Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy February 14, 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Alternative Fuel Transportation Program; Fischer-Tropsch Diesel Fuels
This document announces the availability of a Department of Energy (DOE) document concerning diesel fuel made from natural gas using the Fischer-Tropsch process which is being added to docket number EE-RM-02-200. The document is the DOE's status review of its evaluation of Fischer-Tropsch diesel (FTD) under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), undertaken partly in response to three petitions received by DOE requesting rulemakings to designate FTD fuels as alternative fuels. For the reasons identified in the status review document, DOE currently is unable to make the necessary finding that FTD fuel meets the ``yields substantial environmental benefits'' criterion under section 301(2) and is not undertaking a rulemaking at this time. DOE will keep the rulemaking docket open indefinitely and will periodically review any new submissions received.
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