Environmental Protection Agency May 1, 2019 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
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Bentazon; Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes a tolerance for residues of bentazon in or on pea, dry, seed. Interregional Project Number 4 (IR-4) requested this tolerance under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).
Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Arizona: Approval and Conditional Approval of State Implementation Plan Revisions; Maricopa County Air Quality Department; Stationary Source Permits; Correction
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule on April 5, 2019, entitled ``Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Arizona: Approval and Conditional Approval of State Implementation Plan Revisions; Maricopa County Air Quality Department; Stationary Source Permits.'' This document makes a minor change to the April 5, 2019, action to correct an error in the regulatory text for the rule.
Aquatic Life Criteria for Aluminum in Oregon
The Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) proposes to establish federal Clean Water Act (CWA) aquatic life criteria for fresh waters under the State of Oregon's jurisdiction, to protect aquatic life from the effects of exposure to harmful levels of aluminum. In 2013, the EPA disapproved the State's freshwater acute and chronic aluminum criteria. The CWA directs the EPA to promptly propose water quality standards (WQS) that meet CWA requirements if a state does not adopt WQS addressing the Agency's disapproval. The State has not adopted and submitted revised freshwater acute and chronic aluminum criteria to the EPA to address the EPA's 2013 disapproval. Therefore, in this notice, the EPA proposes federal freshwater acute and chronic aluminum criteria to protect aquatic life uses in Oregon.
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