Federal Emergency Management Agency 2005 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 51 - 100 of 430
Florida; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-1609-DR), dated October 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Florida (FEMA-1609-DR), dated October 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 9 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1604-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Massachusetts; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (FEMA-3264-EM), dated October 19, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-3259-EM), dated September 20, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 8 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 8 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1604-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1604-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1603-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1603-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Suspension of Community Eligibility
This rule identifies communities, where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If FEMA receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has submitted the following information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). The submission describes the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and includes the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use. Title: Post Construction Elevation Certificate/Floodproofing Certificate. OMB Number: 1660-0008. Abstract: The Elevation Certificate and Floodproofing Certificate are used in conjunction with the application for flood insurance. The certificates are required for proper rating of post Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) structures, which are buildings constructed after the publication of the FIRM, for flood insurance in Special Flood Hazard Areas. In addition, the Elevation Certificate is needed for pre-FIRM structures being rated under post-FIRM flood insurance rules. The certificates provide community officials and others standardized documents to readily record needed building elevation information. The certificates are supplied to insurance agents, community officials, surveyors, engineers, architects, and NFIP policyholders/ applicants. Surveyors, engineers, and architects complete the Elevation Certificate. Engineers and architects complete the Floodproofing Certificate. Community officials are provided the building elevation information required to document and determine compliance with the community's floodplain management ordinance. NFIP policyholders/ applicants provide the appropriate certificate to insurance agents. The certificate is then used in conjunction with the flood insurance application so that the building can be properly rated for flood insurance. Affected Public: Individuals or Households, Business or Other for Profit, Not-For-Profit Institutions, Farms, and State, local or tribal government. Number of Respondents: 48,430. Estimated Time per Respondent:
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on a proposed continuing information collection. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), this notice seeks comments on the Exemption of State- Owned Properties Under Self-Insurance Plan.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has submitted the following information collection to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). The submission describes the nature of the information collection, the categories of respondents, the estimated burden (i.e., the time, effort and resources used by respondents to respond) and cost, and includes the actual data collection instruments FEMA will use. Title: State/Local/Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plans-Section 322 of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. OMB Number: 1660-0062. Abstract: This collection is in accordance with our responsibilities under 44 CFR Part 201 Hazard Mitigation Planning, which requires FEMA's approval and determination of State, local and tribal eligibility for Stafford Act assistance. Affected Public: State, local and Tribal governments. Number of Respondents: 1,024 respondents. Estimated Time per Respondent: The estimated response time for this collection varies depending on the level of government and the scope of the plan. Response time can be as short as 8 hours for a State's review of a local mitigation plan or as long as 2,080 hours for the actual development of a new mitigation plan. On average the collection takes approximately 545 hours. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 571,200 hours. Frequency of Response: Once every three years with 3/5 year updates. Comments: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments on the proposed information collection to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at OMB, Attention: Desk Officer for the Department of Homeland Security/FEMA, Docket Library, Room 10102, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20503, or facsimile number (202) 395-7285. Comments must be submitted on or before November 28, 2005.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 10 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 9 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 8 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Mississippi; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Mississippi (FEMA-1604-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
List of Communities Eligible for the Sale of Flood Insurance
This rule identifies communities that are participating and suspended from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). These communities have applied to the program and have agreed to enact certain floodplain management measures. The communities' participation in the program authorizes the sale of flood insurance to owners of properties located in the communities listed below.
Suspension of Community Eligibility
This rule identifies communities, where the sale of flood insurance has been authorized under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), that are scheduled for suspension on the effective dates listed within this rule because of noncompliance with the floodplain management requirements of the program. If FEMA receives documentation that the community has adopted the required floodplain management measures prior to the effective suspension date given in this rule, the suspension will not occur and a notice of this will be provided by publication in the Federal Register on a subsequent date.
American Samoa; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the Territory of American Samoa (FEMA-1582-DR), dated February 18, 2005, and related determinations.
North Carolina; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of North Carolina (FEMA-1608-DR), dated October 7, 2005, and related determinations.
Alabama; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Alabama (FEMA-3214-EM), dated August 28, 2005, and related determinations.
Special Community Disaster Loans Program
This interim rule implements the Special Community Disaster Loans Program authorized in the Community Disaster Loan Act of 2005 (2005 Act). This interim rule describes the procedures and requirements for a program designed to provide loans for essential services to local governments that have experienced a loss in revenue due to a major disaster. These regulations do not apply to the traditional Community Disaster Loans Program which is permanently authorized.
Texas; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-3216-EM), dated September 2, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Alabama; Amendment No. 7 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Alabama (FEMA-1605-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1603-DR), dated August 29, 2005, and related determinations.
Delaware; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the State of Delaware (FEMA-3263-EM), dated September 30, 2005, and related determinations.
New York; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the State of New York (FEMA-3262-EM), dated September 30, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Emergency and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of an emergency for the State of Florida (FEMA-3259-EM), dated September 20, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 6 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed continuing information collections. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), this notice seeks comments concerning the application for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Notice of Adjustment of Statewide Per Capita Impact Indicator
FEMA gives notice that the statewide per capita impact indicator under the Public Assistance program for disasters declared on or after October 1, 2005 will be increased.
Notice of Adjustment of Disaster Grant Amounts
FEMA gives notice of an increase of the maximum amount for Small Project Grants to State and local governments and private nonprofit facilities for disasters declared on or after October 1, 2005.
Notice of Adjustment of Countywide Per Capita Impact Indicator
FEMA gives notice that the countywide per capita impact indicator under the Public Assistance program for disasters declared on or after October 1, 2005 will be increased.
Notice of Maximum Amount of Assistance Under the Individuals and Households Program, Notice of Maximum Amount of Repair Assistance, and Notice of Maximum Amount of Replacement Assistance
FEMA gives notice of the maximum amounts for assistance under the Individuals and Households Program for emergencies and major disasters declared on or after October 1, 2005.
Texas; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 3 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 4 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Amendment No. 5 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Florida; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of an Emergency Declaration
This notice amends the notice of an emergency declaration for the State of Florida (FEMA-3259-EM), dated September 20, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 1 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Texas; Amendment No. 2 to Notice of a Major Disaster Declaration
This notice amends the notice of a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas (FEMA-1606-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
Louisiana; Major Disaster and Related Determinations
This is a notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Louisiana (FEMA-1607-DR), dated September 24, 2005, and related determinations.
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