November 9, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 130 of 130
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Submitted for Review to the Office of Management and Budget
The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s), as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law 104-13. An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that does not display a valid control number. Comments are requested concerning (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Fee Schedule for the Transfer of U.S. Treasury Book-Entry Securities Held on the National Book-Entry System
The Department of the Treasury is announcing a new fee schedule for the transfer of book-entry securities maintained on the National Book-Entry System (NBES). This fee schedule will take effect on January 3, 2006. The basic fee for the transfer of a Treasury book- entry security will increase from $.21 to $.22. The Federal Reserve funds movement fee will be $.04, unchanged from the funds movement fee in effect since January 2, 2004, resulting in a combined fee of $.26 for each Treasury securities transfer. In addition to the basic fee, off-line transfers have a surcharge. The surcharge for an off-line Treasury book-entry transfer in CY 2006 will be $33.00, unchanged from CY 2005.
Federal Reserve Bank Services
The Board has approved the 2006 fee schedules for Federal Reserve priced services and electronic access and a private-sector adjustment factor (PSAF) for 2006 of $117.7 million. These actions were taken in accordance with the requirements of the Monetary Control Act of 1980, which requires that, over the long run, fees for Federal Reserve priced services be established on the basis of all direct and indirect costs, including the PSAF. The Board has also approved maintaining the current earnings credit rate on clearing balances.
Airworthiness Directives; Hamilton Sundstrand Power Systems (Formerly Sundstrand Power Systems) Auxiliary Power Units Models T-62T-46C2, T-62T-46C2A, T-62T-46C3, T-62T-46C7, and T-62T-46C7A
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Hamilton Sundstrand Power Systems (formerly Sundstrand Power Systems) auxiliary power units (APUs) models T-62T-46C2, T-62T-46C2A, T-62T- 46C3, T-62T-46C7, and T-62T-46C7A, with compressor impeller assembly, part number (P/N) 4502020 or 4502020A, installed. This AD requires removal from service of those compressor impeller assemblies at reduced service life limits. This AD results from two reports of uncontained failures of compressor impeller assemblies. We are issuing this AD to prevent an uncontained APU failure and damage to the airplane.
Airworthiness Directives; General Electric Company (GE) CF6-80E1A1, -80E1A2, -80E1A3, -80E1A4, and -80E1A4/B Turbofan Engines
The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for General Electric Company (GE) CF6-80E1A1, -80E1A2, -80E1A3, -80E1A4, and -80E1A4/B turbofan engines. This AD requires initial and repetitive fluorescent-penetrant inspections (FPI) of certain areas of high pressure compressor (HPC) cases, part number (P/N) 1509M97G07 and P/N 2083M69G03. This AD results from the discovery that HPC cases, P/N 1509M97G07 and P/N 2083M69G03, were inadvertently left out of the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS), Chapter 05-21-02, of GE Engine Manual, GEK 99376, Revision 17. We are issuing this AD to prevent failure of the HPC case aft mount flange, due to cracking.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the Contiguous United States Distinct Population Segment of the Canada Lynx
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to designate critical habitat for the contiguous United States distinct population segment of the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) (lynx) pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). The lynx generally inhabits cold, moist boreal forests in the contiguous United States. In total, approximately 26,935 square miles (mi\2\) (69,760 square kilometers (km\2\)) fall within the boundaries of the proposed critical habitat designation, in four units in the States of Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, and Washington. However, we are not proposing to designate all of the area with the boundaries. In particular, we are not including lands within Lynx Analysis Units in the Superior National Forest in Minnesota, because they do not meet the definition of critical habitat pursuant to section 3(5)(A) of the Act as a consequence of the Superior National Forest having amended its Forest Plan to adopt the Lynx Conservation Assessment and Strategy. These lands are not included in the estimated square miles of the proposed designation. In addition, we are not proposing to designate critical habitat on the Federal lands within seven National Forests in Idaho, Montana, and Washington that are covered by the May 2005 Conservation Agreement and therefore do not meet the definition of critical habitat. These lands, however, are included in the estimated square miles of the proposed designation owing to difficulties in obtaining accurate estimates of the area of Federal land within each national forest boundary in a timely manner. This will be corrected in the final designation. We hereby solicit data and comments from the public on all aspects of this proposal, including data on economic and other potential impacts of the designation. We are also soliciting public comments on inclusion of certain lands in the designation and on the appropriateness of excluding lands from this designation that are covered by management plans that provide for the conservation of lynx and our determination as to whether existing management plans provide special management and protection for lynx habitat. In addition, depending on public comment and our analysis at the time of the final designation, any or all of these Forest Service lands described above may be included in the final designation, and we are specifically seeking comment on whether these lands are covered by the definition of critical habitat and should be included in the final designation. In the development of our final designation, we will incorporate or address any new information received during the public comment period, or from our evaluation of the potential economic impacts of this proposal. We may revise this proposal to address new information, to exclude areas that may warrant exclusion pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act, or to add in those areas determined to be essential to conservation of the species, but not included in this proposal.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Endangered Monardella linoides
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to designate critical habitat for the endangered Monardella linoides ssp. viminea (willowy monardella) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). We have determined that approximately 2,539 acres (ac) (1,028 hectares (ha)) of land within San Diego County, California, contain the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of M. l. ssp. viminea. Of that, we are proposing to designate as critical habitat approximately 115 acres (47 ha) of private lands and the Padre Dam Municipal Water District lands within the City of Santee. We do not include Tribal lands in this proposed designation. We are exempting or considering whether to exclude from critical habitat designation the other lands that contain the features essential to the conservation of M. l. ssp. viminea. We fully discuss the exemption and exclusions under consideration in the preamble of this proposed rule. We are soliciting data and comments from the public on all aspects of this proposal, including the exemption and exclusions under consideration.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Determination Concerning Critical Habitat for the San Miguel Island Fox, Santa Rosa Island Fox, Santa Cruz Island Fox, and Santa Catalina Island Fox
The San Miguel Island fox (Urocyon littoralis littoralis), Santa Rosa Island fox (U. l. santarosae), Santa Cruz Island fox (U. l. santacruzae), and Santa Catalina Island fox (U. l. catalinae) were listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), on March 5, 2004. We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, do not find any habitat on the four islands occupied by the foxes that meets the definition of critical habitat under the Act. Because there is no habitat that meets the definition of critical habitat for these island fox subspecies, there is none to designate; therefore, we are not designating any critical habitat.
Correction to Notice of Call for Nominations for the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board
The Federal Register Notice has an incorrect date for nominations to be submitted to the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. The corrected notice extends the date to November 30, 2005. The nominations should be submitted to the National Wild Horse and Burro Program, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, P.O. Box 12000, Reno, Nevada 89520-0006, Attn: Ramona DeLorme: fax (775) 861-6711.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contract Administration Functions
DoD is proposing to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text addressing functions performed by DoD contract administration offices. This proposed rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Technical Amendment
DoD is making a technical amendment to the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement to update the Internet address for obtaining a list of processes accepted under the DoD Single Process Initiative (SPI).
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Acquisition of Telecommunications Services
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to the acquisition of telecommunications services. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Information Technology Equipment-Screening of Government Inventory
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to delete obsolete procedures for screening of Government inventory before authorizing a contractor to purchase information technology equipment. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Update of Clauses for Telecommunications Services
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update clauses used in contracts for telecommunications services. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Ethofumesate Reregistration Eligibility Decision; Notice of Availability
This notice announces the availability of EPA's Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for the pesticide ethofumesate, and opens a public comment period on this document. The Agency's risk assessments and other related documents also are available in the ethofumesate docket. Ethofumesate is a selective herbicide used during preplant, preemergence and postemergence for control of broadleaf and grass weeds. Primary uses are for sugar beets, turf for sod and golf courses, and grass for seed. Special local need uses include uses on spinach and Swiss chard crops which are grown for seed. EPA has reviewed ethofumesate through the public participation process that the Agency uses to involve the public in developing pesticide reregistration and tolerance reassessment decisions. Through these programs, EPA is ensuring that all pesticides meet current health and safety standards.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Extraordinary Contractual Actions
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to the processing of requests for extraordinary contract adjustments. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Subcontracting Policies and Procedures
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to subcontracts awarded under DoD contracts. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contract Modifications
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to contract modifications. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contract Administration
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to contract administration and audit services. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Medicare Program; Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update for Calendar Year 2006
This final rule sets forth an update to the 60-day national episode rates and the national per-visit amounts under the Medicare prospective payment system for home health agencies. This final rule is the first update of the home health prospective payment system (HH PPS) rates that uses the revised area labor market Metropolitan Statistical Area designations for calendar year 2006. In implementing the new area labor market designations, we are allowing for a one-year transition period. This transition consists of a blend of 50 percent of the new area labor market designations' wage index and 50 percent of the previous area labor market designations' wage index. In addition, we are revising the fixed dollar loss ratio, which is used in the calculation of outlier payments.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Defense Contract Audit Agency is amending a system of records notice in its existing inventory of records systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, (5 U.S.C. 552), as amended.
Sunshine Act Meeting; Deletion of Agenda Items From October 31, 2005, Open Meeting
The Commission will consider a First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning the Emergency Alert System rules. 2.................. Media................... Title: Implementation of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (MB Docket no. 05- 49) and Implementation of Section 340 of the Communications Act. Summary: The Commission will consider a Report and Order to adopt rules for satellite carriage of ``significantly viewed'' television stations pursuant to the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act (SHVERA).
Notice of Public Information Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the Federal Communications Commission, Comments Requested
The Federal Communications Commission, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burden invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection(s), as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Public Law 104-13. An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act that does not display a valid control number. Comments are requested concerning (a) whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission's burden estimate; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.
Travel Management; Designated Routes and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use
The Department of Agriculture is revising regulations regarding travel management on National Forest System lands to clarify policy related to motor vehicle use, including the use of off-highway vehicles. This final rule requires designation of those roads, trails, and areas that are open to motor vehicle use. Designations will be made by class of vehicle and, if appropriate, by time of year. The final rule will prohibit the use of motor vehicles off the designated system, as well as use of motor vehicles on routes and in areas that is not consistent with the designations. The clear identification of roads, trails, and areas for motor vehicle use on each National Forest will enhance management of National Forest System lands; sustain natural resource values through more effective management of motor vehicle use; enhance opportunities for motorized recreation experiences on National Forest System lands; address needs for access to National Forest System lands; and preserve areas of opportunity on each National Forest for nonmotorized travel and experiences. The final rule is consistent with provisions of Executive Order 11644 and Executive Order 11989 regarding off-road use of motor vehicles on Federal lands.
Adoption of Amendment to Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 99-29 Involving Bankers Trust Company, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas (DBTCA), and Deutsche Bank, AG
This document contains an amendment to PTE 99-29 (64 FR 40623, July 27, 1999), an exemption granted to Bankers Trust Company. PTE 99- 29 permits DBTCA (formerly known as Banker's Trust Company) to continue to function as a qualified professional asset manager (QPAM) under PTE 84-14 (49 FR 9494, March 13, 1994). The amendment affects participants and beneficiaries and fiduciaries of employee benefit plans to which DBTCA served as custodian.
Privacy Act of 1974: Implementation of Exemptions
The Department of Homeland Security is giving notice of a revised and updated system of records pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 for the Office of Inspector General, Office of Investigations. In this proposed rulemaking, the Department proposes to exempt portions of this system of records from one or more provisions of the Privacy Act because of criminal, civil and administrative enforcement requirements.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
The Department of the Air Force is amending a system of records notice in its existing inventory of record systems subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, (5 U.S.C. 552a), as amended.
Revision to the Guideline on Air Quality Models: Adoption of a Preferred General Purpose (Flat and Complex Terrain) Dispersion Model and Other Revisions
EPA's Guideline on Air Quality Models (``Guideline'') addresses the regulatory application of air quality models for assessing criteria pollutants under the Clean Air Act. In today's action we promulgate several additions and changes to the Guideline. We recommend a new dispersion modelAERMODfor adoption in appendix A of the Guideline. AERMOD replaces the Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) model, applies to complex terrain, and incorporates a new downwash algorithmPRIME. We remove an existing modelthe Emissions Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS)from appendix A. We also make various editorial changes to update and reorganize information.
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