatened Species; Take of Anadromous Fish
This notice advises the public that a scientific research permit has been issued to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, pursuant of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), and that the decision documents are available upon request.
Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act; Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act; Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act; Executive Order 13449; Protection of Striped Bass and Red Drum Populations
This notice announces that NMFS has determined that the regulatory requirements of Executive Order (E.O.) 13449, ``Protection of Striped Bass and Red Drum Fish Populations'' are fulfilled. The E.O. authorized the Secretary of Commerce to revise regulations as appropriate, to include the prohibition of sale of striped bass and red drum caught within the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Upon review of existing regulations, NMFS has determined that current prohibitions on the possession and sale of striped bass and red drum caught in the EEZ achieve the intent of the E.O., thus no further action is warranted at this time.
Federal Consistency Appeal by the Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control and Wetlands Management District
This announcement provides notice that the Northeast Massachusetts Mosquito Control and Wetlands Management District (the District) has filed an administrative appeal with the U.S. Department of Commerce (the Department), asking that the Department override an objection by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (Massachusetts). Massachusetts objects to the District's proposed Open Marsh Water Management (OMWM) program.
Amendments to Regulation SHO
The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') is adopting an interim final temporary rule under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange Act'') to address abusive ``naked'' short selling in all equity securities by requiring that participants of a clearing agency registered with the Commission deliver securities by settlement date, or if the participants have not delivered shares by settlement date, immediately purchase or borrow securities to close out the fail to deliver position by no later than the beginning of regular trading hours on the settlement day following the day the participant incurred the fail to deliver position. Failure to comply with the close-out requirement of the temporary rule is a violation of the temporary rule. In addition, a participant that does not comply with this close-out requirement, and any broker-dealer from which it receives trades for clearance and settlement, will not be able to short sell the security either for itself or for the account of another, unless it has previously arranged to borrow or borrowed the security, until the fail to deliver position is closed out.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection, Comment Request-Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Title VI Civil Rights Collection Reports
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment on a proposed information collection. The collection is a revision of a collection currently approved under OMB No. 0584-0025, Civil Rights Title VI Collection ReportsForms FNS-191 and FNS-101, for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Receipt of Application for an Incidental Take Permit for the City Gate Project in Collier County, FL
Citygate Development, LLC and CG II, LLC (Applicants) request an incidental take permit (ITP) pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act) for the take of the red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) and the Florida panther (Puma (=Felis) concolor coryi). The Applicants propose to develop 240 acres of occupied red-cockaded woodpecker and Florida panther habitat to construct a mixed-use, nonresidential, commercial/industrial office park complex (Project) in Collier County, Florida. The modification of this habitat is expected to result in incidental take, in the form of harm, of one group of red-cockaded woodpeckers and harassment of the Florida panther. The Applicants' Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) describes the mitigation and minimization measures proposed to address the effects of the Project on the red-cockaded woodpecker and Florida panther. These measures are outlined in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below.
Second Meeting, Special Committee 213/EUROCAE: Enhanced Flight Vision Systems/Synthetic Vision Systems (EFVS/SVS), EUROCAE Working Group 79 (WG-79).
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a first meeting of RTCA Special Committee 213, Standards for Air Traffic Data Communication Services.
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 727-100 and 727-200 Series Airplanes
We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Boeing Model 727-100 and 727-200 series airplanes. This proposed AD would require repetitive internal and external high frequency eddy current, mid frequency eddy current, low frequency eddy current, and magneto optic imaging inspections to detect cracks, corrosion, delamination, and materials loss in the lower fastener row of the lower skin and the upper fastener row of the upper skin, and corrective actions if necessary. This proposed AD results from a report of decompression in a Boeing Model 737 airplane at flight level 290. We are proposing this AD to detect and correct scratches and excessive reduction in material thickness from excessive blend-out or corrosion, which could lead to premature cracking in the lap joint. Such cracking could adversely affect the structural integrity of the airplane.
Export Trade Certificate of Review
On June 12, 2008, Export Trading Company Affairs published a notice in the Federal Register (73 FR 3394) of an application for an Export Trade Certificate of Review submitted by the American Sugar Export Company LLC (ASEC). On October 8, 2008, ASEC withdrew its application.
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security Accounts Receivable System of Records
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and as part of the Department of Homeland Security's ongoing effort to review and update legacy system of record notices, the Department of Homeland Security proposes to consolidate five legacy record systems: Treasury/CS.005 Accounts Receivable, October 18, 2001, Treasury/CS.030 Bankrupt Parties-In-Interest, October 18, 2001, Treasury/CS.031 Bills Issued Files, October 18, 2001, Treasury/CS.211 Sanction List, October 18, 2001, and FEMA/OC-2, Debt Collection Files, December 3, 1993, into one Department-wide system of records. This system will allow the Department to collect and maintain records of debts owed to the Department. Categories of individuals, categories of records, and the routine uses of these legacy system of records notices have been consolidated and updated to better reflect the Department's accounts receivable record systems. This consolidated system, titled Accounts Receivable, will be included in the Department's inventory of records systems.
Regulations Governing the Production of Office of the Director of National Intelligence Information or Material in Proceedings Before Federal, State, Local or Other Government Entity of Competent Jurisdiction
The ODNI is publishing this proposed regulation to invite public comment prior to final adoption of the regulation governing the procedures it will follow for the production of ODNI information or material in proceedings before federal, state, local or other government entity of competent jurisdiction.
Crawfish Tail Meat from the People's Republic of China: Notice of Court Decision Not in Harmony with Final Results of Administrative Review
On September 12, 2008, the United States Court of International Trade (CIT) sustained the Department of Commerce's (the Department) results of redetermination pursuant to the CIT's remand in China Kingdom Import & Export Co., Ltd.; Yancheng Yaou Seafood Co., Ltd.; and Qingdao Zhengri Seafood Co., Ltd. v. United States, Consol. Ct. No. 03-00302, Slip Op. 08-96 (CIT September 12, 2008) (China Kingdom v. United States II). See Results of Redetermination Pursuant to Remand, dated March 3, 2008 (available at https://ia.ita.doc.gov/ remands). Consistent with the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) in Timken Co. v. United States, 893 F.2d 337 (Fed. Cir. 1990) (Timken), the Department is notifying the public that the final judgment in this case is not in harmony with the Department's final results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on certain crawfish tail meat from the People's Republic of China (PRC) covering the period of review (POR) of September 1, 2000, through August 31, 2001. See Freshwater Crawfish Tail Meat from the People's Republic of China; Notice of Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 68 FR 19504 (April 21, 2003) (Final Results).
Procedures Governing the Acceptance of Service of Process Upon the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Its Employees in Their Official, Individual or Combined Official and Individual Capacities
The ODNI is publishing this proposed regulation to invite public comment prior to final adoption of the regulation governing the procedures it will follow for the acceptance of service of process upon the ODNI and its employees in their official, individual or combined official and individual capacities.
Announcing Approval of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 180-3, Secure Hash Standard, a Revision of FIPS 180-2, Secure Hash Standard
This notice announces the Secretary of Commerce's approval of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 180-3, Secure Hash Standard, a revision of FIPS 180-2, Secure Hash Standard. The FIPS specifies five secure hash algorithms for use in computing a condensed representation of electronic data, or a message digest. Secure hash algorithms are used with other cryptographic algorithms, such as digital signature algorithms and keyed hash message authentication codes. The revised FIPS incorporates the four hash algorithms that had been specified in FIPS 180-2, and includes an additional algorithm that had been specified in Change Notice 1 to FIPS 180-2. In addition, a basic description of a truncation method that was provided in the Change Notice has been incorporated into the standard. Some technical information in FIPS 180-2 about the security of the hash algorithms may no longer be accurate, as shown by recent research results, and it is possible that further research may indicate additional changes. Therefore, the technical information has been removed from the revised standard, and will be provided in Special Publications (SPs) 800-107 and 800-57, which can be updated in a timely fashion as the technical conditions change.
Amendments to Regulation SHO
The Securities and Exchange Commission (``Commission'') is adopting amendments to Regulation SHO under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (``Exchange Act''). The amendments are intended to further reduce the number of persistent fails to deliver in certain equity securities by eliminating the options market maker exception to the close-out requirement of Regulation SHO. As a result of the amendments, fails to deliver in threshold securities that result from hedging activities by options market makers will no longer be excepted from Regulation SHO's close-out requirement. The Commission is also providing guidance regarding bona fide market making activities for purposes of the market maker exception to Regulation SHO's locate requirement.
Privacy Act of 1974; Department of Homeland Security Grievances, Appeals, and Disciplinary Action Records System of Records
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 and as part of the Department of Homeland Security's ongoing effort to review and update legacy system of record notices, the Department of Homeland Security proposes to consolidate four legacy record systems: Treasury/CS.077 Disciplinary Action Grievance and Appeal Case Files, October 18, 2001, Treasury/CS.159 Notification of Personnel Management Division When an Employee is Placed Under Investigation by the Office of Internal Affairs, October 18, 2001, FEMA/NETC-3 Records of Alleged Misconduct of Students Attending Training Courses at the National Emergency Training Center, September 7, 1990, and FEMA/PER-1 Grievance Records, September 7, 1990, into one Department of Homeland Security-wide system of records. The Department of Homeland Security also proposes to partially consolidate Treasury/USSS.002 Chief Counsel Record System, August 28, 2001, into this system. This system will allow the Department of Homeland Security to document all current and former Department of Homeland Security personnel who have been the subject of proposed or final disciplinary action, have filed a grievance or appeal, or have been suspected of misconduct. Categories of individuals, categories of records, and the routine uses of these legacy systems of records notices have been consolidated and updated to better reflect the Department's grievances, appeals, and disciplinary action record systems. DHS is issuing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) concurrent with this SORN elsewhere in the Federal Register. The exemptions for the legacy system of records notices will continue to be applicable until the final rule for this SORN has been completed. This consolidated system, titled Grievances, Appeals, and Disciplinary Action, will be included in the Department's inventory of record systems.
Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
Declaration pursuant to section 319F-3 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d) to provide targeted liability protections for smallpox countermeasures based on a credible risk that the threat of exposure to variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox or other orthopoxvirus and the resulting disease constitutes a public health emergency.
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