U.s. Fish and Wildlife Service 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Approved Recovery Plan for the Copperbelly Water Snake Northern Distinct Population Segment
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability of the approved recovery plan for the copperbelly water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta) northern distinct population segment (DPS). The threatened copperbelly water snake northern DPS occurs in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. This plan includes specific recovery objectives and criteria to achieve delisting of the species from the Endangered Species Act (Act).
Notice of Availability of Record of Decision for the Horseshoe-Bartlett Habitat Conservation Plan for Incidental Take by the Salt River Project, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, AZ
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has issued an incidental take permit (ITP) to the Salt River Project (SRP) for 16 federally listed and candidate species in Maricopa and Yavapai counties, Arizona. Authorized take will occur as the result of modified operation of Horseshoe Dam and Reservoir (Horseshoe) and Bartlett Dam and Reservoir (Bartlett). The Record of Decision (ROD) became effective on June 13, 2008. It states that the preferred alternative will be implemented and discusses all factors leading to the decision.
Marine Mammals and Endangered Species; National Marine Fisheries Service File No. 10074; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service File No. PRT-165304
Notice is hereby given that Michael Etnier, Ph.D., Box 353100, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98227 has been issued a permit to import marine mammal specimens for purposes of scientific research.
Innoko National Wildlife Refuge, McGrath, AK
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service, we), announce that the Draft Revised Comprehensive Conservation Plan (Draft CCP) and Environmental Assessment (EA) for the southern unit of the Innoko National Wildlife Refuge is available for public comment. The Draft CCP/EA was prepared pursuant to the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA), the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (Refuge Administration Act) as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (Refuge Improvement Act), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). It describes two alternatives for managing the southern unit of the Innoko Refuge for the next 15 years, including continuing current management. We will use special mailings to inform the public of opportunities to provide input on the CCP/EA and will hold public meetings in communities near the Refuge (Grayling, Anvik, Shageluk, Holly Cross, Kaltag, McGrath, and Takotna).
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Soldotna, AK
We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service, we), announce that the Draft Revised Comprehensive Conservation Plan (Draft Plan) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge is available for public comment. The Draft Plan/EIS was prepared pursuant to the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA), the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (Refuge Administration Act) as amended by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (Refuge Improvement Act), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). It describes five alternatives for managing the Kenai Refuge for the next 15 years, including continuing current management. We will use special mailings to inform the public of opportunities to provide input on the Draft Plan/EIS and will hold public meetings in Anchorage and various communities on the Kenai Peninsula to obtain public comments.
Marine Mammals and Endangered Species; National Marine Fisheries Service File No. 932-1905; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service File No. PRT-009526
Notice is hereby given that the NMFS Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program (MMHSRP), Silver Spring, MD (Dr. Teri Rowles, Principal Investigator) has applied in due form for a permit to conduct enhancement and research activities on marine mammals.
Marine Mammals and Endangered Species; National Marine Fisheries Service File No. 10074; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service File No. PRT-165304
Notice is hereby given that Michael Etnier, Ph.D., Box 353100, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98227, has applied in due form for a permit to import, export, and possess marine mammal specimens for the purposes of scientific research.
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