Incidental Powers, 62854-62856 [E8-25128]
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Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 22, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
12 CFR Part 721
RIN 3133–AD12
Incidental Powers
National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: NCUA is amending its
regulation governing a federal credit
union’s (FCU’s) incidental powers by
adding illustrations of permissible
activities under the categories of
correspondent services, operational
programs, and finder activities. These
amendments will provide useful
information to FCUs by clarifying and
updating the illustrations regarding
permissible activities.
DATES: This rule is effective November
21, 2008.
Justin M. Anderson, Staff Attorney,
Office of General Counsel, at (703) 518–
A. Background
In May, the NCUA Board issued a
proposed rule to update and clarify Part
721 of NCUA’s regulations. 73 FR 30818
(May 29, 2008). The proposed rule
recommended adding illustrations of
permissible activities under the
categories of correspondent services,
operational programs, and finder
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with RULES
B. Discussion
NCUA’s policy is to review
regulations periodically to ‘‘update,
clarify and simplify existing regulations
and eliminate redundant and
unnecessary provisions.’’ Interpretive
Ruling and Policy Statement (IRPS)
87–2, Developing and Reviewing
Government Regulations. NCUA notifies
the public about the review, which is
conducted on a rolling basis so that a
third of its regulations are reviewed
each year. The proposed rule was the
result of NCUA’s 2007 review under
IRPS 87–2, which covered the middle
third of the regulations, including part
721. The proposed changes were
intended to update and clarify the
C. Summary of Changes
Briefly summarized, the current
incidental powers rule provides: A
standard derived from well-established
case law for recognizing an incidental
powers activity; incorporates into broad,
‘‘pre-approved’’ categories of activities
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the activities legal opinions from
NCUA’s Office of General Counsel
(OGC) have recognized; and describes
an application process for adding new
activities and seeking advisory opinions
from NCUA’s OGC on whether an
activity would fit within an existing
category. This final rule adds
illustrations of permissible activities to
the categories of correspondent services,
operational programs, and finder
activities. Under the category of
correspondent services, this final rule
recognizes FCUs may provide
correspondent services to foreign as
well as federal or state-chartered credit
unions. This final rule also clarifies the
category of finder activities includes an
FCU’s negotiation of group discounts
and the performance of administrative
functions for outside vendors. Finally,
this final rule adds payroll services to
the operational programs category. The
regulatory text in this final rule is the
same as the regulatory text in the
proposed rule.
D. Summary of Comments
The NCUA Board received seven
comment letters regarding the proposal:
Three from credit union trade
associations; two from state credit union
leagues; and two from FCUs. All of the
comment letters generally supported the
amendments in the proposed rule.
On September 10, 2008, NCUA
received notice that two comment
letters submitted via the Federal
eRulemaking Portal regarding this
rulemaking had not been forwarded to
NCUA. This was due to a minor
software problem that has been
corrected.1 The comment period for this
rule closed on July 28, 2008. As noted
above, all seven comment letters NCUA
received supported the amendments
and the Board believes, given the
identity of these commenters, which
includes major credit union trade
associations, state leagues, and
individual credit unions, that these
comment letters broadly and fairly
represent the views of interested parties.
The only suggested changes involved
suggestions to expand provisions in the
rule beyond the proposed rule.
1 The interagency ‘‘eRulemaking Program’’
launched the Web site
in January 2003 to provide access and an
opportunity to comment on all proposed federal
regulations at one online portal. NCUA’s
understanding is that the software problem has
been corrected and safeguards are now in place to
ensure this error will not occur for future proposed
rules. Questions about this matter may be directed
to John Moses, Chief, eRulemaking Program Branch,
Environmental Program Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, 202/566–1352,
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The Board believes it is appropriate
and fair in these circumstances to
proceed with the final rule rather than
delay implementation. This rule creates
no burden for FCUs but merely
incorporates as illustrations in the rule
certain activities already recognized as
permissible in legal opinions from
NCUA’s OGC. Moreover, the rule, itself,
permits ongoing requests to the NCUA
and OGC for consideration of whether
an activity is permissible as an
incidental powers activity. 12 CFR
721.4. NCUA’s OGC may recognize an
activity as permissible through an
interpretive legal opinion without
necessitating a rule change. For these
reasons, the Board concludes there is no
need to reopen the comment period and
the interest of the public and FCUs is
served by proceeding with the final rule.
Commenters are free to submit requests
for legal interpretation to OGC or follow
the petition process provided in the
rule. Id.
Three commenters, however,
suggested additional changes to Part
721, including some comments
suggesting NCUA permit FCUs to offer
particular services to nonmembers. As
discussed below, the suggested changes
are either outside the scope of this rule,
prohibited by statute, or addressed in
another section of NCUA’s regulations.
The Board notes the incidental powers
rule addresses only those activities and
services an FCU can offer to its members
and this authority is generally not a
basis for FCUs to provide services to
One commenter suggested including,
as an incidental power, the ability to
sell or lease ‘‘excess capacity’’ that the
credit union does not anticipate ever
using. Alternatively, this commenter
suggested extending the time period for
an FCU to implement an expansion
policy. The Federal Credit Union Act
(the Act) authorizes FCUs to ‘‘purchase,
hold, and dispose of property necessary
or incidental to its operations.’’ 12
U.S.C. 1757(4). The Act does not
otherwise authorize FCUs to purchase
or hold property. The current incidental
powers rule recognizes the authority to
sell ‘‘excess capacity.’’ Given that an
FCU is generally only authorized to
purchase and hold property for ‘‘its
operations,’’ the excess capacity
authority granted in the rule requires an
FCU to make investments in facilities,
equipment, or services in good faith
with the intent of serving its members
and the expectation the ‘‘excess
capacity’’ will be taken up by future
expansion of services to members. 12
CFR 721.3(d). The suggested change,
therefore, would expand the powers of
FCUs beyond the statutory authority
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 22, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
granted by the Act. With regard to
expanding the time frame for taking up
‘‘excess capacity of fixed assets,’’ the
fixed asset regulation, and not Part 721,
specifically addresses the time frames
for the future use of fixed assets. 12 CFR
701.36. The commenter’s suggestion is
outside the scope of this rule. The Board
notes the fixed asset rule is among the
first third of NCUA’s regulations
scheduled for review in 2009 and public
comments for potential rulemaking
concerning that rule are welcome.
This commenter also suggested NCUA
should permit FCUs to engage in three
additional activities under the
incidental powers regulation. First, the
commenter suggested NCUA allow
FCUs to buy and sell loan portfolios of
other credit unions as investments. Part
703 of NCUA’s regulations addresses the
permissible investments an FCU can
hold. 12 CFR Part 703. The commenter’s
suggestion is outside the scope of the
proposed rule. Like the fixed asset
regulation, NCUA’s investment rule is
among the first third of NCUA’s
regulations scheduled for review in
2009, and the public is welcome to
submit comments. The Board also notes
the sale and purchase of loans among
credit unions is generally permissible,
subject to other provisions in NCUA’s
regulations. 12 CFR 701.22, 701.23,
741.8, 742.4.
Second, the commenter suggested
NCUA permit FCUs to establish Interest
on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTAs). In
brief, an IOLTA is an interest bearing
account set up by attorneys to hold
client funds. The interest, which
lawyers cannot keep for themselves
because the funds belong to their
clients, can be donated to charities. The
issue for credit unions regarding
IOLTAs is that the Nation Credit Union
Share Insurance Fund generally only
provides insurance to the beneficial
owners of an account, and they must be
members. Under NCUA’s insurance
rules, all the clients whose funds are in
the IOLTA would have to be members
of the credit union where the account is
established for the client funds in the
IOLTA to be fully insured. NCUA’s
position on insurance coverage of
IOLTAs currently remains as set out in
an opinion from the OGC, OGC Op. 96–
0841 (September 17, 1996), and is
available on the agency Web site at
Finally, the commenter suggested
NCUA allow FCUs to sell gift cards and
travelers checks to nonmembers.
Generally, FCUs may only provide
financial products and services to
members, and the incidental powers
rule only addresses activities and
services for members. In 2006, NCUA
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adopted a new regulation authorizing
FCUs to provide certain services to
nonmembers within the field of
membership, which implemented
authority the Financial Services Reform
Act granted. 12 CFR 701.30. The Board
notes § 701.30(a) specifically authorizes
an FCU to sell travelers checks to
nonmembers who are within its field of
membership; the rule does not,
however, specifically address gift cards.
Consideration of whether gift cards or
other stored value products would be
permissible under § 701.30 is outside
the scope of this rulemaking on
incidental powers activities.
Another commenter suggested NCUA
include four additional activities in the
incidental powers regulation. First, the
commenter suggested NCUA should
permit FCUs to engage in activities
authorized as incidental for state credit
unions in the state or states in which
they operate. Many states currently have
parity provisions in state laws
permitting a state-chartered credit union
to engage in any activity permissible for
an FCU. The Act does not have a similar
provision allowing FCUs to engage in
incidental powers authorized by the
states in which the operate, and the
Board cannot grant by regulation
broader authority than that provided in
the Act.
Second, the commenter suggested
NCUA allow FCUs to manage
repossessed properties for other credit
unions. FCUs can hold repossessed
assets only temporarily and NCUA
restricts FCUs from holding these types
of assets permanently in an incomeproducing manner. NCUA Accounting
Manual § 300. An FCU, however, could
manage repossessed property for
another credit union if it has excess
capacity in this area of its operations,
subject to the ‘‘good faith’’ limits of the
rule. 12 CFR 21.3(d).
Third, the commenter suggested
NCUA should permit FCUs to accept
pre-paid funeral home accounts.
Generally, a pre-paid funeral home
account involves a funeral director
receiving pre-payment of funds for
services and establishing a type of trust
account at a financial institution to hold
the funds. Subject to membership
limitations, FCUs can accept funds for
pre-paid funeral accounts. This subject
is addressed in a legal opinion from the
OGC, OGC Op. 01–0120 (March 29,
2001), and is available on the agency
Web site at Briefly
summarized, if the trust account is a
revocable trust where the consumer can
get a refund of payments, then, like the
comment on IOLTAs discussed above,
account insurance coverage depends on
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whether the beneficial owner of the
funds in the account is a member.
Finally, the commenter suggested
NCUA permit a foreign currency
investment pilot program. Investments
are generally addressed in Part 703 of
NCUA’s regulations. The Board notes it
considered a pilot program in 2007
similar to the one suggested by the
commenter; however, a lack of support
led to its withdrawal. 72 FR 41956 (Aug.
1, 2007) (advance notice of proposed
rulemaking titled, ‘‘Permissible Foreign
Currency Investments for Federal Credit
Unions and Corporate Credit Unions’’);
withdrawn Spring 2008 Semiannual
Regulatory Agenda.
Two commenters also urged NCUA to
expand the test used to determine if an
activity is within an FCU’s incidental
powers. One commenter contended the
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC) has a broader test for
determining what activities are
incidental and suggested NCUA mirror
that test. The test NCUA uses is derived
from the statutory authority in the Act
that permits FCUs to engage in activities
that are ‘‘necessary or requisite to enable
it [FCUs] to carry on effectively the
business for which it is incorporated.’’
12 U.S.C. 1757(17). The OCC evaluates
incidental activities under substantially
identical statutory authority, which
states banks can carry out activities that
are necessary to carry on the business of
banking. 12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh). In
addition, OCC’s current regulations
contain a test substantially similar to
NCUA’s. For example, OCC’s regulation
states ‘‘a national bank may conduct
* * * activities that are permissible for
a national bank to engage in directly
either as part of, or incidental to, the
business of banking as determined by
the OCC, or otherwise under statutory
authority.’’ 12 CFR § 5.34(e)(1). Also,
OCC’s guidance on permissible
activities for banks tracks its
aforementioned regulation and shows
no significant departure from the
statutory authority or the test NCUA
currently uses. Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency, ‘‘Activities Permissible
for a National Bank 2007’’ (June 2008
Regulatory Procedures
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act
requires NCUA to prepare an analysis to
describe any significant economic
impact a proposed rule may have on a
substantial number of small credit
unions (those under $10 million in
assets). This proposed rule adds to the
language of preexisting permissible
activities for FCUs. The proposed rule,
Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 22, 2008 / Rules and Regulations
therefore, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small credit unions and a
regulatory flexibility analysis is not
b. Revise paragraph (f) to read as set
forth below:
■ c. Amend the second sentence in
paragraph (j) by adding ‘‘payroll
services’’ after the phrase ‘‘payroll
Paperwork Reduction Act
NCUA has determined that the
proposed amendments will not increase
paperwork requirements and a
paperwork reduction analysis is not
Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132 encourages
independent regulatory agencies to
consider the impact of their actions on
state and local interests. In adherence to
fundamental federalism principles,
NCUA, an independent regulatory
agency as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(5),
voluntarily complies with the executive
order. The proposed rule would not
have substantial direct effects on the
states, on the connection between the
national government and the states, or
on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. NCUA has
determined that this proposed rule does
not constitute a policy that has
federalism implications for purposes of
the executive order.
The Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 1999—Assessment
of Federal Regulations and Policies on
NCUA has determined that this
proposed rule would not affect family
well-being within the meaning of
section 654 of the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 1999,
Public Law 105–277, 112 Stat. 2681
§ 721.3 What categories of activities are
preapproved as incidental powers
necessary or requisite to carry on a credit
union’s business?
(f) Finder activities. Finder activities
are activities in which you introduce or
otherwise bring together outside
vendors with your members so that the
two parties may negotiate and
consummate transactions and include
vendors of non-financial products,
vendors that are other financial
institutions, and vendors of financial
products such as insurance and
securities. Finder activities may include
endorsing a product or service,
negotiating group discounts on behalf of
your members, offering third party
products and services to members
through the sale of advertising space on
your Web site, account statements and
receipts, and selling statistical or
consumer financial information to
outside vendors to facilitate the sale of
their products to your members. You
may perform administrative functions
on behalf of vendors to facilitate
transactions between your members and
another institution.
[FR Doc. E8–25128 Filed 10–21–08; 8:45 am]
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 721
Credit unions, Functions, Implied
powers, and Insurance.
12 CFR Parts 740 and 745
By the National Credit Union
Administration Board on October 16, 2008.
Mary Rupp,
Secretary of the Board.
Display of Official Sign; Temporary
Increase in Standard Maximum Share
Insurance Amount; Coverage for
Custodial Loan Accounts
RIN 3133–AD55
For the reasons stated in the preamble,
the National Credit Union
Administration is amending 12 CFR part
721 as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 721
continues to read as follows:
ebenthall on PROD1PC60 with RULES
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1757(17), 1766 and
2. Amend § 721.3 as follows:
a. Amend the first sentence in
paragraph (b) by adding the phrase
‘‘including foreign credit unions’’ after
the words ‘‘other credit unions.’’
VerDate Aug<31>2005
15:16 Oct 21, 2008
Jkt 217001
National Credit Union
Administration (NCUA).
ACTION: Interim final rule with request
for comments.
SUMMARY: NCUA is amending its share
insurance rules to reflect Congress’s
recent action to increase temporarily the
standard maximum share insurance
amount (SMSIA) from $100,000 to
$250,000 and increase coverage for
custodial loan accounts. NCUA also is
providing insured credit unions with
additional options for displaying
NCUA’s official sign.
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This rule is effective October 22,
2008. Written comments must be
received on or before December 22,
You may submit comments
by any of the following methods (Please
send comments by one method only):
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• NCUA Web Site: https://
Follow the instructions for submitting
• E-mail: Address to Include ‘‘[Your
name] Comments on Share Insurance
Coverage and Official Sign’’ in the email subject line.
• Fax: (703) 518–6319. Use the
subject line described above for e-mail.
• Mail: Address to Mary Rupp,
Secretary of the Board, National Credit
Union Administration, 1775 Duke
Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314–
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Same as
mail address.
Public Inspection: All public
comments are available on the agency’s
Web site at
RegulationsOpinionsLaws/comments as
submitted, except as may not be
possible for technical reasons. Public
comments will not be edited to remove
any identifying or contact information.
Paper copies of comments may be
inspected in NCUA’s law library at 1775
Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314,
by appointment weekdays between 9
a.m. and 3 p.m. To make an
appointment, call (703) 518–6546 or
send an e-mail to
Frank Kressman, Staff Attorney, at the
above address, or telephone: (703) 518–
I. Background
A. Temporary Increase in Share
Insurance Coverage
The Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act of 2008 temporarily
increases the standard maximum share
insurance amount (SMSIA) from
$100,000 to $250,000, effective October
3, 2008 and ending December 31, 2009.
Pub. L. No. 110–343 (October 3, 2008).
After that period, the SMSIA will, by
law, return to $100,000. The interim
final rule amends NCUA’s share
insurance regulations to reflect the
temporary increase in the SMSIA.
[Federal Register Volume 73, Number 205 (Wednesday, October 22, 2008)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 62854-62856]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E8-25128]
[[Page 62854]]
12 CFR Part 721
RIN 3133-AD12
Incidental Powers
AGENCY: National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: NCUA is amending its regulation governing a federal credit
union's (FCU's) incidental powers by adding illustrations of
permissible activities under the categories of correspondent services,
operational programs, and finder activities. These amendments will
provide useful information to FCUs by clarifying and updating the
illustrations regarding permissible activities.
DATES: This rule is effective November 21, 2008.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Justin M. Anderson, Staff Attorney,
Office of General Counsel, at (703) 518-6540.
A. Background
In May, the NCUA Board issued a proposed rule to update and clarify
Part 721 of NCUA's regulations. 73 FR 30818 (May 29, 2008). The
proposed rule recommended adding illustrations of permissible
activities under the categories of correspondent services, operational
programs, and finder activities.
B. Discussion
NCUA's policy is to review regulations periodically to ``update,
clarify and simplify existing regulations and eliminate redundant and
unnecessary provisions.'' Interpretive Ruling and Policy Statement
(IRPS) 87-2, Developing and Reviewing Government Regulations. NCUA
notifies the public about the review, which is conducted on a rolling
basis so that a third of its regulations are reviewed each year. The
proposed rule was the result of NCUA's 2007 review under IRPS 87-2,
which covered the middle third of the regulations, including part 721.
The proposed changes were intended to update and clarify the
C. Summary of Changes
Briefly summarized, the current incidental powers rule provides: A
standard derived from well-established case law for recognizing an
incidental powers activity; incorporates into broad, ``pre-approved''
categories of activities the activities legal opinions from NCUA's
Office of General Counsel (OGC) have recognized; and describes an
application process for adding new activities and seeking advisory
opinions from NCUA's OGC on whether an activity would fit within an
existing category. This final rule adds illustrations of permissible
activities to the categories of correspondent services, operational
programs, and finder activities. Under the category of correspondent
services, this final rule recognizes FCUs may provide correspondent
services to foreign as well as federal or state-chartered credit
unions. This final rule also clarifies the category of finder
activities includes an FCU's negotiation of group discounts and the
performance of administrative functions for outside vendors. Finally,
this final rule adds payroll services to the operational programs
category. The regulatory text in this final rule is the same as the
regulatory text in the proposed rule.
D. Summary of Comments
The NCUA Board received seven comment letters regarding the
proposal: Three from credit union trade associations; two from state
credit union leagues; and two from FCUs. All of the comment letters
generally supported the amendments in the proposed rule.
On September 10, 2008, NCUA received notice that two comment
letters submitted via the Federal eRulemaking Portal regarding this
rulemaking had not been forwarded to NCUA. This was due to a minor
software problem that has been corrected.\1\ The comment period for
this rule closed on July 28, 2008. As noted above, all seven comment
letters NCUA received supported the amendments and the Board believes,
given the identity of these commenters, which includes major credit
union trade associations, state leagues, and individual credit unions,
that these comment letters broadly and fairly represent the views of
interested parties. The only suggested changes involved suggestions to
expand provisions in the rule beyond the proposed rule.
\1\ The interagency ``eRulemaking Program'' launched the Web
site in January 2003 to provide access
and an opportunity to comment on all proposed federal regulations at
one online portal. NCUA's understanding is that the software problem
has been corrected and safeguards are now in place to ensure this
error will not occur for future proposed rules. Questions about this
matter may be directed to John Moses, Chief, eRulemaking Program
Branch, Environmental Program Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460, 202/566-1352,
The Board believes it is appropriate and fair in these
circumstances to proceed with the final rule rather than delay
implementation. This rule creates no burden for FCUs but merely
incorporates as illustrations in the rule certain activities already
recognized as permissible in legal opinions from NCUA's OGC. Moreover,
the rule, itself, permits ongoing requests to the NCUA and OGC for
consideration of whether an activity is permissible as an incidental
powers activity. 12 CFR 721.4. NCUA's OGC may recognize an activity as
permissible through an interpretive legal opinion without necessitating
a rule change. For these reasons, the Board concludes there is no need
to reopen the comment period and the interest of the public and FCUs is
served by proceeding with the final rule. Commenters are free to submit
requests for legal interpretation to OGC or follow the petition process
provided in the rule. Id.
Three commenters, however, suggested additional changes to Part
721, including some comments suggesting NCUA permit FCUs to offer
particular services to nonmembers. As discussed below, the suggested
changes are either outside the scope of this rule, prohibited by
statute, or addressed in another section of NCUA's regulations. The
Board notes the incidental powers rule addresses only those activities
and services an FCU can offer to its members and this authority is
generally not a basis for FCUs to provide services to nonmembers.
One commenter suggested including, as an incidental power, the
ability to sell or lease ``excess capacity'' that the credit union does
not anticipate ever using. Alternatively, this commenter suggested
extending the time period for an FCU to implement an expansion policy.
The Federal Credit Union Act (the Act) authorizes FCUs to ``purchase,
hold, and dispose of property necessary or incidental to its
operations.'' 12 U.S.C. 1757(4). The Act does not otherwise authorize
FCUs to purchase or hold property. The current incidental powers rule
recognizes the authority to sell ``excess capacity.'' Given that an FCU
is generally only authorized to purchase and hold property for ``its
operations,'' the excess capacity authority granted in the rule
requires an FCU to make investments in facilities, equipment, or
services in good faith with the intent of serving its members and the
expectation the ``excess capacity'' will be taken up by future
expansion of services to members. 12 CFR 721.3(d). The suggested
change, therefore, would expand the powers of FCUs beyond the statutory
[[Page 62855]]
granted by the Act. With regard to expanding the time frame for taking
up ``excess capacity of fixed assets,'' the fixed asset regulation, and
not Part 721, specifically addresses the time frames for the future use
of fixed assets. 12 CFR 701.36. The commenter's suggestion is outside
the scope of this rule. The Board notes the fixed asset rule is among
the first third of NCUA's regulations scheduled for review in 2009 and
public comments for potential rulemaking concerning that rule are
This commenter also suggested NCUA should permit FCUs to engage in
three additional activities under the incidental powers regulation.
First, the commenter suggested NCUA allow FCUs to buy and sell loan
portfolios of other credit unions as investments. Part 703 of NCUA's
regulations addresses the permissible investments an FCU can hold. 12
CFR Part 703. The commenter's suggestion is outside the scope of the
proposed rule. Like the fixed asset regulation, NCUA's investment rule
is among the first third of NCUA's regulations scheduled for review in
2009, and the public is welcome to submit comments. The Board also
notes the sale and purchase of loans among credit unions is generally
permissible, subject to other provisions in NCUA's regulations. 12 CFR
701.22, 701.23, 741.8, 742.4.
Second, the commenter suggested NCUA permit FCUs to establish
Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTAs). In brief, an IOLTA is an
interest bearing account set up by attorneys to hold client funds. The
interest, which lawyers cannot keep for themselves because the funds
belong to their clients, can be donated to charities. The issue for
credit unions regarding IOLTAs is that the Nation Credit Union Share
Insurance Fund generally only provides insurance to the beneficial
owners of an account, and they must be members. Under NCUA's insurance
rules, all the clients whose funds are in the IOLTA would have to be
members of the credit union where the account is established for the
client funds in the IOLTA to be fully insured. NCUA's position on
insurance coverage of IOLTAs currently remains as set out in an opinion
from the OGC, OGC Op. 96-0841 (September 17, 1996), and is available on
the agency Web site at
Finally, the commenter suggested NCUA allow FCUs to sell gift cards
and travelers checks to nonmembers. Generally, FCUs may only provide
financial products and services to members, and the incidental powers
rule only addresses activities and services for members. In 2006, NCUA
adopted a new regulation authorizing FCUs to provide certain services
to nonmembers within the field of membership, which implemented
authority the Financial Services Reform Act granted. 12 CFR 701.30. The
Board notes Sec. 701.30(a) specifically authorizes an FCU to sell
travelers checks to nonmembers who are within its field of membership;
the rule does not, however, specifically address gift cards.
Consideration of whether gift cards or other stored value products
would be permissible under Sec. 701.30 is outside the scope of this
rulemaking on incidental powers activities.
Another commenter suggested NCUA include four additional activities
in the incidental powers regulation. First, the commenter suggested
NCUA should permit FCUs to engage in activities authorized as
incidental for state credit unions in the state or states in which they
operate. Many states currently have parity provisions in state laws
permitting a state-chartered credit union to engage in any activity
permissible for an FCU. The Act does not have a similar provision
allowing FCUs to engage in incidental powers authorized by the states
in which the operate, and the Board cannot grant by regulation broader
authority than that provided in the Act.
Second, the commenter suggested NCUA allow FCUs to manage
repossessed properties for other credit unions. FCUs can hold
repossessed assets only temporarily and NCUA restricts FCUs from
holding these types of assets permanently in an income-producing
manner. NCUA Accounting Manual Sec. 300. An FCU, however, could manage
repossessed property for another credit union if it has excess capacity
in this area of its operations, subject to the ``good faith'' limits of
the rule. 12 CFR 21.3(d).
Third, the commenter suggested NCUA should permit FCUs to accept
pre-paid funeral home accounts. Generally, a pre-paid funeral home
account involves a funeral director receiving pre-payment of funds for
services and establishing a type of trust account at a financial
institution to hold the funds. Subject to membership limitations, FCUs
can accept funds for pre-paid funeral accounts. This subject is
addressed in a legal opinion from the OGC, OGC Op. 01-0120 (March 29,
2001), and is available on the agency Web site at Briefly
summarized, if the trust account is a revocable trust where the
consumer can get a refund of payments, then, like the comment on IOLTAs
discussed above, account insurance coverage depends on whether the
beneficial owner of the funds in the account is a member.
Finally, the commenter suggested NCUA permit a foreign currency
investment pilot program. Investments are generally addressed in Part
703 of NCUA's regulations. The Board notes it considered a pilot
program in 2007 similar to the one suggested by the commenter; however,
a lack of support led to its withdrawal. 72 FR 41956 (Aug. 1, 2007)
(advance notice of proposed rulemaking titled, ``Permissible Foreign
Currency Investments for Federal Credit Unions and Corporate Credit
Unions''); withdrawn Spring 2008 Semiannual Regulatory Agenda.
Two commenters also urged NCUA to expand the test used to determine
if an activity is within an FCU's incidental powers. One commenter
contended the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has a
broader test for determining what activities are incidental and
suggested NCUA mirror that test. The test NCUA uses is derived from the
statutory authority in the Act that permits FCUs to engage in
activities that are ``necessary or requisite to enable it [FCUs] to
carry on effectively the business for which it is incorporated.'' 12
U.S.C. 1757(17). The OCC evaluates incidental activities under
substantially identical statutory authority, which states banks can
carry out activities that are necessary to carry on the business of
banking. 12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh). In addition, OCC's current regulations
contain a test substantially similar to NCUA's. For example, OCC's
regulation states ``a national bank may conduct * * * activities that
are permissible for a national bank to engage in directly either as
part of, or incidental to, the business of banking as determined by the
OCC, or otherwise under statutory authority.'' 12 CFR Sec. 5.34(e)(1).
Also, OCC's guidance on permissible activities for banks tracks its
aforementioned regulation and shows no significant departure from the
statutory authority or the test NCUA currently uses. Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, ``Activities Permissible for a National
Bank 2007'' (June 2008 ed.).
Regulatory Procedures
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires NCUA to prepare an analysis
to describe any significant economic impact a proposed rule may have on
a substantial number of small credit unions (those under $10 million in
assets). This proposed rule adds to the language of preexisting
permissible activities for FCUs. The proposed rule,
[[Page 62856]]
therefore, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small credit unions and a regulatory flexibility analysis is
not required.
Paperwork Reduction Act
NCUA has determined that the proposed amendments will not increase
paperwork requirements and a paperwork reduction analysis is not
Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132 encourages independent regulatory agencies to
consider the impact of their actions on state and local interests. In
adherence to fundamental federalism principles, NCUA, an independent
regulatory agency as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(5), voluntarily complies
with the executive order. The proposed rule would not have substantial
direct effects on the states, on the connection between the national
government and the states, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. NCUA has
determined that this proposed rule does not constitute a policy that
has federalism implications for purposes of the executive order.
The Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1999--
Assessment of Federal Regulations and Policies on Families
NCUA has determined that this proposed rule would not affect family
well-being within the meaning of section 654 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations Act, 1999, Public Law 105-277, 112
Stat. 2681 (1998).
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 721
Credit unions, Functions, Implied powers, and Insurance.
By the National Credit Union Administration Board on October 16,
Mary Rupp,
Secretary of the Board.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the National Credit Union
Administration is amending 12 CFR part 721 as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 721 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1757(17), 1766 and 1789.
2. Amend Sec. 721.3 as follows:
a. Amend the first sentence in paragraph (b) by adding the phrase
``including foreign credit unions'' after the words ``other credit
b. Revise paragraph (f) to read as set forth below:
c. Amend the second sentence in paragraph (j) by adding ``payroll
services'' after the phrase ``payroll deduction,''.
Sec. 721.3 What categories of activities are preapproved as
incidental powers necessary or requisite to carry on a credit union's
* * * * *
(f) Finder activities. Finder activities are activities in which
you introduce or otherwise bring together outside vendors with your
members so that the two parties may negotiate and consummate
transactions and include vendors of non-financial products, vendors
that are other financial institutions, and vendors of financial
products such as insurance and securities. Finder activities may
include endorsing a product or service, negotiating group discounts on
behalf of your members, offering third party products and services to
members through the sale of advertising space on your Web site, account
statements and receipts, and selling statistical or consumer financial
information to outside vendors to facilitate the sale of their products
to your members. You may perform administrative functions on behalf of
vendors to facilitate transactions between your members and another
* * * * *
[FR Doc. E8-25128 Filed 10-21-08; 8:45 am]