Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 2009 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 1 - 12 of 12
Fuel Storage Performance Requirements for Early Market Cell Applications
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking input from prospective fuel cell system users, fuel cell component and system suppliers and other stakeholders on performance and cost requirements for fuel storage subsystems for near-term, early market fuel cell applications (e.g., for mobile applications such as fork lifts, stationary back-up power, portable power, etc) . This RFI is intended to be ``fuel neutral'' with the focus on defining the fuel storage needs and requirements for early market fuel cell applications to facilitate successful market transformation in a competitive environment. This information will be used by DOE in a preliminary assessment and ultimate determination of the storage system performance requirements. A public Workshop on the same topic will be held the afternoon of November 16th, in conjunction with the Fuel Cell Seminar, Nov 16-20, Palm Springs, CA.
Production Incentives for Cellulosic Biofuels; Reverse Auction Procedures and Standards
The Department of Energy (DOE) today publishes a final rule establishing the procedures and standards for reverse auctions of production incentives for cellulosic biofuels pursuant to section 942 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005).
Request for Information (RFI)-Photovoltaic (PV) Manufacturing Initiative
The Department of Energy (DOE) today gives notice of a Request for Information on the PV Manufacturing Initiative. The ``PV Manufacturing Initiative'' is intended to coordinate stakeholders and technology development efforts across the solar community to facilitate the development of a strong PV manufacturing industry in the United States. The primary goals of this initiative include supporting the creation of a robust United States-based PV manufacturing technology including infrastructure and supply chain base, developing a highly trained workforce with the critical skills required to meet the needs of a rapidly growing industry, and speeding the implementation of new cutting edge technologies.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Abengoa Biorefinery Project Near Hugoton, Stevens County, KS (DOE/EIS-0407D)
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announces the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Abengoa Biorefinery Project near Hugoton, Stevens County, KS (DOE/EIS-0407D) (referred to as the ``Draft Abengoa Biorefinery EIS'' or ``Draft EIS''). This Draft EIS was prepared in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508) and DOE NEPA Implementing Regulations (10 CFR part 1021). The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, (USDA-RD) is a cooperating agency in preparation of the Draft Abengoa Biorefinery EIS.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
DOE is announcing an appeals process for eligibility determinations published in the funding opportunity announcement issued under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. This notice specifies the issues that can be appealed, the process for filing an appeal, and the procedure applicable to adjudicate such appeals. All appeals will be reviewed by the DOE Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA). The deadline for submitting an appeal with OHA is 30 days following the publication of this notice.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Publication of the Petition for Waiver and Notice of Granting the Application for Interim Waiver of Electrolux From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedures
This notice announces receipt of and publishes the Electrolux Home Products, Inc. (Electrolux) Petition for Waiver (hereafter, ``Petition'') from parts of the Department of Energy (DOE) test procedure for determining the energy consumption of electric refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers. The waiver request pertains to Electrolux's specified French door bottom-mount residential refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers, a product line that utilizes a control logic that changes the wattage of the anti-sweat heaters based upon the ambient relative humidity conditions in order to prevent condensation. The existing test procedure does not take humidity or adaptive control technology into account. Therefore, Electrolux has suggested an alternate test procedure that takes adaptive control technology into account when measuring energy consumption. DOE is soliciting comments, data, and information concerning Electrolux's Petition and the suggested alternate test procedure. DOE is also publishing notice of its March 3, 2009 grant of an interim waiver to Electrolux. Subsequently, DOE received a request from Electrolux to expand the scope of its interim waiver to four additional products. DOE has decided to grant this request.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Representative Average Unit Costs of Energy
In this notice, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is forecasting the representative average unit costs of five residential energy sources for the year 2009 pursuant to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. The five sources are electricity, natural gas, No. 2 heating oil, propane, and kerosene.
Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee
This notice announces an open meeting of the Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee under Section 9008(d) of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770) requires that agencies publish these notices in the Federal Register to allow for public participation. This notice announces the meeting of the Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee.
Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to Whirlpool Corporation From the Department of Energy Residential Refrigerator and Refrigerator-Freezer Test Procedure (Case No. RF-008)
DOE gives notice of the Decision and Order (Case No. RF-008) that grants to the Whirlpool Corporation (Whirlpool) a Waiver from the DOE electric refrigerator and refrigerator-freezer test procedure, for its product line containing relative humidity sensors and adaptive control anti-sweat heaters. Under today's Decision and Order, Whirlpool shall be required to test and rate its refrigerator-freezers with adaptive control anti-sweat heaters according to an alternate test procedure that takes this technology into account when measuring energy consumption.
Energy Conservation Program for Commercial Equipment: Publication of the Petition for Waiver From LG Electronics, Inc. and Granting of the Application for Interim Waiver From the Department of Energy Commercial Package Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Test Procedure
This notice announces receipt of and publishes a Petition for Waiver from LG Electronics, Inc. (LG). The Petition for Waiver (hereafter ``LG Petition'') requests a waiver from the Department of Energy (DOE) test procedure applicable to commercial package air-cooled central air conditioners and heat pumps. The waiver request is specific to the LG variable capacity Multi V (commercial) multi-split central air conditioners. Through this document, DOE is: (1) Soliciting comments, data, and information with respect to the LG Petition; and (2) announcing our determination to grant an Interim Waiver to LG from the applicable DOE test procedure for the subject commercial air- cooled, multi-split air conditioners and heat pumps.
Energy Conservation Program for Commercial Equipment: Decision and Order Granting a Waiver to Sanyo Fisher Company From the Department of Energy Commercial Package Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Test Procedure and Denying a Waiver From the Residential Central Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Test Procedure
This notice publishes the Department of Energy's Decision and Order in Case No. CAC-017, which grants a waiver to Sanyo Fisher Company (Sanyo) from the existing Department of Energy (DOE) commercial package air conditioner and heat pump test procedure. The waiver is specific to the Sanyo Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) ECO-i multi-split heat pumps and heat recovery systems. As a condition of this waiver, Sanyo must test and rate its ECO-i VRF multi-split products according to the alternate test procedure set forth in this notice. DOE is denying as moot Sanyo's request for a waiver from the residential central air conditioner and heat pump test procedures, because those test procedures, as amended and currently effective, can be used to test Sanyo's ECO-i VRF multi-split residential products.
Notice of Opportunity for Technical Assistance (NOTA); Solar America Showcases (General) 2009
The Department of Energy (DOE) today gives Notice of Opportunity for Technical Assistance (NOTA). The purpose of this NOTA is to support the goal of DOE's Solar America Initiative (SAI) to reduce the cost of solar photovoltaic technologies so that they become cost-competitive with grid electricity by 2015. The SAI represents a significant enhancement of DOE's business strategy of partnering with key stakeholders to accelerate commercialization of photovoltaic (PV) system research and development (R&D) to meet aggressive cost and installed capacity goals. DOE's Solar Energy Technologies Program uses research and development (R&D), testing and evaluation, and market transformation (MT) approaches to meet its SAI goal. MT efforts aim to reduce market barriers and promote market expansion of solar energy technologies through non-R&D activities. There are several aspects to SAI MT that should be kept in mind by Applicants to this NOTA: DOE is looking to identify and remove market barriers. DOE is seeking to identify and minimize or remove barriers to solar technology commercialization as quickly and efficiently as possible. DOE is looking for significant market changing activities. DOE is seeking to make large and significant changes in the marketplace through its market transformation activities. DOE is focused on near- and mid-term results. Accordingly, emphasis will be on projects and activities with the greatest potential to assist the DOE in reaching its SAI goal by 2015 (for more information, see SAI Web site at solaramerica/). DOE is looking for performers and partners who are committed to the SAI mission. In order to achieve the SAI mission of 2015, DOE is inclined to partner and work with highly motivated entities. The DOE will provide Technical Assistance to large-scale, high- visibility solar installation projects that have the ability to impact the market for solar technologies through large project size, use of a novel solar technology, and/or use of a novel application for a solar technology. In addition, it is desired that the project be replicable or have replicable components. Large-scale installations may include photovoltaic, concentrating solar power, solar water heating, and solar space heating applications. Technical assistance will not be provided for research, development, or early-stage testing and evaluation of any technology or product. Solar America Showcases focus on providing support to projects in which a commercially-ready technology is to be installed in a large- scale application with full financial project commitment already in place. Support for research, product development or early stage testing and evaluation of solar products or technologies may be available under other Solar America Initiative opportunities. DOE will not purchase hardware or otherwise provide direct funding to organizations selected from this Notice. For further detail, see the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document, and the full Notice of Opportunity for Technical Assistance (NOTA) at the DOE Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) Web site:
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