Indiana Administrative Code
Rule 2 - Definitions
- Section 2-1 - Definitions
- Section 2-2 - "Access road" defined
- Section 2-3 - "Active life" defined
- Section 2-4 - "Active portion" defined
- Section 2-5 - "Adjoining land" defined
- Section 2-6 - "Air pollution" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-7 - "Airport" defined
- Section 2-7.3 - "Alternative water supply" defined
- Section 2-8 - "Anchored mulch" defined
- Section 2-9 - "Annular space" defined
- Section 2-10 - "Applicant" defined
- Section 2-11 - "Aquiclude" defined
- Section 2-12 - "Aquifer" defined
- Section 2-13 - "Aquifer of significance" defined
- Section 2-14 - "Aquitard" defined
- Section 2-15 - "Areas susceptible to mass movement" defined
- Section 2-16 - "Ash residue" defined
- Section 2-17 - "Assessment ground water monitoring well" defined
- Section 2-18 - "Background ground water data" defined
- Section 2-19 - "Background ground water mean" defined
- Section 2-19.1 - "Background ground water monitoring" defined
- Section 2-20 - "Background ground water quality" defined
- Section 2-21 - "Barrier" defined
- Section 2-22 - "Base flood" or "one hundred year flood" defined
- Section 2-23 - "Bedrock" defined
- Section 2-23.1 - "Bedrock aquifer" defined
- Section 2-24 - "Bird hazard" defined
- Section 2-25 - "Board" defined
- Section 2-26 - "Borehole" defined
- Section 2-27 - "Buried aquifer" defined
- Section 2-28 - "Certificate of insurance" defined
- Section 2-29 - "Certified professional geologist" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-29.5 - "CESQG hazardous waste" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-30 - "Closure" defined
- Section 2-31 - "Collection container system" defined
- Section 2-32 - "Commercial solid waste" defined
- Section 2-33 - "Commissioner" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-34 - "Composite liner" or "composite bottom liner system" defined
- Section 2-35 - "Confined aquifer" defined
- Section 2-36 - "Construction/demolition site" defined
- Section 2-37 - "Construction/demolition waste" defined
- Section 2-37.1 - "Construction plan" defined
- Section 2-38 - "Construction quality assurance" or "CQA" defined
- Section 2-39 - "Construction quality control" or "CQC" defined
- Section 2-40 - "Container" defined
- Section 2-41 - "Contaminant" defined
- Section 2-41.1 - "Conterminous" defined
- Section 2-42 - "Contiguous land" defined
- Section 2-43 - "Contingency action plan" defined
- Section 2-44 - "Continuously flowing river" defined
- Section 2-45 - "Continuously flowing stream" defined
- Section 2-46 - "Corrective action" defined
- Section 2-47 - "Corrective action remedy" defined
- Section 2-48 - "Cover" defined
- Section 2-49 - "Cover storage site" defined
- Section 2-50 - "Current closure cost estimate" defined
- Section 2-51 - "Current post-closure cost estimate" defined
- Section 2-52 - "Daily cover" defined
- Section 2-53 - "Department" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-54 - "Design capacity" defined
- Section 2-55 - "Dike" defined
- Section 2-56 - "Discard" defined
- Section 2-57 - "Discontinuous aquifer" defined
- Section 2-58 - "Disease vectors" defined
- Section 2-59 - "Displacement" defined
- Section 2-60 - "Disposal" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-61 - "Disposal capacity" defined
- Section 2-62 - "Downgradient ground water monitoring well" defined
- Section 2-62.1 - "Drinking water supply reservoir" defined
- Section 2-63 - "Dwelling" defined
- Section 2-63.5 - "Electronic submission" defined
- Section 2-64 - "Endangered species" defined
- Section 2-65 - "Environmental protection acts" defined
- Section 2-66 - "Equivalent hydraulic conductivity" defined
- Section 2-66.1 - "Erosion" defined
- Section 2-66.2 - "Erosion and sediment control measure" defined
- Section 2-66.3 - "Erosion and sediment control system" defined
- Section 2-67 - "Existing municipal solid waste landfill unit" or "existing MSWLF unit" defined
- Section 2-68 - "Face amount" defined
- Section 2-69 - "Facility" defined
- Section 2-70 - "Facility boundary" defined
- Section 2-71 - "Factories" defined
- Section 2-72 - "Fault" defined
- Section 2-72.1 - "Final closure" defined
- Section 2-72.2 - "Final closure certification" defined
- Section 2-73 - "Final cover" defined
- Section 2-74 - "Flood plain" defined
- Section 2-75 - "Floodway" defined
- Section 2-75.1 - "Floodway fringe" defined
- Section 2-76 - "Garbage" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-77 - "Gas condensate" defined
- Section 2-78 - "Generator" or "generating facility" defined
- Section 2-78.1 - "Generator knowledge" defined
- Section 2-79 - "Geogrid" defined
- Section 2-80 - "Geomembrane" defined
- Section 2-81 - "Geonet" defined
- Section 2-82 - "Geosynthetics" defined
- Section 2-83 - "Geotextile" defined
- Section 2-84 - "Grading" defined
- Section 2-85 - "Ground water" defined
- Section 2-86 - "Ground water monitoring well" defined
- Section 2-87 - "Hauler" defined
- Section 2-88 - "Hazardous waste" defined
- Section 2-88.5 - "Holding time" defined
- Section 2-89 - "Holocene" defined
- Section 2-90 - "Household waste" or "residential waste" defined
- Section 2-91 - "Hydraulic gradient" defined
- Section 2-91.1 - "Incidental disposal" defined
- Section 2-92 - "Incinerator" defined
- Section 2-93 - "Independent ground water sample" defined
- Section 2-94 - "Independent, registered professional engineer" defined
- Section 2-95 - "Industrial process waste" defined
- Section 2-96 - "Infectious waste" defined
- Section 2-97 - "Infectious waste incinerator" defined
- Section 2-97.1 - "Insignificant facility modification" defined
- Section 2-98 - "Intrawell comparison" defined
- Section 2-99 - "Karst terrain" defined
- Section 2-100 - "Land application unit" defined
- Section 2-101 - "Land owner" defined
- Section 2-102 - "Lateral expansion" defined
- Section 2-103 - "Leachate" defined
- Section 2-104 - "Legal description" defined
- Section 2-105 - "Letter of credit" defined
- Section 2-105.3 - "Licensed professional geologist" defined
- Section 2-106 - "Liquid waste" defined
- Section 2-107 - "Lithified earth material" defined
- Section 2-108 - "Lower explosive limit" defined
- Section 2-109 - "Major modification of solid waste land disposal facilities" defined
- Section 2-110 - "Maximum contaminant level" or "MCL" defined
- Section 2-111 - "Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified earth material" defined
- Section 2-112 - "Minor modification of solid waste land disposal facilities" defined
- Section 2-113 - "Monitoring boundary" defined
- Section 2-114 - "Mulch" defined
- Section 2-115 - "Municipal solid waste" or "MSW" defined
- Section 2-116 - "Municipal solid waste landfill" or "MSWLF" defined
- Section 2-117 - "Municipal solid waste landfill unit" or "MSWLF unit" defined
- Section 2-118 - "Net worth" defined
- Section 2-119 - "New municipal solid waste landfill unit" or "new MSWLF unit" defined
- Section 2-120 - "Nonaquifer material" defined
- Section 2-121 - "Nonmunicipal solid waste landfill" or "non-MSWLF" defined
- Section 2-121.1 - "Nonmunicipal solid waste landfill unit" or "non-MSWLF unit" defined
- Section 2-122 - "Normal water line" defined
- Section 2-123 - "Occupant" defined
- Section 2-124 - "Offices" defined
- Section 2-125 - "On-site" defined
- Section 2-126 - "On-site road" defined
- Section 2-127 - "Open burning" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-128 - "Open dump" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-129 - "Operating days" defined
- Section 2-130 - "Operator" defined
- Section 2-131 - "Owner" defined
- Section 2-132 - "Partial closure" defined
- Section 2-132.1 - "Partial closure certification" defined
- Section 2-132.2 - "Peak discharge" defined
- Section 2-132.3 - "Permanent stabilization" defined
- Section 2-133 - "Permit" defined
- Section 2-134 - "Permittee" defined
- Section 2-135 - "Person" defined
- Section 2-135.1 - "Petroleum contaminated spill waste" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-135.5 - "Petroleum contaminated soil" defined
- Section 2-136 - "Piezometer" defined
- Section 2-137 - "Pollution control waste" defined
- Section 2-138 - "Poor foundation conditions" defined
- Section 2-139 - "Post-closure" defined
- Section 2-140 - "Post-closure cost estimate" defined
- Section 2-141 - "Potable" defined
- Section 2-141.3 - "Potable ground water source" defined
- Section 2-142 - "Practical quantitation limit" or "PQL" defined
- Section 2-142.5 - "Preliminary exceedance" defined
- Section 2-143 - "Processing" defined
- Section 2-144 - "Project engineer" defined
- Section 2-145 - "Public water supply stabilized cone of depression area" defined
- Section 2-146 - "Public water supply system" defined
- Section 2-147 - "Qualified ground water scientist" defined
- Section 2-147.5 - "Quality assurance/quality control" or "QA/QC" defined
- Section 2-148 - "Real property boundary" defined
- Section 2-149 - "Recovery" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-150 - "Regional aquifer" defined
- Section 2-151 - "Registered land surveyor" defined
- Section 2-152 - "Registered professional engineer" defined
- Section 2-152.5 - "Regulated asbestos-containing material" or "RACM" defined
- Section 2-153 - "Regulated hazardous waste" defined
- Section 2-154 - "Remaining disposal capacity" defined
- Section 2-155 - "Remaining facility life" defined
- Section 2-156 - "Residential waste" defined
- Section 2-157 - "Residue" defined
- Section 2-158 - "Responsible corporate officer" defined
- Section 2-159 - "Restricted waste site" defined
- Section 2-160 - "Road demolition waste" defined
- Section 2-161 - "Run-off" defined
- Section 2-162 - "Run-on" defined
- Section 2-163 - "Salvaging" defined
- Section 2-164 - "Scavenging" defined
- Section 2-165 - "Secondary maximum contaminant level" or "SMCL" defined
- Section 2-165.5 - "Sedimentation" defined
- Section 2-166 - "Sedimentation basin" defined
- Section 2-167 - "Seep" defined
- Section 2-168 - "Seismic impact zone" defined
- Section 2-168.1 - "Sensitive environment" defined
- Section 2-168.2 - "Setback" defined
- Section 2-169 - "Significant stratum" defined
- Section 2-170 - "Significant zone of saturation" defined
- Section 2-171 - "Site" defined
- Section 2-172 - "Sludge" defined
- Section 2-172.5 - "Soil and water conservation district" defined
- Section 2-173 - "Soil borings" defined
- Section 2-174 - "Solid waste" defined
- Section 2-175 - "Solid waste boundary" defined
- Section 2-176 - "Solid waste land disposal facility" defined
- Section 2-177 - "Solid waste management" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-178 - "Solid waste processing facility" defined
- Section 2-179 - "Special waste" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-180 - "Statistically significant increase for ground water" defined
- Section 2-181 - "Storage" defined
- Section 2-181.2 - "Storm water discharge" defined
- Section 2-181.5 - "Storm water pollution prevention plan" or "SWP3" defined
- Section 2-181.6 - "Storm water quality measure" defined
- Section 2-182 - "Structural components" defined
- Section 2-183 - "Structural fill" defined
- Section 2-184 - "Surety bond" defined
- Section 2-185 - "Surface impoundment" defined
- Section 2-186 - "Surface water" defined
- Section 2-187 - "Surficial aquifer" defined
- Section 2-187.5 - "Temporary stabilization" defined
- Section 2-188 - "Tons per day" defined
- Section 2-188.1 - "Topsoil" defined
- Section 2-189 - "Transfer station" defined
- Section 2-190 - "Trust fund" defined
- Section 2-191 - "Twenty-five year, twenty-four hour precipitation event" defined
- Section 2-192 - "Unauthorized solid waste" defined
- Section 2-193 - "Unit of government" defined
- Section 2-194 - "Unstable area" defined
- Section 2-195 - "Upgradient ground water monitoring well" defined
- Section 2-196 - "Upgradient water quality" defined
- Section 2-197 - "Uppermost aquifer system" defined
- Section 2-197.1 - "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Publication SW-846" or "SW-846" defined
- Section 2-198 - "Vertical expansion" defined
- Section 2-198.5 - "Very small quantity generator" defined
- Section 2-199 - "Washout" defined
- Section 2-199.1 - "Waste determination" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-200 - "Waste management unit boundary" defined
- Section 2-201 - "Waste pile" defined
- Section 2-201.1 - "Waste stream" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-202 - "Water course" defined
- Section 2-203 - "Water pollution" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-204 - "Water table" defined
- Section 2-205 - "Waters" defined (Repealed)
- Section 2-206 - "Well cluster" defined
- Section 2-206.3 - "Wentworth grain-size scale" defined
- Section 2-207 - "Wetlands" defined
- Section 2-208 - "Working face" defined
- Section 2-209 - "Zone of aeration" defined
- Section 2-210 - "Zone of saturation" defined
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