December 13, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 50 of 109
Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Teleconference
Notice of Availability of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for the Hanford Reach National Monument and Notification of Public Meetings
The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces that the Draft Hanford Reach National Monument (Monument) Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Draft CCP/EIS) is available for review and comment. The Draft CCP/EIS describes the Service's proposal for managing the Monument for the next 15 years. Proposed changes to Monument management include: Opening additional acres to public use; implementing an upland and riparian habitat management program; developing and implementing cultural resource monitoring and management plans; establishing partnerships and community outreach programs to refine management of natural, cultural and recreational resources; establishing an environmental education program; and expanding interpretive, wildlife viewing, and wildlife photography facilities and programs. Draft compatibility determinations for several different public uses are also available for review with the Draft CCP/EIS.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Matisse: Painter as Sculptor”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Matisse: Painter as Sculptor'', imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners or custodians. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas and the Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, Texas, beginning on or about January 22, 2007 until on or about April 29, 2007, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, beginning on or about June 9, 2007 until on or about September 16, 2007, and the Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland, beginning on or about October 28, 2007 until on or about February 3, 2008, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Card Format Passport; Changes to Passport Fee Schedule
This document extends the comment period and provides an additional venue through which to make comments for the proposed regulation published in the Federal Register of Tuesday, October 17, 2006. The regulation relates to changes to the Department's Passport Fee Schedule, and defines the passport card.
Additional Designation of Individuals Pursuant To Executive Order 13224
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (``OFAC'') is publishing the names of five newly-designated individuals whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, ``Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism.''
Alaska Native Claims Selection
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision approving lands for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will be issued to The Kuskokwim Corporation, Successor in Interest to Kipchaughpuk Limited. The lands are in the vicinity of the Native village of Crooked Creek, Alaska, and are located in:
Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management District
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announces that a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) and Wetland Management District (WMD) is available. This CCP describes how the Service intends to manage this Refuge and WMD for the next 15 years.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “Jeff Wall”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``Jeff Wall'', imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners or custodians. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, beginning on or about February 25, 2007 until on or about May 14, 2007, the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, beginning on or about June 30, 2007 until on or about September 23, 2007, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, beginning on or about October 21, 2007 until on or about January 27, 2008, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Culturally Significant Objects Imported for Exhibition Determinations: “The Temptations of Flora: Jan van Huysum (1682-1749)”
Notice is hereby given of the following determinations: Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 985; 22 U.S.C. 2459), Executive Order 12047 of March 27, 1978, the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (112 Stat. 2681, et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6501 note, et seq.), Delegation of Authority No. 234 of October 1, 1999, Delegation of Authority No. 236 of October 19, 1999, as amended, and Delegation of Authority No. 257 of April 15, 2003 [68 FR 19875], I hereby determine that the objects to be included in the exhibition ``The Temptations of Flora: Jan van Huysum (1682-1749)'', imported from abroad for temporary exhibition within the United States, are of cultural significance. The objects are imported pursuant to loan agreements with the foreign owners or custodians. I also determine that the exhibition or display of the exhibit objects at The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, in Houston, Texas, from on or about February 18, 2007, until on or about May 20, 2007, and at possible additional venues yet to be determined, is in the national interest. Public Notice of these Determinations is ordered to be published in the Federal Register.
Notice of Resource Advisory Committee Meeting
Pursuant to the authorities in the Federal Advisory Committees Act (Public Law 92-463) and under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-393) the Modoc National Forest's Modoc Resource Advisory Committee will meet Monday, January 8, 2007 in Alturas, California for business meetings. The meetings are open to the public.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Brake Hoses
NHTSA published a final rule in December 2004 that amended the Federal motor vehicle safety standard on brake hoses, and announced an effective date of December 20, 2006. The agency has received several petitions for reconsideration of the rule and a petition to delay the effective date of the final rule. To allow for more time to respond to petitions for reconsideration, and to give industry more time to meet new requirements, this document delays the effective date of the final rule for one year, to December 20, 2007. This decision was made after NHTSA published a notice of proposed rulemaking on November 15, 2006, soliciting public comment on whether the effective date should be extended. All commenters wrote in support of extending the effective date.
Notice of Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review: Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bars from Latvia
On August 8, 2006, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of its fourth administrative review of the antidumping duty order on steel concrete reinforcing bars (rebar) from Latvia. The review covers one producer of the subject merchandise. The period of review (POR) is September 1, 2004, through August 31, 2005. Based on our analysis of comments received, these final results differ from the preliminary results. The final results are listed below in the Final Results of Review section.
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Submitted for Review to the Office of Management and Budget
The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s), as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law 104-13. An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid control number. Comments are requested concerning (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Land Acquisitions; Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico
The Associate Deputy Secretary made a final agency determination to acquire approximately 31,777.066 acres, more or less, of land into trust for the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico on December 4, 2006. This notice is published in the exercise of authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Associate Deputy Secretary by 209 DM 8.
FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel; Notice of Public Meeting
There will be a 2-day meeting of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel (FIFRA SAP) to consider and review the status of the in utero through lactational assay in the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP).
Clean Water Act Section 303(d): Availability of 10 Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
This notice announces the availability of the administrative record file for comment on 10 TMDLs and the calculations for these TMDLs prepared by EPA Region 6 for waters listed in the state of Arkansas under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA). These TMDLs were completed in response to the lawsuit styled Sierra Club, et al. v. Browner, et al., No. LR-C-99-114.
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) and Federal Implementation Plans for CAIR; Corrections
In this rule, EPA is making minor corrections to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) and the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) for the CAIR to clarify text that may potentially be misleading. This corrections rule does not change any of CAIR or CAIR FIPs rule requirements or substantively change the rules in any way.
Clean Air Act Section 325 Exemption for Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority
The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to grant, with conditions, a Petition, from the Governor of the Virgin Islands, submitted under section 325 of the Clean Air Act (CAA). The Petition requests that EPA exempt the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (VIWAPA) from its obligation to comply with the continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) conditions contained in Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits issued pursuant to section 165 of the CAA to VIWAPA for nine PSD permitted units located on St. Thomas and St. Croix at two of its facilities. This approval will exempt VIWAPA from its obligation to comply for a period of five (5) years with the PSD permit CEMS conditions at seven of its eight PSD permitted combustion turbines and at its two PSD permitted Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) units. These PSD permit CEMS conditions address monitoring of Nitrogen Oxides (NOX), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and opacity emissions. Additionally, VIWAPA sought to extend the Petitioner's request to include waiver of PSD permit CEMS conditions for a new unit, Unit 23. While this approval will not exempt VIWAPA from the CEMS obligations for Unit 23, it does provide VIWAPA additional time to comply with the CEMS permit conditions. This approval may be revoked or modified if significant changes in circumstances occur at either one or both of the two VIWAPA facilities. Failure to comply with the conditions included in this approval at Section VII (Conditions of Approval), hereinafter called ``Conditions,'' could result in the approval of the exemption being revoked by the Administrator as well as civil and/or criminal enforcement action under the Clean Air Act.
Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip in Coils From Germany; Notice of Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
On August 8, 2006, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of administrative review of the antidumping duty order covering stainless steel sheet and strip in coils from Germany. See Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip in Coils from Germany; Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 71 FR 45024 (August 8, 2006) (Preliminary Results). The merchandise covered by this order is stainless steel sheet and strip in coils as described in the ``Scope of the Order'' section of this notice. The period of review (POR) is July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005. In the Preliminary Results we invited parties to provide comments. Based on our analysis of the comments received, we have made changes to the margin calculation. Therefore, the final results differ from the preliminary results. The final weighted-average dumping margin for the reviewed firm is listed below in the section entitled ``Final Results of the Review.''
Charges For Certain Disclosures
The Federal Trade Commission announces that the ceiling on allowable charges under Section 612(f) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (``FCRA'') will remain unchanged at $10.00 for 2007. Under 1996 amendments to the FCRA, the Federal Trade Commission is required to increase the $8.00 amount referred to in paragraph (1)(A)(i) of Section 612(f) on January 1 of each year, based proportionally on changes in the Consumer Price Index (``CPI''), with fractional changes rounded to the nearest fifty cents. The CPI increased 25.88 percent between September 1997, the date the FCRA amendments took effect, and September 2006. This increase in the CPI and the requirement that any increase be rounded to the nearest fifty cents results in no change in the current maximum allowable charge of $10.00.
Data Collection Available for Public Comments and Recommendations
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice announces the Small Business Administration's intentions to request approval on a new and/or currently approved information collection.
Special Conditions: Airbus Model A380-800 Airplane; Fire Protection
These special conditions are issued for the Airbus A380-800 airplane, which has novel and unusual design features, such as a full- length, double deck passenger cabin and electrical equipment bays distributed throughout the airplane. For these design features, the applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards regarding fire protection. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards. Additional special conditions will be issued for other novel or unusual design features of the Airbus Model A380-800 airplane.
Special Conditions: Airbus Model A380-800 Airplane, Lithium Ion Battery Installation
These special conditions are issued for the Airbus A380-800 airplane. This airplane will have novel or unusual design features when compared to the state of technology envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category airplanes. The Airbus A380-800 will incorporate the use of high capacity lithium ion battery technology in on-board systems. For this design feature, the applicable airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards regarding lithium ion batteries. These special conditions contain the additional safety standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing airworthiness standards.
Airworthiness Directives; MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH Propellers
The FAA proposes to supersede an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for certain MT-Propeller Entwicklung GmbH variable pitch and fixed pitch propellers manufactured before 1995 which had not been overhauled since April 1994. That AD currently requires overhauling the propeller blades and performing initial and repetitive visual inspections of affected propeller blades. That AD also requires removing all propeller blades from service with damaged erosion sheath bonding or loose erosion sheaths and installing any missing or damaged polyurethane protective strips. This proposed AD would require the same actions. This proposed AD results from the need to clarify the population of affected propellers previously listed in AD 2006-05-05. We are proposing this AD to prevent erosion sheath separation leading to damage of the airplane.
Request for Comments on Land Acquisitions Information Collection
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is seeking comments on the proposed renewal of the information collection, 25 CFR part 151 Land Acquisitions, OMB Control Number 1076-0100.
Brucellosis in Cattle; Research Facilities
We are proposing to amend the brucellosis regulations in order to facilitate research to be conducted on brucellosis-exposed or infected animals. Under the current regulations, such research could adversely affect a State's brucellosis classification. For example, the criteria for achieving and maintaining Class Free status provide that all cattle herds in the State or area must be released from quarantine and remain free of brucellosis for 12 consecutive months. Because the current definition of herd includes animals held in a research facility, a State could lose its Class Free status by allowing such research. By providing an exception for brucellosis-exposed or infected animals held within federally approved research facilities, this proposed rule would enable the initiation of necessary brucellosis research in Class Free States.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Postmarket Surveillance
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
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