Washington Administrative Code
Title 173 - Ecology, Department of (See also Titles 197, 317, 372, and 508)
Chapter 173-303 - Dangerous waste regulations
- Section 173-303-010 - Purpose
- Section 173-303-016 - Identifying solid waste
- Section 173-303-017 - Recycling processes involving solid waste
- Section 173-303-019 - Legitimacy criteria for recycling of hazardous secondary materials
- Section 173-303-020 - Applicability
- Section 173-303-030 - Abbreviations
- Section 173-303-040 - Definitions
- Section 173-303-045 - References to EPA's hazardous waste and permit regulations
- Section 173-303-050 - Department of ecology cleanup authority
- Section 173-303-060 - Notification, identification numbers, and annual reports
- Section 173-303-070 - Designation of dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-071 - Excluded categories of waste
- Section 173-303-072 - Procedures and bases for exempting and excluding wastes
- Section 173-303-073 - Conditional exclusion of special wastes
- Section 173-303-075 - Certification of designation
- Section 173-303-077 - Requirements for universal waste
- Section 173-303-080 - Dangerous waste lists
- Section 173-303-081 - Discarded chemical products
- Section 173-303-082 - Dangerous waste sources
- Section 173-303-083 - Deletion of certain dangerous waste codes following equipment cleaning and replacement
- Section 173-303-084 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-090 - Dangerous waste characteristics
- Section 173-303-100 - Dangerous waste criteria
- Section 173-303-101 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-102 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-103 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-104 - State-specific dangerous waste numbers
- Section 173-303-110 - Sampling, testing methods, and analyses
- Section 173-303-120 - Recycled, reclaimed, and recovered wastes
- Section 173-303-121 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-130 - Containment and control of infectious wastes (Repealed)
- Section 173-303-140 - Land disposal restrictions
- Section 173-303-141 - Treatment, storage, or disposal of dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-145 - Spills and discharges into the environment
- Section 173-303-150 - Division, dilution, and accumulation
- Section 173-303-160 - Containers
- Section 173-303-161 - Overpacked containers (labpacks)
- Section 173-303-169 - Quantity exclusion limits-Generator category determinations
- Section 173-303-170 - Requirements for generators of dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-171 - Conditions for exemption for a small quantity generator
- Section 173-303-172 - Conditions for exemption for a medium quantity generator that accumulates dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-173 - Alternative standards for episodic generation
- Section 173-303-174 - Satellite accumulation area regulations for medium quantity generators and large quantity generators
- Section 173-303-180 - Manifest
- Section 173-303-190 - Preparing dangerous waste for transport
- Section 173-303-200 - Conditions for exemption for a large quantity generator that accumulates dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-201 - Preparedness, prevention, emergency procedures and contingency plans for large quantity generators
- Section 173-303-202 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-210 - Generator recordkeeping
- Section 173-303-220 - Generator reporting
- Section 173-303-230 - Special conditions
- Section 173-303-235 - Alternative requirements for eligible academic laboratories
- Section 173-303-240 - Requirements for transporters of dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-250 - Dangerous waste acceptance, transport, and delivery
- Section 173-303-260 - Transporter recordkeeping
- Section 173-303-270 - Discharges during transport
- Section 173-303-280 - General requirements for dangerous waste management facilities
- Section 173-303-281 - Notice of intent
- Section 173-303-282 - Siting criteria
- Section 173-303-283 - Performance standards
- Section 173-303-290 - Required notices
- Section 173-303-300 - General waste analysis
- Section 173-303-310 - Security
- Section 173-303-320 - General inspection
- Section 173-303-330 - Personnel training
- Section 173-303-335 - Construction quality assurance program
- Section 173-303-340 - Preparedness and prevention
- Section 173-303-350 - Contingency plan and emergency procedures
- Section 173-303-355 - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act Title III coordination
- Section 173-303-360 - Emergencies
- Section 173-303-370 - Manifest system
- Section 173-303-380 - Facility recordkeeping
- Section 173-303-390 - Facility reporting
- Section 173-303-395 - Other general requirements
- Section 173-303-400 - Interim status facility standards
- Section 173-303-430 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-440 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-500 - Recycling requirements for state-only dangerous waste
- Section 173-303-505 - Special requirements for recyclable materials used in a manner constituting disposal
- Section 173-303-506 - Special requirements for the recycling of spent CFC or HCFC refrigerants
- Section 173-303-510 - Special requirements for dangerous wastes burned for energy recovery
- Section 173-303-515 - Standards for the management of used oil
- Section 173-303-520 - Special requirements for reclaiming spent lead acid battery wastes
- Section 173-303-522 - Special requirements for recycling spent antifreeze
- Section 173-303-525 - Special requirements for recyclable material utilized for precious metal recovery
- Section 173-303-550 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-555 - Special requirements for management of dangerous waste pharmaceuticals
- Section 173-303-560 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-573 - Standards for universal waste management
- Section 173-303-575 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-578 - Military munitions
- Section 173-303-600 - Final facility standards
- Section 173-303-610 - Closure and post-closure
- Section 173-303-620 - Financial requirements
- Section 173-303-630 - Use and management of containers
- Section 173-303-640 - Tank systems
- Section 173-303-645 - Releases from regulated units
- Section 173-303-646 - Corrective action
- Section 173-303-64610 - Purpose and applicability
- Section 173-303-64620 - Requirements
- Section 173-303-64630 - Use of the Model Toxics Control Act
- Section 173-303-64640 - Grandfathered corrective action management units (CAMUs)
- Section 173-303-64650 - Corrective action management unit (CAMU)
- Section 173-303-64660 - Designation of a corrective action management unit
- Section 173-303-64670 - Incorporation of a regulated unit within a CAMU
- Section 173-303-64680 - Temporary units (TUs)
- Section 173-303-64690 - Staging piles
- Section 173-303-646910 - Disposal of CAMU-eligible wastes into permitted dangerous waste landfills
- Section 173-303-646920 - Disposal of CAMU-eligible wastes into permitted hazardous waste landfills located outside Washington
- Section 173-303-650 - Surface impoundments
- Section 173-303-655 - Land treatment
- Section 173-303-660 - Waste piles
- Section 173-303-665 - Landfills
- Section 173-303-670 - Incinerators
- Section 173-303-675 - Drip pads
- Section 173-303-680 - Miscellaneous units
- Section 173-303-690 - Air emission standards for process vents
- Section 173-303-691 - Air emission standards for equipment leaks
- Section 173-303-692 - Air emission standards for tanks, surface impoundments, and containers
- Section 173-303-693 - Dangerous waste munitions and explosives storage
- Section 173-303-695 - Containment buildings
- Section 173-303-700 - Requirements for the Washington state extremely hazardous waste management facility at Hanford
- Section 173-303-800 - Permit requirements for dangerous waste management facilities
- Section 173-303-801 - Types of dangerous waste management facility permits
- Section 173-303-802 - Permits by rule
- Section 173-303-803 - Permit application requirements
- Section 173-303-804 - Emergency permits
- Section 173-303-805 - Interim status permits
- Section 173-303-806 - Final facility permits
- Section 173-303-807 - Trial burns for dangerous waste incinerator final facility permits
- Section 173-303-808 - Demonstrations for dangerous waste land treatment final facility permits
- Section 173-303-809 - Research, development and demonstration permits
- Section 173-303-810 - General permit conditions
- Section 173-303-811 - Permits for boilers and industrial furnaces burning hazardous waste
- Section 173-303-815 - Facility-specific permit conditions
- Section 173-303-820 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-825 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-830 - Permit changes
- Section 173-303-840 - Procedures for decision making
- Section 173-303-841 - Integration with maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards
- Section 173-303-845 - Appeal of decision
- Section 173-303-900 - Public involvement and participation
- Section 173-303-902 - Citizen/proponent negotiations
- Section 173-303-905 - Response to requests for public records (Reserved)
- Section 173-303-910 - Petitions
- Section 173-303-950 - Violations and enforcement
- Section 173-303-960 - Special powers and authorities of the department
- Section 173-303-9901 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-9902 - Reserved
- Section 173-303-9903 - Discarded chemical products list
- Section 173-303-9904 - Dangerous waste sources list
- Section 173-303-9905 - Dangerous waste constituents list
- Section 173-303-9906 - Special waste bill of lading
- Section 173-303-9907 - Reserved
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