National Credit Union Administration October 2008 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Incidental Powers
NCUA is amending its regulation governing a federal credit union's (FCU's) incidental powers by adding illustrations of permissible activities under the categories of correspondent services, operational programs, and finder activities. These amendments will provide useful information to FCUs by clarifying and updating the illustrations regarding permissible activities.
Display of Official Sign; Temporary Increase in Standard Maximum Share Insurance Amount; Coverage for Custodial Loan Accounts
NCUA is amending its share insurance rules to reflect Congress's recent action to increase temporarily the standard maximum share insurance amount (SMSIA) from $100,000 to $250,000 and increase coverage for custodial loan accounts. NCUA also is providing insured credit unions with additional options for displaying NCUA's official sign.
Accuracy of Advertising and Notice of Insured Status
Section 740.4 of NCUA's rules requires that a federally insured credit union continuously display the official NCUA sign at every teller station or window where insured funds or deposits are normally received. Section 740.4(c) requires that tellers accepting share deposits for both federally insured credit unions and nonfederally insured credit unions also post a second sign adjacent to the official NCUA sign. Currently, the rules require this second sign to list each federally insured credit union served by the teller along with a statement that only these credit unions are federally insured. Due to the evolution of shared branch networks it is now difficult for some tellers to comply with this second signage requirement and, accordingly, NCUA is proposing to revise the rule to replace the required listing of credit unions with a statement that not all of the credit unions served by the teller are federally insured and that members should contact their credit union if they need more information.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission to OMB for a New Collection; Comment Request
The NCUA is submitting the following information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). This information collection is published to obtain comments from the public.
Share Insurance for Revocable Trust Accounts
NCUA is amending its share insurance rules to simplify coverage for revocable trust accounts. The amendments will make the rules easier to understand and apply without decreasing coverage, result in faster share insurance determinations in the event of a credit union closing, and help improve public confidence in the credit union system. The amendments eliminate the concept of ``qualifying beneficiaries.'' Also, for members with revocable trust accounts totaling no more than $500,000, coverage will be determined without regard to the proportional beneficial interest of each beneficiary in the trust. Under the amended rules, a trust account owner with up to five different beneficiaries named in all of his or her revocable trust accounts at one NCUA-insured institution will be insured up to $100,000 per beneficiary. Revocable trust account owners with more than $500,000 and more than five different beneficiaries named in the trust(s) will be insured for the greater of either: $500,000 or the aggregate amount of all the beneficiaries' interests in the trust(s), limited to $100,000 per beneficiary.
Revisions for the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Regulations
The NCUA Board is amending its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act regulations. The final rule reflects recent amendments to the FOIA addressing fee practices, time limits for complying with requests, and new reporting requirements. The changes to the Privacy Act provisions reflect the agency's efforts to clarify the procedures whereby individuals may obtain notification of whether an NCUA system of records contains information about the individual and how to access or amend a record.
The Official Advertising Statement
NCUA is revising the requirements for use of the official insurance sign and official advertising statement to permit insured credit unions to use the basic form of the official advertising statement, a shortened form, or the official sign in advertisements. The rule will give credit unions added flexibility in advertisements by allowing them to use the shortened form or the official insurance sign in advertisements as alternatives to the basic official advertising statement.
Regulatory Flexibility Regarding Ownership of Fixed Assets
NCUA proposes to amend its Regulatory Flexibility (RegFlex) Program to provide additional flexibility to qualifying federal credit unions (FCUs) when acquiring unimproved land for future expansion. Currently, when an FCU acquires unimproved land for future expansion and does not fully occupy the completed premises within one year, it must partially occupy the completed premises within three years or obtain a waiver. The proposed amendment would increase the three years to six years for RegFlex FCUs without a waiver. NCUA also proposes to make conforming amendments to its fixed asset rule to be consistent with the RegFlex changes.
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