Land Acquisitions; Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico, 74933-74937 [E6-21202]

Download as PDF hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 239 / Wednesday, December 13, 2006 / Notices Native American tribes or individuals who request acquisition of real property into trust status. The Secretary also requests additional information necessary to satisfy those pertinent factors listed in 25 CFR 151.10 or 151.11. The information is used to determine whether or not the Secretary will approve an applicant’s request. No specific form is used, but respondents supply information and data, in accordance with 25 CFR 151, so that the Secretary may make an evaluation and determination in accordance with established Federal factors, rules and policies. Frequency of Collection: One Time. Description of Respondents: Native American tribes and individuals desiring acquisition of lands in trust status. Total Respondents: 1,000. Total Annual Responses: 1,000. Total Annual Burden Hours: 59,300 hours. Reason for Response: Required to obtain or retain benefits. The Bureau of Indian Affairs solicits comments in order to: (1) Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the bureau, including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) Evaluate the bureau’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3) Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond. Any public comments will be addressed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ submission of the information collection request to the Office of Management and Budget. We will not sponsor nor conduct a request for information, and you need not respond to such a request unless there is a valid OMB Control Number. Please note that comments are open to public review; if you wish to have your name and address withheld from the reviewing public, you must state so prominently at the beginning of your comments. We will honor your request to the limit of the appropriate laws. All comments from businesses or their representatives will be available for public review. We may decide to withhold information for other reasons. VerDate Aug<31>2005 21:31 Dec 12, 2006 Jkt 211001 Dated: December 8, 2006. Michael D. Olsen, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs. [FR Doc. E6–21183 Filed 12–12–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–W7–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Acquisitions; Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior. ACTION: Notice of final agency determination to take land into trust under 25 CFR part 151. AGENCY: SUMMARY: The Associate Deputy Secretary made a final agency determination to acquire approximately 31,777.066 acres, more or less, of land into trust for the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico on December 4, 2006. This notice is published in the exercise of authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Associate Deputy Secretary by 209 DM 8. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ben Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Chief, Division of Real Estate Services, Mail Stop 4639–MIB, 1849 C Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240, Telephone No. (202) 208–7737. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is published to comply with the requirement of 25 CFR 151.12(b) that notice be given to the public of the Associate Deputy Secretary’s decision to acquire land in trust at least 30 days prior to signatory acceptance of the land into trust. The purpose of the 30 days waiting period in 25 CFR 12(b) is to afford interested parties the opportunity to seek judicial review of final administrative decisions to take land in trust for Indian tribes and individual Indians before transfer of title to the property occurs. On December 4, 2006, the Associate Deputy Secretary decided to accept approximately 31,777.066 acres, more or less, of land into trust for the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico pursuant to the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat., 986; 25 U.S.C. 467). The Associate Deputy Secretary shall acquire title in the name of the United States in trust for the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico for the following parcel of land described below no sooner than 30 days after the date of this notice. New Mexico Principal Meridian, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. All of the following described tracts, pieces, or parcels of land comprising a PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 74933 net area of 31,777.066 acres of land, more or less (including PARCEL ONE, minus its seven exceptions, plus PARCEL TWO), situated within the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, to wit: Parcel One The following described land in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico: Beginning at the point of intersection of the North bank of Canones Creek and the (1913) East right of way line of the Chama-Tierra Amarilla Wagon road, a granite stone 12″ x 5″ x 15″ in a pile of stones marked ‘‘S.W.C.J.T.’’ on East side, whence a cottonwood 18 inches in diameter and marked ‘‘B.T.’’ bears South 3 feet distant and running along the East right of way line of the road aforesaid by courses and distances as follows: N. 10°31′ W., 504.7 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.1’’; thence N. 24°02′ W., 1370 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.2’’; thence N. 2°13′ W., 912.7 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.3’’; thence N. 3°37′ W., 1800 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.4’’; thence N. 0°15′ W., 1200 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.5’’; thence N. 4°57′ E., 1050 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.6’’; thence N. 11°29′ W., 730 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.7’’; thence N. 15°35′ E., 540 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.8’’; thence N. 14°23′ W., 1030 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.9’’; thence N. 1°17′ E., 1032 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.10’’; thence N. 20°20′ W., 430 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.11’’, the point of intersection of the (1913) East right of way line of the said ChamaTierra Amarilla wagon road and the East boundary line of the ‘‘old’’ ChamaTierra Amarilla wagon road as used prior to the year 1912, whence a pine 30 inches in diameter and marked ‘‘B.T.’’ bears S. 76° W., 422.5 feet distant; thence Northerly along the East boundary line of the ‘‘old’’ ChamaTierra Amarilla wagon road last above described by courses and distances as follows: N. 13°46′ E., 520 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.12’’; thence N. 23°43′ W., 1150 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.13’’; thence N. 1°06′ W., 1105 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.14’’; thence N. 25°26′ W., 1020 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.15’’; thence N. 23°29′ W., 1658 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.16’’; thence N. 36°57′ W., 1330 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.17’’; thence N. 29°08′ W., 940 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.18’’; thence N. 15°49′ W., 630 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.19’’; thence N. 29°53′ W., 1150 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.20’’; thence N. 8°16′ W., 462 feet to a pine 8 inches in diameter marked ‘‘V.J.21’’; thence N. 6°07′ E., 2250 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.22’’; thence N. 4°05′ W., 1400 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.23’’; thence N. 14°46′ W., 410 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.24’’; E:\FR\FM\13DEN1.SGM 13DEN1 hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES 74934 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 239 / Wednesday, December 13, 2006 / Notices thence N. 6°06′ W., 600 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.25’’; thence N. 43°13′ W., 352 feet to the point of intersection of the Easterly line of the said ChamaTierra Amarilla wagon road as used prior to 1912, and the Easterly bank of the Chama River, a sandstone 4″ x 12″ x 24″ in a mound of stone and marked ‘‘V.J.26’’, whence a cottonwood 20 inches in diameter bears N. 24°15′ E., 29 feet, and another cottonwood 20 inches in diameter bears S. 73°45′ E., 13.5 feet, each marked ‘‘B.T.’’; thence Northerly following meanders of the said Chama River as nearly as may be practicable, but crossing and recrossing the same, by courses and distances as follows: N. 7°22′ E., 1136 feet to a stone on the West bank of said river bed marked ‘‘V.J.27’’; thence N. 80°28′ E., 540.8 feet, intersecting the South boundary line of a tract of land deeded in the deed given by Charles C. Catron to The Chama Valley Land Company, dated June 12, 1909, and of record in Book 4, pages 119–150 in the office of the Recorder of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, and designated as ‘‘Lands in Chama Valley’’, at a point whence the Southeast corner of said tract bears South 76°00′ E., 1423.1 feet distant, at which point of intersection is placed a sandstone on the East bank of said river 16″ x 12″ x 10″ and marked ‘‘V.J.28’’, whence a pine 12 inches in diameter bears S. 85° E., 89.5 feet and a cottonwood 12 inches in diameter bears S. 17°30′ E., 83 feet distant, each marked ‘‘B.T.V.J.28’’; thence following the boundary lines of the said ‘‘Lands of Chama Valley’’ by courses and distances as follows: S. 76° E., 1423.1 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, a stone marked ‘‘S.E.C.F.B.’’ on West side and ‘‘V.J.’’ on East side; thence, coincident which the East line of said ‘‘Lands in Chama Valley’’, N. 13°15′ E., 8279.9 feet to the Southwest corner of a tract of land excluded for the Chama Cemetery, a stone marked ‘‘S.W.C. Cem.’’ on East and ‘‘F.B.’’ on West side; thence following the boundary lines of said Cemetery S. 78°43′ E., 268.5 feet to the Southeast corner thereof, a stone marked ‘‘S.E.C. Cem.’’; thence N. 13°30′ E., 192.7 feet to the Northeast corner thereof, a stone marked ‘‘N.E.C. Cem.’’; thence N. 78°43′ W., 286.3 feet to the Northwest corner thereof, a stone marked ‘‘N.W.C. Cem.’’ on East and ‘‘F.B.’’ on West, which point also is on the East boundary line of the aforesaid tract ‘‘Lands in Chama Valley’’ and 748.8 feet, S. 13°15′ W., from the Northeast corner thereof; thence N. 13°15′ E., 748.8 feet along the East boundary line of said ‘‘Lands in Chama Valley’’ to the Northeast corner thereof, a stone marked ‘‘N.E.C.F.W.B.’’ VerDate Aug<31>2005 21:31 Dec 12, 2006 Jkt 211001 on South side and ‘‘V.J.’’ on North side; thence following the North boundary line of said ‘‘Lands in Chama Valley’’ N. 71°03′ W., 1862 feet to the Northwest corner thereof, a stone marked ‘‘N.W.C.B.’’ on East and ‘‘D.&R.R.G.’’ on West side, whence a cottonwood 5 inches in diameter bears S. 39° W. 22.2 feet, marked ‘‘B.T.N.W.C.B. 2 D.&R.G.’’ which point also is the Northeast corner No. 2 of a tract of land excluded in the deed of Catron to The Chama Valley Land Company hereinbefore mentioned and designated as ‘‘Depot Grounds of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad at Chama’’; thence following the North line of the said Depot grounds, N. 71°03′ W., 62 feet to an intersection with the East bank of the Chama River aforesaid, a sandstone 4″ x 8″ x 10″ marked ‘‘D. & R. G.’’ on South side and ‘‘V. J.’’ on North side; thence Northerly following the meanders of the said Chama River as nearly as practicable by courses and distances as follows: Thence N. 9°03′ W., 475 feet; thence N. 32°24′ E. 598 feet; thence N. 6°27′ W., 357 feet; thence N. 83°58′ W., 360 feet; thence N. 18°05′ E., 315 feet; thence N. 65°01′ E., 290 feet; thence N. 15°14′ E., 780 feet; thence N. 31°36′ E., 300.8 feet; thence N. 31°03′ W., 603.4 feet; thence N. 17°34′ W., 337.8 feet; thence N. 37°57′ E., 1511.8 feet to the Northwest corner of tract herein conveyed (the point of intersection of the West bank of the Chama River and the South line of a tract of land deeded to one T.D. Burns by the grantor herein mentioned), a conglomerate stone 8″ x 14″ x 20″ marked ‘‘T.B.D.’’ on North side and ‘‘N.W.C.V.J.’’ on South side, whence a cottonwood 6 inches in diameter marked ‘‘B.T.N.W.C.V.J.’’ bears N. 43°30′ W., 89 feet; thence Easterly, coincident with the South boundary line of the said T.D. Burns tract, by courses and distances as follows: S. 44°27′ E., 1453.4 feet; thence N. 74°17′ E., 150 feet; thence N. 62°25′ E., 9058 feet to a point on the summit of Baldy Mountain; thence N. 5°45′ E., 2946 feet to a point on a crest of divide between a tributary of the Chama River and South branch of Wolfe Creek; thence Easterly along the crest of said divide as nearly as may be practicable to a point on the summit of ‘‘Slide Rock’’ Mountain (the course and distances on a direct line, however, being S. 74°21′ E., 17135 feet), a stone marked ‘‘T.D.B.’’ on North side which point also is on the crest of the watershed between Brazos and Chama Rivers; thence Southerly following the crest of the divide between the watershed of the Brazos River and the Chama River and of the Brazos River and Canones Creek as PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 nearly as practicable, by courses and distances as follows: S. 23° 23′ E., 2040.7 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.1E.’’; thence S. 61°51′ E., 796 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.2E.’’; thence S. 79°45′ E., 600 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.3E.’’; thence S. 64°23′ E., 600 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.4E’’; thence S. 20°23′ E., 820 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.B.5E.’’; thence S. 27°12′ E., 1130 feet to a stone marked ‘‘J.6’’; whence a spruce 12 inches in diameter bears S. 60°15′ W., 69 feet, and a spruce 5 inches in diameter bears N. 10° W., 9 feet, each marked ‘‘B.T.V.J.6E.’’; thence S. 33°57′ E., 975 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.7E.’’; thence S. 60°24′ E., 700 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.8E.’’; thence S. 45°05′ E., 547 feet to a spruce stump 4 inches in diameter marked ‘‘V.J.9E.’’; thence S. 29°16′ E., 1861.4 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.10E.’’; thence S. 50°20′ E., 200 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.11E.’’; thence S. 28°41′ E., 270 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.12E’’; thence S. 43°44′ E., 400 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.13E.’’; thence S. 18°19′ E., 238 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 28°17′ E., 445 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 76°01′ E., 254 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 56°39′ E., 250 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 71°03′ E., 275 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence N. 59°13′ E., 668 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’, whence a spruce 8 inches in diameter marked ‘‘B.T.V.J.A.’’ bears N. 28°30′ W., 12 feet; thence S. 70°32′ E., 668 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence N. 82°02′ E., 360 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence N. 80°21′ E., 203.5 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 66°04′ E., 214 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 80°55′ E., 220 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence N. 82°53′ E., 210 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 81°37′ E., 265 feet to a stake marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence N. 46°26′ E., 226 feet; thence N. 84°40′ E., 265.5 feet; thence S. 85°35′ E., 594.7 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.’’, whence a spruce 18 inches in diameter bears N. 63° E., 12 feet and another spruce 18 inches in diameter bears S. 64°30′ W., 26 feet, each marked ‘‘B.T.V.J.’’; thence S. 49°21′ E., 412.6 feet; thence S. 55°48′ E., 258 feet; thence S. 42°33′ E., 252.2 feet; thence S. 63°55′ E., 254 feet; thence S. 25°45′ E., 274.3 feet; thence S. 14°13′ E., 225 feet to a stone 2″ x 10″ x 18″ marked ‘‘V.J.3M’’, whence a spruce 10 inches in diameter bears S. 78°30′ E., 19 feet and a spruce 18 inches in diameter bears N. 6°30′ W., 65 feet, each marked ‘‘V.J.3M.B.T.’’; thence S. 36°27′ E., 505 feet to an iron pipe, 3⁄4 inch diameter, marked ‘‘VJ 36’’, as shown on the plat of the 1998 survey of the Mossman Tract, by William H. Albert, New Mexico Professional E:\FR\FM\13DEN1.SGM 13DEN1 hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 239 / Wednesday, December 13, 2006 / Notices Surveyor No. 7241, filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on July 9, 1998, in Plat Book P–980, page 5719, as Document No. RA 98–256A, from which point New Mexico State Engineer’s Office (N.M.S.E.O) brass cap control station ‘‘CABLE’’, bears S. 86°18′56″ W. (true mean geodetic bearing converted from state plane grid bearing), 43990.84 feet distant (at mean elevation of 7772 feet) (Note: Control station ‘‘CABLE’’ has New Mexico State Plane Coordinate System Central Zone (NAD27), U.S. survey feet coordinates of y = 2,142,009.14 and x = 400,496.13; and the combined grid to ground factor used in the above-described 1998 Albert survey is 1.0004620520 and was computed at N.M.S.E.O. ‘‘CABLE’’ using the mean elevation of 7772 feet.); thence following the meander line of the divide between the Brazos River and Canones Creek watersheds as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 27°31′04″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 598.42 feet; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 4°00′11″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 2405.07 feet; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 16°41′26″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 757.48 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 47°32′26″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1043.01 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 13°58′23″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 983.46 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 5°43′44″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1823.47 feet; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 7°37′00″ W. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1704.80 feet to a fence post, 21⁄2 inches diameter; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 65°11′27″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1195.81 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch VerDate Aug<31>2005 21:31 Dec 12, 2006 Jkt 211001 diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the abovedescribed 1998 Albert plat, S. 87°12′14″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 818.09 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 64°04′44″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 369.69 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 41°35′26″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 539.50 feet to a stone marked ‘‘VJ’’; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 70°33′44″ E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 239.47 feet to a rebar, 1⁄2 inch diameter, with cap marked ‘‘PS 7241’’; thence S. 31°21′ E., 1340 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V. J.’’; thence S. 47°12′ E., 370 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 36°31′ E., 150 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 63°19′ E., 710 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 34°59′ E., 689 feet to a ledge rock marked ‘‘V.J.’’, whence a spruce 12 inches in diameter bears N. 49°15′ E., 18.7 feet and a spruce 10 inches in diameter bears N. 22°30′ E., 59.5 feet, both marked ‘‘B.T.V.J.’’; thence S. 8°10′ E., 7589 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.’’; thence S. 15°36′ E., 2025.8 feet to the Southeast corner of tract herein conveyed, a sandstone 3″ x 8″ x 18″ marked ‘‘S.E.V.J.’’, whence a spruce 14 inches in diameter bears S. 3° E., 19 feet and a spruce 10 inches in diameter bears N. 72° W., 42 feet, each marked ‘‘B.T.S.E.V.J.’’; thence leaving the crest of the divide as aforesaid, following Westerly along the South boundary of what is known as ‘‘El Poso Park’’ by courses and distances as follows: N. 86°57′ W., 1200 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.1S.’’; thence S. 73°33′ W., 168 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.2S.’’; thence S. 25°45′ W., 4038 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.3S’’; thence N. 39° 32′ W., 3847 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.4S.’’; thence N. 65°48′ W., 6360 feet to a stone marked ‘‘V.J.’’ thence N. 77°12′ W., 3070 feet to the head of the Box Canyon of Canones Creek a point on a granite stone located on Northwesterly side of said creek 3 ft. x 3 ft. x 2 ft. and marked ‘‘V.J.’’ on top; thence Southwesterly following the meanders of the said Canones Creek, as nearly as practicable, but crossing and recrossing same, an approximate distance of 3.85 miles to the mouth of said box canyon, a point PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 74935 on the North bank of said creek, at which point is placed a sandstone 6″ x 9″ x 8″ marked ‘‘N.E.A.B.B.T.’’, whence a cottonwood 18 inches in diameter bears N. 58°30′ W., 35 feet, and a pine 30 inches in diameter bears S. 68°30′ E., 74 feet; thence Southwesterly, following the meanders of the Canones Creek as nearly as practicable, but crossing and recrossing same, by courses and distances as follows: S. 66°28′ W., 48.3 feet; thence S. 55°38′ W., 286 feet; thence S. 77°18′ W., 448.5 feet; thence S. 78°08′ W., 320 feet; thence S. 87°27′ W., 106.9 feet; thence N. 67°09′ W., 223.6 feet; thence S. 82°21′ W., 420.1 feet; thence S. 76°59′ W., 24.8 feet; to a 21⁄2 inch iron pipe set in ground, the point of intersection with the East line of the tract of land deeded to Charles A. Daggett by the grantor herein mentioned and 1562.4 feet South from the Northeast corner thereof; thence coincident with the boundary lines of the said Daggett tract by courses and distances as follows: North, 1562.4 feet to the Northeast corner thereof, a stone 14″ x 10″ x 6″ marked ‘‘N.E.C.D.T.’’; thence West, 8220 to the Northwest corner, a granite stone 14″ x 12″ x 7″ marked ‘‘N.W.C.D.T.’’; thence South, 5280 feet to the Southwest corner thereof, a sandstone 12″ x 14″ x 16″ in mound of stone and marked ‘‘S.W.C.D.T .’’, whence corner No. 1 of a tract of reserved land designated in the deed of Catron to The Chama Valley Land Company, hereinbefore mentioned, as ‘‘Tract No. 1 or Canones Tract’’ bears S. 60°18′ W., 7014 feet; thence along said creek N. 87°32′ W., 1200 feet to a point on the North bank thereof; thence with meanders of said creek by crossing and recrossing same, S. 59°02′ W., 2247 feet to the point of beginning of PARCEL ONE, containing a gross area of 32,133.67 acres, more or less (32,075.8 acres + 57.87 acres additional as indicated on the above-described 1998 Albert survey plat)—before the exceptions listed below are subtracted out. All courses true, 1913 magnetic variation 14°30′ East, as obtained by solar observation. Subject however to all exceptions and reservations and also all warranties, defenses and recourses provided for by the Arlington Land Company in its Warranty Deed to Venceslao Jaramillo under date of May 1st, 1913, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and ex-officio County Recorder of Rio Arriba County, State of New Mexico, under date of October 1st, 1913, in vol. No. 19–A, pages 331–344 inclusive. Less and Excepting from the abovedescribed Parcel One, the following seven tracts of land. E:\FR\FM\13DEN1.SGM 13DEN1 74936 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 239 / Wednesday, December 13, 2006 / Notices hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES Less and Excepting Tract One All that portion of the abovedescribed Parcel One (formerly known as the Venceslao Jaramillo Tract) lying West of the centerline of the Santa Fe– Chama Highway as now constructed, which centerline is described as follows, but subject to the easement of way of varying width for said highway: Beginning at centerline Sta. 826+07 of FAP 34–B Reo., Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, a point on the right of way of the present road; thence N. 5° 34′ W., a distance of 3182.1 feet to Sta. 857+89.1, point of curve; thence Northerly on a 0° 30′ curve (radius = 11460 feet) through an arc of 4° 45′ to the right a distance of 950 feet to Sta. 867+39.1, point of tangent; thence N. 0° 49′ W., a distance of 5076.2 feet to Sta. 918+15.3, point of curve; thence Northwesterly on a 1° curve (radius = 5730 feet) thru an arc 20° 17′ to the left a distance of 2028.3 feet to Sta. 938+43.6, point of tangent; thence N. 21° 06′ W., a distance of 1794 feet to Sta. 956+37.6 Back = 955+53.5 ahead; thence continuing N. 21° 06′ W., a distance of 5986.7 feet to Sta. 1015+40.2, point of curve; thence Northerly on a 1° curve (radius = 5730 feet) thru an arc of 9° 47′ to the right a distance of 978.3 feet to Sta. 1025+18.5, point of tangent; thence N. 11° 19′ W., a distance of 1776.5 feet to Sta. 1042+95, a point on the line between the properties of the grantor and Mrs. John Reddington, containing 95.324 acres, more or less. (Note: TRACT ONE, described above, is a parcel of land that was originally excepted in the Warranty Deed from Edward Sargent and Estelle B. Sargent to Chama Land and Cattle Company, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on May 29, 1950, in Book 40, page 160.) Less and Excepting Tract Two All that certain parcel of land, known as the Sargent Canones Ranch, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the Charles A. Daggett tract as described in the deed from the Arlington Land Company to Vencesalo Jaramillo, dated May 1, 1913, as recorded in the records of the County Clerk of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, in Book 19–A, at pages 331– 344, inclusive; thence along Canones Creek, N. 87° 32′ W., a distance of 1200 feet to a point on the North bank thereof; thence with meanders of said creek by crossing and recrossing same, S. 59° 02′ W., a distance of 2247 feet to the point described as the beginning point of the survey description of the Jaramillo tract as contained in the deed from The Arlington Land Company to VerDate Aug<31>2005 21:31 Dec 12, 2006 Jkt 211001 Jaramillo, as described above, which point is located at the intersection of the North bank of Canones Creek and the East right of way line of the ChamaTierra Amarilla wagon road as the same existed May 1, 1913; thence running along the East right of way line of the road, as above, (the West boundary of the Jaramillo tract), by courses and distances as follows: N. 10° 31′ W., a distance of 504.7 feet; thence N. 24° 02′ W., a distance of 1370 feet; thence N. 2° 13′ W., a distance of 615 feet to the Northwest corner of the tract being described here, which point is on the West boundary of the Jaramillo tract and is located S. 89° 00′ W., (distance omitted) from the fence corner on the North side of the fenced private lane running Easterly from the present (1948) State Highway, and which corner is also on the East boundary of the said fenced Highway; thence N. 89° E., to, and following the fence line on the North side of the said private lane to a point which is 646 feet from the said fence corner; thence again following the said fence in the North side of the said lane, to a point which is N. 83° E., 2100 feet distant; thence again following the said fence line to a point which is N. 71° 30′ E., 821 feet distant and which point is also on the West boundary of the said Charles A. Daggett tract, and is also the Northeast corner of the tract being described here; thence 31 feet South to the fence corner on the South side of the said private lane; thence South, along the boundary between the Daggett tract and the Jaramillo tract, a distance of 1726 feet to the point of beginning of the survey of the tract being described here. The above described tract contains 125.4 acres, more or less. County, New Mexico, on February 28, 1955, in Book 51, page 51. Less and Excepting Tract Four All of that certain parcel of land, containing 2.59 acres, more or less, as described in that certain Quitclaim Deed from Chama Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to Raymond E. Reddington, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on January 24, 1957, in Book 55, page 165. Less and Excepting Tract Five All of that certain parcel of land containing 4.83 acres, more or less, described in Exhibit ‘‘B’’ of that certain Warranty Deed from Chama Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to O. A. Washburn, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on September 23, 1956, in Book 53, page 353. Less and Excepting Tract Six All of that certain parcel of land, containing 2.360 acres, more or less, as described in that certain Quitclaim Deed from Chama Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to the New Mexico State Highway Department, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on March 17, 1969, in Book 101, page 271. Less and Excepting Tract Three Less and Excepting Tract Seven All of that certain parcel of land, containing 26.5 acres, more or less, as described in that certain Corrected Warranty Deed from Chama Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to Newt McCain and Mary Anne McCain, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on February 1, 1971, in Book 107, page 453. The above legal description of Parcel One and its seven exceptions (Tracts One through Seven), is intended to describe all the land, not previously excluded or sold, known as Chama Land and Cattle Company (now known as the Jicarilla Apache Nation’s Lodge at Chama), being and intended to be all of the property described in that certain Trustee Deed to The Jicarilla Apache Tribe, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on June 5, 1995, in Book 183, page 103. The net area of Parcel One after the seven exceptions are subtracted is 31,776.876 acres, more or less. All that certain parcel of land, containing 99.79 acres, more or less, as described in that certain Warranty Deed from Chama Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to D.I.C. Kelly, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba Parcel Two Lot Fifty-Two (52), BUREC Subdivision, Unit A, containing 0.19 acres, more or less, as shown on the plat filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on (Note: TRACT TWO, described above, is a parcel of land that was originally excepted in the Warranty Deed from Edward Sargent and Estelle B. Sargent to Chama Land and Cattle Company, recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on May 29, 1950, in Book 40, page 160. The distance from the Northwest corner of this tract, on the West boundary of the Jaramillo tract, to the fence corner on the North side of the fenced private lane and on the East boundary of the fenced highway, was omitted from the above deed description.) PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\13DEN1.SGM 13DEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 239 / Wednesday, December 13, 2006 / Notices June 11, 1971, in the Book of Plats, pages 460–461. Dated: December 4, 2006. James E. Cason, Associate Deputy Secretary. [FR Doc. E6–21202 Filed 12–12–06; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310–W7–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management [AK–964–1410–KC–P; F–14990–A, F–14990– A2] Alaska Native Claims Selection Bureau of Land Management, Interior. ACTION: Notice of decision approving lands for conveyance. AGENCY: SUMMARY: As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision approving lands for conveyance pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act will be issued to The Kuskokwim Corporation, Successor in Interest to Kipchaughpuk Limited. The lands are in the vicinity of the Native village of Crooked Creek, Alaska, and are located in: hsrobinson on PROD1PC76 with NOTICES Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior. ACTION: Notice of extension of an information collection (1010–0114). AGENCY: The subsurface estate in these lands will be conveyed to Calista Corporation when the surface estate is conveyed to The Kuskokwim Corporation. Notice of the decision will also be published four times in the Tundra Drums. DATES: The time limits for filing an appeal are: 1. Any party claiming a property interest which is adversely affected by Jkt 211001 BILLING CODE 4310–$$–P Minerals Management Service Seward Meridian, Alaska T. 21 N., R. 47 W., Sec. 33. Containing approximately 302 acres. T. 23 N., R. 48 W., Secs. 5 to 8, inclusive. Containing 2,498.51 acres. T. 22 N., R. 49 W., Secs. 4 to 9, inclusive; Secs. 17 to 21, inclusive. Containing 6,967.68 acres. T. 23 N., R. 49 W., Secs. 1, 11, and 12. Containing 1,920 acres. T. 21 N., R. 50 W., Secs. 2 to 11, inclusive. Containing 6,381.87 acres. T. 22 N., R. 50 W., Secs. 1, 12, and 13; Secs. 34 and 35. Containing 3,200 acres. Aggregating approximately 21,271 acres. 21:31 Dec 12, 2006 Kara Marciniec, Land Law Examiner, Branch of Adjudication II. [FR Doc. E6–21217 Filed 12–12–06; 8:45 am] DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Lot 4, U.S. Survey No. 4125, Alaska. Containing 1.04 acres. VerDate Aug<31>2005 the decision shall have until January 12, 2007 to file an appeal. 2. Parties receiving service of the decision by certified mail shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to file an appeal. Parties who do not file an appeal in accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR part 4, Subpart E, shall be deemed to have waived their rights. ADDRESSES: A copy of the decision may be obtained from: Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office, 222 West Seventh Avenue, #13, Anchorage, Alaska 99513–7599. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Bureau of Land Management by phone at 907–271–5960, or by e-mail at Persons who use a telecommunication device (TTD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877– 8330, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to contact the Bureau of Land Management. SUMMARY: To comply with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), MMS is inviting comments on a collection of information that we will submit to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. The information collection request (ICR) concerns the paperwork requirements in the regulations under 30 CFR Part 250, Subpart A, ‘‘General.’’ DATES: Submit written comments by February 12, 2007. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods listed below. Please use the Information Collection Number 1010–0114 as an identifier in your message. • E-mail MMS at Identify with Information Collection Number 1010– 0114 in the subject line. • Fax: 703–787–1093. Identify with Information Collection Number 1010– 0114. PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 74937 • Mail or hand-carry comments to the Department of the Interior; Minerals Management Service; Attention: Cheryl Blundon; 381 Elden Street, MS–4024; Herndon, Virginia 20170–4817. Please reference ‘‘Information Collection 1010– 0114’’ in your comments. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cheryl Blundon, Regulations and Standards Branch at (703) 787–1607. You may also contact Cheryl Blundon to obtain a copy, at no cost, of the regulations and the forms that require the subject collection of information. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title: 30 CFR Part 250, Subpart A, ‘‘General’’. Form(s): MMS–132, MMS–1123, and MMS–1832. OMB Control Number: 1010–0114. Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to prescribe rules and regulations to administer leasing of the OCS. Such rules and regulations will apply to all operations conducted under a lease. Operations on the OCS must preserve, protect, and develop oil and natural gas resources in a manner that is consistent with the need to make such resources available to meet the Nation’s energy needs as rapidly as possible; to balance orderly energy resource development with protection of human, marine, and coastal environments; to ensure the public a fair and equitable return on the resources of the OCS; and to preserve and maintain free enterprise competition. Section 1332(6) states that ‘‘operations in the [O]uter Continental Shelf should be conducted in a safe manner by well trained personnel using technology, precautions, and other techniques sufficient to prevent or minimize the likelihood of blowouts, loss of well control, fires, spillages, physical obstructions to other users of the waters or subsoil and seabed, or other occurrences which may cause damage to the environment or to property or endanger life or health.’’ The Independent Offices Appropriations Act (31 U.S.C. 9701), the Omnibus Appropriations Bill (Pub. L. 104–133, 110 Stat. 1321, April 26, 1996), and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A–25, authorize Federal agencies to recover the full cost of services that confer special benefits. Under the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) implementing policy, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) is required to charge fees for services that provide special benefits or privileges to an identifiable non-Federal recipient E:\FR\FM\13DEN1.SGM 13DEN1


[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 239 (Wednesday, December 13, 2006)]
[Pages 74933-74937]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-21202]



Bureau of Indian Affairs

Land Acquisitions; Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico

AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.

ACTION: Notice of final agency determination to take land into trust 
under 25 CFR part 151.


SUMMARY: The Associate Deputy Secretary made a final agency 
determination to acquire approximately 31,777.066 acres, more or less, 
of land into trust for the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico on 
December 4, 2006. This notice is published in the exercise of authority 
delegated by the Secretary of the Interior to the Associate Deputy 
Secretary by 209 DM 8.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ben Burshia, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 
Chief, Division of Real Estate Services, Mail Stop 4639-MIB, 1849 C 
Street, NW., Washington, DC 20240, Telephone No. (202) 208-7737.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is published to comply with the 
requirement of 25 CFR 151.12(b) that notice be given to the public of 
the Associate Deputy Secretary's decision to acquire land in trust at 
least 30 days prior to signatory acceptance of the land into trust. The 
purpose of the 30 days waiting period in 25 CFR 12(b) is to afford 
interested parties the opportunity to seek judicial review of final 
administrative decisions to take land in trust for Indian tribes and 
individual Indians before transfer of title to the property occurs. On 
December 4, 2006, the Associate Deputy Secretary decided to accept 
approximately 31,777.066 acres, more or less, of land into trust for 
the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico pursuant to the Act of June 
18, 1934 (48 Stat., 986; 25 U.S.C. 467). The Associate Deputy Secretary 
shall acquire title in the name of the United States in trust for the 
Jicarilla Apache Tribe of New Mexico for the following parcel of land 
described below no sooner than 30 days after the date of this notice.

New Mexico Principal Meridian, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.

    All of the following described tracts, pieces, or parcels of land 
comprising a net area of 31,777.066 acres of land, more or less 
(including PARCEL ONE, minus its seven exceptions, plus PARCEL TWO), 
situated within the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New 
Mexico, to wit:

Parcel One

    The following described land in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico:
    Beginning at the point of intersection of the North bank of Canones 
Creek and the (1913) East right of way line of the Chama-Tierra 
Amarilla Wagon road, a granite stone 12'' x 5'' x 15'' in a pile of 
stones marked ``S.W.C.J.T.'' on East side, whence a cottonwood 18 
inches in diameter and marked ``B.T.'' bears South 3 feet distant and 
running along the East right of way line of the road aforesaid by 
courses and distances as follows: N. 10[deg]31' W., 504.7 feet to a 
stone marked ``V.J.1''; thence N. 24[deg]02' W., 1370 feet to a stone 
marked ``V.J.2''; thence N. 2[deg]13' W., 912.7 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.3''; thence N. 3[deg]37' W., 1800 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.4''; thence N. 0[deg]15' W., 1200 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.5''; thence N. 4[deg]57' E., 1050 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.6''; thence N. 11[deg]29' W., 730 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.7''; thence N. 15[deg]35' E., 540 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.8''; thence N. 14[deg]23' W., 1030 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.9''; thence N. 1[deg]17' E., 1032 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.10''; thence N. 20[deg]20' W., 430 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.11'', the point of intersection of the (1913) East right of way 
line of the said Chama-Tierra Amarilla wagon road and the East boundary 
line of the ``old'' Chama-Tierra Amarilla wagon road as used prior to 
the year 1912, whence a pine 30 inches in diameter and marked ``B.T.'' 
bears S. 76[deg] W., 422.5 feet distant; thence Northerly along the 
East boundary line of the ``old'' Chama-Tierra Amarilla wagon road last 
above described by courses and distances as follows: N. 13[deg]46' E., 
520 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.12''; thence N. 23[deg]43' W., 1150 
feet to a stone marked ``V.J.13''; thence N. 1[deg]06' W., 1105 feet to 
a stone marked ``V.J.14''; thence N. 25[deg]26' W., 1020 feet to a 
stone marked ``V.J.15''; thence N. 23[deg]29' W., 1658 feet to a stone 
marked ``V.J.16''; thence N. 36[deg]57' W., 1330 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.17''; thence N. 29[deg]08' W., 940 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.18''; thence N. 15[deg]49' W., 630 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.19''; thence N. 29[deg]53' W., 1150 feet to a stone marked 
``V.J.20''; thence N. 8[deg]16' W., 462 feet to a pine 8 inches in 
diameter marked ``V.J.21''; thence N. 6[deg]07' E., 2250 feet to a 
stone marked ``V.J.22''; thence N. 4[deg]05' W., 1400 feet to a stone 
marked ``V.J.23''; thence N. 14[deg]46' W., 410 feet to a stone marked 

[[Page 74934]]

thence N. 6[deg]06' W., 600 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.25''; thence 
N. 43[deg]13' W., 352 feet to the point of intersection of the Easterly 
line of the said Chama-Tierra Amarilla wagon road as used prior to 
1912, and the Easterly bank of the Chama River, a sandstone 4'' x 12'' 
x 24'' in a mound of stone and marked ``V.J.26'', whence a cottonwood 
20 inches in diameter bears N. 24[deg]15' E., 29 feet, and another 
cottonwood 20 inches in diameter bears S. 73[deg]45' E., 13.5 feet, 
each marked ``B.T.''; thence Northerly following meanders of the said 
Chama River as nearly as may be practicable, but crossing and 
recrossing the same, by courses and distances as follows: N. 7[deg]22' 
E., 1136 feet to a stone on the West bank of said river bed marked 
``V.J.27''; thence N. 80[deg]28' E., 540.8 feet, intersecting the South 
boundary line of a tract of land deeded in the deed given by Charles C. 
Catron to The Chama Valley Land Company, dated June 12, 1909, and of 
record in Book 4, pages 119-150 in the office of the Recorder of Rio 
Arriba County, New Mexico, and designated as ``Lands in Chama Valley'', 
at a point whence the Southeast corner of said tract bears South 
76[deg]00' E., 1423.1 feet distant, at which point of intersection is 
placed a sandstone on the East bank of said river 16'' x 12'' x 10'' 
and marked ``V.J.28'', whence a pine 12 inches in diameter bears S. 
85[deg] E., 89.5 feet and a cottonwood 12 inches in diameter bears S. 
17[deg]30' E., 83 feet distant, each marked ``B.T.V.J.28''; thence 
following the boundary lines of the said ``Lands of Chama Valley'' by 
courses and distances as follows: S. 76[deg] E., 1423.1 feet to the 
Southeast corner thereof, a stone marked ``S.E.C.F.B.'' on West side 
and ``V.J.'' on East side; thence, coincident which the East line of 
said ``Lands in Chama Valley'', N. 13[deg]15' E., 8279.9 feet to the 
Southwest corner of a tract of land excluded for the Chama Cemetery, a 
stone marked ``S.W.C. Cem.'' on East and ``F.B.'' on West side; thence 
following the boundary lines of said Cemetery S. 78[deg]43' E., 268.5 
feet to the Southeast corner thereof, a stone marked ``S.E.C. Cem.''; 
thence N. 13[deg]30' E., 192.7 feet to the Northeast corner thereof, a 
stone marked ``N.E.C. Cem.''; thence N. 78[deg]43' W., 286.3 feet to 
the Northwest corner thereof, a stone marked ``N.W.C. Cem.'' on East 
and ``F.B.'' on West, which point also is on the East boundary line of 
the aforesaid tract ``Lands in Chama Valley'' and 748.8 feet, S. 
13[deg]15' W., from the Northeast corner thereof; thence N. 13[deg]15' 
E., 748.8 feet along the East boundary line of said ``Lands in Chama 
Valley'' to the Northeast corner thereof, a stone marked 
``N.E.C.F.W.B.'' on South side and ``V.J.'' on North side; thence 
following the North boundary line of said ``Lands in Chama Valley'' N. 
71[deg]03' W., 1862 feet to the Northwest corner thereof, a stone 
marked ``N.W.C.B.'' on East and ``D.&R.R.G.'' on West side, whence a 
cottonwood 5 inches in diameter bears S. 39[deg] W. 22.2 feet, marked 
``B.T.N.W.C.B. 2 D.&R.G.'' which point also is the Northeast corner No. 
2 of a tract of land excluded in the deed of Catron to The Chama Valley 
Land Company hereinbefore mentioned and designated as ``Depot Grounds 
of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad at Chama''; thence following the 
North line of the said Depot grounds, N. 71[deg]03' W., 62 feet to an 
intersection with the East bank of the Chama River aforesaid, a 
sandstone 4'' x 8'' x 10'' marked ``D. & R. G.'' on South side and ``V. 
J.'' on North side; thence Northerly following the meanders of the said 
Chama River as nearly as practicable by courses and distances as 
follows: Thence N. 9[deg]03' W., 475 feet; thence N. 32[deg]24' E. 598 
feet; thence N. 6[deg]27' W., 357 feet; thence N. 83[deg]58' W., 360 
feet; thence N. 18[deg]05' E., 315 feet; thence N. 65[deg]01' E., 290 
feet; thence N. 15[deg]14' E., 780 feet; thence N. 31[deg]36' E., 300.8 
feet; thence N. 31[deg]03' W., 603.4 feet; thence N. 17[deg]34' W., 
337.8 feet; thence N. 37[deg]57' E., 1511.8 feet to the Northwest 
corner of tract herein conveyed (the point of intersection of the West 
bank of the Chama River and the South line of a tract of land deeded to 
one T.D. Burns by the grantor herein mentioned), a conglomerate stone 
8'' x 14'' x 20'' marked ``T.B.D.'' on North side and ``N.W.C.V.J.'' on 
South side, whence a cottonwood 6 inches in diameter marked 
``B.T.N.W.C.V.J.'' bears N. 43[deg]30' W., 89 feet; thence Easterly, 
coincident with the South boundary line of the said T.D. Burns tract, 
by courses and distances as follows: S. 44[deg]27' E., 1453.4 feet; 
thence N. 74[deg]17' E., 150 feet; thence N. 62[deg]25' E., 9058 feet 
to a point on the summit of Baldy Mountain; thence N. 5[deg]45' E., 
2946 feet to a point on a crest of divide between a tributary of the 
Chama River and South branch of Wolfe Creek; thence Easterly along the 
crest of said divide as nearly as may be practicable to a point on the 
summit of ``Slide Rock'' Mountain (the course and distances on a direct 
line, however, being S. 74[deg]21' E., 17135 feet), a stone marked 
``T.D.B.'' on North side which point also is on the crest of the 
watershed between Brazos and Chama Rivers; thence Southerly following 
the crest of the divide between the watershed of the Brazos River and 
the Chama River and of the Brazos River and Canones Creek as nearly as 
practicable, by courses and distances as follows: S. 23[deg] 23' E., 
2040.7 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.1E.''; thence S. 61[deg]51' E., 796 
feet to a stone marked ``V.J.2E.''; thence S. 79[deg]45' E., 600 feet 
to a stone marked ``V.J.3E.''; thence S. 64[deg]23' E., 600 feet to a 
stone marked ``V.J.4E''; thence S. 20[deg]23' E., 820 feet to a stone 
marked ``V.J.B.5E.''; thence S. 27[deg]12' E., 1130 feet to a stone 
marked ``J.6''; whence a spruce 12 inches in diameter bears S. 
60[deg]15' W., 69 feet, and a spruce 5 inches in diameter bears N. 
10[deg] W., 9 feet, each marked ``B.T.V.J.6E.''; thence S. 33[deg]57' 
E., 975 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.7E.''; thence S. 60[deg]24' E., 
700 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.8E.''; thence S. 45[deg]05' E., 547 
feet to a spruce stump 4 inches in diameter marked ``V.J.9E.''; thence 
S. 29[deg]16' E., 1861.4 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.10E.''; thence S. 
50[deg]20' E., 200 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.11E.''; thence S. 
28[deg]41' E., 270 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.12E''; thence S. 
43[deg]44' E., 400 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.13E.''; thence S. 
18[deg]19' E., 238 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
28[deg]17' E., 445 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
76[deg]01' E., 254 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
56[deg]39' E., 250 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
71[deg]03' E., 275 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence N. 
59[deg]13' E., 668 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.'', whence a spruce 8 
inches in diameter marked ``B.T.V.J.A.'' bears N. 28[deg]30' W., 12 
feet; thence S. 70[deg]32' E., 668 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; 
thence N. 82[deg]02' E., 360 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence N. 
80[deg]21' E., 203.5 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
66[deg]04' E., 214 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
80[deg]55' E., 220 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence N. 
82[deg]53' E., 210 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
81[deg]37' E., 265 feet to a stake marked ``V.J.''; thence N. 
46[deg]26' E., 226 feet; thence N. 84[deg]40' E., 265.5 feet; thence S. 
85[deg]35' E., 594.7 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.'', whence a spruce 
18 inches in diameter bears N. 63[deg] E., 12 feet and another spruce 
18 inches in diameter bears S. 64[deg]30' W., 26 feet, each marked 
``B.T.V.J.''; thence S. 49[deg]21' E., 412.6 feet; thence S. 55[deg]48' 
E., 258 feet; thence S. 42[deg]33' E., 252.2 feet; thence S. 63[deg]55' 
E., 254 feet; thence S. 25[deg]45' E., 274.3 feet; thence S. 14[deg]13' 
E., 225 feet to a stone 2'' x 10'' x 18'' marked ``V.J.3M'', whence a 
spruce 10 inches in diameter bears S. 78[deg]30' E., 19 feet and a 
spruce 18 inches in diameter bears N. 6[deg]30' W., 65 feet, each 
marked ``V.J.3M.B.T.''; thence S. 36[deg]27' E., 505 feet to an iron 
pipe, \3/4\ inch diameter, marked ``VJ 36'', as shown on the plat of 
the 1998 survey of the Mossman Tract, by William H. Albert, New Mexico 

[[Page 74935]]

Surveyor No. 7241, filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba 
County, New Mexico, on July 9, 1998, in Plat Book P-980, page 5719, as 
Document No. RA 98-256A, from which point New Mexico State Engineer's 
Office (N.M.S.E.O) brass cap control station ``CABLE'', bears S. 
86[deg]18'56'' W. (true mean geodetic bearing converted from state 
plane grid bearing), 43990.84 feet distant (at mean elevation of 7772 
feet) (Note: Control station ``CABLE'' has New Mexico State Plane 
Coordinate System Central Zone (NAD27), U.S. survey feet coordinates of 
y = 2,142,009.14 and x = 400,496.13; and the combined grid to ground 
factor used in the above-described 1998 Albert survey is 1.0004620520 
and was computed at N.M.S.E.O. ``CABLE'' using the mean elevation of 
7772 feet.); thence following the meander line of the divide between 
the Brazos River and Canones Creek watersheds as shown on the above-
described 1998 Albert plat, S. 27[deg]31'04'' E. (true mean geodetic 
converted from state plane grid), 598.42 feet; thence continuing on the 
meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert 
plat, S. 4[deg]00'11'' E. (true mean geodetic converted from state 
plane grid), 2405.07 feet; thence continuing on the meander line of the 
divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 
16[deg]41'26'' E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 
757.48 feet to a rebar, \1/2\ inch diameter, with cap marked ``PS 
7241''; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on 
the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 47[deg]32'26'' E. (true mean 
geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1043.01 feet to a rebar, \1/
2\ inch diameter, with cap marked ``PS 7241''; thence continuing on the 
meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert 
plat, S. 13[deg]58'23'' E. (true mean geodetic converted from state 
plane grid), 983.46 feet to a rebar, \1/2\ inch diameter, with cap 
marked ``PS 7241''; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide 
as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 5[deg]43'44'' E. 
(true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1823.47 feet; 
thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on the 
above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 7[deg]37'00'' W. (true mean 
geodetic converted from state plane grid), 1704.80 feet to a fence 
post, 2\1/2\ inches diameter; thence continuing on the meander line of 
the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 
65[deg]11'27'' E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 
1195.81 feet to a rebar, \1/2\ inch diameter, with cap marked ``PS 
7241''; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide as shown on 
the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 87[deg]12'14'' E. (true mean 
geodetic converted from state plane grid), 818.09 feet to a rebar, \1/
2\ inch diameter, with cap marked ``PS 7241''; thence continuing on the 
meander line of the divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert 
plat, S. 64[deg]04'44'' E. (true mean geodetic converted from state 
plane grid), 369.69 feet to a rebar, \1/2\ inch diameter, with cap 
marked ``PS 7241''; thence continuing on the meander line of the divide 
as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 41[deg]35'26'' E. 
(true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 539.50 feet to a 
stone marked ``VJ''; thence continuing on the meander line of the 
divide as shown on the above-described 1998 Albert plat, S. 
70[deg]33'44'' E. (true mean geodetic converted from state plane grid), 
239.47 feet to a rebar, \1/2\ inch diameter, with cap marked ``PS 
7241''; thence S. 31[deg]21' E., 1340 feet to a stone marked ``V. J.''; 
thence S. 47[deg]12' E., 370 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
36[deg]31' E., 150 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
63[deg]19' E., 710 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 
34[deg]59' E., 689 feet to a ledge rock marked ``V.J.'', whence a 
spruce 12 inches in diameter bears N. 49[deg]15' E., 18.7 feet and a 
spruce 10 inches in diameter bears N. 22[deg]30' E., 59.5 feet, both 
marked ``B.T.V.J.''; thence S. 8[deg]10' E., 7589 feet to a stone 
marked ``V.J.''; thence S. 15[deg]36' E., 2025.8 feet to the Southeast 
corner of tract herein conveyed, a sandstone 3'' x 8'' x 18'' marked 
``S.E.V.J.'', whence a spruce 14 inches in diameter bears S. 3[deg] E., 
19 feet and a spruce 10 inches in diameter bears N. 72[deg] W., 42 
feet, each marked ``B.T.S.E.V.J.''; thence leaving the crest of the 
divide as aforesaid, following Westerly along the South boundary of 
what is known as ``El Poso Park'' by courses and distances as follows: 
N. 86[deg]57' W., 1200 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.1S.''; thence S. 
73[deg]33' W., 168 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.2S.''; thence S. 
25[deg]45' W., 4038 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.3S''; thence N. 
39[deg] 32' W., 3847 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.4S.''; thence N. 
65[deg]48' W., 6360 feet to a stone marked ``V.J.'' thence N. 
77[deg]12' W., 3070 feet to the head of the Box Canyon of Canones Creek 
a point on a granite stone located on Northwesterly side of said creek 
3 ft. x 3 ft. x 2 ft. and marked ``V.J.'' on top; thence Southwesterly 
following the meanders of the said Canones Creek, as nearly as 
practicable, but crossing and recrossing same, an approximate distance 
of 3.85 miles to the mouth of said box canyon, a point on the North 
bank of said creek, at which point is placed a sandstone 6'' x 9'' x 
8'' marked ``N.E.A.B.B.T.'', whence a cottonwood 18 inches in diameter 
bears N. 58[deg]30' W., 35 feet, and a pine 30 inches in diameter bears 
S. 68[deg]30' E., 74 feet; thence Southwesterly, following the meanders 
of the Canones Creek as nearly as practicable, but crossing and 
recrossing same, by courses and distances as follows: S. 66[deg]28' W., 
48.3 feet; thence S. 55[deg]38' W., 286 feet; thence S. 77[deg]18' W., 
448.5 feet; thence S. 78[deg]08' W., 320 feet; thence S. 87[deg]27' W., 
106.9 feet; thence N. 67[deg]09' W., 223.6 feet; thence S. 82[deg]21' 
W., 420.1 feet; thence S. 76[deg]59' W., 24.8 feet; to a 2\1/2\ inch 
iron pipe set in ground, the point of intersection with the East line 
of the tract of land deeded to Charles A. Daggett by the grantor herein 
mentioned and 1562.4 feet South from the Northeast corner thereof; 
thence coincident with the boundary lines of the said Daggett tract by 
courses and distances as follows: North, 1562.4 feet to the Northeast 
corner thereof, a stone 14'' x 10'' x 6'' marked ``N.E.C.D.T.''; thence 
West, 8220 to the Northwest corner, a granite stone 14'' x 12'' x 7'' 
marked ``N.W.C.D.T.''; thence South, 5280 feet to the Southwest corner 
thereof, a sandstone 12'' x 14'' x 16'' in mound of stone and marked 
``S.W.C.D.T .'', whence corner No. 1 of a tract of reserved land 
designated in the deed of Catron to The Chama Valley Land Company, 
hereinbefore mentioned, as ``Tract No. 1 or Canones Tract'' bears S. 
60[deg]18' W., 7014 feet; thence along said creek N. 87[deg]32' W., 
1200 feet to a point on the North bank thereof; thence with meanders of 
said creek by crossing and recrossing same, S. 59[deg]02' W., 2247 feet 
to the point of beginning of PARCEL ONE, containing a gross area of 
32,133.67 acres, more or less (32,075.8 acres + 57.87 acres additional 
as indicated on the above-described 1998 Albert survey plat)--before 
the exceptions listed below are subtracted out. All courses true, 1913 
magnetic variation 14[deg]30' East, as obtained by solar observation. 
Subject however to all exceptions and reservations and also all 
warranties, defenses and recourses provided for by the Arlington Land 
Company in its Warranty Deed to Venceslao Jaramillo under date of May 
1st, 1913, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and ex-
officio County Recorder of Rio Arriba County, State of New Mexico, 
under date of October 1st, 1913, in vol. No. 19-A, pages 331-344 
    Less and Excepting from the above-described Parcel One, the 
following seven tracts of land.

[[Page 74936]]

Less and Excepting Tract One

    All that portion of the above-described Parcel One (formerly known 
as the Venceslao Jaramillo Tract) lying West of the centerline of the 
Santa Fe-Chama Highway as now constructed, which centerline is 
described as follows, but subject to the easement of way of varying 
width for said highway: Beginning at centerline Sta. 826+07 of FAP 34-B 
Reo., Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, a point on the right of way of the 
present road; thence N. 5[deg] 34' W., a distance of 3182.1 feet to 
Sta. 857+89.1, point of curve; thence Northerly on a 0[deg] 30' curve 
(radius = 11460 feet) through an arc of 4[deg] 45' to the right a 
distance of 950 feet to Sta. 867+39.1, point of tangent; thence N. 
0[deg] 49' W., a distance of 5076.2 feet to Sta. 918+15.3, point of 
curve; thence Northwesterly on a 1[deg] curve (radius = 5730 feet) thru 
an arc 20[deg] 17' to the left a distance of 2028.3 feet to Sta. 
938+43.6, point of tangent; thence N. 21[deg] 06' W., a distance of 
1794 feet to Sta. 956+37.6 Back = 955+53.5 ahead; thence continuing N. 
21[deg] 06' W., a distance of 5986.7 feet to Sta. 1015+40.2, point of 
curve; thence Northerly on a 1[deg] curve (radius = 5730 feet) thru an 
arc of 9[deg] 47' to the right a distance of 978.3 feet to Sta. 
1025+18.5, point of tangent; thence N. 11[deg] 19' W., a distance of 
1776.5 feet to Sta. 1042+95, a point on the line between the properties 
of the grantor and Mrs. John Reddington, containing 95.324 acres, more 
or less.

(Note: TRACT ONE, described above, is a parcel of land that was 
originally excepted in the Warranty Deed from Edward Sargent and 
Estelle B. Sargent to Chama Land and Cattle Company, recorded in the 
Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on May 29, 
1950, in Book 40, page 160.)

Less and Excepting Tract Two

    All that certain parcel of land, known as the Sargent Canones 
Ranch, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the 
Charles A. Daggett tract as described in the deed from the Arlington 
Land Company to Vencesalo Jaramillo, dated May 1, 1913, as recorded in 
the records of the County Clerk of Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, in 
Book 19-A, at pages 331-344, inclusive; thence along Canones Creek, N. 
87[deg] 32' W., a distance of 1200 feet to a point on the North bank 
thereof; thence with meanders of said creek by crossing and recrossing 
same, S. 59[deg] 02' W., a distance of 2247 feet to the point described 
as the beginning point of the survey description of the Jaramillo tract 
as contained in the deed from The Arlington Land Company to Jaramillo, 
as described above, which point is located at the intersection of the 
North bank of Canones Creek and the East right of way line of the 
Chama-Tierra Amarilla wagon road as the same existed May 1, 1913; 
thence running along the East right of way line of the road, as above, 
(the West boundary of the Jaramillo tract), by courses and distances as 
follows: N. 10[deg] 31' W., a distance of 504.7 feet; thence N. 24[deg] 
02' W., a distance of 1370 feet; thence N. 2[deg] 13' W., a distance of 
615 feet to the Northwest corner of the tract being described here, 
which point is on the West boundary of the Jaramillo tract and is 
located S. 89[deg] 00' W., (distance omitted) from the fence corner on 
the North side of the fenced private lane running Easterly from the 
present (1948) State Highway, and which corner is also on the East 
boundary of the said fenced Highway; thence N. 89[deg] E., to, and 
following the fence line on the North side of the said private lane to 
a point which is 646 feet from the said fence corner; thence again 
following the said fence in the North side of the said lane, to a point 
which is N. 83[deg] E., 2100 feet distant; thence again following the 
said fence line to a point which is N. 71[deg] 30' E., 821 feet distant 
and which point is also on the West boundary of the said Charles A. 
Daggett tract, and is also the Northeast corner of the tract being 
described here; thence 31 feet South to the fence corner on the South 
side of the said private lane; thence South, along the boundary between 
the Daggett tract and the Jaramillo tract, a distance of 1726 feet to 
the point of beginning of the survey of the tract being described here. 
The above described tract contains 125.4 acres, more or less.

(Note: TRACT TWO, described above, is a parcel of land that was 
originally excepted in the Warranty Deed from Edward Sargent and 
Estelle B. Sargent to Chama Land and Cattle Company, recorded in the 
Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on May 29, 
1950, in Book 40, page 160. The distance from the Northwest corner of 
this tract, on the West boundary of the Jaramillo tract, to the fence 
corner on the North side of the fenced private lane and on the East 
boundary of the fenced highway, was omitted from the above deed 

Less and Excepting Tract Three

    All that certain parcel of land, containing 99.79 acres, more or 
less, as described in that certain Warranty Deed from Chama Land and 
Cattle Company, Inc. to D.I.C. Kelly, recorded in the Office of the 
County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on February 28, 1955, in 
Book 51, page 51.

Less and Excepting Tract Four

    All of that certain parcel of land, containing 2.59 acres, more or 
less, as described in that certain Quitclaim Deed from Chama Land and 
Cattle Company, Inc. to Raymond E. Reddington, recorded in the Office 
of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on January 24, 
1957, in Book 55, page 165.

Less and Excepting Tract Five

    All of that certain parcel of land containing 4.83 acres, more or 
less, described in Exhibit ``B'' of that certain Warranty Deed from 
Chama Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to O. A. Washburn, recorded in the 
Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on September 
23, 1956, in Book 53, page 353.

Less and Excepting Tract Six

    All of that certain parcel of land, containing 2.360 acres, more or 
less, as described in that certain Quitclaim Deed from Chama Land and 
Cattle Company, Inc. to the New Mexico State Highway Department, 
recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New 
Mexico, on March 17, 1969, in Book 101, page 271.

Less and Excepting Tract Seven

    All of that certain parcel of land, containing 26.5 acres, more or 
less, as described in that certain Corrected Warranty Deed from Chama 
Land and Cattle Company, Inc. to Newt McCain and Mary Anne McCain, 
recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New 
Mexico, on February 1, 1971, in Book 107, page 453.
    The above legal description of Parcel One and its seven exceptions 
(Tracts One through Seven), is intended to describe all the land, not 
previously excluded or sold, known as Chama Land and Cattle Company 
(now known as the Jicarilla Apache Nation's Lodge at Chama), being and 
intended to be all of the property described in that certain Trustee 
Deed to The Jicarilla Apache Tribe, recorded in the Office of the 
County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on June 5, 1995, in Book 
183, page 103. The net area of Parcel One after the seven exceptions 
are subtracted is 31,776.876 acres, more or less.

Parcel Two

    Lot Fifty-Two (52), BUREC Subdivision, Unit A, containing 0.19 
acres, more or less, as shown on the plat filed in the Office of the 
County Clerk, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, on

[[Page 74937]]

June 11, 1971, in the Book of Plats, pages 460-461.

    Dated: December 4, 2006.
James E. Cason,
Associate Deputy Secretary.
 [FR Doc. E6-21202 Filed 12-12-06; 8:45 am]
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